The Minstrel's Curse
(Prophecy Productions)

Noekk is a new band from Germany and after two yers of absence they are back with a brand new album. Many of you will be surprised when you see that "The Minstrel's Curse" contains only four songs and is considered to be a full length album and not an EP. After hearing it I really have to say that I was very interested in their sound as it is both heavy and melodic combining doom metal with rock and containing some progressive elements as well. The songs are all pleasantly heard with the last one that counts fourteen minutes being the best one for me. I would have expected more songs for a full album but I believe that these four will satisfy every listener.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

We All Go Home

Crosby Loggins carries on his back a very big heritage as being the son of one of the most amazing voices in rock Kenny Loggins. With his debut album "We all Go Home", he is trying to make a start and enter the world of rock. I have to say that his work is very good with a tight structure in the songs, nice melodies, catchy tunes and of course a very good production. Ranging from jazz tunes to straight rock 'n' roll ones, Crosby Loggins can now claim to have made a very good start. What unpleased me is the sound of his voice. Of course you can expect to have the same voice as his father but I believe that he needs to exercise and focus on it more as he is young and has much more to give. Till the next album...

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis


These German gothic metallers are back with a new album that will be discussed a lot... "Pray" has come to strike me in a very pleasant way as the whole album is really very interesting. There is a very dark gothic atmosphere throughout the whole album with heavy guitars blending harmonically with the amazing melodies created from the keys giving from their side a gloomy characteristic in every song and the vocals are in complete balance between the normal and really harsh ones. Moreover what amazed me is the orchestral parts with the violins and other instruments spread through the whole album making it even more exciting. Pray you fools cause Crematory are here to make you Sin!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis


Melacholic doom/death metal is what Dawn Of Solace present us here with imposing enough keyboards of a majestic character always in slow tempos. There are also many parts with depressive acoustic guitars that enrich and boost the heavy atmosphere of this release. The vocals are heavy death metal growls with an eerie character as if they come out of a frozen cave, but there are also many clean male vocals close to the normal hue of CREMATORY's vocalist which have quite a quality and are placed in the right music parts. This album is both for the fans of doom and the fans of melancholic death metal. I recommend it with no second thoughts. A remarkable band!

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

(Black Lodge)

Faceshift is a new band that comes to us from Sweden. Rising up from the ashes of an older band called ETERNAL OATH, they are here to prove us that they can combine gothic rock with the metal style. I trully believe that they succeed in doing that since we can see that there are songs where there is a slow mid tempo attitude and others that have harsh guitars and heavy drums, giving them a more metal tune. Besides there is a dark atmoshere in the whole album giving it a more depressing style, but I believe that what this band lacks in is a vocalist as the one presented here is of course good but sometimes he seems to be out of tone and can't follow the band. I believe that he has the potential to become a better singer so till then we will be waiting.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Investigating A New Dawn
(O.B.S.E. Productions)

Diabolical Principles is a Greek band that formed back in 1999 and up to now they have released two demo works. "Investigating A New Dawn" was actually a CD first released for promotional purposes, until O.B.S.E. Productions came across this band and decided to release and promote it as a debut Mini CD. I liked this work for two controversial reasons. One is that they have many influences from the old fashioned, the classic if you prefer, black metal sound and the other one is that they manage to mix two different aspects of this genre in a really beautiful, smooth and homogeneous way. Their album kicks off with a really atmospheric and melodic intro that even contains some classical forms of expression and then the other 4 songs show this contradiction I've been talking about. Their compositions consist of both enchanting dark melodies that convey an underlying form of evil and a true old school black metal approach that doesn't base itself on blastbeats and speed, but it rather follows a pattern and has a chaotic structure, but a structure nonetheless! The vocals are harsh and hoarse with a demonic twist without ever reaching high climaxes. All in all this is a really interesting work that will be mainly accepted and liked by the blacksters who enjoy melody and don't only look for hyperfast tempos.

