-Hello Guys, I am Kostas Meidanis from Behind The Veil, a Greek web magazine and I have some questions for you. Before the interview I would like to congratulate you for you latest album and I think that Lacuna Coil went a step further with «Comalies». Thank you in advance for your time.

1)where did the name Lacuna Coil originate?

2) In «Comalies» album there's a song called Heaven's A Lie, do you express  something personal with that song? Or it's a general poetic inspiration ?

3) Did you experience some problems during the recording, writing your latest album? What was the most «strange» thing happened before the release of Comalies?

4)What influences you, both in your song writing and personally from the lyrics standpoint?

5)Do you refrain from doing anything in order to keep your voice in tune?

6)What band and or tour went over the best in recent memory and why?

7)What you would be doing if you were not in a band?

8)Recently there's been a heated debate about the use of the Internet to exchange music. What is your point of view on this?

9)What particular albums/songs/bands did you like to jam along with during those years?

10)Are you mostly self-taught, or do you have any formal lessons?

11)Do you think it's better to practice one thing until it's perfected, or practice many DIFFERENT things and improve upon all those things gradually over time?

12) Let's play the game of words, I will tell you 10 words and you must answer with the first think that comes up to your mind.

13) What's your opinion about other Italian bands like Rhapsody,Labyrinth, Eldritch, Dark Lunacy etc.

14) Have you ever thought what will you do, when you stop playing music professionaly, lets say after 20-30 years from now?

15) What is your opinion about the present day of Heavy Metal, what do you think for groups like, System Of A Dawn Tool, generally called nu-metal.

16) What do you do on your spare time? Do you read Books? Watch Movies? What is your favorite Book/movie?

17) If someone told you to leave the world behind, start a new life in a desert island with your friends and favourite persons and besides the supliew you could only take 10 music albums. What will be those?

-That's the end of the interview, thank you again for your time and I hope to see you guys in Greece. Take Care!

 Kostas "C.O.B" Meidanis

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