1) The First name of the band, was Tricky Means , what really meant that name?

2) Recently Mikko Harkin, made an announcement, that he is leaving the band, saying that he is having personal problems. What do you think was the main reason for leaving the band and how this loss will effect the group?

 3) Which subjects do Sonata Artica(ARCTICA)  like to hurt with their lyrics?

 4) One Of My favourite song from Ecliptica Album, was Letter To Dana, I found it very amazing. Is Dana a real person (did you realy saw her pictures in a filthy magazine, as you describe in the lyrics?)

5) What are your favorite musicians and bands? Are you planning to make a project in the future? Are you planing to participate to another tributes?

 6) Do you watch movies? If yes what's your favorite and If someone told you to be the director of a movie, what movie would you like to make?

7)Let's play a game of words, I will tell you 10 words and I want you to tell me the very first think that comes up to your mind

8) If you had an opportunity to write a concept story with other artists, what concept will you choose and what artists besides Sonata Artica?

9) If you had to spend your life in a desert island, and the only thing you could take with you, (besides the supplies J)!!) was 10 albums, what  will be those?

10) What was the most peculiar dream you ever had?

 11) What do you do on your spare time? Do you have any hobbies?

12) Back in the music business.What do you think is the main problem, that a newcomer artist is facing when he makes the big leap to the music scene?

13) What is your opinion about other Finnish Bands like Stratovarius, Sentenced, etc?

14) How do you see the course of the Metal genre in regard with other genres.

15) Are you satisfied from the production of Songs Of Silence?

16) What are your future plans after the release of the new live album? Will you go on tour with some band, as a main band or supporters?

17)Thank you for your time and for the interview, don't forget that we expect you guys to come to Greece.


 Kostas "C.O.B" Meidanis
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