Grid is a new born band and they have just released their debut demo CD. It’s a band from Holland dedicated to melodic rock with catchy refrains. Read this very interesting interview with Marco.

1. Please tell me in a few words the history of Grid.
    Ok … we are a relatively new band and we all came from other bands and influences. Me ( Marco) and Carmelo(bass) played in Silent Rain. At some point the band decided to call it quits. However we had some tribute shows where we would play some covers. We came in contact with Pierre (vocals/guitar) and asked him to join us during those gigs. We felt a chemistry among  the 3 of us... we thought he was a very talented singer and song writer. As the "Rain" band was on it's end... we combined forces  in the later part of 2004. We rehearsed and rehearsed, jammed .. kinda funny' cause Pierre  who came from bands such as Gateway and Psychedelic Cowboys and was influenced by metal had to camp with Carmelo and me... who have a kinda  melodic rock background. For some reason the rehearsing and respect towards each other, merged and blended into this sound where all of us were very happy and the songs came automatically. Grid was born...
2. Can you tell me some details from the recording sessions from your debut demo release?
    Before we went in the studio we had a hard time to decide which 3 songs we were gonna record. So what we did was the following: we gave several people a CD that contained  all our songs and asked them which 3 songs they liked the best. Also people could download them from our site. 1 day before we went into the studio we knew by the people's votes that it had to be these 3 songs. So basically it was the listeners’ choice, we had nothing to do with it. Producer Chris Muller of Hollandspoor studio's ( was really interesting to work with! He knew right away what we wanted and had a clear vision on how the sound had to be. He also came with some interesting ideas regarding the arrangements and above all he is a very nice and funny guy to work with… we had a blast!
3. Have you already begun writing new songs?
    Yes, actually for us that is a non-stop thing. Almost every week we come up with new ideas, riffs, lyrics... We always record them on a mini-disc. The good thing about having many ideas is that it will give you the luxury to put some in the trash-can because other stuff is simply better. Last song we wrote is a kick ass up- tempo rocker called: "Unreal" based on  a  killer  riff. Guaranteed  to blow your mind.
4. How were the reactions of the fans for your demo?
    Well the reactions were great. Also because like I explained in Question 2, people heard the songs they wanted to be on the CD. Press wise the CD is doing very well. We got a lot of very positive comments. For the people who don't  know us yet… they first watch the show... then afterwards we usually  sell a bunch of CDs to them... so that's very cool.
5. Do you have any plans for summer live shows?
    Yes we planned some shows however this summer we also concentrate on other things such as acoustic versions of our songs. It's an interesting thing cause you can give a song a totally other feel. For example the song Coming home ... we re- arranged it into a kinda slower mellow vibe... cool stuff there, haha!
6. Can you tell me some things about the lyrics?
    Well all lyrics are written by Pierre. Some lyrics are kinda personal and deal with stuff he experienced over the years. Other lyrics are based on everyday life. No we ain't a band with deep messages and statements... We leave that to the politicians over here.
7. So far are you satisfied with the result from your demo and if not what thing would you like to change?
    Yesss! We are happy and satisfied... I mean this is our first born and it gives a good idea what the band is all about. The only thing we regret is that there are only 3 songs on the album, haha, .We should have recorded more... but we will solve that in the future.
8. Tell me some thingsabout the metal scene in your country?
    Holland has got a  very healthy scene  so to speak!! I mean there are so many cool good acts .. you won't believe! Rock, metal has always been very popular over here. Den Haag the city we come from (for some of the readers yes the same city where: Golden Earring, Anouk  and Kane come from) has a very very active scene as well. Lots a bands , shows  and band contests ..
9. Thanks for your time and close the interview as you want.
    First of all: Thank You for the time and questions!  Great site! Keep up the good work! Rock and Metal 4 Ever!
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Antonis Maglaras
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