I think that Darkseed is one of the most interesting and most known and respectable bands in the gothic - atmospheric branch of the metal music. A couple of months ago they released the album "Ultimate Darkness", one more addition to their quality recordings... Find out more in the following interview.

1. You are about to release your new album titled “Ultimate Darkness”…
    "Ultimate Darkness" was released on January 24th in Germany over Massacre Records, other territories like Russia followed in February, I am not sure about Greece though ? So far we are very pleased with the feedback both from fans as well as from magazines. But we still lack Greence fans, hehe! Our message board is desperately overcrowded by American fans! 
2. Can you tell me in short what is the musical direction you ‘ve followed for this album? 
    It´s a gothic metal album combining deep, hard guitars and aggressive electronics with catchy, melancholic melodies and atmospheric synth dreamscapes. You can see us as "male alternative" to the current female fronted gothic metal trend. Hardness is a very important factor in our gothic metal music.
3. Is “Ultimate Darkness” an epic concept album or are there songs with a common reference? Can you tell me few words about each song?
    We write realistic lyrics with a direct message for our fans. Our songs act about every kind of real darkness, most likely occurring in the life of every listener. Being disappointed or hurt by other human beings, having a lack of orientation and future fears, being depressed about our loss of values and sometimes dull behaviour in our society where everything is ruled by money and aggressive marketing, being angry about our unrespectful behaviour towards nature/animals etc. Our fans shall not only listen to metal music, but we also want to give them something for their brain. Gothic metal music is a good way to demonstrate that not everything on our planet runs like it should and that we should improve our own personality to make the world/our surroundings better. 
4. How much time did it take you for the songwriting of this album, and how much time did you spent at the studios? Did you face any problems?
    We started songwriting in early July, and finally started the recordings in the middle of September which were finished in the middle of November. Since we record our CDs in our own studios, lead by our guitarist Tommy Herrmann, we had a good time with a personal, relaxing atmosphere. Even if the recording process of course was hard, because we were very ambitious and motivated. The only problem we had was time pressure, because Tommy booked a vacation to New Zealand 6 months before the album work, and we had to finish the album before his departure. Luckily we finished it just in time! 
5. What is your favorite song from “Ultimate Darkness” and Why?
    There´s not one favourite song, but definitely 5-6 songs I still like even if I heard them 1000 times ? For example Disbeliever, My Burden, Ultimate Darkness, Follow Me or Sleep Sleep Sweetheart. Disbeliever because it´s a perfect opener, My Burden because of the lyrics and electronics, Ultimate Darkness because it´s the fastest Darkseed song ever, Follow Me because of the vocals, and Sleep Sleep Sweetheart because of the overall atmosphere and the vocal variety.
6. Can you tell us something about the cover?
    The cover shows snakes and a solar eclipse. Snakes since a long time symbolize temptation. This temptation in our days is not caring about values and always trying to enjoy life without showing responsibility (when it´s about family like own children etc.). Nobody wants to grow adult in our days, everybody wants maximum pleasure and individuality. This often leads to problems I talk about in my lyrics, like egoism, causing destruction of nature, defeats in relationships etc. I define these things as ultimate darkness, because it´s real darkness and not just abstract cliché stuff. This ultimate darkness is symbolized by the solar eclipse on the cover.
7. Do you consider yourself an optimistic person or not?
    One of my weak sides is that I am very pessimistic. I should change it to optimism in order to have more energy/courage, mixed up with a decent touch of realism ? However, pessimism has the positive side-effect that I go through the world with critical, open eyes, and I with that hope to find my own way through life, enriching me in all concerns.
8. What are your plans after the release of “Ultimate Darkness”? Are you going to start touring with other bands, participate in summer festivals., etc
    We are currently preparing for our first headliner single shows that will start in the middle of March, unfortunately only Germany so far. If anybody from Greece is interested in organizing a show, simply contact us over our website www.darkseed.com and we will see what we can do, it would be a real pleasure to rock Greece, because I haven´t ever been there and wanna see your country!!!
9. What do you do in your spare time? (If you have one?) 
    Playing strategy games in internet with a good friend of mine (one of the few guys I know who doesn´t have anything to do with music business, hehe), and besides that working on side projects, mostly soundtrack/ethnic stuff (for example SHIVA IN EXILE). 
10.  Can you give a Top 10 of your favorite records?
    That´s difficult, but to name you some of my all time favourite bands: Assemblage 23, Dead Can Dance, Paradise Lost. I prefer listening to dark soundtrack stuff, with a decent touch of oriental/ethnic music. 
11.  If you could have a crystal ball and see the future in colors, what colors would you see for Darkseed and for yourself?
    Hm, I personally would prefer some bright colors, because "Ultimate Darkness" is a really dark/black album full of depression, hopelessness etc. We should start to add some light components to our music, because life isn´t as gothic as it seems in our music. Always think positive, but keep the gothic component in your mind for going through life with a healthy skepticism! 
Costas “C.O.B” Meidanis
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