Thrashing Like a Maniac

More Retro-Thrash? *Hack, hack, hack(s)*...the axes chop down their own trees, here, like building your house with termite infested wood. These songs lumber along even though they're supposed to be intense and sturdy...dead trees need to be cut down...if this were paper made from those trees I'm now writing on, the pulp created from the compilation wouldn't be worth wiping with. Keeping the "forestry theme", in mind,  it can be said that all trees have roots. While some seek "deeper" nutrients to create a "stronger" foundation for the potential of growth (by the means of "branching out"), others/most seem to live like children born into wealth who are handed everything without striving for it. There's "nature vs. nurture"...but there's also "nurturing the nature" and the "nature of nurturing" to think about in "the grand scheme of things". "Blue blood" is dead blood...a monarch's lineage is a weak one...a sick, pasty one due to keeping the gene pool "pure". "Survival of the fittest" loses it's merit when "eugenics" are involved. Copying "traits of strength" stultifies future diversity (where "true strength" stems from). Di-versity vs. Die-versity? All these songs remind me of a son putting on his father's suit before his funeral--"I'm a big boy, now"...a boy, yet not a man. Artistry... art-is-try... art-is-tree... art-is-tri... art-is-three: roots, growth, distinction. This compilation is a forest... now go classify the trees... METALLICA, SLAYER, SADUS, KREATOR... another SLAYER... another SADUS...where's a match? Does lightning strike twice? Thinking "out of the box" leaves you "self-contained".

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Global Warning

The Sava-Man is back! Back with an album that will really please everyone who has long awaited it. "Global Warning" is an album where we find Jon Oliva talking about the environment and its catastrophe by every human being. Of course he does it in the best possible way as only he knows how. Together with previous members from CIRCLE II CIRCLE, Jon Oliva has created an album far better than the previous two with very good guitars, nice mid tempo and fast songs, ballads and vocals and keys from a mastermind who knows how to do it well. There are songs where Oliva's screams and piano playing reminded me of the "Streets" and "Gutter Ballet" era and believe me when I say that this is the only thing close to SAVATAGE you will listen to here as he has already said that there will be no SAVATAGE reunion (Why oh why Dear God?). Nothing more to say than be prepared to enter the world of the Mountain King. Don't say you weren't warned.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis


Oh, come on...you can hear the "Hehehe" of Beavis and Butthead creeping up faintly in your mind when you see the word "Winger", right? But guess what? I'm not gonna go that route! These guys are quite talented musicians (as MOST "hair bands" of their era were/are). If you can get past the "pretty boy" crap of the...well...PAST--and actually focus on the music you should be able to hear what I mean. And what's wrong with a little "eye candy", anyway? I'm a dude who enjoys looking at attractive women...why shouldn't those gals into Winger get to long after some attractive (in their opinion) fellows, as well...fair is fair, eh? These guys aren't and weren't "poseurs" ("fakers")...they may have been "posers" ("camera ready")... but the "u" makes all the difference. Now, I'll say this style of music is "refreshing" to these "old" ears, at this moment in time (you caught me on a "good day"?). It's like it's come "full circle", for me (I was there when this stuff started out). In the "hey day" of this type of hard rock I can see, now, where people could've gotten tired of it and wanted something different...as with ANYTHING...too much of something is never a "good thing". I'm a "fan" of "diversity", in general and growing that way more and more as I "mature". So, I can definitely appreciate the hard work and dedication it takes to play this kind of music...and LIVE...especially without hitting a bunch of sour notes, etc. (if there wasn't any "studio tampering" on the production). This being said...this exact album won't be something I'll play very often...live albums don't get much "heavy rotation" from me...then again, as I say this (I tend to be contrary) maybe I'll keep it in the stereo, for a while, after all! ;-)

Tony  "Terminal Descent" Mikkelson

Creations Undoing
(Underground Movement)

A band that has the ability to instantly make you bang your head, must definitely have something that is worth to be mentioned! I'm speaking about Mass Extinction of course and believe me when I tell you that there are a lot of things nicely put in this band. There are many new groups out there that claim they play 80s thrash metal, but most of them fail to have personality. Contrary to such bands Mass Extinction seem to distinguish themselves like a fly in a glass of milk (like we say here in Greece) with this mini CD,whch includes 3 original songs and a cover to VIOLENCE's "Kill On Command... And what a monstrous and noisy fly the are!!! Their sound is built on a steady and concrete rhythm section that can rip your head off. This rhythm section is enriched with amazing solos that are simply breathtaking. All 3 songs demonstrate a band capable of composing thrash metal music that is sunk into the 80s U.S bay area thrash scene, whilst the band is also adding their own point of view. This is what I call a true 80s fucking thrash metal music! Probably the best thrash metal CD I've listened to this year!! For more information visit their label's site: http://www.underground-movement.com or the band's sites: http://www.mass-extinction.com and http://www.myspace.com/massextinctionmetal.

