Peering Around The Corner... spy an odd creature. You realize something suddenly...You've done it! You've found a Miwen!!

The creature stares gently into your eyes and warbled a deep throaty sound of acceptance, nuzzling you affectionately. Deep in your mind you feel a little presence that slowly grows to envelop you, seaping into your core. The creature, as tall as you, looks you directly in the eyes and you see its love for you, its loyalty and you wrap your arms around its slender neck. The Miwen speaks to you deep in the center of your mind, saying that it is yours forever, never meant to be anyone elses. It wants you to name it, to take care of it, to love it. You brush the forehead of your new companion and promise it that you'll do all of it, and the animal calmly nuzzles you once more, following close on your heels as you lead it home....

Congratulations!! You've done it!!

You've found one of the illusive Miwenday! Please save you new companion to your own harddrive and have him up on your page very soon...hard drvies are cold places for the poor Miwenday to have to live. Take care of the little one, give it somewhere nice to live, for Azrielen will no doubt make a visit once in a while! Now, only one more step! FILL OUT THE FORM to the right! If you don't fill out the form completely, and Azrielen finds you with one of the Miwenday, she may become...well...incensed. Please register your little one before you leave withe them! THANKS, Management.

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