You stumble out of the dark portal and it promptly disappears behind you. The brightness of this second room is blinding compared to the absolute nothing of your brief stay in the portal. As the glare recedes and you rub your eyes fiercly, you can make out a figure coming toward you. Must be a curator, you think to yourself and you look around. The walls are a sterile white, no marks that would either beutify or mar the entrance hall. Just whit . . .New Beginnings runs a tight ship, you think. Ahead of you are eight passageways covered in shiny silk curtains of varying colors. You feel a cool sea breeze drifting toward you one second, and a hot dry wind the next, both coming from the doorways. You are almost about to go exploring when the man you saw taps you on the shoulder.

You wheel around to meet his eyes, and stop . . .he's blue . . definitely NOT human. He looks like a dragon, but walks upright, and has no wings. And then, as you blink in amazment . . .he speaks . . .

"Hello," he mumbles, fingering through some papers on a clip board. "Oh . . .OK, you have an appointment - good."

You are basically speachless, though you do manage to mumble your name and that you made no appointment. He smiles and firmly asserts that, indeed, you did.

"I am Kaymann, one of the curators here at New Beginnings. We try to provide homes for all the animals out there on the Web, but recently we've had some space management problems. So, I'm also tripling as a Security Guard and a Hunter. Anyone that attempts to steal or clone our adoptees has to answer to me..." he smiles evily. "Our home is always growing, so come back often! Enjoy yourself - just enter one of the below habitats to visit the adoptees. Follow their links to adopt your own and enjoy!"

He walks away quickely toward the entrance portal and another "appointment", leaving you staring at the gateways once again . . .

Dragon Weyrs &
Mythical Habitats

Dogs, Cats &
Furry Adoptees

Equestrian Adoptees
The Outdoor Yard

Forest Dwellers

Avian Adotees
CAW!! Caw!!

Aquatic Adoptees
Fresh And Salt Water!

Chilly Adoptees

Hot Climate &
Desert Dwellers

Or If You KNOW Where You Wanna Go . . .

My Adoption Agencies
A beautiful human/dragon cross!
Kitten/Puppy Adoptions
A BeeBop kitty or a Devo Mechi puppy!
FAYREE Adoptions
Adopt a FAYREE from my sister with art by me!
ROXTAR Adoptions
Adopt a ROXTAR before they get famous!
Teeny Dragon Adoption! � � � Type A Teenies! � � | � � Type B Teenies!
My Other Pages
Home Page Links Dragon MainPage My Weyr - Meet Me!
Dragon Art The Lyric Addiction Aerosmith
My obssession
Stories And Poetry
Mine and My Friends'
My Movie Scripts
My Favorite Flicks!
My guestbook
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Can You Help Me?

If you have a unique, cute, or interesting pet, please E-Mail Me! We LOVE all animals here at New Beginnings and can give them good homes!

As a fellow artist, I respect Copyrights, and SO SHOULD YOU! I ask that you respect my work and others' work contained in these pages. Please do not steal graphics from these pages! Thank You!

DragANs and FAYREEs, original art and idea, Copyrighted Wing'd Azrielen (J.L.P.) - 1998. All Rights Reserved

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