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

All For Love

"All For Love" is a CD single consisting of 3 tracks, all of which are taken from the new studio album "Good To Be Bad". I haven't listened to the full album yet. I thought it'd be better to listen to the CD single, get a general idea of the album's scent and essence and only if I were absolutely pleased with the outcome, would I proceed to the full length release. Now after listening to the songs for several times, I really can't wait to enjoy "Good To Be Bad". We're talking about good old Whitesnake, the way we've known them, the way we've loved them! "All For Love" and "Lay Down Your Love" are presented here in their album versions, whereas "All I Want All I Need" is in a radio edit form... either way the point is that these songs contain all the feelings, standards and quality we expect from a Whitesnake release. It just proves the band's status and the fact that David Coverdale is not only one of the best singers out there, but he's also a great songwriter along with the help and talent of Doug Aldritch of course!

Christine  Parastatidou

Come To My Kingdom

The Lords of America are back with a brand new album long anticipated by their fans. And believe me when I say it was worth the waiting. "Come To My Kingdom" is an album that has nothing to envy from the band's previous ones as it lacks neither in melodies nor in fresh ideas and it combines many styles such as hard rock, poser and AOR in the best possible way. With James Christain in the vocals and behind the keys, the whole album is filled with great melodies. However we shouldn't of course forget the really breathtaking guitars with solos and riffs that will make you want to get up and dance and the somewhat heavy drums. "Come To My kingdom", "Another Day In Heaven", "I Believe", "I Need To Fly" are some examples as to what this album is all about. There will also be a bonus track in the European edition regarding "Another Day In Heaven" which will really please every listener. Get ready to rock with an album that really kicks ass!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(Massacre Records)

Jenx is a newcoming French band and as my experience has shown me all these years, you shouldn't expect anything ordinary or traditional from a French band. Their scene is really strange and unique and Jenx are here to prove this statement true. Their debut album dwells in the genre of industrial metal with many metalcore elements, who are musically translated into diosrted, low tuned guitars, industrial factory-like samples at the background, a heavy rhythm section and hoarse vocals that aren't exactly singing, but rather yelling and spitting out the lyrics. The production is very good giving the right space and chance for all the instruments to be heard properly and giving to this album some extra points. Jenx may be an industrial metalcore band, but their sound is pretty characteristic and personal, so it won't be easy for you to find any resemblances to other bands. The fans of the genre should check them out. Personally I'm not a big fan of this sound, so I got pretty tired from a point on.

Christine  Parastatidou

Crowned Infernal
(Pulverised Records)

Hail Sathanas! This obscure band from the US has been around since 1988 facing a lot of obstacles which have only hardened their will to play and offer us quality music. I've been following the band since the release of their "Entering The Diabolic Trinity" album, which was unleashed upon us in 2005 and I know for sure that they stand for great music that respects the values of the scene. Their sound is to be found within the melodic blackened death metal boundaries with many thrash metal references, but the truly great thing is that they are getting better and they are evolving album after album! The progress that has occurred in the band these last 3 years is immense and really noteworthy resulting in the creation of catchy, inspired songs that have this appealing 80s eerie scent. The solos and the riffs are simply magnificent and superb supported by a really good rhythm section and the vocals are slightly high pitched with a demonic hue. The production is very good, always keeping this old fashioned essence, and the artwork is beautiful depicting the band's music in the best possible way! Mark my words and get your hands on this release immediately, cause it will definitely satisfy your needs! I'm telling you this album is a blast!!!

Christine  Parastatidou

Worship The Soul Of Disgust
(Pulverised Records)

Well and finally here we have a very good release that comes to dissolve my gloomy feelings after listening to so many mediocre albums lately. Flesh is a one man project by Pete Flesh who used to be in MAZE OF TORMENT and is currently in THROWN and who with his current release unleashes high class old school death metal that is infused with a great deal of thrash metal and a few black tinges. All the 9 songs are catchy with sharp riffs that stick to your mind and force you to headbang and enjoy the album to the maximum! The vocals are harsh in the old fashioned vein and they have a really brutal hue. "Worship The Soul Of Disgust" is a highly addictive album with many good moments and memorable tunes! The production is very good and has been handled by Tommy Tagtgren at the famous Abyss Studio, the mastering was done by the very talented Nicklas Rudolfsson and the cover artwork is eerie, blasphemous and has captured the album's essence in the best possible way. Make sure not to miss this band!

