What's My Story?
Ok, hold on, where shall I start.. I'll just start from when I moved to this shithole called Chilliwack BC.. Yeah it's a really big shithole, don't let anyone tell you different.. Full of drama and stupid people known as Chilliwackians, only a select few made it on my good list.. All the rest are on my shitlist wich I dont carry with me cause its like 3 miles long..

Anyway.. I moved here in 1996, and was an outcast for the first year of my life.. I found a local hangout called BrainWaves and met my first freind in Chilliwack.. Josh, otherwise known as Neo Jander Sunstar was a freind for nearly 2 years.. Then, in my infinite wisdom, combined with my taste for Sonic The Hedgehog comic books (Don't Even Ask) Josh and I decided to GANK a grumpy old Japanese dude for his wholesome reading materials.. Needless to say, we got busted.. But we escaped unharmed by the incredibly inept and non-english-speaking clerk who no doubt knew 5 different forms of Martial Arts.. We left, with the reading material and I thought nothing of it.. Josh, being the incredibly nice and somewhat empty headed person that he was, told his mom what happened.. Obviously i was deemed a bad example and was terminated from contact for 2 years.. JOY!
Yeah, so this is me back when I was still employed at STREAM.
Note the $300 sunglasses.. (Dumbass)
You'll love this part, so there I am all alone again.. Josh is not even allowed to talk to me on the phone.. Around this time is when I discoverd my nack for swimming at the Rotary Pool.. I met a rather plump but seemingly nice fellow there one day.. His name? William Gillingham.. Now at first, he seemed normal but as the months passed, I noticed that he had some tendancies that were somewhat discusting.. He would Piss from his bedroom window onto the grass below.. The grass became a thick green mold outside his window and it didn't smell so hot in his back yard.. Then I discovered something about him after 6 months that would have changed my tone on him from the start.. He was a Cleptomaniac! (Chronic Theif) So yeah, this guy slowly steals shit from my house and I start finding it at his house.. I bacame pissed of with him and terminated contact abruptly, never spoken to him since.. Exept for that one time I took the pedals off his bike while he was at School.. That was a riot.. He had to push his bike home, and being the TITANIC fatass he was, made it no picnic for him.. He still to this day lives in his parents basement, and has no life, no girlfreind, no job, and uses his closet as a toilet.. (No Joke) I met a few others in the time that I knew William.. Like Benjamin Laird, Kyle Skantz, Jeff, and Chris Carpenter.. All of whom I don't get to hang out with anymore..
Next I met the Stelfox Clan.. Sean, Nancy, Crystal, Mom and Dad.. Great people, the best damn food you'll ever have.. And a riot to boot.. I met sean outside his house while he was working on his little Honda Odassey.. I walked over to the house, knowing they had just moved in, I made conversation about the little unit.. We talked for a while and I ended up being invited in for some food and some pleasant conversation.. (Best damn mint cookies I ever had) So anyway this goes on for a few months, we play some Gran Turismo on my Playstation here and there and then I finally invite this Tim Woods charachter over to their house.. Don't get me wrong, Tim was a cool guy back then but I think he changed a bit.. At that time I was after this tall ass chick named Amy Koop, she was about 6 foot 2, and I was 5 foot 8 at the time.. Anyway, Tim and this chick date for like 4 months.. She got used by him and that made me see Tim differently.. Then Amy dates sean for a month or so, and then fianlly I got my shot.. We stayed together for a year with some trouble here and there and then decided that a relationship was impossible with our differences.. At present time Amy retains the Nickname "YETI" and Headcheese is no longer a sandwich meat made from Cow Brains and Blood.. (Inside Joke)
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