1.Please introduce yourself to our readers.(age, real name, City where you live, hobby's, ...).

2.Please tell me in short what you've been doing since you've started playing the guitar.(in which bands/projects have you played, which were your guitar teachers at G.I.T., have you teached guitar lessons,...).

3.Which artists/bands have inspired/influenced you the most ?(as song- writer, musicians, vocalists, composers,...).

4.You're the best Japanese vocalist that I know!Have you followed singing lessons and from who ?

5.Your 2 albums were already released some time ago in Japan.Why did it take so long before they were released in Europe too ?

6.Now you finally formed a real band.Which are the other members and which instrument do they play ?

7.When will your new album be released (in Japan and Europe) ?What's the title and what kind of songs can we expect ?(instrumentals, ballads, up-tempo songs,...)

8.Later this year you'll tour with HTP and Domain.When will the tour start & end ?Do you already know how many songs that you can play ?

9.Can you advice us about other good Japanese guitarists/bands in the heavy rock/metal genre ? (websites, e-mail contacts, demo/cd titles,...).

10.Which future plans do you have ?(musically and personally).

Ronny  "Metal_Ron"  Elst

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