
Action is a band which goes a long way back and to be more specific in the early 80’s where mastermind of the band David Ramos had decided to form a rock project. After many years and many great times Action are back with a new self-titled album and believe me when I say it really Rocks! Heavy and melodic guitars moving from one song to the other, keys with melodies far away from here, vocals that seem to have jumped out of 80’s rock bands and generally eleven songs that will blow your mind away. I really believe that this is an album that many rock fans have been waiting and now it's time for them to enjoy it. So if you are a fan of bands like WHITESNAKE or JOURNEY, then this is the album for you. Enjoy!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis


If you ask me what black metal is to me and how I define it, I won't say that it's all about fastness and blastbeats, but it's rather that grim creeping, blood-chilling atmosphere that addresses to the dark side all humans have. Black metal is a journey to the dark and perhaps dangerous paths of the human mind and psyche and it hasn't really got much to do with looking evil or misanthropic. It's rather a state of mind and it's this state of my mind that Zion achieved to touch and play with so elaborately and magnificently. This is the story of the notorious Vlad Tepes, the governor of Wallachia (Romania as the region is known nowadays) that speaks of his atrocities, his passion, his moral code against the Turks and his protection by the church. The life of the son of Drakul, who was a knight of the Order of the Dragon couldn't be dressed musically in a better and more beautiful way! Zion's music is full of life and substance. It's full of passion and it mixes aggressiveness with melody in such a smooth and homogeneous way that you never really realize that these are the two far ends of music expression. Their music has rage, it reeks of blood and torture, but it also has an underlying melancholy, a subconscious fear. This is definitely Zion's best work to date and makes them deserve a place amongst the elite bands of the genre. Personally I've traced a similarity with ANCIENT RITES, one of my favourite bands that also talks about historical themes whilst creating soundtrack-like black metal and with the dark-emanating period of ROTTING CHRIST. The additional appearance of Nick from DEVISER, Mike G. from SNOWBLIND and Aphazel from ANCIENT can only make the end result more appealing and special! "Drakula" is a masterpiece that demands your attention!

Christine  Parastatidou

Indigo Dying

Indigo Dying is a side project featuring a new voice in the female scene, Gisa Vatcky, who I really have to say impressed me and John Macaluso behind the drums (ex Malmsteen, RIOT and TNT). Along with the contribution of other musicians, they have created an album which will be an interesting choice for any listener even not a metal one. The album is a melodic rock journey in the world of love and feelings as you will understand from the lyrics, with heavy guitar riffs giving a metal sound in the songs, great melodies created from the keys by Jamie Teramo and of course the amazing vocals of Gisa Vatcky which fill the whole album, creating a really great atmosphere for every listener. There are twelve songs on the album including guest appearances by Mark Boals and Michael Kiske and some guitar work by the well known Tommy Denander. So prepare yourself for a journey in a melodic rock album which will keep your ears busy for a long time. 

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(Aeternitas Tenebrarum Music Foundation)

Are you in for some Italian mystique? If so, then I think you should keep your ears open for Locus Mortis' music that is full of mysticism. Their black metal is surrounded by an eerie aura, endless blastbeats that build a wall of noise, minimal chords in the guitars that create a disorienting feeling and an end result full of hatred and atrocity. The vocals consist of deep growls and demonic shrieks and match perfectly with the superb guitar work. The production of the album is also top notch and the package and artwork are the best you can get! "Voust" is highly recommended to fans of bands like WATAIN and MAYHEM!

Christine  Parastatidou


Biomechanical is a band from the United Kingdom and after three years of absence they are back with a magnificent kick-ass album. "Cannibalised" is an album which struck me with great surprise and that will blow your heads off! What is there to be said about the amazing and aggressive guitar riffs which are present throughout all the songs, the changes in the tunes, the rhythms alternating from fast to slow giving a progressive character to the album and of course the vocals which are both melodic and grindingly harsh making every song really great. The album includes ten songs and the limited edition will consists of four more, two of which will be in an orchestral version. I believe that "Cannibalised" is an album which will absolutely and in its entirety satisfy both the progressive and the death metal fans. Are you ready to go through all this?

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Heavy Lies The Crown

Full Blown Chaos is a band influenced by acts such as SLAYER, SICK OF IT ALL, DOWN and SUFFOCATION to name a few, just to give you a small taste of the music areas this band moves into. These guys seem to have lots of great ideas and technically speaking, apart from the rest of the band which is really something, I really liked the choice of beats from Jeff Facci (drums) which in my opinion "raised" the songs' quality on even higher levels. Speaking of opinions, another alternative review of this release from me would go: Fuck everything!! If you're pissed off, then "Heavy Lies The Crown" shares the same feelings with you! If you're not pissed off, you'll end up being, after listening to these dudes! "Heavy Lies The Crown"... of brutality!!! 

