Strapping Young Lad
Strapping Young Lad is a very famous band with a very high status and well known for its quality and dedication to the music they love. Recently, they released their new album under the title “Alien”, so Behind The Veil thought it would be a great chance to ask some questions and exchange thoughts with SYL. This is what we got out of it...

1. Since this is my first interview with you, I would like to ask you a very typical question for a  start. What "Strapping Young Lad" stand for? And how did you choose it as a name of the band?
    "Ball-Crushing Heaviness".  We chose it as a name 'cause it's pretty much the antithesis to "Ball-Crushing Heaviness".
2. You are about to release a new album called "Alien". Can you tell me in short words what is the musical direction you 've followed for this album?
    We followed our heart and we just created a record we would enjoy listening to and playing live. It was fun to freak out on the album and there is a lot of high energy material on it. It could be unlike anything anyone has ever heard before, so that is why we chose 'Alien' as its name.  Alien' to the ears...
3."Alien" is a concept album or there are songs with common reference?
    I suppose that 'Alien' is a giant vent. A venting of rage and hopelessness, to every day occurrences with a theme of anger, I suppose. Some of the common references are about one persons' future, from the mundane to the grandiose, from, "I can't even fuckin' sleep", to "you want to have a fuckin' baby?".
4.How much time did it take you for the songwriting of Alien, and how much time did you spent at the studios? Did you face any problems?
    Well, it took about 6 months of solid head-down writing.  It took 3.5 months to record.  Mental problems, yeah(laughing)!  We worked pretty much 110 days straight with no days off, so that will tax anyone's brain. But we are really proud of the end result and I feel that the hard work really paid off.
5. What is your favorite song from Alien and Why?
    My favorite tune tends to change from day to day, which I feel fortunate about because it is not like, "I like one song off the new album and the rest is just filler".  It's  more like, "Hey! Here's my new favorite song today!"  Every song has been my favorite off this album so far which is really awesome! But I think my two favorites are 'Skeksis' and 'Shitstorm', 'cause we're really rippin' shit up on those two!
6. Can you reveal me some details about the cover?
    Well, I hope you like the Strapping logo because that is what it is! A giant monolithic Strapping logo hurtling through space, ala Stanley Kubrick's '2001'.
7.You have your own website on the internet, Do you think that with the Internet is better way to promote your work and have direct feedback from the fans?
    The internet can be a great place to show off your wares. It can be used intelligently for self-promotion and the instant feedback is wicked! It's something an old-schooler like myself is slowly growing accustomed to. The drawback to the internet it can promote thievery such as down-loading songs and stuff which tends to hurt bands who are past the point of merely needing their songs to be heard. People like to talk a lot of shit on message boards, but I find that part of it hilarious!
8.What are your plans after the release of "Alien"? Are you planning to play in Greece?
    We are hitting the road and starting the world tour in April. We will be coming to Europe before the end of the year and we would love to play Greece!  We really hope we get to!  That is one of the few places that Strapping (or any of my bands for that matter) have yet to play but we love our Greek fans and we appreciate their support.
9. What do you do in your spare time? (If you have one?)
    Spare time tends to be reserved for sleep. We tend to be workaholics in this band, although I am probably the laziest.  However, I get the chance to play my PS2 now and then. I'm currently finishing "Grand Theft Auto-San Andreas." Big fun!
10. Can you give a Top 10 of your favorite  records?
    Off the top of my head because I do not know if I have a top ten. These are albums I like (in no particular order):
    "Terror Squad" - Artillery
    "I hate therefor I am" - Cyclone Temple
    "Seven Churches" - Possessed
    "Knight at the Opera" - Queen
    "Dancing Naked in a Mind Field" - M.I.R.V.
    "Grass Roots" - 311
    "The Whole Story" - Kate Bush
    "Green" - Forbidden
    “Innervisions" - Stevie Wonder
    "What's Going on" - Marvin Gaye
11. Thank you very much for answering the questions, good luck with the new album and take care.
    C ya all! Bunch more comin' at ya now...
Costas "C.O.B" Meidanis
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