Niota is a UK based band that delivers a different and unique blend of hardcore... melodic hardcore is a pretty close description of their sound without being able, however, to include everything you can find in their compositions. So, read this review and listen to their songs and believe me you'll realize that you have come across an amazing band!

1.First of all please present the band to the readers and point out your aims. You are a very young band, so introduce the current line up to the readers.
    Our band is Ben Keenan (Vocals), Hugh Harvey (Guitar/Vocals), Andy Pritchard (Guitar/Vocals), Rich Ingham (Bass) and G (Drums). We've been together foraround a year and a half, and we've played all over the UK at some of the country's most prestigious venues, including the Mean Fiddler and Garage in London. We play heavy, melodic hardcore, and we try to include strong choruses to make our songs as memorable as possible. We are currently looking to secure a management deal by releasing our new two track single, "Shatter", which will hopefully lead us to a record deal allowing us to grow musically and build our fanbase internationally.
2.By the way, how did you come up with this moniker? What does it mean?
    Our guitarist Andy was watching a movie a few years back about a town called Niota in Illinois that was rebuilt by convicts from a local prison after a devastating flood, and after they were released a lot of the prisoners ended up marrying into families from the town they saved. We liked the idea that something negative like breaking the law could end up leading to something so positive.
3.Your music is very unique and innovative! It's melodic hardcore, but please tell me how do you manage to make every riff you play sound so melodic? Does it happen on purpose or is it just what comes out of your mind and soul?
    All our members have very diverse tastes in music, and we try to make the music we would choose to listen to, so the sound that comes out tends to incorporate the heaviness of the metal we listen to and the melody of the acoustic and more mainstream music we hear. It basically comes down to us trying to make our music as interesting to play as possible, and sometimes the loudest thing possible isn't the most satisfying thing for us!
4.If you had the chance to describe and present your music to the listeners, what would you say, trying to be as objective as possible? Is there anything you'd like to change?
    We're a guitar driven, passionate band. We try not to label our music, but we do try to give the listener something a bit different, and something we'd like to hear ourselves. We wouldn't change anything we've done already, but we know that our music will evolve more and more into something closer to the vision we all have for Niota.
5.I have to congratulate your singer here, he has an incredible voice and I think he is a big plus for Niota. Another thing I’d like to note is the fact that although you exist a couple of years, you have managed to achieve a very clear and professional sound. Please comment on these...
    First of all, thanks! We've all been a part of the music scene for several years, and we know what it takes to capture the sound we're trying to achieve. It saves us a lot of time when we're recording because we use producers we trust and who we know will be able to get the best out of us. 
6.Like I said, your sound is very personal and I think it has your personal stamp, however some bits and pieces of it reminded me of Evergrey and your compatriots Nero Circus, who later became Sidewinder. Are you aware of these bands? What do you think of them and please mention some of your most beloved bands...
    There are hundreds of great bands in the UK that give us inspiration, our influences range from Poison The Well, Sevendust, Kiss, 311, Funeral For A Friend, Deftones, Vision of Disorder... Anything we hear I guess!
7.Which are, according to you, the best and which are the worst parts in your music? Is there a field or any elements you’d like to experiment with in the future?
    We really couldn't say what our best or worst points are, it's difficult when you're so close to the music, but in the future we're likely to experiment with all kinds of things - electronica maybe! We're doing an acoustic session for a radio station soon which should broaden our sound too.
8.Do you have any plans for live shows? What should the fans expect to see in one of your gigs?
    We're always playing shows in the UK, mainly London, and we've earned a reputation for being very energetic on stage. We think it's important to give those people who've paid to watch us something we'd like to see ourselves, and that usually involves throwing ourselves all over the place and bleeding somehow.
9.Are you satisfied by the feedback you’ve got this far? What was the best and what was the most unfair comment you read about your music?
    We really haven't had a bad review yet which is amazing, somehow we seem to be connecting with people and that's the best feeling we could ask for. Any review is great because we use it as constructively as we can.
10.Have you aroused the interest of a label? What kind of things are you looking for in order to sign with a record label?
    We've had varying levels of interest, but nothing solid yet. We'd love to give up our jobs and play music full time, but we realise that being a heavy band makes it that much more difficult to get the kind of attention that we need.
11.The demo’s title is ‘Sepia.’ What does this word mean? How did you choose it?
    Sepia is the colour of old photographs, it doesn't mean anything really deep, but it fits the subject of the songs. It's tricky coming up with something we all like and that was one that worked for us!
12.By the way, tell us a few things about the lyrics. Who is responsible for them? Which are your sources of inspiration?
    Ben writes all our lyrics, he takes his inspiration from past experiences, anything and everything. He used to work in a book shop so he knows a lot about words!
13.Who is responsible for the cover artwork? If I am not mistaken this is a pigeon. Right? How is it connected to the album title and the lyrics?
    Andy is a professional graphic designer, so he does all our artwork. The artwork for Sepia is not really symbolic of anything, but we thought it fitted in with the theme of the song visually, and we needed something simple so it didn't cost much to reproduce!
14.Do you have any new songs ready? If so, when do you plan to release them and point out the most important differences and similarities to ‘Sepia.’
    We have a number of new songs written that we're playing live at the moment.  In relation to Sepia, we still have the softness and melody of that song, but the heavier bits have much more groove now, we've worked hard on making the whole song structures work better and the vocals as good as they can be. We're pretty happy with the direction its going in!
15.If your music was an emotion, what would it be? If it was a painting, what would it show?
    If our music was an emotion, hmm.. I'm sure it would be many different emotions, there's so much going on at any one time from each member. If it was a painting it would probably be very dark and very layered, as the artist in the band I guess I have to be arty, it'd look like Guernica by Pablo Picasso!
16.If you had the chance to invite famous musicians to participate in one of Niota’s live shows, who you choose and why?
    We'd all pick different musicians to each other so it's tough to answer on my own. I suspect Ben would choose Lajon from Sevendust, Hugh would invite all of Kyuss, El Caco and Queen, Rich would have 311, G would probably get Kiss up on stage and I'd choose Chino Moreno from the Deftones, and Greg Puciato from Dillinger Escape Plan. That would be one hell of a show! To be honest though, we don't need anyone else - Niota is the five of us and it always will be.
17.Thank you! Is there anything else you’d like to mention and I forgot to ask you?
    No, thank you! I guess the only thing left to say is please check out our music if you haven't heard us yet, visit our website at, and come be our friend at One day we'll make it out to Greece sowe can try to get a sun tan and spread the Niota word across your fine country! Cheers!
Christine  Parastatidou
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