(Lupus Lounge)

Farsot comes from Germany and deals with frozen black metal. You won't find here any female vocals or keyboards, with the only exception being the last track, something that consequently means that all the melodies are based on and supported by the guitars, which do a fabulous job, interchanging from frozen, misanthropic feelings to melancholy, nostalgic memories, which are often presented superbly. The acoustic guitars are also excellent and they never end up "corrupted" by mellow or cheesy moods. Rhythmically speaking the band has fast parts without any ultra fast outbreaks or blastbeats, but their compositions are rather enriched with mid tempo moments. The production is quite good and having the necessary "dirt" it renders the coolness the band aimed for, without destroying or degrading the instruments. Farsot is a band that addresses only to the true black metallers!

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

Loud Minority
(Swedmetal Records)

Crazy Lixx belong to the N.W.O.S.S, with the initials meaning New Wave Of Swedish Sleaze and what this relatively young band has set to do is bring the old ways back to us through a breeze of fresh air and after filtering it through their personal taste and aesthetics. The first time I listened to this CD I have to admit that I thought it was fine, but didn't enjoy it that much. The more I kept spinning it though, the more I got into the songs that are extremely catchy with sing along choruses and a beautiful 80s reminiscent scent. "Loud Minority" respects, pays tribute and stands for everything that 80s hair metal bands were famous for... So the guys are dressed in that 80s style, they use eyeliner and have big hairsprayed hair and their music is that beautiful, catchy poser, glam hard rock that dominated the 80s. In fact this album seems to come from that era, so it could also be described as classic sounding. Crazy Lixx did a wonderful job that's accompanied by a very good production and a flawless performance from everyone. "Loud Minority" will remain in my CD player for a long time!

Christine  Parastatidou

Perversions Of Angel VI

So, we are dealing here with an amazing and great band!! These guys are extraordinary musicians and continue the tradition of CRADLE OF FILTH of the "Midian", "Cruelty Ad The Beast" and "Damnation And A Day" eras. These guys worthingly continue CRADLE OF FILTH's work, since the latter have released a rather disappointing album lately. Amazing inspired melodies, astounding skills, perfect bondage and extreme black metal vocals with interchanging death guttural growls are the main ingredients that comprise this FAIRYTALE ABUSE work. The keyboards are wonderful, other times supporting the main melodic lines, other times having a front role and some other times even complementing the melody together with the guitars. Romantic hues are bound together with beautiful ultra fast outbreaks and violent "elf-ish" melodies giving birth to a masterpiece. The production is perfect and well taken care of with no flaws, revealing the absolute professionalism of the band and an abundance of money invested on it. Fairytale Abuse will definitely become the next best name of our times if they are promoted properly... A band I'd love to see live in Greece before they grow old. Their influences from CRADLE OF FILTH are many in their style. Their compositions and melodies are original and this is why no one should accuse them of being copy cats. Being inspired by a band is a great honour for them as long as you don't steal their ideas. And it's more that certain that Fairytale Abuse are influenced by CRADLE OF FILTH, but within their compositions they develop their personal knowledge, experiences and techniques. Definitely one of the best releases for this year!

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

My Bloodied Wings
(Sleaszy Rider Records)

Imagika are no strangers to me. I have followed them from their first steps till now - however I have to admit that I have missed some of their works in between. They've always given me the sense of a band that although they love what they do and they are deeply into the heavy metal scene, they don't have that special something that will give them the extra boost to become one of the elite bands of the U.S. metal scene. They are more the kind of the "neighborhood" band that works on a professional basis. Now with their new work titled "My Bloodied Winds" they deliver one more well performed and in some parts interesting power/thrash metal album. The bad thing, though, is that as the album proceeds the band seems to repeat itself and there are quite a few compositions especially in the middle of the album that I can "understand" them only as fillers. I would put them a  6.5 out of 10, but their singer is so passionate and dynamic that he gives an extra boost to the band. Therefore, I'll give them a...