Christine  Parastatidou

Grave Human Genuine
(Prophecy Productions)

Dark Suns comes to us from Germany and this their newest addition to their discography. I must say that they have a very complex style of playing including progressive elements, doom tunes, atmospheric moments and heavy twin guitars with very good vocals by the frontman. Moreover there is a dark gloomy approach in all of the songs and I believe that this variety of sounds and styles is what makes this album unique. Definitely a must for fans of OPETH or DISILLUSION as they surely have many influences from these bands. Don’t miss it!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

The Horrors Of Satan

We are dealing here with a historical black metal band. To some Denial Of God may perhaps sound a bit old fashioned, but the truth is that they are one of the few true black metal bands still left, respecting the history and legacy of the genre. Frozen pagan riffs come out of the compositions throughout the CD, weaving a demonic dance. The additions of pure blooded heavy metal melodies are many and often in their music, creating thus even more interesting songs. The production is made to sound "muddy" on purpose... it sounds amateurish but it's definitely not. It just tries to create a pagan atmosphere along with some very beautiful, in their conception, melodies that elevate the elm of quality really high. If you are a true black metal fan, you must listen to them!!!

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

Time To Be Free

After ANGRA,VIRGO and SHAMAN, the time has come for Andre Matos to do a solo work. "Time To Be Free" is his new effort and I must say that it is a very good one! Continuing in the same music paths which have made him known Andre Matos gives us a power metal album with heavy guitars, fast and mid tempo drums, a nice work in the keys section, a very good production (Roy Z and Sascha Paeth are responsible for that) and eleven songs which will satisfy every metal fan. The album will also include a cover version of JOURNEY’s "Separate Ways" as a bonus track. We hope that Andre will continue in the same way and offer us more pure heavy power metal albums. Enjoy!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(Rotten To The Core)

Quality hardcore is what Hard Knox are up to with hoarse, pissed off vocals and heavy guitars. The tempos are mainly mid to slow, but there are also many fast and uptempo moments with many interchanges in each and every song. The production of the CD is good enough without any mistakes and it succeeds in reaching the hardcore aesthetics the band is after. This release from Hard Knox contains energy and aggressiveness, two things that will surely satisfy the fans of the genre.

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

Dead Dawn Rising
(O.B.S.E. Productions)

Dead Dawn Rising is another new Greek extreme metal band with its members having quite an experience in the underground metal scene. This new band has set out to create black metal with an atmospheric twist mainly based on the existence of quite many keyboard parts. The overall sound of the eponymous album is really extreme, chaotic and aggressive with a ferocious energy and fury pouring out of every note. The performance of all the band members is also very good and the production and cover artwork are offering some extra points to the end result. I've listened to this album quite a few times and though I found it good in its entirety, I had the feeling that something was missing. I still have this feeling... I can't specify what it is, but the bottom line is that no matter how many good moments this album has, I doubt it if I listen to it again soon... I think the band moves on the right path, but I think they need a little extra to make their songs a bit more catchy and accessible.

Christine  Parastatidou

(Prosthetic Records)

Incredible death metal, hyperfast and enriched with Swedish melodies in the guitar parts and in the solos is what Through The Eyes Of The Dead are here offering us. Their music is uncompromising and of really high quality. The chemistry and the bonding of the band is superb as well as the technique and the abilities of all its members. The energy springing out of the riffs of this band have a nuclear substance and lead you to a wild headbanging! With this album Through The Eyes Of The Dead establish themselves, taking their place amongst the big names of the genre and believe me they have nothing to be jealous of from well known bands of this genre like CANNIBAL CORPSE, BEHEMOTH, e.t.c. They have inspiration, quality in their style and they are authentic in their technique. They don't play death metal to become rich, but because they really dig this sound!!! Check them out since "Malice" is one of the best releases for this year!!!

