Dwell Records
Dwell Records began eleven years ago and after a 5 year break now they come back still wanting to release good metal music. Read in this interview why the press has sometimes called Dwell Records a tribute label and many more interesting things!

1. So can you give me a short history of Dwell Records?
    I can tell you that I don't know everything.  CMH was approached by a party that I am not aware of about starting a metal sub-division.  Dwell began with the best of intentions. We initially set out to release artist driven albums like the early work of Soilent Green and Inner Thought.  After the originator of the label left, many things changed.
2. When has Dwell Records started?
    Dwell had its first release in 1994, which was the Inner Thought album "Worldy Separation".
3. What do you think of Inner Thought’s release?
    I think it is a record way ahead of its time. They were interested in combining elements of the heavy scene.  There was strictly death metal parts, real doomy sequences, epic metal, industrial, just all over the place.  It reminds me of the first Nailbomb album in that respect, except it has these epic, beautiful passages.
4. Then what happened and which other albums have you released after the first CD?
    Well right after that the label released the first Soilent Green album...wait.  I fucked up.  The first release on Dwell was an album called "Evolve" by IT IS I. They were a side project of Thomas Choi's from AsBESTOS dEATH.  They would go on to form Sleep after that.  IT IS I is another record ahead of its time.  Real heavy doom and sludge with an industrial feel. Then they released the Inner Thought album.  Which brings us up to the first Soilent Green album.  That album is a masterpiece and is widely regarded as such.  After that you would think that Dwell would be doing really well. Soilent Green was getting push from high-profile fans like Phil Anselmo, so they of course made the big move to Relapse after that.
5. So can we say that Dwell Records have actually opened the doors for Soilent Green?
    Oh totally.  I don't know who brought that album to Dwell, but thank you whoever you are.  We are still getting incredible notice from that and we are re-releasing it digitally remastered on August 23rd.  You'd be surprised by how many people still don't know about that record.
6. Me included, since I didn’t know about that! So, do you believe that this will be a good come back for Dwell Records?
    Well, we are releasing that a previous release from Behemoth, which is also being remastered, on the same day.  I am working as hard as I can giving these records the right amount of push to the new fans of both these bands. Once that's done, I am moving forward with new stuff at Dwell.
7. Sorry that I didn't ask it before... Are you the president of Dwell Records?
    Ah no, I am just the guy who has been given a great opportunity by the higher-ups at CMH Records.  Dwell is my baby now.
8. So why have you silenced all these years between 2000-2005?
    Well, from what I have heard from people at CMH, there were a lot of reasons.  They really didn't have anybody on staff who knew how to run and shop for a metal label after the previous staff had left.  The priority for CMH was with the releases they had of their own, so Dwell mostly got pushed to the wayside. Plus there was apparently a point where many of the staff at CMH were hardcore Bible-thumpers, and they just hated Dwell. Thankfully, they're all gone.
9. When I visited the site of Dwell Records, I saw that you have released a lot of tribute albums and some of them with great bands. Do you believe that tribute albums helped the label?
    Yes and no. We helped out a lot of upcoming bands and payed tributes to bands that we should always be kneeling before.  However, somebody here fucked up and began making bad decisions on which tributes to pursue. The other negative is that we began being stigamtized as "the tributelabel" by both fans and industry types. Virtually all of our artist titles were being ignored.
10. Now, are you open to new artists?
    Oh hell yeah. First and foremost. I want to do a tribute here and there, but they are going to be well thought out and include really great bands. Aside from that, I am actively pursuing new artists.
11. So have you already signed a new band?
    Well, I don't want to say too much, but I have a couple of things planned.  Lets just say that I want to really find the best representatives of all heavy music from around the world.
12. So we will not have an exclusive information here after all! (laughing)
    No not really.  I wish I could say more, but nothing has been set in stone yet.  I am looking at a few black metal bands from around the world, as well as local, American bands that come closer to the big guns we've got right now.  Hell, I am into everything, so that will reflect itself in what Dwell puts out in the next few years.
13. Now as far as the new artists are concerned... Will you choose artists with a discography or will you only release new albums?
    Probably both.  I am looking to do new albums, distribute foreign titles in the American market and re-release albums that initially didn't get the push from the labels and artists they were originally put out by.
14. As far as the sellings from the tribute albums... Are you satisfied? Did you reach your goals?
    On some of them.  Like I said, some of these titles were poorly made and not very well thought out, so I can see why they didn't perform very well.  I wasn't here at the time, so I can't do anything about that.  But there are tributes we've done that are far better than anyone knows, and they still have no recognition by fans and distributors. I am still going to push these titles.
15. For example how was the tribute to Mayhem, which is one of the best in my opinion...
    Well sales for that record aren't the greatest, but you're right it fucking rules. Dark Funeral, Gorgoroth, Behemoth, Emperor, incredible bands all paying tribute to Mayhem, all on one album. And nobody knows about it, especially the newer fans.
16. Can you tell me the top selling releases of Dwell Records?
    I had to look it up real quick. I figured it was a tribute and it was. The top seller is Over Load: A Tribute to Metallica.
17. So in the near future you will offer us two re-releases. Right? 
    Yeah that's the first project out of the gate, and then it's on to new stuff.
18. So to close this interview, send a message to the bands that would like to get in touch with the label and send you their works...
    If you want your music heard by me, and you believe that you are a future representative of heavy music, please send me your info to [email protected], or send me your demo to Dwell Records PO BOX 39439, Los Angeles, Ca. 90039
19. James tell me your Top – 5 albums.
    My top 5 right now are: 1) Fates Warning - Awaken the Guardian, which was re-released by Metal Blade recently with all this cool bonus stuff. 2) Carcass - Swan Song, found my old beat-up copy the other day and I am wearing out again. 3) Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell, black metal on Season of Mist. 4) An Italian black metal band called StormCrow, they sent me their demo and number 5) Mayhem - Mediolanum Capta Est, the live Mayhem album we have on Dwell.  Other than that I always listen to stuff on Southern Lord and Relapse, as well as the weirder stuff I'm into like Ipecac Records and Web OF mIMICRY Records.
20. Thanks a lot for your time! I wish you all the best with the second return of Dwell Records!
    Well, to anyone out there who doesn't know, come check us out at www.dwellrecords.com.  We are going to have a new site up in a couple of weeks, the re-releases will be out August 23rd, and we will soon have new stuff ready for you metal fans.  Anybody who wants to join the Dwell family, give us a demo, drop me a line.  Thank you Antonis for the opportunity to speak about Dwell and their future.
Antonis  Maglaras
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