Jweleth And Onyxyrth's
Photo Album

Have a look at us as we grew up together! Onyxyrth was a little older and we were from two different clutches, but ever since we hatched, we've played and worked...and now loved...together! Silhouette dragons mate forever and I'm SO glad Onyx' finally proposed!

Here we are as EGGS! We were born to different clutches, so we weren't near each other when we hatched. Onyxyrth hatched a little before me anyway! He's about two days older and her never stops dogging me about it! All the golds raised us collectively until we were grown enough to take care of ourselves.

This is us a cute little HATCHLINGS! This was when our lives changed forever. Our village we attacked by poachers and all the eggs on the snads smashed. All the grown dragons were killed or taken away in metal boxes! But me and Onyx' escaped into the woods! It was there that Azrielen found us, cold and hungry as we were too young to know how to hunt for ourselves. This was when something indescribable happened - impression! None of our species had ever impressed on humans before! After this, Azrielen fed us and brought us home to New Beginnings!

This is us as CHILDREN! We were just babies, so we slept a lot in between flying lessons and mentoring with some of the older dragons in the caverns. We had the job of helping the fairy sisters in the kitchen - cooking and cleaning and such. Later we'd help in the kennels keeping the ponds filled and the grass cut.

WEYRLINGS! Ah, these were the best years. We were completing the weyrling training and becoming adults - and falling in love....*SIGH* We were given even more responsibilities now that we were older - we had to keep the seaweed population down in the coves and the grass cut in the Rising Sun Caverns. It was great fun, working together all day - we'd sneak into a crevice and just talk for a few minutes. Onyx' was a real gentlemen always! He finally got up the nerve to ask me if I'd be his lifemate just before we were to pass from youth to full adult and had to pick a mate. We awaited the time when I'd have my first flight - not only for the excitement and pleasure, but for the eggs! We finally realized we were truly the last of our species and had to perpetuate if there was ever to be any more of us! It's a good thing we loved one another - it would have been awful to be stuck with a mate I hated! And the flight was a terrific success! Wish us luck!

To The Dragon Weyrs

To Jweleth's Weyr

To Onyxyrth's Weyr

To The Adoptees Main Floor

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