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

Veptus Infesto
(O.B.S.E. Productions)

Black metal is really thriving in Greece and if you are an underground guy and check the scene, you'll find numerous extreme metal bands. One of these, is Mortuus Caelum who are here offering us their sophomore studio work depicting a really extreme and claustrophobic character. Their compositions belong to the old school black metal with tempos varying from mid to uptempo and ultra fast with many blastbeats. The frozen Norwegian influences are obvious creating a very sinister and blasphemous outcome that is going to be cherished and appreciated by the fans of the old fashioned black metal. The production is muddy, something that has to do with a low budget I presume, but then again this is how a true underground black metal album should sound. The vocals are very good and the guys show that they have passion for what they do. This kind of black metal is rather monolithic and monotonous, since it's based on minimalism and repetition. However there were moments that the guitars sounded too simple to me, though the rhythm section was good and the addition of acoustic guitars interesting and fitting. All in all, this is epic old school black metal that is addressed only to the true and die hard blacksters.

Christine  Parastatidou

Apocalyptic Feasting
(Metal Blade)

Brain Drill is a newcoming U.S. based band delivering technical death/grindcore metal. I think all of you must have derived to this conclusion only by reading their moniker and album title, however when it comes to the music things aren't so simple and obvious. They surely have an intense influence from CANNIBAL CORPSE, GRAVE and AUTOPSY, but this is by far the most technical and wild release I've heard in the extreme sound. The vocals are genuine and quite fresh meaning that they are not simple and typical pig squeals, but they rather have a character and use different tones. The bass builds a concrete foundation being like one of the best tuned metronomes you'll ever listen to! The guitars are insanely technical, weaving elaborate melodies and imaginative solos and yet being sharp and intense, forming with their playing holocaust and ferocity! I've left for the end the absolute diamond which is the drum parts. You will be stunned by the speed of this drummer, his precision and his neverending, abnormal blast beats!!!! The production is flawless allowing you to listen to every single instrument and note played clearly and offering some extra volume to the end result. All in all from the technical point of view and judging it purely artistically this album is a masterpiece, but when it comes to me and forming my personal point of view then I'd say that the endless and ongoing structure changes, the intense rhythms and the hyperfast blastbeats tired me and didn't let me focus on the songs and enjoy them. I felt as if I was listening to the same song, as if I was blown against a wall and wasn't allowed a moment to breathe and relax. Personally I'm not a fan of such sheer rawness and speed. I believe such things can only appeal to musicians and to those who look for technique and nothing more...

Christine  Parastatidou
Personal Opinion:

Daemon Viam Invenient
(Shindy Productions)

This album is definitely one of the weirdest and most unique releases I've ever had the chance to listen to! Root is one of the best, most respected and oldest bands of the Czech Republic who formed in 1987 and up to now released 8 studio records plus a live CD. Their music dwells somewhere between black metal and dark epic heavy metal as strange as this might sound... The black metal aspect of the songs is mainly based on the band's ideology, on the fact that their singer and leader, Big Boss, is the founder of The Church Of Satan in Czechoslovakia and in their older roots. Those elements are mixed with old fashioned thrash metal and are infused and enriched with dark epic melodies and some really special, progressive tunes and themes that offer to the songs personality and character! "Daemon Viam Invenient" is a concept album and should be listened to as such, meaning that you will enjoy it more if you listen to it as a whole and not partially, because this way you'll be able to look at the larger, more extreme and more satanic image of the band and their overall musical approach. Their music has everything... from the pure and classic black metal moments to dark epic and classic heavy metal themes to complex progressive additions, all executed perfectly and flawlessly! However, the truth is that the foundation of this release and the thing that makes it stand out are the vocals... Big Boss's vocals are so unique, so deep and original that once you hear them they will be forever carved in your hearts and memories... The contradiction between his deep clean interpretations and his demonic rasping growls embroider the end result and make it sound lyrical! All in all I loved "Daemon Viam Invenient" because of its pioneering character, but I think you should be careful, because the music contained here is rather strange and whimsical and it doesn't address to all. Open mindedness and a need for peculiar sounds are required!

