1) Sentenced have been for over a decade in the metal scene and we have seen that you have changed a lot since your start and amazing debut as a group. Do you think that Sentenced are an unsettled band that always seeks an identity or an evolving band that has the ability to shape its style in order to have "fresh ideas" on the appropriate time.

2) In the past, they were critics about your songs, that the Riffs look  alike Iron Maiden or Queensryche. Do you think that these groups had  influenced the song-writing of Sentenced? 3) Which groups do you think that determine the course of metal? 4) In the past Sentenced were given the stamp of a "Suicide Band", do you agree with that term? 5) What's the meaning of THE COLD WHITE LIGHT, and whats that «freaky» sound in the end of the last track? It seem to me as a quite opposite than the beginning of the first track. Is it an effect that symbols life and death;The Beginning and The End perhaps? 6) If someone told you to make a Dream Team of Metal, Which musicians  would you choose and what kind of music would you like to play? 7) Do you think that the metal genre or the music genre generally realy benefits from the «Progressive» groups like Dream Theater? 8) Do you read books? Do you have a favorite Book? 9) Are you satisfied from the production of the album from Hiili Hiilesmaa? 10) I will say 10 words and you must find something similar, the first think that comes up to your mind. 11) Do you think that when a group has nothing more to offer and keeps repeating itself should retire from the music genre? 12) If someone didn't see his life so optimistic and asked you for an advice,what would you say to him? 13)We reached the 13th question, are you superstitious? 14) If I had a time machine and I told you  that you have one chance to change a mistake you made in the past. What would be it? Do you think that we must regret for our mistakes? 15) We reached the end of the interview, do you have a special message to the Greek fans of Sentenced? The last lines are for you, thank you for the interview, it was a great honor for me, keep up the good work and take care
Kostas “C.O.B” Meidanis

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