Michelle's Page
Michelle is a great girl, awesome to hang out with, easy to get along with, cute, funny, and very nice. She has her bad times like everyone else in Chilliwack, but is still one of the most respectable people I know. She has been through alot in her life. I care about her as much as i care for my own family. I will always be there for her through thick and thin, just like she will always be there for me. Michelle, you mean the world to me, don't ever forget it! I wish there were words to describe the impact she has made on my life, but no matter how I try, I can't seem to come up with any that will do her justice. She is almost always happy, and even when she is in a bad mood, she still manages to make sure it won't rub off on anyone else. You rock Michelle, you'll always have a place in my heart, and no worriez, cause I'm gonna be there for you always.
Now, I dont know about you guys, but I think she is so easy to understand and get along with. Easily one of the best freinds Iv'e had in Chilliwack since the dawn of my time here. I'm proud to say we are still the vest of freinds. I am so enthused, and so far, I couldn't be happier with a freind like that. To make a long story short, Michelle is the shit. She makes an awesome first impression the fist time, every time! What more can I ask for in a female freind? Not a whloe lot, in fact, not a thing. She seems to just fit into place no matter what the situation is. I'm always proud to have her around, and will always be walking right beside her if she is down and out. I can't say enough good things about you Shell, you've made a huge positive impact on my life, I'm glad we met, and I'm glad we got to hang out all the time. Just keep up the great work, and be the best you can be.
PE@CE Michelle
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