Jon Oliva’s Pain is the name of the new, fresh band of Jon Oliva. Behind The Veil had the chance to interview Jon for his new album "Tage Mahal" and question him about Savatage of course.

1. Before we start this interivew, can you tell me who’s winning the Elections?
    J.O: We will have that dickhead Bush for another four years. He is a complete idiot but the American people had to choose between idiot number one and idiot number two. Maybe this will be a title for my next album.
2. Before I ask you questions about your new personal album “Tage Mahal”, Three Months ago I had the change to speak with Chris Caffery for his personal album. Firstly tell me guys why ain't you making something for Savatage?
    We have plans of making another Savatage album next year which will be our 20 + anniversary. By this time most of the Savatage members would like to take a rest from this band, do something with their personal albums. It's like having short vacations from Savatage.
3. You have a new album called “Tage Mahal”, musically speaking tell me with your own words what changes and what differs in the album's sound. Are there any new elements the fans must take notice of?
    Tage Mahal is my personal album and has some personal topics I had the chance to approach. It’s not far more that the Savatage Music. The most different think is about the production which I will explain you later on. Fistrly I wanted to call the band “Tage Mahal” but I couldnt because another band had the rights for this name. Secondly I wanted to call the band “Pain” but there is also a band called Pain, so I called the band as Jon Oliva’s Pain.
4. In your website you are saying that “Tage Mahal” was originally an idea for an istrumental album of your brother Criss. Is it a concept album or not? Did Criss leave you any material that you used?
    Criss had an idea for a personal album with this title. Before the time he died in a crash accident he wanted to make a personal album. I also wanted to make a personal album  but for known reasons I couldn't. Tage Mahal was the title Criss dreamed, he didn't leave any material. I thought that Tage was the spelling he wanted because it comes from Sava-Tage. “Tage Mahal” is not a concept album, but a trip to the mind of Jon Oliva. If you can read the lyrics, you can see “Tage Mahal" as a Trip through my brain.
5. What is your favorite song from “Tage Mahal” and Why?
    That’s difficult question. I like every song from this album but especially I think that “Guardian Of Forever”  and “The Dark” are my favorites.
6. Can you tell me more about the production, I think one of the best productions you ‘ve ever done.
    Thank you very much! I used an old studio, with old equipment. I didn't use any “new equipment” like consoles with digital effects and that kind of stuff. I used computers only for the mixing. I wanted the sound to be more warm to the ears of the listener. I didn't use any hard disks but tapes. When I compared the digital songs to this songs in Tage Mahal, they were competely different.
7. What are your future plans after the release of this new album? Are you planning any live appearances? Will we see you play here in Greece?
    We will begin our Tour in your country. We will play 3 gigs there, one in Thessaloniki and two in Athens which will be very special shows. The second show in Athens will be an acoustic show with a lot of talking from me, many songs and I am sure we all have a great time. Don’t miss it! We will continue our Tour in January.
8. What about the Transiberian Orchestra?
    We have already released our new album and it goes well, we are having till December some shows in the States. We also make a full house on Madisson Square garden.
9.Can you explain the phenomenon with Transiberian Orchestra? Why are they selling more records than Savatage in the United States?
    I don’t know man! If I knew I would not be a musician but a business manager (laughs). Well I don't know why Transiberian Orchestra are having more success than Savatage but I am sure that many idiots in the States don’t know that Transiberian Orchestra are Savatage with more singers! Couple of years some radio reporters told me that people didn’t want to hear more of Transiberian Orchestra. We are finished here, we are not going to sell any records. Last month the same guys found me in the Madisson Square garden and congratulated me for the new Transiberian Orchestra album! They are completely idiots and ignorants. They think that they know but actually they don’t know a shit!
10. Do you have some spare songs on the “chest”. Some material that you havent used in “Tage Mahal” album and from your previous work?
    I have tons of songs that I haven't used in my albums. Take as an example “Tage Mahal”, they were 7 songs that I didn't use in this album and I will probably use in the future. You know I don’t categorize songs. This song is better for Savatage, that song is better for Jon Oliva’s Pain, that song is for Transiberian Orchestra, this song is for my new band called shit….(laughs). I just write songs and when I have a new album I decide which song I will use.
11. What do you remember from your previous visits here in Greece, did you like the Greek audience?
    Honestly Savatage are having great time when they play in Greece, I think that the Greek audience is very warm and one of the best in the world.
12. I have kept as a dessert the psychological question. Imagine you have a crystal ball that you could see the future in Colors. What colors are you seeing for the future, for Savatage and for you of course.
    Wow! I see Gold! Platinum! And….Green! The colour of money (laughs).  Look as in for the future, I am happy as long as I can write music, I can play music and make people happy. I think that everything will be ok!
13.Thank you very much for the Interview Jon, I enjoyed it!
    Thank you Costas, Will I see you in Greece? Do you live in Thessaloniki or Athens?
- I live in Athens, and actually I had a great time when I saw you a couple of years ago with Savatage. I was standing on a roof of the stadium with my friends and you looked us from the stage and you blessed us! So I have your blessings!
    (laughs) Well, I when I see you, you will have my blessings again! Take care Costas!
-Thank you, take care you too Jon!
Costas “C.O.B.” Meidanis
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