Olympos Mons
Olympos Mons is a Swedish band that has recently released their second album under the tile "Conquistador" and Behind The Veil didn't lose the chance to ask them some questions related to the band's activites, their new album and their lives in general...

1. You have a new album called “Conquistador”. Tell me musically speaking with your own words what musical direction you have followed on this album? Is it a classical Metal Album or are there any new elements the fans must make notice of?
    Ian E.Highhill: Well, we´re always trying to match the arrangements with the lyrics to achieve some kind of dramatic effects while the poems are sung. It´s pretty much what they did in the 70’s in songs like: Rainbow´s Gates of Babylon and Uriah heep´s Tales.

    Jari Sundström :  Yeah, there´s nothing new under the sun, it is the same old elements which make a good song and albums... 

2. Is “Conquistador” a concept album or are there songs with common references from the lyric point of view? 
    Ian: No, Conquistador is not a concept album it has many different stories in it.

    Jari: Yes , that’s right, but we have an idea for a concept album but that lies long ahead in the future...

3.What is your favorite song from “Conquistador” and Why?
    Ian: I have no favorites, you don´t have favorites among your children do you?? 
4.What are the inspirations of Olympos Mons to compose music and write lyrics?
    Ian: Events in life, books, films, whatever comes towards you when you walk the paths of life.

    Jari : For me  it´s the creative process itself which is one of the major instigators to create something; being able to use your imagination without limitations or guidelines or orders of someone outside... 

5.How long did it take you to complete the songwriting of “Conquistador” and how much time did you spend in the studio? 
    Ian: Some of the material is new and some are up to 5 years old, so it´s really hard to say, but I guess it took us a good 6 moths to get them all completed.

    Jari : That´s right, we started the drum recording sessions in early January -04 and the album was mastered after something like six months....

6.What are your future plans after the release of this new album? Are you planning any live appearences? Will we see you playing here in Greece?
    Ian: Hopefully soon , if not with the promoting of this record then at least with the next one. It would really be a blast to play in the home country of Olympos!!! The truth is we don´t really know how this all is going to turn out it´s all in such an early stage yet.

    Jari : Of course it´s our goal to tour and play live for all metalheads of the world, so be sure to come and see a us live.... 

7. Do you have some spare songs in the “chest”? Some material that you haven’t used in “Conquistador” album and you will probably use in the future?
    Ian: Plenty, these were just the tip of the iceberg!!

    Jari : Yeah, the songs for the next album are just short of recording and there´s a lot of more in progress...

8.What bands do you think have influenced you most?
    Ian: Rainbow, Uriah heep, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden....

    Jari : Deep Purple , Rainbow, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Yngwie Malmsteen, Annihilator, Kansas, Rush..... 

9.Can you give me a Top 5 records that you could take the with you everywhere?
    Ian: Rainbow: Rising, ,Black sabbath: Mob rules and Heaven and hell, Uriah heep: The magicians birthday and off course Iron maiden: number of the beast.

    Jari :1.Rainbow : Rising, 2. Iron Maiden : Number of the Beast, 3. Accept : Metal Heart, 4. Yngwie : Marching Out, 5. Helloween : Keeper of the Seven Keys 2. 

10.What are your hobbies? What do you usually do besides writing music?
    Ian: I don´t have other hobbies, religion, love or even life besides Rock`n´Roll I live and die for it man hahha!!  Well, I sometimes used to paint, you know oil paintings and stuff. But I don´t have that much spare time anymore so....!

    Jari : Sitting in front of the computer display and consuming large quantities of b-vitamin in a liquid form...

Costas “C.O.B.” Meidanis
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