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

True Norwegian Black Metal - Live In Grieghallen
(Regain Records)

The great Norsemen are back again releasing their live which was recorded in Grieghallen with songs hymns like "Possessed (By Satan)", "Destroyer", "Forces Of Satan Storms", etc. The whole live reeks of hatred, misanthropy, frozen feelings and the atmosphere of a Norwegian forest. The sound is way too good and it's definitely been overdubbed, cleared and corrected in the studio. Those of you who like live recordings, Gorgoroth are here to pay you back! So be prepared to break your necks!!!

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

Summer Rain

As you know it's been a while since Whitesnake released their new album titled "Good To Be Bad" and when it comes to such major bands, CD singles are necessary and inevitable. So here we have the new two track CD single titled "Summer Rain" that contains the self titled track taken from the album, but presented here in a radio edition plus the very famous song "Is This Love", which was taken from the double live album "Live... In The Shadow Of The Blues". If you want to listen to the original version of this ballad, you have to check out "Good To Be Bad", but this edit is also very good in the classic Whitesnake vein.

Christine  Parastatidou

Mistaken For Dead

Death metal is what we get from Resurrection in our familiar OBITUARY style. Especially their singer "stinks" of Tardy from miles and miles away, something that doesn't bother me at all personally, for two main reasons... first of all I believe it's very difficult to be able to sing like that and the second reason is because I love this kind of vocals. From then on, we are dealing with a good production, with quite many technical and skillful themes on the guitars, mid to fast tempos (not ultra fast though) and generally this is a more than decent work that pays tribute and honours the death metal scene with its quality!

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas


Harem Scarem is a well-known band as it already counts eleven studio albums and many live ones. "Hope" is the new addition to their discography and I would really like to say that it rocks the hell out of you. They have here melodic guitars with riffs taking your breath, melodic sounds from the keys combined with twin vocal choirs that are really giving something to each song and catchy tunes that will make you sing along. Eleven compositions with an accoustic version of the song "Higher" as a bonus track containing heavy, rock and ballad songs comprising an album that will be a pleasant company for the summer. "Hope", "Watch Your Back", "Time Bomb", "Shooting Star" and "Dark Times" are some tracks that will really get the listener crazy. Make sure to check it out!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Das Marchen Vom Schnee
(Northern Silence Productions)

Old fashioned, old school black metal in the vein of BURZUM is what the German band Broken Moon is presenting us with here. The guys truly believe in what they do, they love it, they are dedicated to this scene, the atmosphere of the album is frozen and smells of woods, but what's unacceptable sometimes is the vocals that occasionally bring to mind a "parody" of black metal and sound ridiculous. I can't understand the reasons why they made them sound this way and it's a shame because their music is generally very good and the album contains many interesting melodic harmonies. This release is only recommended to the maniacal black metal collectors!

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

Fiction - Expanded Edition
(Century Media) 

If I had to describe Dark Tranquillity’s music in two words, then I think I’d use passion and balance. Balance is a key factor for us humans in order to be able to control and understand our dual nature, whereas passion is what drives us forth. Those who know me also know that Dark Tranquillity is my most beloved band, however I’m objective when I say that this album is a masterpiece. Many of you are already aware of this since “Fiction” already counts a year of life, so you also know that these songs can’t be described by mere, sterile words. Music is first and foremost feeling and this album is a hymn to the whole spectrum of emotions, a means for introspection, whilst always keeping the characteristic soundscape of the band. The lyrics are an altogether different chapter, since they consist art even if viewed separately. Actually I’d advise you to read them carefully! Now this expanded edition deserves your attention since it’s a quality work, well worked and offers you delectable and rich material. You will find here all the songs taken from “Fiction” plus two live recordings and 4 songs that had been recorded for the album but for various reasons hadn’t been included… which is a shame because they are amazing and perfectly bound up with the rest… Apart from these, there are also plenty of photographs as well as a DVD that contains the videos of the songs “Focus Shift”, “Terminus (Where Death Is Most Alive)”, the rehearsal recording of “Focus Shift”, along with three live recordings from Bang Your Head Festival and four more from Summerbreeze both in 2007, where you can see how perfect this band is at its live shows! "Fiction" is already a classic... at least in my heart!

