It's not a common thing to listen to female fronted metal music or anyway hard music in general, so it was a real pleasure for me when I listened to Rott's interesting music and I found out what a great singer they have. So, Molly is here to take us on a trip to Rott's world...

1. Hi there, since this is our first interview please brief me on the Rott history.
    Well as far as the history of Rott goes, it really began with our guitar player Dan writing some songs and looking for a sound that was different. I mean there were very few bands that we knew of with a female singer, I am a big fan of Lacuna Coil and I like Garbage a lot. We formed in 2002 and I was a little hesitant when they asked me to be their singer. I have always gravitated to metal all my life because it’s so primal, so angry and emotional. It gives you such a release- almost a high, the energy. I just try and put it out there and see if the audience responds.
2. Why did you choose this name for the band? Is there a story behind it?
    When we were thinking of a name for the band, we kicked around a few ideas looking for something that sounded kinda cool, but was heavy too. Rott sounded like something that was decaying and it was short. Also, we can say Rott on with it instead of rock on or right on. Besides, my favorite breed of dogs are Rottweilers and we have a beautiful female named Alika as our mascot. There is a hidden meaning to it as well, an acronym for what the letters stand for.
3. Tell me some details on the recording sessions of your latest work.
    The demo CD was our first time in studio and we cut the demo like 2 months after we formed and did our first headlining show. We tried to record without a lot of effects and things so it would be rawer and not so commercial like mass-produced or something. Of course now we have been playing longer so our sound is more refined.  I had a lot of fun recording for the first time, but a little nervous. I was the last one to go in to lay down the tracks and only got a couple takes to get it right because of limited studio time. I can't wait to rock even harder now that the virgin studio experience is done.
4. How are the reactions of the press so far for your latest release?
    The reaction from the press has been really positive. All of a sudden we are getting requests to play big shows and people are asking for CD's to review. The reviews have been good, so that makes me happy. I remember hearing us on the radio the first time and it didn’t seem real. I'm getting emails from stalkers so I guess we are getting somewhere (laugh).
5. Can you tell me some things about the lyrics?
    You ask about the lyrics, I guess the underlining theme there is about how to find your way in the world with all the crazy stuff going on, try and find the positive things to focus on.
6. Do you have any future plans in order to support it?
    As far as the future plans go for touring and everything, as long as the positive response to our music continues hopefully we will get to play in different places. We have been getting a great response from Europe and South America so we will go there first. We are looking for sponsorship and are in the process of recruiting it. We just had a big promotion in Romania.
7. Do you have any live shows confirmed in the near future?
    So far we have confirmed an upcoming show July 30th in Spokane, Washington. It is a benefit show and should be really cool.
8. Why do you have a simple cover?
    The cover is simple but if you look within the letters ROTT there is a European castle in the letters. The artwork is reflective of our website. The gothic feel is what we are trying to present.
9. Thanks a lot for your time and close the interview as you want.
    I am very grateful to be on your show and give your audience some info on Rott. Thanks to everyone reading this, those coming to our shows and for all the compliments and emails. We hope to see you soon. Remember to Rott on. Take Care.
Antonis Maglaras
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