Who doesn't remember the name OMEN? Amyth in the metal scene of the 80's. A LEGEND. After a long time of waiting we are prepared to listen to their new diamond. Speaking to the new singer KEVIN we found out how nice and kind person he is as long with many interesting things for the band. The band has an official very well informed site . For more details visit it. THE EPIC WARRIORS ARE BACK!!! 

1. Tell us, in a few words, how is the situation in the band. Who are themembers, etc.
    Omen is stronger now than I think it has ever been. When we were all younger and in other bands, we would tend to play music for other reasons than the music itself. Like to meet girls or party. Things like that. The attitude of the band is much different these days. We are a lot more focused on the music, which is the way it should be. We have our own recording studio which gives us the freedom to record as we please and write music when we are so inspired. This all keeps us honed in to our main goal of putting out the best product we possible can. I am the newest member of the band. I passed the audition in September of last year. Our drummer, Rick Murray, just a powerhouse of a skinsman. He hits the drums harder than any other drummer I know. Andy Haas, is the Bassist for the band. He and Rick make one HELL of a rhythm section. I've known Andy for more than 15 years. He's the one who suggested me for the position in OMEN. Andy previuosly played in a band called Stepchild with Kenny during OMEN's break from the metal music scene. And last but not least is Kenny Powell. One of the last great classic metal guitarist. I have seen this guy play every style of music known to man on his guitar. Being the songmiester that he is, inspires me to be the best lyricist I can be. 
2.Are you working on new material? Do you have any songs ready? When should we expect a new album?
    Ah!!!! My favorite subject. Yes we have the new CD written and are over halfway finished recording it. The new CD will be titled,'Eternal Black Dawn' and we are shooting for a late summer/ early fall release. 
3.How would you describe your current musical style?
     I would say it is a return back to the traditional OMEN sound. The OMEN style heard on Battle Cry, Warning of Danger, and The Curse. These I concider to be OMEN classics and the most well received of all the OMEN cd's (LP's)! All of the hard core OMEN fans will appreciate the new CD. If you like the early OMEN LPs, then the new one will not disappoint you. 
4. Do you happen to know where the first singer, Kimball, is? Is there any chance to return?
    J.D. is missing in action! No one in the OMEN camp has seen or heard anything from him. I would love to see him do something musically. J.D.has and always will be one of my influences in music. He's just an awesome vocalist. I hope he does get back in to music, but not with OMEN. That would put me out of a job! 
5.There are many that concider your first works to be the best albums ever released in the 80's. Why don't you return to that style where you've written some masterpieces?
    I would have to agree. I think those are the best also!!!! If you look at most bands that have been around through more than one decade, I think you will see that all of them are guilty of a little musical experimentation. As a creator of music you tend to want to push your limits and sometimes those limits aren't well received by the people who admire your work. Besides it being the direction we want to pursue, this is why we've decided to return to a more trditional OMEN style of writing. I hope that OMEN fans will find new masterpieces on the CD we are soon to release. 
6. Are you still able and willing to write songs such as "In The Arena", ..etc? If yes, why don't you? Many are those who expect from you such a movement.
    Ah!!!! Such a classic piece of work ("In The Arena")! Yes, OMEN is well versed in  writing all style of metal as all of us have been involved with different types of bands in the past. One such Epic song to be on the new CD is titled, "King of the 7 Seas". It is a great song and I love to play this one live!!! I think the last tour to Europe with Fates Warning informed us of what OMEN fans were expecting from the band. After such a long break in the 90's, OMEN did not want to be reguarded as dinosaurs by coming out with a traditional sounding CD. Hence the entrance of the more modern approach. After coming back from the European tour our sites are strongly set on our traditional OMEN roots. 
7.Under which record label will your new album be released?
    This subject is still up in the air at the present. All I can tell you is that we' are presently talking with many label to find the best way to bring the new CD to the metal masses. 
8. How did fans accept your prevoius work? Are you satisfied?
    The last CD,'Reopening the Gates' was not well received by our European fans. Though, in the U.S. it was quite the opposite. You can't please everyone all of the time. We hope to keep more people happy with the new release and I think we can. Satisfaction is a tricky word. I look back at some of my past recordings that at the time I thought were just awesome. Now, I find every flaw and can pick it apart so critically. I guess I can only hope for that momentary satisfaction of having a great CD finished with a killer collection of great songs. 
9. Have you written any lyrics for the new album? Which are the themes that you work on? Which things inspire you in writting of lyrics?
    All of the lyrics have been written for the new CD! In the recording process a few of them might change but more so not. With our return to the traditional OMEN sound, it was in order to write stories or tales of epic proportions. I have always been influenced by mythology, war, magic, horror and fantasy. With the new songs it was the perfect time to let some of these ideas flow and I think they fit well within the structure of the new songs. 
10. Many epic bands claim that now in the new millenium lyrics for dragons, sorcerers, and swords have no place. What do you have to answer to them. Do you think that 80's were more proper for such lyrics?
    I think as a  lyricist or songwriter should write what is in their heart. Write their conviction. With the world in the state of affairs it is in, the need for a bit of fantasy is in order. These type of lyrical ideas have always instilled power in my soul and made me feel strong and victoriuos. With the current hard music scene's lyrical slogans like ..I'm a loser .. and ... maybe I should just fade away... type of mentality, I think a more sureal approach is just what we need. Something to inspire us and enpower us. 
11. Has your record label forced you to change your musical style so you could fit in better in the new age?
    OMEN has always maintained the musical direction. Now that doesn't go to say we aren't influenced by others around us. On 'Escape to Nowhere', the producer Paul O'Neil was a big influence on the direction and on 'Reopening...' the band just felt that was the direction to go with.Fitting in was never the prerogative. We just want to be OMEN! 
12.Which are your main influences?
    J.D. Kimball is a big influence. I got into him and Ronnie James Dio at the same time. Ronnie is just one of the most bad ass vocalists to ever live. I will always have a special place in my heart for Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy. I know this isn't metal, but Steve Walsh of Kansas has always been one of my favorites as well as Johnette Napolitano from Concrete Blonde. 
13.Which are the things that made you create music despite being famous? Do you think it derives from an inner need for creation?
    At some point in my life, around the age of 13, I just knew what I needed to do with my life. Since that time I have maintained the quest.  I made my first recording at the age of 16 and knew then that was the penacal of my creativity. Playing the music live is just performing the creation over and over again and is the part that is addictive. Along with the need to share your creation with everyone.  Being creative is what it is all about!!!! 
14. Have you listened to any new bands that you really liked? If so can you refer some names?
    I am fairly burned out on the new metal that engulfes the radio airwaves. We live in the same area as Pantera. I like them. Another band from these parts is a new band called Drowning Pool. Check them out if you get a chance. Honestly, I tend to keep old Thin Lizzy and such in my CD player. 
15.Can you tell me some lyrics (from OMEN or other band) that express your personallity?
    ...He's just a boy that has lost his you and me he's a Renegade... 
    ................Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy

16.If you have never released an album and your music wasn't famous at all, which songs of yours would you choose to make the band known in public and which album?

    This is a difficult question! OK! If OMEN were just breaking into the music scene I don't think the world as a whole would be into the tradtional OMEN sound. If this were the case there would be more band on the radio with a similar sound. Honestly I think OMEN's sound would be closer to what is found on 'Reopening the Gates'. But, if I had to choose it would be the CD we are soon to release, 'Eternal Black Dawn' . Besides it being my first with the band, I think it is even stronger than the earlier efforts as far as technology is concerned and equal as far as the songs are concerned. I can't wait for everyone to hear it! 
17.Would you like to take part in a movie soundtrack? If yes, for which movie?
    I am way into movies like the Highlander, Dugeons and Dragons and that sort. I also dig the Horror movies like Blair Witch 2 and Dracula. We would love to be on a soundtrack as long as it wasn't Bill goes to the Beach or something like that. 
18. Do you read books? Which is your favorite book and author? Which book character would you like to be?
    In all honesty, I have not had the opportunity to read in quite some time with the recording and all. I have always enjoyed Tolkien and Stephen King always gives me a thrill. Speaking of Lord of the Rings, the new movie is coming out. I'll be seeing that one. Bilbo Baggens would be an interesting character to be ....for a while. 
19.Which is the biggest dream you want to make true with OMEN?
    Ahhh!!! Total and complete world domination. OMEN was a band that kind of got overlooked during the 80's. I would love to see OMEN achieve the kind of success that Iron Maiden, Dio, King Diamond and a few others received during that time period. But we want to see it happen in the new millenium. Now that would be a dream come true. 
20.If a tribute was made for OMEN which band s would you like to cover your songs?
    I always thout it was cool when Metalica covered Thin Lizzy, King Diamond, and the Misfits. If Metalica or Megadeth covered us that would be cool. Even more so, any band that was so influenced by OMEN's music to want to pay tribute is the highest honor. Like Dawnbringer. Totally cool!!!!! 
21.Do you have any plans for touring? Is there any chance to see you perform live in Greece? What do you have to say to all of your fans here?
    Yes we do! We are concentrating on doing U.S. festivals this summer. After the new Cd is released, we would like to do a U.S. tour and then head over to Europe. OMEN didn't get the opportunity to play in Greece last time due to the label not wanting to fly over musical gear to the island We plan to do everything in our power to not let that scenario happen again. So, we hope to see you soon. 
22. Send a message to the fans.
    To OMEN fans everywhere: You are most important  to us. We bring the first half and you bring the second half so that we make a complete circle together. It is such a great union and you honor us by being a part of it. Keep it in you heart and keep it strong! 
23.Thank you for the interview!
    Thank you and we appreciate the interest in OMEN. Thanks for the opportunity to express ourselves to all who want to know. Good luck with the ezine. It looks like you are well on your way.                 THANKS CHRISTINE!!!!!!!!!
Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis
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