Christine  Parastatidou

Next Closed Door/Casket Closing

Well what have we got here... Engel is a band hailing  from Sweden and as many of its predecessors follow the usual metal scene. This is a CD single including two tracks and a video for the song "Next Closed Door". As I mentioned previously Engel are following the Swedish metal style meaning rough guitars with heavy riffs, fast drumming and vocals heavy brutal and clear, but I have to say that their ideas are quite well with an energy flowing into the songs. Moreover I believe that they can make a good name as the songs have many catchy choruses which is something that many metallers nowadays like. I would like to listen to a full work so that I can judge clearly... I'll be waiting.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Continue To Kill

I like this band! I've been following them ever since they were formed in 2000 and I truly believe they are underestimated and that a big part of the press has been unfairly hard on them. These guys never claimed they do something original or pioneering. They are metal heads who love both the classic hard rock, heavy metal sound and the brutal death metal genre. So, what did they do? They fused them together and personally I think the end result kicks ass! It's catchy, head banging material with lots of killer riffs, choruses that stick to your mind and a pure, honest party vibe. This is groovy music, groovy death metal combined with hard rock and dealing with gore and splatter topics. This is fun to listen to and I think "Continue To Kill" is extremely successful because it combines all this and has made me play it over and over again every single day. This is some crazed stuff that will be only appreciated by the fans of SIX FEET UNDER and AC/DC, as long as the latter don't mind the guttural vocals! The singer sounds close to Chris Barnes and the whole Debauchery endeavour has the aesthetics of SIX FEET UNDER's "Graveyard Classics"! I loved it!

Christine  Parastatidou

Soldier Of Misfotune

Filter is a band from Cleveland, Ohio and this their new single for their upcoming fourth album "Anthems For The Damned". Well as to what they are playing it is industrial rock I would say with some elements of alternative rock where the heavy guitars are combined with some hard pounding drums giving their place to some background programmed effects with clean vocals and with a harsh tune ending their palying. Now the single has two versions of the song "Soldier Of Misforune" (I prefer the second one) and a video which was shot for the same song. I really believe that they are a fine group combining energy with heaviness and I hope to listen to a full album. Till then.....

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Digital Disdain
(Union Black Records)

Well this band's disdain might be digital, but mine is more of a general nature after listening to this album a couple of times. I don't know much about the band... I don't know anything to be more precise and don't intend to find out more about them at least as long as they continue playing this way. They play black/death metal with a noisy production, low tuned guitars, ultra fast tempos and an industrial touch mainly created by the samples and effects. The whole thing sounds too chaotic and too fake to my ears. I think they use a drum machine and if not, well either way it sounds terrible to me and really irritating. Chaos is exactly what describes this release and I really can't find anything to hold my interest or to make me reconsider. This is annoying stuff for me and I'll pass!

Christine  Parastatidou

Black Tears And Deep Songs For Lost Lovers

Embellish is a band from Spain formed in 2000 but with so far nothing to say till now. "Black Tears And Deep Songs For Lost Lovers" -well a big name for an album and somewhat unusual- is their debut one where the five guys are trying to show us that gothic metal has fans throughout the whole world. Imagine the well known electro gothic rhythms with twin guitars playing only riffs, catchy tunes, vocals clean and harsh and drums that will make you sleep. I don't know what to say more when I couldn't find anything that would make me say well there is something that will keep my interest on this album far more than ten minutes. The only thing is that there will be two bonus tracks including a remix and an unplugged version of two songs and a video for the song "Falling".