Christine  Parastatidou

Darkness Prevails
(Black Willow)

Devil Sold His Soul is a relatively new band from the UK, who have decided to re-release this year their debut EP "Darkness Prevails" that had created quite a buzz in the British underground scene in 2005 when it was first released. So, after their last year's debut they've decided to enhance this CD with many interesting things and unleash it upon the fans of sludge/metalcore. "Darkness Prevails" is an album based on minimalism, sludge and noise. The guitar riffs are rather simple as well as the drum parts, which have quite many slow moments and the vocals are not the typical of the genre, since they are high pitched shrieks of anger that could also fit in a black metal band and of course you will also find here the common nowadays contrast among clean and aggressive vocals. The thing with this album is that it's good for the genre it serves and you'll enjoy it if you just listen to one song, but if you get to listen to the whole EP then the lack of variation is a huge drawback. All the songs follow the same pattern and sound almost identical to one another, repeating the same formula over and over again. So to be honest with you my mark would be lower if it weren't for the extra stuff of this re-release. The original EP consisted of 5 songs which you will find here, but the total running time of the new CD has been expanded to 50 minutes since it also contains as bonus material song remixes and the final and original demo versions of the songs. Plus there is also an excellent bonus DVD with video clips of some of the band's songs, a studio video from the recordings and 3 live videos. I've laid it out for you so now it's your decision to make.

Christine  Parastatidou

Sketches Of Reality
(Northern Silence Productions)

Nae'blis is a Swedish one man band and as such what they deliver musically is atmospheric black metal infused with a great deal of doom. The album has a running time of approximately an hour and consists of only 4 songs, so as you can understand the compositions are long and base themselves on constant repetitions of themes, whilst always projecting the feeling of isolation and reeking of melancholy. Truth must be told the songs are really imposing and their grimness and depression get into your blood, spoiling your mood. If you dig this kind of music, then you've found a good release that can be also used as a mood-spoiler. As for me... well I'm a happy person so I can't really relate to such music and so much blackness. I just find it incomprehensible and from a point on the shifting between melancholy to heavy depression and the feeling that everything is pointless, tires me and I can't follow it. Plus I like it when the songs have rhythm changes and a variety of riffs or else I find the outcome rather boring. This is what happened to me with "Sketches of Reality", though the piano and organ offer us some interesting moments.

Christine  Parastatidou

More Than You Expect
(FETO Records)

Oh my god! Is this finally over? The 36 minutes of this album's running time seemed like a lifetime to me! "More Than You Expect" is definitely one of the most annoying and irritating albums I've ever listened to. I had listened to their previous release as well and I hadn't liked that one either, but things are far worse than I remembered. NYIA is a band from Poland consisting of some pretty well known musicians, x-members of VADER, PROPHECY and KOBONG who deliver jazz/fusion grindcore. Yeah! You've read right!!! Jazz/fusion's structure stands for chaos, grindcore's structure also stands for chaos, so what's the end result? Chaos in the square! Add to this the dissonance of grindcore, the constipated vocals that sound as if they are coming from a hardcore act and the clean ones that have an alternative twist and what have you got? A terrible end result if you ask me. I suppose if you have an inclination towards twisted and weird music forms you might find something in this. As for me if anyone makes me listen to this ever again, then I'll know they hate me!!

Christine  Parastatidou

Silencing The Moments...

The French Remembrance have been around since 2004 and they are considered to be one of the best underground bands in the funeral doom/death metal genre. They are quite reputed as a band although they've only released one full length album with the one I'm presenting now being their sophomore effort in discography. Obviously since this is funeral doom we're dealing with, the tempos are extremely slow and heavy and the dark, melacholy atmosphere is based on the keyboards. I know minimalism is the key word for such releases with riffs that keep repeating themselves over and over again lasting for as long as possible, but this is one thing and it's totally another having the exact same pattern in the rhythm sections of all the songs and the common use of guttural growls mixed with clean female vocals. All the songs, all the melodies and all the themes sound identical to one another something that becomes really tiring for me. Monotonous themes and repetitions surely define this genre, but it wouldn't hurt if there were some bits and pieces of variety every now and then.

