Subhuman is a band from Italy and is here to present us their new demo under the title "Delirio No1". Read this very interesting interview and you'll find some really funny and weird answers!

1. Hi guys, since this is our first interview please brief me on the history of Subhuman.
    Hi Metalheadz!!! My name is Matteo and I'm the guitar-player for an Italian band called SUBHUMAN. We come from a place called Bientina, near Pisa (yeah, the city famous for its tower!), and we make noise since 2001. We started as a cover band of the American Thrash Metal Gods (Testament, Megadeth, Annihilator, Overkill etc.) but during 2003, after two line up changes (both involving the vocalist) we started to compose our own material. During the last summer we recorded our first demo cd. It's entitled “Delirio n° 1” and it includes five songs of ours and a powerful cover-version of Faith No More's classic “Surprise! You're Dead!!!”. We play a very fast and brutal form of Thrash Metal, so that we frequently go beyond the bounds of Thrash and touch Death Metal's ferocity. We like to play as aggressive as possible, we like playing on stage, we like to make a great noise and, overall, we like to offend Christ!!!! There’s nothing more to say...
2. Why did you choose this name for the band? Does it have a story behind it?
    Absolutely no. SUBHUMAN is simply an easy to remember moniker that fits perfectly to our music and image... 
3. Tell me some details from the recording sessions of your latest release.
    Well, I produced our first release all by myself, using only a computer, a good audio interface and some mics borrowed from a friend. It has been an enormous engagement (that was the first time I produced something), but we’re totally satisfied with it! “Delirio n°1” sounds really great: clean and powerful, just as we want it to be!!!
4. How are the reaction of the press so far for your new album?
    No bad reviews, fortunately... Only good or excellent reviews in Italy and abroad and we're making a lot of interviews. We're really glad that our hard working is acknowledged... it's a beautiful gratification for us. Also the lyrics, are completely sang in Italian, seem to be a right choice... Thanks to everyone who pays all that compliments to us!!!!!!
5. Can you tell me a few things about the lyrics?
    Nothing too serious, at all… There are a lot of stupid things in our lyrics! We entertain ourselves writing lyrics about the weirdest subjects that come to our minds! For example, my favorite lyrics are the “Delirio 112” ones: they're about a young woman who gives birth to a police officer; she’s disappointed about it, and so she decides to put again her son in her own cunt and to abort him… is it bizarre enough??? Ahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, our vocalist Zula writes our lyrics: he really has one of the sickest minds in the world…
6. Is there a concept behind the cover and the whole artwork?
    No... We liked the picture and we thought it would be perfect for our cover. We used it for the artwork, that’s all. I’m sorry, but there’s no concept behind it...
7. Do you have any future plans in order to support it?
    Nothing special: play the bigger number of gigs possible, improve ourselves as musicians and songwriters, and write new songs… We've composed three new songs so far: they are stronger and faster, even more Death Metal than the old ones… THEY WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Can you confirm any live shows in the near future?
    Yes, next weekend we’ll have a show in Massa (Italy) together with Coram Lethe, one of the best Death Metal bands of my country, they really kick ass...
9. How is the metal underground scene in Italy?
    Well, I don’t think it can compete with the best ‘Heavy Metal countries’ (I mean Sweden, USA, etc.), but something’s moving in the underground... There are many excellent bands for every kind of Metal who deserve to be listened. Bands like Gory Blister, Handful Of Hate, Coram Lethe, Hour Of Penance, Natron, Enemynside, Psychofagist, Nefas, DGM etc. surely deserve a little bit more than remaining in the deeper underground...
10. Tell me something about your musical influences.
    Personally, I've been listening to Metal for over fifteen years and I have passed from Epic to Progressive, from Black to Classic Metal etc. I listen to EVERY Heavy Metal form, but the last ten years now I'm in love with Thrash and Death Metal: I really love the intensity of these two genres... The bands that had the greater influence on me are Slayer, Testament, Deicide, Malevolent Creation, Sodom, Cannibal Corpse, Monstrosity and all those icons that made the history of extreme music. Besides those sacred monsters, Meshuggah really impressed me and I think also their schizoid rhythms have influenced a lot my composing style. 
11. Thanks a lot for your time and close the interview as you want.
    Thanks for your interview Antonis!! It has been a pleasure to talk with you!!!!!! I invite every  reader to visit our website, download our mp3s and sign our guestbook. If you like our songs, buy “Delirio n°1”!! It sounds great and looks like an official cd (fully colored artwork in jewel case, professionally printed cd etc.). It costs 7 € only, postage included. Buy 'Delirio n°1', you will not repent of it… SUPPORT THE UNDERGROUND!!!!
    Matteo Buti / Subhuman
Antonis Maglaras
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