God Dethroned
God Dethroned released a while ago their latest musical endeavor entitled "The Lair Of The White Worm" bringing memories to life wrapped up however, in a fresh and more mature way! Here we have the band's mainman Arien revealing lots of interesting stuff related to God Dethroned...

- Hi, this is Costas from Behind The Veil and I have some questions for the Band and the “The Lair Of The White Worm” album.
    Ariën: Hello! This is Ariën from God Dethroned.
1. Recently You have released your new studio album titled “The Lair of the White Worm”. Musically speaking tell me with your own words what musical direction you have followed on this album? 
    Ariën: The music on this album turned out more furious and aggressive than ‘Into the lungs of hell’, and the songs are catchier to our ears. The elements we used on ‘Into..’, are also on this album: melody, grooves, blastbeats, pounding riffs and drums.... But we used these elements in a more effective way and with more emphasis on melody in fast parts and the other way around. And there are much more breaks, and accents on this album, and songs with a bit different approach of songwriting.
2. Is it a classical God Dethroned Album? Are there any new elements the fans must make notice of?
    Ariën: It’s a different album than ‘Into..’, and that’s the same with every album of GD. A new album of GD never sounds the same as the previous one. One of the elements on ‘The Lair...’ is that we went back a little bit to the black- and thrash metal days like on ‘The Grand Grimoire’ and ‘Bloody Blasphemy’. When you hear the songs ‘Nihilism’ and Loyal to the crown of God Dethroned’, than you know what I mean: staccato riffs and drums, sick melodies combined with blastbeats, evil tone-scales.... A bit back to our old days.
3. Can you tell me why you’ve chosen as a title “The Lair of the White Worm”? Is it a concept album or are there just songs with common references from the lyric point of view? 
    Ariën: Henri came with the idea to use the story to write lyrics about it. The title is also quite catchy and the combination of the words is not used that much as well. It’s not a concept album. Just one song that deals with this story. The rest talk about different subjects such as the Dutch 80 year war, a killing act, self-destruction of mankind, corrupt politicians...
4. What is your favorite song from this album and Why?
    Arién: ‘Nihilism’: because it grabs one’s throat from beginning to end, haha! And because of the melody and the constant drive in the song.
5. Can you tell me what is that serpent woman on the cover?
    Ariën: The Serpent woman is ‘The White Worm’. She’s a succubus dressed in white, taking men down to the bowels of the earth, where she transforms into a snake, and kills her preys.
6. How long did it take you for the songwritting of “The Lair of the White Worm” and how much time did you spent on the studio? 
    Ariën: The songwriting took 5 or 6 weeks. Henri and I had a lot of ideas, which we put together in 5 or 6 weeks. We’ve been for three weeks in the studio. Everything went very smooth. We had a great and productive time with one another and the engineer Henrik Larsson. It was also far away from home, and that helped us get really focussed and determined to make the record.
7. What are your future plans after the release of this new album? Are you planning any live appearences? Will we see you playing here in Greece?
    Ariën: We play quite some seperate gigs in Holland, Germany and Belgium. We’re also in contact with a German booking agency called ‘Dragon Agencies’. We’re working to arrange a European tour for next year. Furthermore we have a mini-tour with Grave in January. Hopefully we can come to Greece again! I had such a great time when I was there last time where we played with Marduk in Thessaloniki and Athens!!
8.  Do you have some spare songs on the “chest”? Some material that you havent used in any of your albums so far?
    Ariën: No, we haven’t. What we do have are a lot of ideas that are not good enough, haha. But maybe they turn out to be useful on the next album... 
9. What bands do you think have influenced you the most?
    Ariën: Slayer and Morbid Angel. And maybe the old Entombed and Dismember.
10. Can you give me a Top 5 records that you could take with you everywhere?
    Ariën: I like every album of Morbid Angel, Heather Nova- ‘Siren’, the Cure – ‘The Cure’, Osdorp Posse – Afslag Osdorp, and one album of Slayer.
11. What are your hobbies? What do you usually do besides writing music?
    Ariën: I like to go out and visit friends of mine, watch movies, play some videogames, cycling, going to concerts, going to bars and cafés, that’s pretty much it.
12. Thank you for your time answering Behind The Veil questions! Take care!
    You too!!  Cheers, Ariën van Weesenbeek – God Dethroned
Costas “C.O.B.” Meidanis
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