Christine  Parastatidou

The Invocation Of Demise
(Northern Silence Productions)

Valkyrja is a fast Swedish black metal band that shouldn't be confused with their compatriots Valkyria who are a folk metal act. This debut work shows a really tight band which consists of band members with no prior experience, but who have managed to create a really good outcome that sets the elm high for their follow up releases. Without being groundbreaking or innovative (how could it be after all since it's old fashioned, pure black metal?) it manages to form and create all the right feelings with those of isolation and frostiness being the dominant ones. Their compositions have a truly epic feeling with extreme rhythms that are born by incredibly fast double bass drums, constant blastbeats and the necessary repetitive riffs. The vocals have a tormented, blackened feeling that suits like a glove to the songs and the production is very good. However this is just one side of the band's music, since they have also added some doom, mid tempo parts and quite many acoustic/melodic parts that make the extremity of their overall sound more obvious, something like the calm before the storm, one could say. This is an album that will be appreciated by the fans of MARDUK, NAGLFAR and DISSECTION. 

Christine  Parastatidou

Chemins De Souffrance
(Northern Silence Productions)

If you've ever read Asterix, you must know that Belenos was a god worshipped by the Celts, who believed he was the god of sun and warm sources that heal sickness. From this statement I suppose it's made clear to all of you that this French one man band delivers Celtic/Pagan black metal sang in their mother tongue and don't start getting worried because French sound really good with these compositions! Their music is dramatic with a lot of acoustic melodic parts and epic parts bringing to mind barren lands and battlefields. The tempos vary from mid to fast with the blastbeats being quite often, the guitars, though extreme, follow a specific sharp pattern and the vocals are the typical shrieks of the genre with some clean orchestral parts. Without being something new or innovative, "Chemins De Souffrance" is a good work that honours this genre's heritage. The production is very good and the overall artwork really beautiful, so if you dig pagan black metal, keep an eye on Belenos.

Christine  Parastatidou

Opus Magnum
(Napalm Records)

One thing that I always try to keep in mind is never to jump into hasty conclusions and the new Hollenthon album is here to prove this truth once again. I'm a big Hollenthon fan and I love all their previous albums with their 2001 release "With Vilest Of Worms To Dwell" being insuperable for me. So as you can understand after waiting for 7 whole years for a new release, I was pretty anxious to listen to what changes have occurred in the band, whilst I kept repeating in my head like a mantra that its predecessor is an unrivalled album. Obviously when I first listened to the new album I got really disappointed and I felt let down by the changes that have happened in the band's sound in these 7 years. However I've always trusted their artistic perspective and talent, so I decided I owe to give them one more chance. And I'm glad I did so!! Up to now I've listened to the album several times and each time I find something more that drugs me deeper into Hollenthon's world of medieval tales. The album combines, in a passionate and emotive way, classical and symphonic music with melodic death metal that is enriched with many orchestral and folk parts. Their sound for those that have never come across this band is quite close to that of THERION's (only for me it's much better), so this means that you'll find here a wide spectrum of sounds and elements that are entwined to one another in the purest and most progressive forms of expression. The things that have changed on "Opus Magnum" is the fact that the band's music became more extreme, much heavier and definitely darker, whereas the symphonic parts have been slightly reduced and the orchestral parts have a more front role. My congratulations to the band and to Elena, the mastermind's sister, whose voice is so beautiful, rich and passionate that will travel you into soundscapes of dark and magic!

Christine  Parastatidou

(Osmose Productions)

These Canadians hold the flag of black metal pretty high and take things pretty seriously, however, the end result didn't manage to grab my attention or make me deeply understand what this band really tries to do. Like I said it definitely is black metal with a really raw and crappy production as if you are listening to an 80s 4-channel recording on a tape. I bet they did it on purpose cause this dirty and terrible production adds extremity and ferocity to the songs that are all about violence, blasphemy and chaos. Yes the latter word explains pretty neatly the overall sound of Revenge. Chaos in everything... in the rhythms, in the structures, in the songs as a whole! I don't mind the music being chaotic, but when it's extreme for extremity's sake, when it reeks of a "show off" made on purpose chaos, then things are spoiled for me. So all in all this album can only be appreciated by the die hard fans of black metal who like their music being mixed with noise and grindcore. I'll pass!

