Dusk changed their name and became Aphotic, so they have released a split CD with old material. If you like ambient dark / doom music, read the interesting interview with Aphotic and try to find their stuff.

1. So Keith, can you introduce us the history of the band?
    Aphotic formed in April of 2000.  We recorded our five song self-titled demo in August of 2000.  Exactly a year later we recorded our second demo, ‘Under Veil of Dark’, and exactly a year after that we recorded our third demo, ‘Stillness Grows’ in August 2002.  In June of 2004, Flood the Earth Records released all three demos on one CD. They also took most of my remaining copies of ‘Under Veil of Dark’ and all the remaining copies of the self-titled EP and got rid of them for me. We recorded our fourth self-financed EP in November 2004, ‘To Find New Darkness’. Cursed Productions released it for us in March of 2005 along with the last Dusk EP, ‘The Slumber’ as a split CD. All three of us were in Dusk prior to being in Aphotic so it seemed to make sense to release them together since we were on both recordings.  
2. Why did you name the band Aphotic? Can you tell to us the story behind the name?
    The aphotic zone is a body of water too deep to ever receive any sunlight. So basically it stands for total darkness. We pronounce the band’s name a little different from the actual term…(A-fa-tik). 
3. So far you have an album and a split CD, can you tell me some more details from the recording session of the split CD?
    Actually we’ve never recorded an album yet. The Flood the Earth release was simply a collection of our three demo EP’s from 2000, 2001, and 2002, put together on one CD. We’re still trying to find a record label that will give us a deal so that we can record a full-length album. The recording session for the ‘To Find New Darkness’ EP was by far the most successful, even though we had to use a combination of real and programmed drums. Everything went pretty smoothly and we stayed within our limited self-financed budget. We all just wish that it could have had real drums, but there is no way we could afford to bring in a session drummer without the help of a label. 
4. How are the reactions for both releases from the press and fans?
    We’ve always got really good reviews and that’s why I can’t understand why we are still unsigned. People really seem to like us but everyone always assumes that we are going to get bigger and release an album through a label, but there are no plans of this since no one is interested in us at this point. We are going to need much more support from people in the near future if this band is going to keep making music. 
5. Do you like the stuff from Dusk? 
    I used to love Dusk’s old material before I joined them. Chad and I were only in Dusk for a couple of years around ‘The Slumber’ session. Steve is the only one that was in Dusk from start to finish. It was basically his project just like how Aphotic is mine. The ‘Dusk’ album from 1994 and the ‘Majestic Thou in Ruin’ album from 1995 are two of my favorite doom metal CDs ever. I used to listen to them constantly.  Dusk live back in the early 90’s was a really unbelievable sight too.  They never used keyboards.  All those sounds were guitar-synths and they pulled off everything that you hear on the CD’s live too. It was really a great band. It’s too bad that Dusk was also never able to obtain a record contract.  Everything that they did was also self-financed just like Aphotic’s recordings.  
6. Could you please characterize  and describe your music? 
    I call it ambient death. Some people call it dark metal, which is fine with me. I really don’t think that we’re doom metal because we have too many upbeat songs, but if people want to label us as that, I guess that doesn’t bother me either. The funniest thing is that some people call us black metal. I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing fucking clown make-up on my face or leather and spikes or whatever is trendy in that field now. I don’t understand why people can’t do something original and quit fucking trying so hard to sound or look like someone else. But then again, we don’t pay attention to what’s trendy or popular in this scene and Aphotic has failed to obtain a record contract. Whatever…fuck it then. 
7. Have you already played any live shows?
    We play shows very rarely because there is no scene in Wisconsin at all. 
8. Do you have start to write the material for your second album?
    We have most of the songs written for what would be our first album. It won’t ever get recorded though if we don’t get a record deal sometime soon.  
9. So far are you satisfied with the help from Flood the Earth Records?
    We’re all very happy with Flood the Earth’s help. I honestly think that the label is going to grow into one of the biggest and best underground labels out there in the years to come. It’s a great hard working and honest label.
10. Do you know anything from the Greek metal scene?
    No, I don’t. I actually quit listening to metal a few years ago so I don’t know anything about any scene anymore.
11. Are you satisfied with the American metal scene nowadays?
    I hate the American metal scene. We’re not included in any part of it and we can’t get any support from an overseas label since it seems like none of them sign American bands. Aphotic is pretty much fucked every way you look at the situation. How can a band make an impact on a scene if they never get a chance to record a full-length album? 
12. Thanks a lot for your time, close the interview as you want.
Antonis  Maglaras
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