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Bello: Room Service & Soul Collector + Bonus
(Mighty Music)

What is this immense and thick stone wall that hit me? The creation of this Dannish 5 piece combo can only be compared to a panzer marching on a battle field and crushing everything on its way. The band, consisting of highly experienced members from some great bands like ILLDISPOSED, HATE ETERNAL and OLD MAN'S CHILD, know how they want to sound and unleash upon us a great and extremely bellicose and ferocious sample of brutal death metal with a few grind edges. However, like ILLDISPOSED and VADER, just to name two bright examples that have a similar sound, Panzerchrist deliver a great deal of melody through their great riffs that are both harmonic and fast and a technique that really stands out. Everything's so perfectly executed and catchy that the 79 minutes of this CD's total playing time won't tire you at all. The changes between the deep growls and the high screams is only there to make things more interesting and appealing. The last thing I'd like to mention here is that the band's drummer, Reno Hilligsø ``Killerich`` Kiilerich, currently holds the record for fastest single stroke rolls on his feet, clocking at approximately 850 strokes in a minute. Amazing, don't you think? So, this best of compilation that contains the albums "Room Service" and "Soul Collector" along with 2 bonus tracks and an amazing cover version of METAL CHURCH's self titled song is as good as brutal death metal can get!

Christine  Parastatidou

Apocalyptic Syndrom
(CCP Records)

At last here is an album of melodic death metal that doesn't sound like everything else and moreover doesn't sound like the 1000th IN FLAMES or SOILWORK replica! This Swiss band seems pretty determined and focused and knows how they really want to sound so they've just delivered their sophomore studio effort that is a powerful and ferocious mixture of melodic death/black metal. Their 10 compositions are filled with catchy riffs, great hooks and a concrete stonewall rhythm section. The thrash metal tinges are only here to make things rougher and the end result more edgy, whilst a dark, claustrophobic atmosphere is there to make things sound more varied and multi-layered. The vocals are mainly rasping death metal growls and they fit perfectly with the overall sound. So I can really say this album was an apocalypse to me!!!! Very intriguing music ideal for live shows and relentless headbanging!

Christine  Parastatidou


Atargatis is a new band from Germany and this is their second album. "Nova" is a journey through the history of the four elements of life meaning Earth, Water, Fire and Air and believe me Atargatis is describing it to us in the best way. The album moves in the symphonic power metal genre with the very beautiful vocals of Stephanie Luzie flowing through the whole album, combined in some songs with the harsh vocals of Lord Lornhold. All this is wrapped up with heavy guitars that create great melodies and images and songs which have a slight gothic and folky tune created by the sound of a viola and a violin making the album a very good choice for every listener. Songs like "Stars Are Falling", "Fever Of Temptation" and the amazing ballad "Deliverance" are some examples of what this album is all about. There is also a cover version of the song "Crucified" by ARMY OF LOVERS, where one will see that the sound changes to somewhat close to THERION's and in three songs we have as guest vocalist Matze Hechler from CREMATORY giving his own chracteristic hue on this album. So are you ready for the Syrian Godess?

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(CCP Records)

I can't remember when it was the last time that I got so excited and overwhelmed with a release, but Spectral have managed to enthrall me and win a place amongst the top releases I've heard in a while! Their sound is quite weird and rather special since they convey in their compositions both the aggressiveness of black metal and the melodies and catchiness of classic heavy metal along with the rough edges of thrash and the epic feeling of Viking metal. These guys prefer to label their music as black Viking power metal which is rather an accurate description, but I'd also call them retro black/thrash metal, which is more common a term so that all of you can get to grips with what this superb band is all about. So be prepared to listen to some great blasts along with beautiful harmonies, interesting solos and catchy classic heavy metal riffs, all this wrapped up with an epic touch and devastating drum parts! So if you like bands like RUNNING WILD, AMON AMARTH, BATHORY, BRIMSTONE and BEWITCHED, you're gonna adore this!!!!!