Christine  Parastatidou


Bassinvaders is a project band having as a mastermind the well known bass player Markus Grosskopf. Together with Peavy Wagner (RAGE), Tom Angelripper (SODOM) and Marchel "Schmier" Schirmer from DESTRUCTION, they have created a true jewel album. Fourteen songs ready to make your ears bleed with the amazing bass abilities of these players and generally a very good performance by all those who have taken part in this project and believe me the guest list is very interesting! Starting with guest bass players we have Billy Sheehan (STEVE VAI, ex-MR. BIG, ex-DAVID LEE ROTH), Rudy Sarzo (DIO, ex-OZZY OSBOURNE, ex-WHITESNAKE, ex-QUIET RIOT), Lee Rocker (STRAY CATS), Marco Mendoza (THIN LIZZY, ex-WHITESNAKE, ex-TED NUGENT), DD Verni (OVERKILL), Wyzard (MOTHER'S FINEST), Dirk Schlächter (GAMMA RAY), Joey Vera (ARMORED SAINT, FATES WARNING, ex-ANTHRAX), Stig Pedersen (D.A.D), Nibbs (SAXON), Tobias Exxel (EDGUY), Jens Becker (GRAVE DIGGER, ex-RUNNING WILD), Dennis Ward (PINK CREAM 69), Peter Baltes (ACCEPT), Jan S. Eckert (MASTERPLAN) and Michael Müller (JADED HEART). Apart from that we have as guest in the vocals Apollo Papathanasio (FIREWIND, TIME REQUIEM, EVIL MASQUERADE, MAJESTIC) and the frontman of the legendary Danish stadium rock band D.A.D – Jesper Binzer. And to finish behind the drums there are André Hilgers (RAGE, AXXIS, SILENT FORCE) and Stefan Arnold (GRAVE DIGGER). There will also be a cover version of HELLOWEEN’s "Eagle Fly Free" where the starting guitar riff is replaced with an amazing bass one. Nothing more to say, so all of you who love good music should really listen to this album.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

In Waking: Divinity
(Siege Of Amida Records)

Now this is something different and strange! The Breathing Process is a U.S. based band that started out a few years back as a metalcore act and only recently switched and converted to a more extreme sound. Frankly the bands I know that made such a turn in their music from a more trendy to a less popular, more extreme and introverted sound are handnumbered and very special because of this very fact. Now this sextet hasn't entirely shed or worked off their metalcore past, but it's well restrained as just one more influential genre that is present in the compositions in order to enrich them. The main part of their sound is death/black metal which is intermixed with some dark and slightly majestic melodies mainly created by the keyboards. The melodies are important for the songs, because they offer variety and the songs are really complex in their forms with elaborate guitar parts and an incredible rhythm section with pounding and jaw busting drums! The guitars and the main melodic lines have an obvious influence from the Swedish scene and brought to my mind IN FLAMES, NAGLFAR and DE PROFUNDIS and they are really extreme and chaotic in their development. I think we will soon be talking more about this band! Keep an eye on them!

Christine  Parastatidou


Now this album could really be another realease of SOLITUDE AETURNUS as all the members of this band are ex members of the previously mentioned band and to be more specific we have Robert Lowe in the vocals (CANDLEMASS, SOLITUDE AETURNUS), Steve Moseley on guitars, James Martin on the bass and John "Wolf" Covington on drums. Coming from the United States they continue in the path of SOLITUDE AETURNUS playing pure doom metal with guitars changing from heavy to melodic ones, really slow but also mid tempo parts in the drums and great vocals from a man who needs no introduction. The album includes nine songs containing a very good cover version of RAINBOW’s "Man On The Silver Mountain". Prepare to be forever doomed by a band who knows how to play it right.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(Agonia Records)

The Belgians return with their sophomore release three years after their debut "Guilty To Exist" with lyrics based on darkness, various kinds of horrors and the feeling of emptiness that overshadows our every day lives. What's the ideal music to dress such topics? Death/black metal of course and this is exactly what this band is here to offer us. I really liked the variety of the tempos, the quite complex structures of the songs and the great solos and shreds that are matched with some really deep growls which often reach some slightly higher and more blackened tones. So I could say that "Oblivion" could be also labeled as technical death metal, so I think it addresses to a more specific audience, the one that enjoys the often interchanges and the progressive themes within the songs. All in all I think that Emptiness have given birth to a good album that contains some really catchy songs, sharing equal portions of technique and brutality!