Christine  Parastatidou

Weird Machine

Treponem Pal is a band from France and personally I didn't know anything about them till I heard this album. "Weird Machine" is their fifth album and as the title says their sound is really weird. Imagine a cooperation of FEAR FACTORY and MINISTRY, but with an industrial sound far worse than the previous bands. The songs except for one or two are heard with pain in the ears including many samples and less keys or guitars to play with. Moreover the vocals are somewhat harsh but not clearly heard which is also a big disadvantage. If anyone likes psychedelic electronic and suchlike sounds well this is the album for them but I will surely pass as there are much more better bands in this genre.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Necrosodomic Abyss
(Osmose Productions)

Norwegian black metal. I don't think you need further introduction or explanations as to what that means. Actually Mord is a typical and yet good  enough representative of the scene. I suppose it must be quite hard trying to stand out in stagnant waters, cause let's be true to ourselves, Norwegian black metal isn't what we'd call innovative. The old school approach is something like a prerogative and an obligation for the bands, so there isn't much space for different sounds or various enrichments. Mord is not an exception and with their sophomore work they come to show us how dedicated they are to their black metal origins. Truth must be told "Necrosodomic Abyss" is much better than its predecessor and slightly more varied since we get the chance to listen to a few more elaborate parts in the guitars and occasionally some melodic keyboards. The album's production is good for the genre's requirements and it allows us to listen to a blasphemous, eerie atmosphere, lots of blastbeats, demonic black metal howls singing about anti-Christian topics and distorted chaotic guitars. All in all I can't say this album contains anything that hasn't been already played by other bands, so there's nothing new to be said as well.

Christine  Parastatidou


Textures is a band that comes to us from the Netherlands having a style that will really kick ass. With their new album "Silhouettes" they are trying to penetrate into our ears with a heavy harsh sound like no other. Where deadly guitar riffs start to play there comes the hard aching vocals together with the fast thrashy drums and the really good keys with dark melodies. I shouldn't forget the constant changes in the rhythms that give a progressive element to the whole album. What amazed me is the very good production with all the instruments sounding crystal clear despite the intense sound of the band. I have to say that Textures can become a very good addition to the death metal scene as they really produce very good albums with unique characteristics. The fans of ARCH ENEMY, THE OCEAN, ALL THAT REMAINS and such like groups should invest without fear.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Unblessing The Purity

Bloodbath isn't what you'd call an ordinary band, but it's rather critically acclaimed as a "superstar line-up" death metal outfit, since it's the brainchild of Mikael Åkerfeldt (OPETH) along with the rest of the band's members who come from famous bands like KATATONIA, DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE, WITCHERY and BEWITCHED to name a few. The reason for existence of Bloodbath is to bring back old school death metal. It's definitely Swedish since this is their country of origin, but we aren't talking about the melodic branch of the genre, but about the sound of the bands that came from the scene's first era. Intensity, aggressiveness, sharp distorted and yet catchy guitars, excellent solos, a heavy and concrete rhythm section and some really guttural vocals is what you'll get here on this 4 track EP that is accompanied by a very good production and a superb artwork and package! So, if you are looking for good traditional death metal being revisited, whilst not minding about the short duration and aren't looking for any innovations, then "Unblessing The Purity" will do the thing for you!

Christine  Parastatidou

(Napalm Records)

Midnattsol is a new band that comes to us from Germany and "Nordlys" is their second album. Now as to what the band claims they are playing Nordic folk metal. Well to be honest there are some folky tunes in the songs which together with the heavy twin guitars, the great keys, the powerful drums and the gothic style create a very good overall performance and result, but what makes the biggest impression is the very beautiful vocals by Carmen Elise Espanaes the sister of Liv Kristine Espanaes (ex-THEATRE OF TRAGEDY, now in LEAVE'S EYES) which really give a very good mood and atmosphere to every song especially the song that are sung in Norwegian. I am really looking forward to listening to the album without voice overs as I believe will please every listener. Not to be missed!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Himmelfarts Kommando
(Mighty Music)

This is a Danish band that was founded in the early 90s by ILLDISPOSED's drummer Michael Enevoldsen when he felt that his main band was growing soft. This means that Panzerchrist's music stands for intensity and extremity in equal portions and you should expect a really aggressive death/black metal outcome with lots of passion and ferocity. A couple of years ago they released their previous album "Batallion Beast" that was a high class, quality work, but it's not an exaggeration to say that all their albums are well taken care of and excellent examples that stand out in the extreme metal scene. "Himmelfarts Kommando" isn't a new work, however, but it's a compilation release of the band's first two full-length albums "Six Seconds Kill" and "Outpost Fort Europa" also including three previously unreleased bonus tracks. The reason for this re-release is because these two albums have been out of print for some years now, so this is a good chance for the die hard fans of the band to get their own copies. The songs are very good, having the band's personal sound and revealing the band's potential both in the fields of songwriting and execution, so it's a good buy for all the death/black metallers if you don't mind the production being slightly poor.

