You move away the curtains on the doorway marked "The Dragons' Lair" and find yourself in a stone passageway, eerily lit by a glow that seems to come from the rock itself. A deep breathing can be heard - then a dark smell of sulphur burning. You see the torches dimly lighting a huge open cave at the end of the walkway. You can hear the breathing get louder as you enter, but all you see in front of you is inky black, like midnight.

Suddenly, the torches flare, as if by a silent command, and the light burns your eyes for an instant. As the blur and glare fade, the room comes to life, alive in browns and red and . . . blue! In front of you towers a huge blue dragon, immense enough to wrap the whole way around the cavern, blocking every cave leading out with an arm, wing, or tail segment.

You stare . . . stare is all you can do really . . . at the behemoth before you. You tremble as his head swings down and his eye, as large as you head, rests a foot from your face.

"Hold!", he rumbles, shaking loose pebbles down the walls. You can do nothing but stammer your are here to see the animals, you say.

He eyes you very carefully, sniffing your clothes, pack, jacket. You can't help but tremble as he starts to move, his footfalls scraping and shaking along the ground.

Behind his mass is revealed a line of doorways, all dark and unfriendly. The immense dragon winks and hundreds of small torchlights spring up out of the doorways, brightening the cavern and the now-friendly passages.

"Choose little one"The dragon rumbles. "I am Mithos, guardian and keeper of all the mystical creatures here. They are like children to me, all of them, so please respect their wish to live here, and do not petnap them - or you will answer to me..."

You swallow hard at the meer thought of angering the towering dragon and step toward the doors, ready to make your decision. Above each door, the type of animal residing there is inscribed. "Enjoy!" Mithos rumbles as you step through a doorway...

The Seperate Weyrs Of All
The Draconic Adoptees

Mysticals' Savanna
Drigetti And Others

The Firelizard &
Gryphon Sanctuary

Fairies Of All
Shapes And Sizes

Mystic Woodland Creatures

Mythical Equestrians
Unicorns And Pegasi!

Mythical Aquatics
And Merfolk

Or If You KNOW Where You Wanna Go . . .

To The Adoptees Main Floor

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