Dead Human Factory
DEAD HUMAN FACTORY :what do they play? Definetely not power metal. This band explores the extreme branch of our music and combine Death Metal with some Hardcore elements. Can you imagine a mixture of SIX FEET UNDER and SEPULTURA, then you got a very clear image of the band's sound. John, the guitarist and vocalist of the band replied with sincerity to our questions...

1.Hello,how are you?since you are a new band,can you give us a few info on the band's history and pressent the line up?
    The band was formed by me in December '99 and in 2001 we released our first demo work "The First Shout". In 2003 we participated with the song "Pain Domain" in the "Dead Spot" compilation originally compiled by Apostolis "Humanfly" and this year we prepared our second demo "1000 Years Cranium Collector". We have changed some line up members, but at this moment we consist of: John Provatos - guitar/vocals, Anna Temberkidi - bass and John Diakakis - drums. 
2.Is ''1000 years...'' your first demo? why did you include only 2 compositions and an intro? do you have any other songs ready and if yes,when do you plan to release them?
    Like I said right above, "1000 Years..." is our second demo and it only contains these 2 compositions and the intro, because those are the only songs that we've managed to complete and rehearse properly. We have some more songs and we think of releasing a debut mini cd in 2005. 
3.The cover artwork is very good,who is the painter of it?how is it connected with your music and songs?the guy that painted it, did he listen your music before drawing the cover?
    Responsible for the artwork is a friend of ours, who used to be a band member in the past, so as you can understand he was the most ideal person for this job. 
4.You didn't include any lyrics in the booklet.So, can you tell us the story behind each song?
    There are no lyrics contained, because what interests me is the music. The lyrics do nothing more than complement the songs. Now, regarding the songs' topics, well they mainly deal with typical death themes likes butcherings, death, pain, blood, etc. 
5.Can you tell us whitch are your most favorite bands and in whitch way they have influenced you? 
    Some of my favorite bands are Motorhead, Slayer, Machine Head, Nile, Nightfall, Deicide, Sarcofago, Ancient Rites, Hate Plow, Six Feet Under. I'd say here that among these bands, Six Feet Under is our basic influence. 
6.The name of the band is quite pessimistic.How did you choose it? what does it mean?
    I think that depending on each bands style, they should have the proper moniker. Dead Human Factory could be no exception. The name doesn't indicate or mean anything that we don't already understand. 
7.The intro of your demo is very good and atmospheric.Do you have plans in the future to create more atmospheric songs or just classic death metal?
    Dead Human Factory is a deathcore band, sometimes more death, other times more core and this is how we're gonna stay. If I ever want to play something different, I'll create a project, like for example 2 years ago that I wanted to play doom/death and I formed the project It is getting dark, with whom we released the demo "Gods Die When The Believers Ceased To Believe Them".
8.A characteristic of your music is that you don't have any fast moments. The 2 songs included in the demo are doomy and mid tempo,why is that?
    I like the mid tempo heavy tracks with edges and groovy rhythms, but this doesn't mean that we won't include any faster parts in our music in the future. We have some things on the "schedule". 
9.What do you want to achieve by releasing this demo? Spread your name amongst the fans or did you release it just for your own pleasure? 
    We really like what we do or else we wouldn't do it in the first place. If we are able to make one person at least headbang with our music, then we follow the right path. Is there a band that doesn't want the support of the metallers? 
10.Have you send the demo to other fanzines and magazines? What kind of feedback did you receive? Was it mainly positive or negative?
    First of all, the demo has some "weaknesses", so based upon that the the reviews we received from magazines, fanzines, webzines, etc are very good! 
11.Have you played any live shows this far?how did you feel the first time you got on stage?
    We've played live 3 times this far, 2 in Athens and one in our hometown, Lavrio. All 3 times the feeling I had was unbelievable, unique and special. It's amazing what I felt being on stage. 
12.Why do you believe people and especially the young ones like to play or listen to a macabre music like death metal is it perhaps that this involvement with death helps us to accept it more easily? tell us your opinion on that issue?
    For me death metal and generally the extreme branch is the music that has won my dedication and attention. It's the music that I like the most, nothing more, nothing less. For the rest of the people (and mainly for the young ones) I can't possibly know. 
13.Now a few words about the title of your demo ''1000 years cranium collector''.What inspired you to name your demo like this? 
    When Andreas brought me the cover artwork, I thought I had to find a title that would express it and not anything irrelevant. So, I came up with this. 
14.Since you like reading books,answer for me this question,whitch book do you like the most and you'd like to write music about and why? 
    My favorite books are Salem's Lot (Stephen King) and Hellraiser (Clive Barker). Hellraiser has influenced me very much and if I've ever had the chance to write music for a book, this would be the one I'd choose!
15.There is also a hidden track on your demo,can you give us more info about it?
    We wanted to put a cover song as a hidden track, something from SEPULTURA (of Max era). So, "Slave..." is a famous song and easy to cover. So we adapted it and made it ours and that's all! 

16.These last lines belong to you,inform the fans here how they can contact you and order your demo.

    First of all, Nick I'd like to thank you and Behind The Veil webzine for giving me the chance to talk for my band. I'd also like to thank all those people that helped and supported us all these (almost) 5 years and of course a big thank you goes to the band's former members, Nia Pappa, Andrea "Whiteulver" Kollaro and Ari Chatzidaki for their valuable contribution. Whoever's interested in obtaining this demo (it costs 5 euros), he/she can get in touch with me at the following address: JOHN PROVATOS, NIKIOY 18, NEAPOLI, 19 500 LAVRIO, GREECE.
Nick  “William_Kidd”  Parastatidis
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