Christine  Parastatidou

Venom & Tears

This band is really something!!! They sound like PANTERA, MACHINE HEAD and early METALLICA with raw, pissed off vocals a la Phil Anselmo! If you're very much into PANTERA you should check them out, because the whole feeling and philosophy of PANTERA is being repeated and carefully cherished by Throwdown. Mean riffs + pissed off vocals + violence = BRUTALITY!!!!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Bliss Of Solitude
(Napalm Records)

In a time when most of the doom metal bands deliver the same old and worn out recipe comes a band that shines like a true and precious diamond, proving us that this genre is indeed beautiful in its melancholy and it can be varied and complex. Isole's third studio release is perhaps their best creation to date and can make the leaders of the doom metal scene proud of the heritage they left behind! So, if you adore bands like CANDLEMASS, SOLITUDE AETURNUS, REVERREND BIZARRE and GRAND MAGUS, then this is a release you must anticipate with great respect and... reverence. This is not the suicidal, weeping, mellow doom/death metal that most bands deliver. It's not one dimensional, but it rather has depth and beauty, showing us that even solitude can sometimes be blissful and creative! "Bliss Of Solitude" is heavy, dark and full of substance epic doom metal with sorrowful melodies, great riffage and mid tempo, imposing paces in the rhythm section. The harmonies are so enchanting and tied perfectly with choral chants and a really passionate and emotive vocalist that can only place this Swedish band in the epic doom metal premier league. It's a shame such a talented band to still lie in the shades...

Christine  Parastatidou

Hiding Inside This Horrible Weather

My American Heart is a band from San Diego and this is their newest addition to their discography. "Hiding Inside This Horrible Weather" is an album which combines many genres such as pop, jazz, punk and the newest sub-genre called emocore which adds a bit of melancholy to the songs. I can't say that these guys aren't playing well. In fact they are very good with songs containing good melodies, nice vocals and catchy tunes, but it's not an album that will persuade its listener to hear it more than once. And of course if someone is not so very fond of the previously mentioned genres, he will certainly not even stand to listen to more than one song. The album consists of eleven songs and also a multimedia player with video footage. Beware cause the weather will change for the worst!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Better Motoerhead Than Dead - Live At Hammersmith

This is the newest live from Motorhead. All I want to say here is that the setlist is killer once again, though we expected and already knew that beforehand, and there's no point in saying anything about the group or their songs. However what I'd like to do is mention two things before I end this review... First of all the band shows no mercy to their fans, since they close their live performance with songs like "Bomber", "Ace Of Spades" and "Overkill", which also leads me to my second point that I'm definitely sure the fans once again left Hammersmith completely content and after headbanging their heads off!!!! The setlist was simply great!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Secrets And Lies
(Rise Above)

Taint is a band from Swansea England for which I knew very little before listening to this album. "Secrets And Lies" is their new work and I have to say that this album surprised me as to what it sounds like. The band plays a mixture of hardcore combined with punk, while having some rocky tunes and all these with a mixture of progressive blues sound. And you will really understand this by listening to "What The Crow Saw" where the flute and the general playing gives the above mentioned feeling. The vocals are good changing from normal to aggressive, giving this hardcore image to the band and the guitars are both melodic and harsh reminding us sometimes of some LED ZEPPELIN riffs. Taint is a band that really gives meaning to the phrase punk's not dead and I add rock is not dead in England either.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Have You Ever...?
(N-Gage Productions)

If I'm not mistaken Pornchild sounded to me something like SYSTEM OF A DOWN or anyway close to that kind of stuff. Although neither of these two bands are my cup of tea, I can't deny SYSTEM OF A DOWN's great success. And although whenever a chorus kicked in gave me the feeling that I mentioned earlier, the rest parts of the songs are clearly and heavily metalcore sounding. The result is mediocre, but with some cool riffs here and there.

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Strum Sum Up
(Magna Carta)

Dug Pinnick is the well known voice and bass player of one of the greatest progressive rock bands KING'S X and this is his second attempt in his solo carreer. Leaving the bass behind and with a guitar in his hands, Dug is giving us an album with many wonderful melodies, nice songs with a soul funky tune and sometimes a hard rock attitude which is combined with his well known voice along with some progressive elements that really make each song easy to listen. What is most amazing are the solos in all the songs where Dug and his co-musicians give their best, jamming to the limit and the result is really something outstanding. Maybe some of you will find it hard to get used to this change but I have to say that "Strum Sum Up" is an album which will please every listener and will offer many good moments of pleasant hearing.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Going Down
(A-Team Distribution)

This band moves on a basic hardcore path, but nevertheless you'll notice some more melodic lines thrown in when the choruses come in. The guys have some good enough riffs and ideas, but nothing too much, nothing too special or anything we haven't already heard before... The whole end result of their sound also sounded a little bit too stuffed in if you know what I mean. Anyways if you're heavily into core, check them out or else you shouldn't bother.

