Iced Earth are one of the most famous metal bands in Greece. This year they have a new member in the band, Tim “Ripper” Owens (ex Judas Priest) and they released another masterpiece album called “The Glorious Burden”. Let’s see what the mastermind of the band Mr. Jon Schaffer and Tim Owens have to say to Behind The Veil.

BTV: From what I have heard so far, many of the songs of “The Glorious Burden” sound more aggressive than before. What music direction did you want to give to the sound of your new album.
    Jon Schaffer: What direction? (laughs) well it is done now. It’s Iced Earth man. It’s dynamic like all the stuff, you can find heavy parts, melodic parts and orchestral parts, fast parts, slow parts. Every emotion that we have it’s there.
BTV: I was impressed by Waterloo song, there is something different about it..
    Jon Schaffer: Different…..

    Tim Owens: I think that it’s a classic stuff Jon wrote but it’s different because there is a new singer (laughs). You know the voice is different. If you are get used to a voice and then you hear the same song with a new one, then it sounds a bit different.

BTV: can you tell me in short the concept of the Glorious Burden? Besides the American Civil war, are there any other songs with different concept?
    Jon Schaffer: Yes, there are other songs. You know “The Glorious Burden” is not a concept album, but there are songs with military history. The first song, “Declaration Day” is about is the declaration statement of the American Revolution. “When the eagle cries “ is related to the 11th of September. “Waterloo” is about Napoleon, the battle of Waterloo, “Red Baron/Blue Max” is about the German Fighter pilot.
BTV: What kind of problems did you experience with the production procedure? I read your statement on June 2 and told through your web board to the fans of Iced Earth that you have some technical problems with the voice of Matt Barlow in the “Gettysbourg” song. You could not find the appropriate mixing to the sound.  How did you surpass this problem? Did you experience any other problems?
    Jon Schaffer: Other problems….

    Tim Owens: No….(laughs) 

    Jon Schaffer: Well, as you know, we had this problem when we are mixing the record in our studio in Florida.  When we are mixing “Gettysbourg”, I wasn’t very satisfied. It didn’t have the right passion. Mat was going though emotions and he couldn’t manage, he could put his heart into them, and that was acceptable for this record. 

