Dead Soul Tribe
Dead Soul Tribe are up to another album, called “The January Tree” and Behind The Veil had the chance to interview one more time the mastermind of the band, Devon Graves.

1.It’s almost been a month since your latest release, the third album of Dead Soul Tribe called “The January Tree”. What has changed in the band and you as a person since the last year I had interviewed you for “Murder Of Crows”?
    DG: I have been through a lot of changes. Firstly I live in a bigger apparntment, that is closer to the center of fhe city and costs me cheaper. I can spend more time with my family and now I have a son. Last year when I had to take busses to get to the center of the city, I was very tired I had to relax before doing everything but now it's easier.
2.Musically speaking tell me with your own words which are the musical changes on this album? Which are there any new elements the fans must take notice of?
    DG: Well actually I don't do a lot of changes in my albums. I try to focus on a personal sound and add new elements around it. That is also a meaning of the title of this album. 
3. Is "January Tree" a concept album or not?  Can you tell me something about the cover artwork?
    DG: Concept albums are albums like “The Wall” Of Pink Floyd, “Operation Mindcrime” from Queensryche and even the majority of King Diamond albums. “January Tree” is not a concept album from that perpsective, I don’t tell you a story but it’s a result of the music from Dead Soul Tribe. I see music as a seed that grows into a tree and that tree has a lot of branches. It grows more and becomes bigger and bigger. I am trying to find a formula to make music for Dead Soul Tribe and add more elements to this formula.  In Dead Soul Tribe I put my feelings into songs, and I try to create the appropriate atmosphere for the listener. Actually the concept of this album is on the cover. In the front you can see a tree with dead leaves falling into the ground, each tree is a person that is being held into something that is dying. You know, it’s very sad when people have to grow up with some standards that you must be happy if you have money to live, and we miss the meaning of life. You are forced to feel happy only when you have money to buy a house, graduate from university or when you get a promotion from you job. But the truth is that our feelings are somewhere in the corner and we must learn to get them easier in the surface be happy and feel happy. Then the tree will come alive.
4.How long did it take you for the songwriting of January Tree and how much time did you spend in the studio? 
    DG: Usually it takes one year and a half to complete an album, but this time I was very stressed, because I had to be on Tour with the band and I didn’t have much time to make more experiments with the sound. It all sounds fine on the studio but I was always behind the schedule and I had to do the mixing three days before the beginning of the “Murder Of Crows” tour. If I had more time, I would fix some rough edges at the songs, maybe in a re-release of this album in the future.
5.Devon you were very busy during the last year. Two double packs with the original albums from Psychotic Waltz, two Dead Soul Tribe albums in less than a year... Do you think that you have awakened the fans of Psychotic Waltz, Dead Soul tribe and Yours for good?
    DG: Unfortunately, the re-releases of the Psychotic Waltz albums were made from Metal Blade Records without asking me. I don't forget my past as a member of Psychotic Waltz but I don't want to be associated with Psychotic Waltz in whatever I make. 
6.Did you enjoy playing here in Greece the last time you visited us?
    DG: Yes, it was really cool, although the first time the place was not so good, and the sound was awful. I also played awfully but people enjoyed it, except for one guy that did’t like the sound. I played so terribly that night that I cannot blame him. The next year was much better but people said that there was not the magic like the first time, I don't have an answer for that. Maybe because the first Dead Soul Tribe album was more closer to Psychotic Waltz and after the changes I did on "The Murder Of Crows" maybe they were dissapointed. 
7. Are you planning any live appearances? Will we see you playing here?
    DG: Certainly, we have scheduled two shows for January or February 2005. It is not fixed yet but we will surely come and play in Greece. It’’s one of my favorite audiences.
8.Which are your future plans after this release? Are you working on the next Buddy Luckey album or the next Dead Soul Tribe album?
    DG: I don’t have something on mind for the time but I am not going to do another Buddy Luckey album in the distant future. When I was with Psychotic Waltz I wanted to advance as a solo carrier as Buddy Luckey. Dead Soul Tribe is the next step for me, the next step after my solo carrier. Making another Buddy Luckey album will be only for the close people that like my sound on Psychotic Waltz, it’s a much smaller audience and I don’t think that this will happen as long as I am with Dead Soul Tribe.
9.Do you have some spare songs on the “chest”. Some material that you haven't used in “January Tree”?
    DG: Of course, but not whole songs, just some melodies and ideas that I decide if they fit on each album that I make. There were two songs in the January Tree, actually two melodies that later on became songs that I didn’t want to include on this album but finally I made them fit into “The January Tree”.
10.Finally, I have kept the psychological question for dessert. Imagine you have a crystal ball that you could see the your future and Dead Soul Tribe's in Colors. What colors are you seeing for Devon Graves and Dead Soul Tribe?
    DG: (laughs) well, Blue, Purple and Green. Blue will be the sky Blue, the color, is so brightful that wakes up all your happiness and Purple with Green because they were the first colors that came up to my mind.
11.Devon, thank you very much for the interview, I hope to see you playing here.
    DG: We will be there, thank you too.
Costas “C.O.B.” Meidanis
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