Gnemnon And Jesphyn's
Scathe Weyr

You enter the large cavern and see what looks like a herd of small fairy dragons laying about like a pride of lions. They yawn and turn as they bask in the sun streaming down from the larger opening in the top of the cavern. The two that seem to be the leaders finally notice you and flitter off of their rock platform. They are black and white dragon-like creatures with lovely fairy wings that move almost too fast to see! The black lands first, introducing himself in very good English. "Hile. I am the Alpha Male Gnemnon. This is my mate, white Alpha Jesphyn. We are Faerie Flairs, a very rare dragon. In fact, we're not sure there are any more of us left in all the world except for here. Hunters seem to like our wings, so we are slaughtered needlessly. If the hunters had any idea what they were doing, they'd stop hunting our kind, for there is no need! If they want our wings, they need only wait until the autumn mating season, when we shed our wings and begin to grow new ones - much like deer! Hunters are so stupid sometimes!...Anyway, this is my scathe, or herd. I am the Alpha, or leader, male and my prime mate is Jesphyn, the Alpha female. The others here are lower order females who ere born to or joined the scathe of their own desire. Once a Flair joins a scathe, they join for life and pledge themselves to the Alpha male. Go and meet some of them...hope to meet you again soon!" It is then hat both the Alpha's shake your hands and nudge you off toward the lazing group of three small Flairs in the center of the cavern.

You move first toward a Flair laying by herself in the center of the sunbeam. The heat from the sun is making you sweat, but the little Flair seems uneffected. She greets you cheerfully. "Hile! I am the green Beta female Jesrinya. I'm sort of runner up for Gnemnon's affections, if you want to call them that. I like this pride, but Mr. Alpha can be a little snotty sometimes! Jesphyn is nice though, so for now I'll stay, but come next mating season, I may just be moving out!" The litte Flair slumps down again to bask, tossing a dirty look at the two Alpha's on their raised rock stump.

Next you move on to two Flairs laying together on a smooth glassy rock. One is a bright firey red and the other a tauny orange. The orange seems uninterested in speaking to you, but the red jumps at the chance to talk to a visitor. "Hile, visitor! Forgive my young friend over there, she's a little sick right now and can't speak." The red's attention is momentarily taken away as the green you just spoke to shifted and yawned. "I wish Jesrinya would stop complaining. I'm sorry about her railings, but she is the only one here who is unhappy. I think the Alphas are nice. I'm sorry, I never told you my name! I am Ys's and my orange friend is Zendyra." Zenyra waves silently and Ys's continues. "We are both Delta females, the lowest in status, but we do not mind. We like this herd and so ae happy in any position. The only way we could gain ground would be to beat a higher level female in a fight. Bothe Jesrinya and Jesphyn are great fighters, so we'll just lay low for a while!" She lays down again, this time turning her scaled belly to the sun, and you walk out past the looming Alphas and the disgruntled Beta as the sun streams in behind you.

Faerie Flairs

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