1.How did "Perfect Element Pt.1" go? Sales, reviews, etc. Are you satisfied with the result ?

2.How long do we have to wait since Perfect Element Pt.2? 3.From "Entropia" to "Perfect Element Pt.1" you managed to create three albums which sound differently. Is it something that it came natural or did you pursue it? 4.It took you three albums to become famous despite the fact the quality of your music was always high. Can you tell me why? 5.Where do you expect your next album will lead you? 6.You have 100% authentic sound. How do you achieve this? Is there a secret? 7.What procedure do you follow when you write songs? 8.What do you remember from the first days of the band? 9.Is it of the same importance to you to create technical and sentimental songs? 10.Do you think that it's important for a band to play its own material from the beggining than to cover other famous songs? 11.Which are your influences? Have you heard any new releases you really liked? 12.Some musicians don't listen to the kind of music tehy play when they record to avoid getting negativly influenced their upcoming album. Are you also doing this? 13.Sweden has many good bands from all kinds of metal. Why does it happen? 14.You prefer making concept albums. Why? 15.Do you have any plans for a live show in Greece? 16.If you haven't ever released an album, which song of yours would you choose to make your music known to the people? 17.If you could be a hero who would you like to be? 18.Would you like to create a movie soundtrack If yes, which movie would you choose? 19.Which dreams of yours do you want to make true through music?

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