BTV: Did you experience the same problems with the “Horror Show” album? As a fan, I felt something strange in that album, but I couldn’t explain it.
    Jon Schaffer: Well in the Horror Show, Mat did his best job, his best performance. But it was the album that started the problems. He was going through emotional phase and that was the beginning of his end with the Iced Earth. He did a very good job, but he couldn’t be so emotional. His heart wasn’t “there” much.
BTV: Well Tim, before you left Judas priest it was said that you would be a guest musician, now will you be a regular member of the band?
    Tim Owens: Yeah! Definitely! You know I did the vocals before Judas Priest and I split so, and that’s all it was going to be, I really enjoyed the album, there was an opportunity to sing for Iced Earth and I left it to see what is going to happen in the future. More likely we were going to work with Jon in the future somehow. And then we split with Judas Priest and I thought that this would be the best decision to join Iced Earth, the opportunity came up. I listened a couple of times to the records, I went back home and I returned again after my split with Judas Priest. I think that it was the best decision, definitely the best decision. I wanted to be sure that my heart was going to be inside the album. I didn’t want to be just a singer that worked with Iced Earth.
BTV: How well do you think you are going to perform the songs from the previous albums of Iced Earth. In Judas Priest you had to overcome a colossal name like Rob Halford and I think you managed it very well, now you have to face up the trademark voice of Matt Barlow. How are you going to perform live? In the songs I heard I noticed that you can change your voice a lot, you can be melodic and as rough as you have to be to perform the Iced Earth songs, How do you manage to do that.
    Tim Owens: Oh, I just what I do man, it was something that I was blessed with. I was fortunate to have this voice, but I work with it. I am not lazy either. I work to change my voice, I work to learn, I work hard, and like to sing in different ways  I would be quite bored If I sound the same in every song I sing or every record. It’s what I do, I want to feel every song I sing. I think the fans are possibly going to be surprised. 
BTV: Jon , in your previous tour, when you came for two live shows in Greece, it was said that you are planing to make a DVD in the Sporting Hall Show. But you didn’t make it, did you have to cancel it because the departure of Matt  Barlow?
    Jon Schaffer: No, we didn’t make it, it was a talk about a DVD, but that was all. There are a lot of times that many things are discussed and people think that its concrete, and it’s going to happen. We didn’t make it, that had nothing to do with Matt because that time, we didn’t know that we are going to split.
BTV: In your statement on June 2nd you called the music business as an illusion, a big lie. Can you give me an explanation  about this. The fans want to know. How is the music business actually and not in the dreams of the fantasies of the musicians.
    Jon Schaffer: The music business is an illusion, you built up an image and then the record companies give direction to the people, to the fans, They give a look, a selling look , they make photos and make people believe that we are the persons in the photos and not real persons. The fans believed that Matt was the person from the photos and he acts in real life, in the same way that he acts on stage. And that’s not the real Matt Barlow. People tend to be obsessed with their fantasies.But they don’t know the real people behind the image. And what I said in my statement is real and honest. The music business is fake. For the most part, I think Iced Earth is honest band. I am the same person wherever I go. Matt was different people in his real life. I think that people must no be so obsessed with their fantasies about individual artists, they must focus with their own eyes and not with other’s eyes. What I wanted to say with that statement is that people tend to be carried away by other people. I am not saying that what Iced Earth do is a lie, it’s not a lie, it’s real. There is honesty behind every decision we make and every song we sing, but in general music business is a lie, a big lie. Take a product, built an image and then you sell it. And the artists behind this image are totally different.
BTV: Tim, I saw you in a rockwave festival which Judas Priest were headlines, and you were very energetic, you had effect on the people, you climbed in the stairs. What people can expect from you in Iced Earth shows?
    Tim Owens: Well I was younger (laughs), I was 2001 and I was getting to my own self. I am not energetic, I don’ think that they expect to run all around, I am energetic with my fists and in my voice… 
BTV: I liked the robe you wore…
    Tim Owens: My Robe yeah, and my glasses…I am sure that it was my glasses (laughs). You know I will be up there, angry with a little smile. I want to have fun on stage. I take my singing seriously but I want to have fun and sense of humor. Before I go on stage I might be bitching about something but when I am on stage I forget everything and I want to have fun. That people saw on the Priest shows, I have blasts on the stage. We will see how I am going to be on the stage, we haven’t decided yet… but I don’t like the midgets on the shows, yeap definitely I don’t like midgets(laughs).
BTV: Jon, your last show with Iced Earth was very impressing, you had many sceneries, you changed costumes and many effects. What can we expect in “The Glorious Burden Tour”? 
    Jon Schaffer: It’s not going to be the same, the last tour was a very special gift to the fans, you can say that it was a presentation of the Iced Earth History and we are not going to do that again. We will make something different, something new, something cool but we haven’t figured out how the show is going to be. It’s going to be awesome, we will play a lot of new stuff, the people are going to get excited because the new album is very powerful. In the Horror show they were songs that I wanted to put out but I couldn’t, in the Glorious Burden almost every song is a blast. We have a lot of stuff to choose from between “The Glorious Burden”, “The Dark Saga”, “Something Wicked” and the “Stormrider”. I think that these are the best albums we’ve ever done. But with no doubt “ The Glorious Burden” is by far the best. 
BTV:  You both do projects. Tim you said you are going to make a metal project that will sound like Pantera.
    Tim Owens: Yes, I think that I will do that, I am going to do side projects. It’s on my plans, it’s going to be a heavy metal record without midgets! I am going to make an in your face, sing along record. I am still writing it, I have 4-5 songs recorded on a demo, I cant wait to do it. On the time that Jon will make the next album of Demons and Wizards, I will do my own project. It’s going to be different from what I do with Iced Earth.
BTV: You made me a very good pass for my next question. Jon when it’s going to happen the next Demons & Wizards album?
    Jon Schaffer: I am just started working on. We have 10-9 songs about 8-9 months ago and Hansi is working on them, I think probably next year it’s going to be ready. He is very busy with Blind Guardian, I am very busy with Iced Earth it’s going to take some time, but it’s going to be awesome.
BTV: Because we had a short interview, I want you to tell me in short, maybe a YES or NO, did you have hard feelings about splitting you Tim with Judas Priest and you Jon with Matt Barlow. 
    Tim Owens: No

    Jon Schaffer: No, I think I am happier than ever, I think that this was the best thing that happened to Iced Earth. And the best thing that happed to Matt because he needs to find out what he really is . He was not living his life the way he wanted and that’s not a good think to do, I wish only the best for Matt, we had a lot of good times in the previous years, I am glad that he is gone, I am glad that he have to do, what he needs to do. I think that Tim and I are going to have a long period together and kick some ass.

BTV:I also think that Tim was the best decision. 
    Jon Schaffer: Yeah Definitely!

    Tim Owens: Well thank you sir! We enjoyed this talk with you and we are going to see you on Tour.

BTV: When are you planing to come to Greece?
    Jon Schaffer: I don’t know, but we will be here, we are making the Tour book and we don’t know yet, but we will be here, definitely man. Greece is like home of Iced Earth. We will be here.
BTV: Thank you very much!
    Jon Schaffer: Thank you man!
Costas “C.O.B” Meidanis
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