Shapeshift comes from Germany, one of the biggest metal scenes in Europe and they deliver a hybrid of progressive and nu metal. See what they answered us in the questions we asked them and make sure you listen to their demo release.

1. Hi guys, please tell to us in a few lines the history of Shapeshift.
    Shapeshift was founded in 2002 by Jossi, Jochen and Sebastian. The first half year of the band's existence was stamped by the search for an appropriate rehearsal room, the whole next year by the search for an appropriate singer, which was finally found in Bernd. Meanwhile we released the Mini-CD "Confusedated" and played some great gigs. At the moment we are working on new songs.
2. Could you inform us by giving us some details on the recording sessions?
    The recordings were all done by ourselves. Sebastian was the mastermind behind the CD and did all the mixing and mastering. Shortly after the first release he did a complete remaster of the CD to further (and greatly) improve the sound. Most probably we will record our next album the exact same way, because in this way we stay independent and of course it is also much cheaper. We think, that for a totally self-made CD the sound is quite good. And anyway: Don't listen to the sound, listen to the songs!
3. How are the reactions so far for your demo CD?
    The reactions of the people who saw us live and/or bought the CD are really great. We already have some really great fans. On the other hand, the reviews are quite controversial. We really got some bad critics already, but also really good ones. But anyhow, isn't that what a musician wants to achieve? The people should think and discuss about what they hear ;)
4. Can you describe your music to someone who hasn't heard it in order to make him create a picture in his mind?
    That's a question, we ask ourselves all the time. Every new song is a big surprise for ourselves, too. But a description which fits quite well would sound like this: hard progressive metal with some modern influences. The best thing is to download the mp3s from and get your very own idea of what we sound like. If you like it, you can also buy our CD for 6 € via our homepage.
5. Why did you choose this cover for your demo?
    The cover typifies the title very well, this wordplay of "confused" and "sedated". But we didn't choose it. It was the other way round. We gave the artist Jens Reinhold ([email protected]) , a good friend of ours, the title and an early version of the songs, and he let himself be inspired by this input. He then showed us an early version of his work and explained his ideas, which again we liked very much.
6. Do you have any plans to support your release?
    We sent it to several Webzines and Magazines, mostly in Germany. The song "Principles" will be released on the Portuguese Compilation "Kingdom of Glory II" under the label of Enclave Records in some weeks (no final release date yet, more info on our homepage). And we try to do as many live gigs as possible, because we think that's the best way to give people a better understanding of our music.
7. Have you already played any gigs?
    Yes, of course. Since the release of "Confusedated" we played several local gigs, where the audience showed quite good reactions. The most mentionable milestone was the support gig for Morgana Lefay in Ingolstadt on their comeback tour in May 2005. At the moment we are working on new material, which we will present in autumn and winter this year, hopefully together with a full long-player CD.
8. Tell me your influences…
    Our influences are very diverse. They go from old school thrash-metal, over Dream Theater, Metallica, Nevermore and other "classical" metal stuff, to bands like System of a Down, Porcupine Tree or Pain of Salvation. Each one of us hears a whole lot of different styles and music.
9. Thanks for your time and close the interview as you want!
    Well, we thank you for the interview and the interest in our music. We will definitely let you know about any further releases. To all the Greek metal-heads out there: We hope that sometime we will also be playing in Greece and rock you all! Stay tuned!
Antonis Maglaras
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