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

That's All There Is

New album for Eerie Von, the well known bass player of DANZIG with his new project band Spidercider and the gothic punk veteran is once again back. Eerie Von moves with his new album in the same steps as previously, giving us pure grunge punk songs with harsh vocals, heavy guitar riffs and with a hardcore attitude which really sounds good. Apart from that the album has a good production, it consists of ten songs and is pleasantly heard by someone who likes this kind of music. Nothing more to say than all punk rockers should invest without a doubt. I know I won't.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Fallen Prophet
(Self financed)

Helgrind comes from Britain and in their own words they aim to become the most influential and extreme UK thrash metal band. Well, "Fallen Prophet" is a four track EP and later this year they'll release the full album. Back to the music and their statement, yes they certainly play simple straight forward thrash metal but from what I hear by no means this band has the influential perspective or the landmark songs for the genre. Why? Well, another band achieved that goal many, many years ago. SLAYER, SLAYER, SLAYER. Of course SLAYER is not British yet I don’t see how a British metalhead should find this music defining when it’s only just a simple copy cat. Although the tracks aren’t bad at all, still they lack any personal identity and imagination. Even Paul Nelson’s vocals possess an undeniable likeness to the legendary frontman of SLAYER. In addition the songs get rather monotonous and indifferent despite their speed and thrashy arrangements. The drums from the other hand are a big drawback since they have neither the demanding strength nor the indispensable weight to support the pounding aggressiveness that thrash metal requires. Overall, Helgrind is rather pleasant to listen to but nothing close to unique or grandiose. I hope their full length album will succeed in holding a much better interesting output.

Vaso  "Necromass"  Prassa

Deadly Sins

New album for the U.S. power metallers Seven Witches and after a two year absence they are back, this time with a concept album. "Deadly Sins" refers to Mahatma Gandhi's seven Deadly Sins who said would come upon the world and destroy us. The mastermind of the band, Jack Frost, has managed to describe it in the best possible way with lyrics that describe excellently the whole concept, riffs which only Seven Witches and Jack Frost know how to handle and vocals changing from melodic and slow to harsh and aggressive from a man known to everyone as Alan Tecchio. "Deadly Sins" is a ver good addition to the Seven Witches discography! The tracks range from heavy and fast to melodic ballads and mid-tempo ones giving the right essence in describing the story which is the thing that will put every listener straight to the heart of this concept. So everyone who is not afraid of Indian prejudices and religions should really listen to this album. Beware!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Philosophy Of Winter

Forest Silence was formed in 1997 by former keyboardist of SEAR BLISS, Winter while another member of SEAR BLISS joined him in this album. "Philosophy Of Winter" is Forest Of Silence’s debut album by Candlelight Records. Previously they had released three demos, the first two in the area of dark ambient music and with the third their musical approach became more black metal oriented yet always with a strong atmospheric pack. "Philosophy Of Winter" contains six very impressive songs filled with black metal grimness and dark ambient melodies. Mostly under a slow and mid paced tempo the tracks create a unique icy, and at some points, doomish and incredible brooding atmosphere. The guitar lines maintain a slow, monotonous, hypnotic feeling while the drums keep generally a slow-moving rhythm at pace although a couple of blastbeats are not absent and faster outbreaks that fill the winterish sound with an additional hateful reaction. Vocally Winter delivers a raspy and hazy undertone not too harsh just adding to the chilling atmosphere with a cold and black eerie aura. I must say that I am a big fan of SEAR BLISS and although Forest Of Silence keep wisely their distance from those black metal masters, their music was one of the most engaging stuff I happened to listen to lately. Highly recommended to fans of BURZUM and KATATONIA.

Vaso  "Necromass"  Prassa


Now what can I say about this album? It's simply amazing, a masterpiece, a unique journey throught different kinds of sounds and music. Devil's Slingshot is a project which includes three of the finest musicians and to be more specific I'm talking about the guitarist Tony Macalpine, the bassist Billy Sheehan and one of the best drummers, Virgil Donati. Together they have created an album which combines everything! Where you hear heavy metal comes a pinch of jazz, where there is progressive comes a change into rock with melodies and generally a very good performance which can only be described with oen adjective: Perfect! Just listen to the songs "Ballade De Bastille", "Ocean", "Hourglass" and you will understand all the beautiful images created by these three great musicians. A must for everyone who respects music and his ears. 

