Hey, people! That east-oriented band makes arabic death metal, as they call it! So interesting genre, worth listening! Let’s seek into this band a little huh? I questioned them for ya…

1.Where did that arabic death metal idea come from?

2.You have succeded I think but there is amateurity and this is perfect! The demo sounds like a home made one, right?

3.Which are the reactions till now?

4.Your performance per age  is promising...

5.And this work made you earn experience? How are the sales going?

6.Don't try to ! Let this first demo be rare!

7.Okay.. What does CONSTANTINOPOLIS mean for you?

8.Are the songs based on a concept or they are intependent to each other?

9.Who is that Wabu the Barbarian?

10.You are very creative haha! Are there concerts soon?

11.That's all I wanted to ask,do you have anything to add?

-Thanks guys, good luck !

Soner  "Sony"  Turkolmez

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