Do you know that France has an epic metal band? Personally until Seyminhol sent me their work I wasn’t aware of it! Take your time and read the interview with the members from this band and you’ll learn quite a lot...

1. Hi there, since this is our first interview please brief me on the history of Seyminhol.
    Seyminhol has been created in February 1992, but the formation has changed over the years. Now, (since 2002) the band is formed by K?vin Kazek (Vocals), Nicolas P?lissier (Guitars, Keyboards), Chris Billon-Laroute (Bass), Julien Truttman (Drums).We have realized a first album "Northern Recital" in 2002 available at Brennus/Musea and have the opportunities to play with Blaze, Royal Hunt, Superior, Vanden Plas, Virgin Steel...Owing to this chances we have obtained a large musical maturity: our stage presence is greater now, the manner to compose is more effective. All this good events are the result of a conscientious labour. Now, the band proudly presents its new concept-album entitled "Septentrion's Walk", the logical follower of "Northern Recital".
2. Why did you choose this name for the band? Is there a story behind it?
    The name of the band is totally different from the concepts we use for our album. In fact, the name represents an old Indian tribe based in America. We wanted to keep the name, because it’s a little know in our country and has some signification for us.
3. Tell me some details from the recording sessions of your latest work.
    "Septentrion's Walk" was recorded during one year with the participation of many persons outside Seyminhol (Classical choirs, bagpipe player, many narrators, violin player, feminine voice...). The music was finished in one month, but we have found difficulty to synchronize the recordings of the guests. The mixing and mastering were finished in 2 weeks, and afterwards we've been searching for a record deal because we wanted a beautiful package for the CD. Brennus offered us a big opportunity to develop our music and the packaging.
4. How are the reaction of the press so far for your latest release?
    The reaction is incredible!! All the webzines and fanzines that have listened to the album they loved it!! We are surprised and very happy to see our music more popular and appreciated.
5. Can you tell me some words about the lyrics?
    The lyrics are developed by K?vin, our singer and they are narrating the historic facts about the opposion between the French and the Saxons, the pagans and the Christians through the life of Thorgis who avenged the Vikings and burned down the Lindisfarne Abbaye.
6. Do you have any future plans in order to support the album?
    We haven't for the moment got any concrete concerts or plans to support it, we want simply to wait to see the reactions of the media. We will deal with a tour as soon as possible, because we love playing live!!
7. Tell me a few things about the very good cover…
    The cover was made by a friend Greg L? ([email protected]) who is qualified on art faculty. He works with us since our first MCD "Nordic Tales" and his cover and illustrations are wonderful. The cover of SW represents Thor with his hammer "Mj?lnir", the basis of the Scandinavian culture and mythology, to set out to conquer the Christian world.
8. Are you satisfied by the help of your label so far?
    It's too early to judge the works of our label. For the moment, the album is available everywhere in France that's essential for us. Brennus has not got the way to promote a band in Europe...
9. Have you written any new songs for your next effort?
    I have begun the song writing of the next album because we don't want to wait 2 our 3 years (like between "Northern Recital" and SW) to produce a new album. It seems to be more actual, modern with all the influences of Seyminhol.
10. Thanks a lot for your time and close the interview as you want!
    Thanks a lot Antonis for your help!! It's comforting to know that in Greece, a French band can have some support and promotion. I wish you all the best to your work and hope to see you in Greece during (why not!) our future concert... Vikings Rule!!
Antonis  Maglaras
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