Sotos  "D.T. Ace"  Koukidis

Way Of Blind 
(Stygian Crypt)

Little Dead Bearth is one of the oldest underground Russian metal bands formed back in 1994 in Voronezh. It seems that they started as a thrash metal band then broke into gothic and now they play a mixture between melodic death metal and doom metal. "Way Of Blind" is their fourth album by the usual suspect Stygian Crypt. What’s remarkable about their music is the unforeseen use of the violin which I must say gives a really beautiful aspect to their sound. Apart from this their sound is heavy, aggressive at times with some random speed up moments along with the melodic, doomish parts. The guitar from the other hand has a very extinguish sound although it is rather high in the mix almost burying at some points the other instruments. The keyboards are very low profiled which is good because the violin gives a much better essence to the tracks. The vocals are raw and growlish while also some female vocal layer makes its appearance now and then. Overall, although the production is not actually something worth mentioning, "Way Of Blind" somehow succeeds in gaining my total suport. From what I’ve heard these Russians have some really interesting ideas scattered throughout the album and maybe you should give them a try. 

Vaso  "Necromass"  Prassa

(Voices Of Wonder)

Ljungblut is a Swedish alternative gothic rock band and this is their third album. "Capitals" is generally an album which is heard pleasantly with good and enjoyable melodies, nice and clear vocals and a very good performance from all the members. It is a very quiet album and I really mean quiet in a way that you may find yourself dozed off in your chair while listening to it. But what really disappointed me is the thing that Ljungblut's music brings out a feeling of melancholy that will even make you cry that will make you see life under a more blackened sky, with lyrics talking about love and hate and if you are not that kind of person you may find it somewhat boring. It is an album that can keep you company in quiet and lonely nights when one may want to drown in his/her thoughts but otherwise it may really bring you down. 

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

The Last Embraze
(Verikauha Records)

Four years had to pass before this incredible and really talented quintet made a more powerful than ever come back with their fifth release that continues to pave the paths of gothic, dark metal with many doom tinges. I know most of the members of this band since they belong to another great Finnish group called MAPLE CROSS that has an entirely different direction, something that reveals these guys' talent in exploring different areas of heavy metal music. They have the ability to create beautiful compositions both in the more atmospheric/melodic branch and in the more modern and harsh genre. Anyway we're dealing here with the sensitive and emotional aspect of their characters and thus present you "The Last Embrace" one of the best albums I've listened to in the gothic dark metal scene. We use the word gothic with the wider meaning of the term, but their music isn't cheesy, mellow or the typical whining and irritating one that most goth bands have with that fake, blackened identity and pseudo-decadent atmosphere. This album is filled with emotions, true emotions and beautiful, enchanting melodies, flawless performances and a passionate vocalist who offers more depth and substance to the compositions. I've been listening to this album for quite a while now and I wouldn't be exaggerating if I'd call it a classic. It'll keep me company for a long, long time!!!!

Christine  Parastatidou

The Night... Apogee Of Madness - Reissue
(Stygian Crypt)

Another re-release by Stygian Crypt Productions, Karcinoma’s “The Night... Apogee Of Madness”. The album was originally released in 1998 as a Mini-CD. The band itself was formed in 1994 as a an underground brutal death metal act that later on turned into a melodic black metal band and after the imprisonment of its main vocalist transfixed into a power/gothic metal band. Fortunately, this release comes from their black metal era. Rounded up by six tracks "The Night... Apogee Of Madness" features atmospheric black metal enriched with additional elements of death metal and several goth touches mostly with the presence of some random background female vocals. Soft melodic passages interplay with fast blasting sections while the sound has a very guitar fronted character along with the catchy keyboard parts. The male vocals are raw with a relentless verbal assault of black metal shrieking and some death metal growling. The compositions are nothing prototype although this album was written almost ten years ago and the only remarkable thing about Karcinoma’s music is when the sound gets accelerated. Its aggressive moments are far more interesting than when the rhythm goes down a few notches. And last but not least the production is obviously very weak, not helping much neither the shredding guitar work nor the effort for an atmospheric display.

Vaso  "Necromass"  Prassa

A Spanking Good Song Collection

Generally I'm not fond of compilation albums, cause I just can't see what they can really offer. This is my rule, however there are always exceptions to this rule and one of these bright exceptions is what I have now spinning in my CD player. This double CD song collection features some of the best and most influential bands in the current heavy metal scene and what's more to it, is the fact that it has been divided in sections or in lessons to be more precise. Thus the first CD includes three lessons, the first in the hard rock sound, the other one in classic heavy metal and the last one in power metal. Then we move on to the second CD which also includes 3 lessons plus the finals. The lessons are in the thrash metal, hardcore and alternative rock genres and the finals simply contain MOTORHEAD, one of the most respected and renowned bands! Like I said earlier the CD includes some of the most famous bands, which are featured here with some of their best songs, something that makes this compilation even more appealing... I truly loved this collection! I think it's ideal to have in the car and listen to it whilst driving... only be careful not step on it too much!!!! It's both true that rock is cool and that this collection is a rock school as the very clever play on words simply implies!

Christine  Parastatidou

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