Scar Symmetry
Scar Symmetry is a newcomer band from Sweden that managed to amaze us with their debut release entitled "Symmetric In Design". This is an album you'll love, an album that will haunt you for a long time. Henrik proved to be a very pleasant guy and this is what we said in the interview we did...

Hi, this is Costas from behind The Veil ezine. I have some questions for Scar Symmetry and for your debut album…
    Hi, this is Henrik from Scar Symmetry. OK, bring it on!
1.Firstly, I would like to ask you why did you choose Scar Symmetry as a name for the band?
    I came up with the name when Jonas and I were thinking about what we should use as a bandname. It sounded good and it has a certain balance to it, one raw and one soft word combined. The meaning of the name is that we all receive emotional scars from living a human life, therefore everyone can relate to the name I think.
2.You are about to release your debut album titled “Symmetric In Design”.
    Yeah, it was recently released and we`re experiencing a huge success with this album. None of us has ever seen anything like it cause the response has been incredible, we`re almost hyped in a sense!
3.Can you tell me in short what is the musical direction you ‘ve followed for this album? I can see some “trademark” Swedish metal and progressive elements. Do you agree?
    The idea was to play some kind of melodic death metal but I think the musical concept of Scar Symmetry became wider than we originally thought, as the writing process went on the sound of the band really became more of a blend of genres rather than strictly melodic death metal. We`ve incorporated pretty much every genre of metal on the album and we even go beyond metal at times. Sure there`s Swedish metal in there, we are Swedish after all, and the progressive elements is something that was natural for us to have in the music. 
4.Is “Symmetric In Design” is a concept album or are there songs with common references? Can you tell me few words about each song?
    The songs all deal with mysticism in one way or another but that`s the only connection between the lyrics of the songs. “Chaosweaver” is about disconnecting from the negative thought patterns of the collective subconsciousness of humanity and embrace a stronger view of yourself and what you can do. “2012” presents all the theories regarding that specific year, both scientific and mystical ones. “Dominion” is about a person who has lost hope for humanity and decides to withdraw into his inner world where he makes the rules. “Underneath the surface” is really about the same thing as “Chaosweaver”, those two songs have similar approaches lyrically. “Veil of Illusions” deals with quantum physics and the fact that if you only believe in what the limited instruments called the eyes allows you to see, you are fooling yourself bigtime! “Reborn” is about the fact that we`re reborn every second of our lives, the lyric is taking rebirth to its extreme. “Obscure Alliance” is about the connection between the physical and the spiritual planes of existence. “Hybrid Cult” is about a bloodline that has kept itself clean since the dawn of man basically and supposedly rules all economy and media today! “Orchestrate the Infinite” is about a force that doesn`t want to be called God or Devil, it would rather just “be” without being labeled. “Detach from the Outcome” is about experiencing the world when you`ve taken hallucinogenic drugs. “Seeds Of Rebellion” is about embracing the rebellious side of yourself and going to action and taking care of things. “The Eleventh Sphere” deals with astral traveling, this particular journey goes to the sphere that was created when the goblet of god cracked and the liquid inside it ran over, thus creating a sphere of nightmares, unwanted ideas etc. A place you just gotta love! 
5.How much time did it take you for the songwriting of this album, and how much time did you spent at the studios? Did you face any problems?
    We spent a couple of months on writing the material but we continued writing in the studio and we recorded for about three months. Things ran pretty smoothly for us recording-wise but it was a hellish task for Jonas to mix the album because there were so many keyboards and guitars everywhere which made it difficult to get everything in place with levels and all that. I think that the mix was pretty much the worst thing to complete and Jonas was the one who had to sweat the most overall for those three months, I`m amazed he came out of it with his sanity intact… Come to think of it, I`m not sure he did… Nah, just kidding- Jonas is fine!
6.What is your favorite song from “Symmetric In Design” and Why?
    I think “2012” is my fave-track even though I like all the songs on the album. “2012” has a great groove to it and it`s really flowing with a nice drive to it, I think both the lyrics and the music are exceptionally brilliant on that song.
7.Can you tell me something about the cover?
    Yeah, it reflects the title “Symmetric In Design” and Pär (PJIllustrations) read the lyrics and pondered upon the title before creating this piece of art. It connects to the ideas of quantum physics and the re-occurring patterns you see everywhere in nature in the form of spirals, circles etc.
8.What are your plans after the release of “Symmetric In Design”? Are you going to start touring with other bands, participate in summer festivals., etc
    We will play our premiere gig in Stockholm in April and that`s all we know at the moment. There will be more shows but there are no dates booked at this point.
9.Do you know anything about the Greek metallers? Are you planning to play in Greece?
    Greece is definitely a metal country and we would love to go there if we get the chance! I`ve heard that the metal fans there are nuts and I would really like to witness that myself!
10.What do you do in your spare time? (If you have one?) 
    Mostly ordinary stuff like spending time with the family, drinking with friends, reading, creating music and lyrics. 
11.Can you give a Top 10 of your favorite  records?
    Allright! Notre Dame “Le theatre du vampire”, Necrophagist “Epitaph”, Allan Holdsworth “Secrets”, King Diamond “Abigail”, Dissection “Storm of the light`s bane, KISS “Alive2”, Enya “A day without rain”, Fredrik Thordendal`s special defects “Sol Niger within”, Cynic “Focus” and Morbid Angel “Altars of Madness”. I have many more but I had to restrict myself to these ten because you said so, he he.
12.Thank you very much for answering the questions, good luck with the new album (it had already burnt my cd player twice!!!) and take care.
    Thank YOU for doing this interview and best wishes for you as well! 
Costas “C.O.B” Meidanis
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