Christine  Parastatidou


King's X is a band that needs no introduction as its albums are dated from the far 80's. After three years of absence and many tours, they are back in the studio sessions with a new album. "XV" is an album containing all the elements and characteristics that made King's X well known to the heavy metal world and with this I mean the beautiful melodies, the heavy guitars, the complex drums and the unique sound which only they can produce on their albums. Of course the trio from the United States is not a usual one as Jerry Gaskill, Ty Tabor and Dug Pinnick are more than well known and their music abilities are always worth listening to. To conclude I will say that the album includes twelve tracks plus two bonus ones which really are something special. An album that will please every listener. Enjoy!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Hangman's Hymn - Musikalische Exequien
(The End Records)

Sigh is one of the most unconventional, weird, unique and amazing bands you'll ever listen to! Period! It's one of my favourite bands and the more I listen to their music, the more I grow to like them... the more I dive into their world. This album had a rather strange effect on me... As soon as I started listening to it, it simply haunted me and it doesn't allow me to listen to anything else. It's like a sickness, growing in me and I'm getting down with it severely!!! Sigh is a band you either love or hate. There's no middle way, there's not such thing as indifference cause they are truly one of the most bombastic and incredible bands that have ever surfaced the metal scene! For the information of those who don't know them, Sigh come from Japan, they were formed in 1989 and up to now they have released 8 official albums each one being best than its predecessor. "Hangman's Hymn" is a concept album with some great lyrics and an overall dark atmosphere that penetrates you and gives you chills with its demented scent and the paranoid laughters you get to hear in almost all the songs. There are many bands that mix a variety of elements in their sound, but few can manage such a great and homogeneous result like Sigh... The foundation of their music is old fashioned VENOM, BATHORY and CELTIC FROST inspired black/thrash metal, but it's infused with claustrophobic and spooky aesthetics, classic heavy metal riffs, classical structures and themes and symphonic arrangements in all the songs. The guitar work is chaotic and yet stunning with some superb solos, the rhythm section is solid as a concrete wall and mainly frenetic. The whole thing is so wild that won't let you time to breathe or relax and the vocals both the blackened and the clean ones are simply gems that enrich the uniqueness and personality of this work! I could go on forever praising this album, but I can't even offer you the slightest glimpse on this masterpiece! Get your hands on it immediately! It's an album that can pass the test of time!!!!

Christine  Parastatidou

When The City Is Quiet

The Spanish metallers are back with a new album to prove that slowly but steadily they are making steps in the heavy meta scene. "When The city Is Quiet" is the name and heavy power metal is the game. And when I say heavy power metal I mean heavy guitars, keys with great gloomy melodies, fast drums and raging female vocals. And that is what disappointed me I must say... The whole album is really good with songs such as "Ecstacy", "Endless Road" and the title track "When The City Is Quiet" to be mere examples that prove that Bu the voice of Miss Beatriz Albert is somewhat weird though in other songs is beautiful. The bad thing is when she tries to go up an octave, cause it is then that we literally hear screams and that I must say is a pain in the ears. I believe that with more exercise in the vocal part Ebony Ark can offer great metal moments in the future.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Bullet In Your Head

Made Of Hate is a new band from Poland that has debuted this year with their "Bullet In Your Head" album presenting us a very tight and highly professional band that has managed, despite the young of their age, to have a focused and quite personal sound. Their music can't be classified clearly and absolutely, since it consists of a wide spectrum of sounds and genres with the end result mainly lying within the extreme borders, as their moniker indicates. So I could say that they are mainly a thrash/melodic death metal band with the power metal forms being very often along with a great deal of classic heavy metal solos that reveal excellent technique. However the thing that elevates the overall outcome and offers a more unique and innovative hue to their debut work is the intense and often addition of classical music structures and themes. I'm telling you the end result is really catchy and something noteworthy for both the fans of the extreme and the neoclassical sound. The vocals are hoarse grunts and without ever becoming too extreme or out of tone, they always support and enrich the compositions. After listening to the album for the seventh time I can say that it has a similar approach and scent with that of the Finns CHILDREN OF BODOM. All in all "Bullet In Your Head" is an album that is worth your attention and support!

