You walk out of the lobby, passing through the green curtain, into a vibrant forest - lush and green and full of life. It is dim and misty, with a deep smell of pine everywhere. You hear the sounds of all the wild creatures of the forest as you walk deeper into the trees.

"Hey up there!" you hear a little voice call from the grassy floor. "Hey...Hello, I am Spike, the Curator of the forest." He waddles over to a tree stump, climbes it quickely and turns to face you again. "I know...You think I'm a little small for such an important job, but I get it done! One on these quils thrown just rightcan drop a hunter twenty yards away! There are absolutely NO HUNTERS allowed in the Forest. Only the woodland creatures can live here and we want then to be as safe as possible! So enjoy yourself - but watch for low hanging braches and high thickets!"

Shy little Milo says Hi. He is a loner by nature, being a night creature and all. When you came in you woke him up. He lives in one of the many hollow trees in the Forest. Noone knows how these hollowed out trees stay alive, but they do. Milo's best buddy, Dabble, is a dragon that lives in one of the Dragon Weyrs - Number 42 to be exact. They came here together and see lots of one anoter - Dabble is the only resident Milo really ever visits.

Milo was adopted at The Unlimited

Then you see an animal that looks quite out of place in the forest - a sheep. The necklace she wears says "Dixie." She grazes the forrest floor without really noticing you. You pet her back and she finally looks up, nuzzling your hand width her soft nose. You pull your hand back and, no longer interested, she returns to her shrubbery.

You feel something furry brush your feet and jum back, nearly stepping on a little tan ferret. She wiffles indignantly and you see her ID tag says "Cloe." She shakes her tail at you and you shake it, apologizing. Accepting the apology, she runs off again toward the entrance way.

This is my snake, Calligraphy. He is a former member of the FAA (Font Aholic Assoc.), but won't go to meetings anymore! *sigh* He is obsessed with forming different letters with his body...and various other mischiefs! But, I love him! I got him at:

You hear a chittering in the tree above you head and a nut bangs your head as you look up. A Squirrel with a tag reading "Chillings" chitters with laughter as yu rub your new, very sore bump.

Chilling was adopted at Steph's Pet Adoption

The two forest geckos, Bink the adult and Boink the baby, can be found most of the time on a rock in the main clearing you are in now. They love to sun, and when they get too dry, they dip into the shade under their rock or into one of the many flowing springs around the forest!

In the clearing ahead, you spy a deer. It has long, graceful legs and big eyes. It is very pretty, but every time you take a step toward it, it takes a step away. You can just read a name tag that says "Berk" on it in golden lettering. Being, shy, the deer runs away as you continue to stare, scamperng into the dark woods at the other end of the clearing.

The bunny you notice off to the side of your path, in a little ray of light, is named Babs. She struts and poses in her little beam of light and just waits to be noticed, like a true pre-Modonna - a little starlet!

Here we have a cute little prankster named Zomi. Ever since he arrived from Tootleland, just across the mainland continent, he has been nothing but trouble. He loves to play hide and seek, especially if he is the one hiding. He's so skinny he can hide behind a sappling! He doesn't often play fair and for that the other animals tend to stay away from him, but he likes life as a loner - it suits him well. Normally you'll find him chasing the mice or sliding long with a book on his back reading. He is a good little guy, it's just that when he is on an eveil streak he can be a pain!

Here is a tiny little baby forester named Nibble. He hatched from one of those mystery eggs and was so small for such a big egg that we didn't see him at first and thought that there was nothing in there! But he's a squeaker and makes himself known now. He's also a fast little guy so watch your feet in the hallways, he tends to go for runs all over the mountain corridors!

Nibble Was Adopted From:
The Mystery Egg Program
@ The Silver Unicorn

Dustball and Valencia, bunny mates!!

Pawprint - A lupine gift beanie from a friend!!

Uxun and Sicsova, fox mates!

Two buddies: A white owl, the intelligent Hooter, and a pink hedgehog gal named Cicatriza!

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