Christine  Parastatidou

(Dynamic Arts Records)

Masterstroke is a band from Finland and this is their new release. "Sleep" is an album which combines both heavy and classic power metal in the best possible way. Clean and melodic vocals blend in with amazing heavy guitars, keys creating beautiful melodies and rhythms which alternate from mid tempo to really fast ones making each song unique. With songs like "Under Our Command", "Sleep" and the really great six minute "Final Journey" this is an album that will stay in your ears for a long time. So get ready to stay awake cause your ears will work overtime.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Fields Of Rot
(Agonia Records)

Crazy, wild and heavy as hell are some of the words that suit like a glove to this specific release! These Norse maniacs are in a really destructive mood and come with a really wild appetite! "Fields Of Rot" is top notch and one of the best black/thrash albums I've ever heard! We're talking here about pure volume and power, a bulldozer that will level everything on its way, leaving you with your mouths gaping wide open! The great thing with this album is that it comes straight from the 80s thrash genre, bringing to mind SODOM and KREATOR, whilst at the same time sounding really fresh and modern with the black aspect mainly being delivered by the vocalist, Destroyer, who must truly be amongst the best and most special heavy fuckin' thrash/black singers. He sings with such passion, changing from chanting to high pitched screeches to demonic rasps and to Lemmy like vocals that he is really amazing and jaw-busting. His contribution is the cornerstone of this album without degrading the role of the others who offer some excellent classic sounding guitar parts, elaborate solos that smell of N.W.O.B.H.M. from miles away and an uptempo and concrete rhythm section! This is an impressive state of extreme art that deserves the attention of the worldwide metal fanatics!!!!

Christine  Parastatidou

Everblasting Struggle
(Unexploded Records)

It's always strange and rather weird the sense I get everytime I review a frozen black metal release coming from a warm and sunny country. This time we make a stop in the bright and colourful Portugal in order to present you the debut work of a new band called Epping Forest who are here to deliver frozen black metal with many symphonic touches and a few death metal additions. "Everblasting Struggle" is a very decent and promising release showing a 4-piece combo trying to create their own approach to the symphonic black metal genre. Since their sound is majestic black metal, the presence of keyboards is always there, not only filling the songs in the background, but having a rather front role, often intimately collaborating with the guitars to bring forth an extreme mixture of feelings and melodic lines. The addition of some oriental elements in two songs was something amazing and I loved it! I think they should use such touches more often cause they definitely make their songs far more interesting and catchy. All in all this is a very decent atmospheric black metal release that will be mainly appreciated by the fans of bands like DIMMU BORGIR and CRADLE OF FILTH, without unfortunately having the originality and mastery of the aforementioned bands. They are young, they are new, so let's wait and see what they have in store for us!

Christine  Parastatidou

Incubus - Chapter Seven

...and the story continues! Metalium are once again back with their new, seventh in a row, creation and I can't escape thinking, after listening to it a few times that it's obviously a Metalium album and at the same it is not... Let me explain myself, cause I don't want to confuse you. "Incubus - Chapter Seven" has all the typical and classic elements that comprise Metalium's trademark, but at the same time it also presents quite a few innovations or let me more correctly say changes. The band's craftsmanship and mastery are undoubted since European power metal is their natural field of expertise. Their passion for this music is obvious, resulting in the birth of almost flawless, for this genre, records that are well taken care of artistically from all aspects. Metalium have a love for concept albums, all their releases so far have been based on a concept story, so they really have the ability to work their songs in such a way that they all sound connected and homogeneous, whilst at the same time they have quite a few differences and distinctions amongst them. What I really loved on this album is the fact that the tempos have been reduced and most of the songs have a heavy and imposing rhythm, whereas few are the songs that have faster guitar parts. This is the main factor that makes this release stand out especially compared to "Nothing To Undo - Chapter Six" which was a really fast record. On the other hand this album has the best elements and parts of the German power metal genre, having more balls and attitude and Henning Basse proves once again to be an exceptional singer offering us some incredibly rich and varied interpretations! If the German power metal runs in your blood and you adore JUDAS PRIEST, then I think "Incubus" is an album that should have its place in your collection and in your hearts!