Christine  Parastatidou


Arjen Anthony Lucassen has done it again! And what is that? Well creating a true masterpiece a magnificent work of art. "01011001" is the new concept album of Ayreon and believe me when I say that I have already listened to it more than two times already. Returning to the space and time concepts Arjen has managed together with a plethora of talented musicians and vocalists to create a memorable album. There is passion, there is heaviness, lots of melodies, progressive elements, power metal elements, ballads and many more things that every listener will experience after listening to it. Now as for the guest members this time we have in vocals Anneke Van Giersbergen, Bob Catley, Daniel Gildenlow, Floor Jansen, Hansi Kursch, Jonas Renkse, Jorn Lande, Liselotte Hegt, Magali Luyten, Marjan Welman, Phideaux Xavier, Simone Simons, Steve Lee, Tom S. Englund, Ty Tabor, Wudstik and Arjen Antonhy Lucassen. On the guitars we find Lori Linstruth, Michael Romeo and Arjen Anthony Lucassen. On the keys Derek Sherinian, Joost Van Den Broek, Tomas Bodin and of course the one and only Ed Warby behind the drums. Get ready to feel, get ready to listen, get ready to travel to another dimension, get ready to experience the new Ayreon album!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

World Domination

The third work of these Swedes is their best one so far with really catchy, thick riffs, volume and a great vibe! Fatal Smile dwell somewhere between sleazy hard rock and classic JUDAS PRIEST influenced heavy metal with lyrics that show their love for what they do and their need to have a great time. So, don't expect any thought provoking themes, but hymns to the heavy metal way of life, ideal to get you in a really rocking mood! Since this quartet comes from Sweden I don't think I should mention anything about their skills or technique, cause their country of origin is both a catalyst and a guarantee! Fatal Smile has written ten catchy songs infused with a rock 'n' roll dirt and a live feeling that are based on thick and voluminous riffs, hooks that stick to your mind and sing along choruses that will make you crave for more. All in all "World Domination" is a self explanatory title, cause given the right chances it can offer the band the worldwide recognition they surely deserve! Creativity and catchiness are the two key words here and are accompanied by some great guitars that have both rhythm and substance and by an incredible vocalist who has a special and recognizable voice. His interpretations give extra credit to the album with their high energy versatile range that mainly moves in the typical and perfect (for me) slightly hoarse middle ranged hard/heavy tones with some occasional higher or even deeper hues. I strongly believe that this album deserves your attention if you love hard rock and classic heavy metal music. As for favourite tracks? Sorry! No highlights for me here. I like the album through and through and I really hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did, cause summer time is almost here and parties are ready to begin!!!

Christine  Parastatidou

Ghost Opera The Second Coming

Be careful this is not a new Kamelot album! After the release of their new very good album "Ghost Opera" and having already begun a tour to promote it, Kamelot have decided to please their fans with a new additional version of the already released "Ghost Opera" album. The new version includes the whole "Ghost Opera" album together with two bonus videos of "Memento Mori" and "Human Stain", but there will also be a second CD consisting of a live show and to be more specific a live show of the band in Belgrade and four bonus tracks of the songs "Seasons End", "Pendulous Fall", "Epilogue" and a remix of "Rule The World". What's also new is that the cover artwork of "The Second Coming" will be different from the original "Ghost Opera" one. So if you haven't already bought the album, it's a good chance to do so. Enjoy!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(Season Of Mist)

Black Comedy's sophomore work bears the title "Instigator", a word that describes their sound pretty well and gives us enough clues as to what is about to follow. These guys from Norway are well known from their other musical endeavors that involve bands such as SUSPERIA, DIMMU BORGIR and OLD MAN'S CHILD, so they are quite professionals and with a lot of experience. However don't expect to listen to anything close to what they got us used to listening so far, since "Instigator" belongs to the modern, industrial hardcore branch infused with some gothic and a few thrash metal elements. Their skills are obvious and no one can doubt them, the guitar sound is massive with a lot of crunchy riffs, the drums have volume and power, the vocals sound really pissed off and demented and the keyboards create an interesting industrial atmosphere. So musically and executionally speaking everything's perfect. Where the band makes no progress is in the inspiration department which is really poor. The songs sound identical to one another and the even worst part is that they sound identical to the albums of numerous recent releases from other bands. Plus I might be wrong, but in the back of my mind I have the feeling that all this was done for commercial reasons, because both the industrial and hardcore genres are in fashion these last few years. I recommend this album only to the die hard fans of the above mentioned bands, but still I think you should give it a careful listen before, because without having any obvious flaws, it lacks in true spirit and inspiration.

