Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver is one of the best and most interesting Greek acts nowadays. One of the bands that managed to make a stand and create their own sound. Thus, taking the chance of the release of "Fantasy Revealed" we had an interesting conversation with the band regarding their album and many other stuff.

1.I would like to start this interview by going back before dream weaver. Can you tell me what kind of music did you play with infection and if you have released any demo with them? Which were the reasons that led you to disband?
    Infection sounded rather primitive and raw and had not many common elements with our later sound. Under this name we released one demo (demo ’91). In fact this scheme did not disband, we just renamed the band into Dream Weaver and made some changes in the line-up because the name Infection did not either expressed nor represented the style of our band. The two basic members, George Zacharoglou and Jim Markou, remained in the line-up. 
2.Your first official release from secret port records was a mcd and not a full-length release. Why did this happen? Did you want to see the reactions of the fans and if they still remembered you and then move to a full-length release?
    We decided to enter the studio and record “Fantasy Revealed” as an independent production. You realize that our budget was rather restricted and did not allow us a full-length cd. When Secret Port proposed to release the cd under its label the recordings had finished and we could not add 3-4 more songs. 
3.Can you tell me which are the differences between "fantasy revealed" and "words carved within"? Don't you think that the new album is more epic and melodic and has a more progressive structure?
    “Fantasy Revealed” was definitely rawer than “Words carved within” from the aspect of the compositions that were included and also as a production. Is it more epic than the previous? I can’t answer this question with certainty but I definitely believe that it’s more melodic and with more progressive structure. This, of course does not mean that we have change our sound.
4.The promo you sent me doesn't have any lyrics, so can you tell me in a few words the thematology of each song included on this album? Who is responsible for the lyrics?
    Our lyrics are mainly human oriented and describe human emotions through a fantasy veil. Responsible for all lyrics is Jim Markou. Track by track:
    "Another Ascendance" is actually the musical prologue for the song Back from the north.
    "Back from the north" is a song inspired from the Nordic mythology. Imagine the tribes of the north, rising again in glory.
    "The white ship"is one of our favorite novels of H.P. Lovecraft, about the Dreamlands. We believe we found the most appropriate music for this fantasy theme.
    "Light in the dark" is more of a personal song. It's about finding piece of mind and rest, after a dark and troubled period, whatever that means for each one of us.
    "Streams of altered worlds" is about how close and how far, two people can be and why they disagree while they 're saying the same thing. The chorus expresses the agony of finding something in common.
    "Soulsearching" is a new version of the song that was previously released in the same-titled 7" single. It is a fantastic journey through different dimensions and time. A quest for the one and only soul, a search for deliverance.
    "Wings of forever" is a very melodic track that gave us the space to expand. It's just a thought about the contradiction, between the things that last for ever and human mortality.
    "Bright fading past" is a heavy doom track, originally written back in 1994 for the "Dream within a dream" demo. A man who lives in the past through his feelings and his memories, denying the present time.
    "Burn the sun" is about the vanity of man. About how he wants to rule on everything on this planet no matter the cost. Although we can't burn the sun or spill the sea, we can just as well die trying.
    "Ice cold steel" is an up-tempo raw track and is our tribute to all the people, tribes and all the nations who fought for their country and their freedom.
    "Eyes of the day" is a different song for us, very melodic and atmospheric. It started as an instrumental, but it's full of emotions chords, made us to sing with it.
5.I really liked your album very much, although I think that the production must have been a little more dynamic. What do you think on that field? Is there anything on the album you'd like to change now?
    After each recording there are always things that we would like to change or add. I agree with you! The production could have been more dynamic but that does not mean, in any case, that we are not satisfied with the final result.
6.Recently you played with a great U.S. metal band, jag panzer. How did you feel about it? What kind of people are they? Have they listened to your music? If yes, what kind of comments did you receive?
    Playing with a band that is the main influence of your sound is a big event. I believe that playing with Jag Panzer was one of the best moments of our band (along with Manilla Road, Brocas Helm and Ostrogoth), up to now. Panjer members are typical Americans with the exception of their drummer Rikard who’s character was more open. Before the concert they had not listen to any of our work but after the concert I gave them our cd. I’ m waiting for their comments!!!
7.Another participation of yours was in the mortal affair compilation. Can you explain the reason of this release and how have you decided to participate? Do you think that the Greek metal scene is finally bonded? Which other songs included in this compilation did you like?
    The guys from 902FM proposed to us to write the song and since it was for a charity purpose we had no objection. It was also as an idea something that has never been done in the Greek scene and it was a sort of challenge to write something that so many musically different oriented bands would participate. Definitely this move helped the bands come closer since the atmosphere during the recordings was very friendly. I liked almost all the songs that were included and I believe it is a good sample of today’ s Greek scene.
8.Are you satisfied by your co-operation with secret port records? Will you continue with them? Did you have any proposals from other labels? 
    The fact that our new album is under the Secret Port label means that we were quite satisfied with the work done on Fantasy Revealed. There are certainly some things that must improve but from the beginning we knew that SPR had limited abilities in certain areas.If this consortium with SPR will continue is something that in this point is very early to discuss.
9.How did the fans and zines receive your new album (especially those from abroad)? Are you satisfied by the feedback?
    Although it is still early for me to tell you my opinion (only 3-4 months have passed since the cd was released) in general lines the response we are receiving is very possitive and optimistic. This is mainly from the magazines and zines abroad! Unfortunately here the “big” magazines of metal have the attitude that if you are not one of their “chosen” ones, you don’t have even the right to an objective/right review.
10.Your music has, in my opinion, lots of elements from bands like warlord, rainbow and running wild. Do you agree? Which other influences do you think one can find in your music?
    Thanks for your good words! It is an honor for us to mention that we have elements from these bands. I personally believe that our influences come from the American school of heavy/power power (Jag Panzer, Manilla Road, Hittman e.t.c) along with the European (Iron Maiden, Cloven Hoof, Running wild e.t.c.).
11 Do you have any plans for live shows? What should the metallers expect from a dream weaver live show? 
    In our immediate plans is having several lives in and out of Attica in order to present our new album. From a Dream Weaver live you should expect raw power and huge quantities of energy and adrenaline from us to the crowd and from the crowd to us too!
12.What would you say to someone that doesn't know you, in order to intrigue his interest? Which is your most appealing element according to you?
    WHEN POWER AND MELODY UNITE!!! As for the second part of your question, I think the combination of power and melody is the most appealing element in our sound!
13.If you had a proposal to do a video clip, which song of yours would you choose and how do you imagine it to be?
     Maybe “Wings of Forever” because is a slightly different song than the others in the cd and one of our favorites. I can’t imagine the storyboard but surely will be a clip with fantasy aesthetics.
14.Let's suppose that we live in a world without music. What would you do in such a case?
    I would invent music…
15.In which movie soundtrack would you like to have taken part or have composed?
    Undoubtedly in the “Blade Runner” soundtrack of Vaggelis Papathanasiou.
16.Thank you! Have I forgotten to ask you anything and you'd like to mention?
Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis
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