Christine  Parastatidou
Now here is a band which needs no introduction since the German metallers Metallium have already shown us what they can do. So with a new album which is the seventh chapter in our history, they are back to play what else other than pure heavy power metal .From the first song there is an aggressive start which continues in the whole album with heavy strong guitar riffs, fast as hell drums and vocals raising high in the sky. Songs such as "Never Die", "Sanity" and "Hellfire" are some examples which will prove what every listener is about to hear. Get ready for a blast of pure metal in your ears!
Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Shrouded Divine
(Aftermath Music)

Sweden is a country with an abundance of interesting and special bands and in fact it's one of the few countries that are still the cradle and pedestal of some of the best and most outstanding bands out there in the contemporary metal scene. Their specialty as we all know is either the melodic death metal or the heavy/power metal sound. In Mourning as their moniker indicates belong to the first category offering us with their debut a great mixture of progressive elements with melodic death metal and a dark gothic touch. Bearing resemblances with bands like IN FLAMES, SOILWORK, DARK TRANQUILLITY and AMORPHIS is something that can attract many fans. Moreover the fact that they dress their influences with a beautiful personal and progressive touch and wrap it all up with a great production and a deeply melancholic artwork, make "Shrouded Divine" even more appealing. This is a debut so it's definitely not what we'd call unique or pioneering, but on the other hand it allows many pieces of the bands character to reveal, plus it's rich in texture and it's bountiful in a wide spectrum of emotions created both by the superb craftsmanship of the band members and the contradiction between the clean and the brutal vocals. The addition of some acoustic parts that are in contradistiction with the sharp interchanges can definitely become the band's trademark!

Christine  Parastatidou

Catalogue Of Carnage
(Drakkar Entertainment)

Misery Speaks comes from Germany in order to shake the waters in the metal scene. Although the promo I have in my hands has only one song, I must say that these guys have much potential to become a good band. They mostly play metalcore with heavy guitars, growls and normal vocals and really fast drums, all these with a melodic death mood. I am really looking forward to listening to their new album and headbang with it. Till then....

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Advent Parallax

Averse Sefira, the Texas based unholy trinity is back again with a brand new album, three years after the release of "Tetragrammatical Astygmata" bringing forth their blasphemous frozen black metal. Their style and music hasn't changed much, so we can actually say that they've maintained their characteristic sound, whilst evolving it a bit. The songs are once again complex in their structure with many changes in the rhythms and tunes and the tempos are mainly ultra fast with tonnes of blastbeats that are every now and then cut by mid tempos, creating a ferocious end result. The band's drummer needs to be congratulated on his elaborate work behind the drums! The riffs and main approach of the music reeks of Norwegian black metal influence that is entwined with some old fashioned thrash parts creating a really aggressive and full of hatred outcome. The vocals are typical, demonic black metal shrieks and the bass guitar stands out with its excellent work. The atmosphere of the album is ominous and claustrophobic, as every decent frozen black metal should sound and everything seems good if we don't take into consideration the factor of originality. If we leave it out of the sum, then this is a top notch release, but if this factor appears in the equation, I think it slightly weighs "Advent Parallax" down. Averse Sefira is a really good band, playing well, but it's nothing you haven't already heard before. One last thing that I'd like to mention after listening to this album a couple of times is that its big duration (approximately an hour) along with the constant rhythm and riff changes tends to become rather tiring and boring. You are the ones to decide, so think carefully what you are looking for...

Christine  Parastatidou

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