Christine  Parastatidou

Master Of Illusion
(Napalm Records)

New album for UK's power metal band and Power Quest are back to rule the metal scene. "Master Of Illusion" is the name and true heavy power metal is the game. Starting with a melodic song and continuing with more heavy ones, Power Quest can really give everyone what exactly they need. Twin heavy guitars with great riffs, nice keys with melodies creating ILLUSIONS, mid tempo and fast drums sometimes alternating and very good vocals to complete every song. It is obvious that these people really love what they are doing and you can find it by listening to this album. The album includes ten songs plus a MEGADETH cover of "Reckoning Day" as bonus track. Keep dreaming cause Power Quest will be there to make your illusions come true.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

All Seeing Eye
(Season Of Mist)

For need of a better description and characterisation the French band Klone are filed under the term groove metal. Without this being the best tag, I can't say it's bad either... The thing with this quintet is that they incorporate a great deal of elements in their sound from hardcore, to stoner, grunge, psychedelic music, metal and even heavy rock. So as you realize their music is rather strange and can only be appreciated by open minded fans who like experimentations and weird sounds. The truth is that in some songs or better in some parts of their compositions the band pulls it off pretty neatly and in a quite interesting fashion, but in most songs the whole thing sounds a bit unfocused to me, plus I'm sick and tired of listening to hardcore being mixed with clean and harsh vocals. It's too obvious and too expected, something that spoils the spontaneity of the tracks that are enriched with uncommon instruments like the harp, the saxophone and the Chinese flute. It's a shame, cause Klone have something good, so they should find a better and less fashionable way of unleashing it...

Christine  Parastatidou

O3 A Trilogy Part 3

Charlie Dominici is well known to us as being the star vocalist on the first DREAM THEATER album. Having grown and matured since then and with two albums already in his solo career Dominici is back with the third part of his O3 trilogy. As in the previous albums, which believe me are very good, we have great progressive metal with heavy power elements. Together with the entire band of SOLID VISION except for the singer, Dominici has managed to create a new concept album which has everything: melodies, heavy tunes, harsh guitar riffs, harmonic keys and really crazy drums where there is no rhythm or same pattern. The trilogy is completed in the best possible way and Charlie Dominici shows that despite the years his voice remains the same and we hope he will continue in the same way. If you respect your ears be sure not to miss this album.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

This Machine Runs On Empty

Like I've said a thousand times already and I guess it's the norm for recent releases... here we have one more thrash/metalcore band from the U.S. which have formed a decade ago and this year they've decided to release their third studio effort. I really feel drained because this is the third metalcore review I'm writing for today so I know I'm starting repeating myself. The truth is that Bloodjinn is not a bad band. These are some skillful musicians with the right attitude and the proper amounts of aggression in their sound. The problem is that I've listened to such compositions and structures by countless other bands already. There is not a speck of originality in here, nothing that will surprise or amaze you. It's a good album if someone offers it to listen to in the background, but there isn't a chance I'd give my money to buy it. It's so common and so expected that it ends up really boring and tiring from a point on. It's a shame cause the guys have some really nice riffs and a few nice ideas within the songs that are buried under the mediocrity of this genre. Bloodjinn should try harder and do some major changes if they want to stand out!

Christine  Parastatidou

Collision Course Paradox II
(Frontiers Records)

A band that needs no introduction is Royal Hunt who have come back to offer us a new sensational album and the sequel to one of the band's classic albums. "Collision Course Paradox II" is new, fresh and full of great compositions. With a new person in the vocal department, a man who needs no presentation Mark Boals (RING OF FIRE, MALMSTEEN) giving his own unique style and with the classic sound of Royal Hunt with beautiful melodies from the keys of Mr Andre Andersen, heavy guitars with accoustic parts and fast and mid tempo drums with some progressive turns, Collision Course is an album that continues in the best possible way a very good concept. Starting and closing in the same way as the first Paradox and with songs such as "High Noon At The Battlefield", "The Clan" and "Blood In Blood Out", Royal Hunt can pride themselves in being a big name in the melodic metal scene. But that's not it! Together with Royal Hunt on this album there are many guest appearances and to be more specific in the backing vocals we have Ian Parry, Doogie White, Kenny Lübcke, Henrik Brockmann and Maria McTurk. Soma Allpass is playing beautiful cello, Patricia Skovgaard on the violin and Erik Rosenqvist on the woodwinds and accordion giving a different style on the whole album. So kneel down and look at the sky cause Royal Hunt will answer your prayers.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

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