1.Hello Chrisafi. I liked "PROMOWORKS" as well as your previous work very much. Can you tell us few things for the history of the band?

2.I heard that some changes took place recently in your lineup. Is it True? Do you think that many changes harm the band? 3.How did you pick the name CRYSTAL TEARS for the band? 4.What did the fans and the press say for "PROMOWORKS" and how did the sells go? 5.Which are the bands you think that you have a common sound? Which are your main influences? Who are the drummers you admire? 6.Are there any new bands Greek or not that you find interesting? 7.Who is responsible for the lyrics and who for the music? Can you tell us a few things for "PROMOWORK" songs? 8.I find in your lyrics some anxiety regarding new reality. How do you face it? Optimistically or not? 9.What do you have to answer to all these who say that power metal bands are out of reallity and are interested only in immaginary things? 10.Have you got ready any new material? Is there any chanc of doing a litle more ecperimental in your new songs? 11.Despite CRYSTAL TEARS you are also a member of FUTURELESS. Does it keep you from concetrating 100% on CRYSTAL TEARS? 12.I 'd like this conversation to be ended by telling me which is your biggest dream you want to make true with CRYSTAL TEARS and which needs of yours do you satisfy by playing metal?


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