Some x – members from Maze of Torment, formed Deceiver in order to play an old school sounding thrash metal. After a very successful mini CD, it was the time for their debut album, so read what Flesh told us about it and about his future plans.

1. Hi there! Since this is our first interview, tell us some things abou the history of Deceiver. 
    Me, Crille and Flingan started out the band in January 2004, just playing some old sounding thrash/heavy metal and having a blast. 1 or 2 month later Destormo joined the band on vocals. We did some songs for a demo, but instead it ended up being our M-CD as Iron Fist Productions showed big interest to release it.
2. How did you find this name for a band name? 
    I was listening to one of my fave records, Judas Priest classic "Sad Wings of Destiny", we were looking for a name at the time and DECEIVER was something we all thought was good and suitable for the band. We for sure know that we are not the first or the only ones with this name, but as I know we are the only ones that play this kind of metal.
3. Can you give us a few details on the recording sessions of your latest album? 
    We recorded the M-CD with Tommy T?gtgren in the Abyss studio. The recording went more or less very smoothly, we knew what we wanted and we more or less got what we wanted. It?s very easy to work in the Abyss and with Tommy. Next time we will make sure to have some extra days, so we get the time to try out some different stuff when it comes to the sound. We are satisfied with what we got, but you can always make improvments..
4. How were the reactions of the press and the fans for it so far?
    It has been very good overall. Not everyone likes it of course, but that is not our biggest concern. We are at least very satisfied with the response, this was nothing we ever thought of when we started the band. We have now only existed for one and a half year and we have already a pretty good spreading in the underground. We have worked hard for it and it's really cool that the albums itself spreads as people really seems to enjoy them.
5. Have you already played any gigs in order to support your release?
    Yes, we have done around 7 shows. All of them have been a real blast. Right before the album was released we played in Norway at the Inferno Festival with a really great billing, Candlemass, Dissection, Morbid Angel, Grave etc. It was fucking brilliant!!! Other than that we played at the United Metal Maniacs Festival in Germany and some shows here in Sweden. I'm trying to find some promotor in Greece so we can come down there and play. We don't need to have all the travel cost paid as we are a pretty new band, we just want to play at some cool places.
6. Can you tell me your future plans? 
    Last week we started to write some new material. We will not record anything new in a year or something, but if we want to create something better than "Riding with the Reaper" we must start now and not stress out some material. Other than that we will keep up spreading the band’s name and trying to arrange as many live shows as possible.
7. Have you written any new tunes for the upcoming album?
    Maybe I should read the questions before I answer 'em, haha!!! One track is ready.
8. Are you satisfied with the help from your label? 
    We are satisfied if you think of how small budget the label has. They work hard and we work hard, and together we create a strong unit (this could be a Manowar song, haha). We believe in the label and they are growing bigger everyday. It's cool if a band grows strong and big together with the label, it's the underground way.
9. You found a label really quick, so do you believe that this might help the band to make some steps forward more easily? 
    In some ways, yes. But I don't want to take away the importance of our own work. A lot of the spreading comes from us. When we released the M-CD we burnt 500 promo copies ourselves, tons of own made flyers, go to concert spreading them etc. The usual stuff that all bands do. We don't just sit on our fat asses just because we got a label right away. This with the hard work from the label ends up in a good result.
10. Do you have any other projects or is Deceiver your only band? 
    I have my own "solo" project just called FLESH. My first album - "D?ds?ngest" - is recorded and will be out in October 2005. Old school Death/Black Metal. The track "Rotten" can be downloaded from this link: I'm really proud and satisfied with the result of the album, this is something I have wanted to do for a long time and in some ways it's a really personal album for whole soul is on that album. I quit Maze of Torment last year ("Hammers of Mayhem" was my last effort). This was not because I was tired of that kind of Metal, I still bloody adore it!!!! Some thought that I quit Maze because of DECEIVER, but that is just bullshit. I had already made up my mind before even DECEIVER was started. Anyway, FLESH is a forum for me where I can put down all my ideas when it comes to old school influences from everything like Autopsy, Death, Possessed, Tormentor, Sarcofago, old Mayhem etc. Then I have another project called THE SWEET MISERY where Mia Coldheart from Swedish Crucified Barbara will do the vocals. I will record the music this weekend and in October she will lay down the vocals. The album will be called - "A Night of Blood and Vomits" - and should be out sometime early next year. The music is hard to explain, but I have taken some influences from band like Misfits, The Meteors, Necromantix etc. that I also listen to, but it doesn't exactly sound like that either, but it?s the closest I can get. I really believe that it can be something special. All these projects and DECEIVER are needed in my life as I'm a "creative junkie", I do music all the time. And if I didn’t get it out of my system I would fucking go insane. To be able to be creative is the best thing for me. I should also mention that both FLESH and THE SWEET MISEY will be out on Iron Fist Productions, and on both projects I have hired Flingan from DECEIVER on the drums.
11. Thanks a lot for your time and close the interview as you want.
    Thank you Antonis for this interview and great support!!! I will surely make sure you get the promo of the FLESH album, as well as THE SWEET MISERY album. Looking forward to the next interview. Anyone that wants more information about DECEIVER is welcome to write to us. Hopefully we can come down to Greece and play someday in the near future. Hail the Hordes / Cheers.
Antonis  Maglaras
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