It’s almost two years since their successful release “Judas Christ” and now Tiamat are back with “Prey”. Behind The veil questions Anders from the band for you…

1.I think in the past you have said that Tiamat are a group with nihilistic beliefs (or non beliefs). Do you think that a nihilist is a person in a continual search for ideals or something that will make him believe in something? Do you think that nothing is the right order and there is nothing to believe in? 
  • Anders-Yeah, something like that, but I?d like to stress that having beliefs is not the same thing as embracing everything about nihilism.
2.Did you face any problems, during the recording, engineering, production, etc of Prey? 
  • A-Yes, sure, the regular stuff, noises in signals, hard disc crashes, sloppy playing, not remembering arrangements... 
3.Can you describe with few words the cover of Prey? 
  • A-It draws a direct line to the unifying theme on the album, it is designed to give you a feeling in touch with the underlying current of emotions on the album. 
4.One of the most basic characteristics of TIAMAT all this years that the band is on the genre, is that Tiamat manage to surprise the fans with every new album. This time we have “Prey” and we had the sense that TIAMAT, look more melodic. It has many similarities and many differences from Judas Christ and Skeleton Skeletron. Do you agree with all that? 
  • A- Yes, and to me, also a lot from "A deeper kind of slumber" especially when it comes to the atmosphere of the album.
5.Prey is a concept album? Are there similarities in the lyrics concept of some songs?   
  • A- Prey is NOT a concept album, it is an album with songs that has a unifying theme, not a story, there is a major difference to me.
6.What is your favorite song from “Prey” and why. 
  • A- Right now, Divided, because of the minimalism-overloadedness of it, it makes for an everchanging array of sounds with very little chordal movement, interesting to me...
7.I had a question about “Judas Christ”, album. Can you clear us up the meaning of the “Judas Christ” title of the album? It sounds little peculiar when you try to involve in a term the Traitor and the Savior.  
  • A- That's the whole idea! 
8.Back in the music business. What are your plans after the release of Prey? Last year you played in Greece with Lacuna Coil and it was a very good show, Will we  see TIAMAT this year  in Greece? 
  • A- I hope so, we had a great time in Greece, too little sleep though...We will play a lot next year, but nothing is confirmed right now. 
9.Do you think that the Metal genre had changed dramatically since you started to see as a professional musician? Despite the indisputable curving course of Metal Genre, do you think that there will be some period that most groups overcome this turning point and Heavy Metal (in general term) will gain again it’s fans? 
  • A- I have no idea! 
10.If someone didn't see his life so optimistic and asked you for an advice, what would you say to him? 
  • A- I'm the wrong person to ask for stuff like that, it would do him no good! 
11.What are your Hobbies, What do you do in your spare time? Did  you watch the games in the World Cup on 2002? 
  • I do a lot of fishing, or try to anyway, hard to get away sometimes. And yes, I watched all of the games I think, damn those senegalese soccerplayers! 
12.Do you watch movies? If yes what’s your favorite and if someone told you to be the director of a movie, what movie would you like to make? 
  • A- I watch movies a lot actually, it's a favorite pastime of mine, and my all-time favorite is Apocalyse Now. I have no idea what movie I'd make, a cross between Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean and snatch?
13.What are your favorite musicians and bands? Are you planning to make a project in the future? 
  • A- I enjoy a lot of different stuff, Clash, Gram Parsons, John Coltrane ,Darkness are spinning a lot right now, but in general terms, when it comes to metal, it's the old stuff, Slayer, Terrorizer, Morbid Angel, Sepultura, Master, Maiden, stuff like that. My favorite musician is DeeDee Ramone. 
14.It’s time to play the game of words, I will tell you 10 words and I want you to tell me the very first think that comes up to your mind. You can also find a song each word.
  • a) TIAMAT -Four drunk Swedish guys in a tour bus. 
  • b) Judas -Best friend money can buy. 
  • c) Melancholy –Autumn. 
  • d) Women –Sex. 
  • e) Religion –Lies. 
  • f) Friends –Warmth. 
  • g) CLOUDS -Blue cover. 
  • h) Lies -Anger .
  • i) Osama Bin Laden –Beard. 
  • j) Christ -Sad story. 
15.If you had to spend your life in a desert island, and the only think you could take with you, (besides the supplies J)!!) was 10 albums, what will be those? 
  • Well,Gram Parsons-Return of the grievous angel. Rolling Stones-Exile on main street, Clash-Clash on Broadway, Slayer-Reign in blood. Beatles-White Album. Ramones-Rocket to russia, Bruce Springsteen-The wild, the innocent and the E-street shuffle, The band-Music from big pink, and some more I can't think of right now...
16.How do you find the idea of globalization”? Do you think that 
humanity will benefit from that or will be  another intolerant
Plan that will make unexpected effects that might lead to disaster?
  • A- Probably a little of both...everything we do is going to take us one step closer to finishing us off the face of the planet.
17.What was the most peculiar dream that you ever had?
  • A- I rarely remember my dreams.
Thank you for your time and for the interview, don’t forget that we expect you guys to come to Greece
  • A- And we expect the same treatment we got last time :)
Take Care and Keep up the good work
Kostas "C.O.B." Meidanis
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