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Enter Annihilation

There are two bands under this name, both from Sweden, only one plays black and the other one plays death metal. We are dealing here with the latter and since I have no further information to offer you let's move on to this album's, which I assume is their debut, sound. Musically they play melodic death metal which is infused and enriched with many modern elements and quite a lot classic heavy metal riffs. The songs are both harsh and melodic, keeping the balance whilst always maintaining a high degree of catchiness. The vocals are mainly death metal, but there are also some very good clean ones every once in a while, that enhance the contradiction between the aggressiveness of the songs and the melodic, atmospheric side they have. This is good stuff, though not original, and it's a release addressed to the fans of IN FLAMES, SOILWORK, DARK TRANQUILLITY, CHIDLREN OF BODOM, etc. If you belong to this category give them a try!

Christine  Parastatidou

Lion Of Judas

Elysia is a band which comes to us from Sacramento America having taken their name from the resting place of warriors in Roman Mythology like Valhalla for the northern heroes. Now as to what they are playing or are trying to play on their second album well it's the same recipe for groups like that... And to be more specific well take brutal death vocals, add some heavy scratching guitar riffs into them and some heavy hard pounding drums with fast and mid-tempo rhythms and finally a little punkish style just for the sake of it. And the result? Some good ideas some pleasant times of cruel headbanging and in the end well not so much. "Pride Of Lions" and "Crown Of Thorns" are the songs that I think stand out from it and nothing more. Pass Pass Pass. Surely I will!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Tank Gasmask Ammo
(Pulverised Records)

Those Who Bring The Torture have found the ideal moniker for their band since their music stands for anything this name implies which is of course extremity, brutality and aggressiveness. The band's sophomore work, that came only a year after their eponymous debut, presents us some high energy brutal death metal with a few grindcore tinges, some crust additions and with no melodic Swedish parts or passages. Despite the fact that these guys are Swedes, their music has a clear American sound with guttural vocals and some occasional more high pitched screams, heavy and voluminous parts and a concrete rhythm section with the double bass drums being a state of the art and the bass guitar having a prominent role quite often! The performance of the songs is superb, the production excellent and everything guarantees a top notch brutal death metal release! These guys surely have talent in writing catchy death metal, but don't expect any originality or innovations here. If you are looking for good music, though, you can invest with no second thoughts!

Christine  Parastatidou

Leather & Metal
(ThunderKnights Records)

From the first till the last note, Cast Iron on this release show their appreciation, devotion and love to the first era of RUNNING WILD. Simply each one of the four songs included here could easily belong to one of the first two albums of the metal pirates! Now some people might disapprove of the fact that Cast Iron have so many similarities with RUNNING WILD, but I don't care at all! As a metal head I want to listen to good and quality heavy metal music, full of enthusiasm and that's exactly what I get from Cast Iron! The production of the CD now might not be so well polished, but this, in my opinion, is very positive and works in their favour, since it gives the end result an 80s fuckin' metal atmosphere. Cast Iron are simply a proof that Finland can still give great metal far from the operatic, keyboard shit this country has been bomabrding us with lately. This band must open the upcoming RUNNING WILD shows!!! Order it from: [email protected].

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

(Another Sphere Records)

Dakrya is a new band formed back in 2004 but this is their first work ever. Hailing us from Greece, the six members... three women and three guys present us an album that will really speak to your heart. Imagine you are in a dark and gloomy world following a path with a chilling atmosphere in the air and you hear classic gothic tracks with amazing melodies from the keys together with guitar solos playing their part and ethereal vocals by two ladies who sound like a sweet lullaby in your ears. Well if you have that kind of fantasy then you can definitely understand what I am talking about and what to expect from this album. I really have to say that it has been a long time since I have heard something so good with an atmosphere that will really take your mind away. Nothing more than be sure to check it out!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Kill Division
(Displeased Records)

I wasn't aware of Deadhead's existence until I received a promo copy of "Kill Division". Furthermore I've noticed that this is the third official release of the band which was first released in 1999. Now Displeased Records offers us the opportunity to rediscover this band by re-releasing "Kill Division" with a better sound, plus offering us a bonus live recording that took place on February 24th 2006 in Zwolle, Holland, Musically now, the band plays the European kind of thrash metal with some death metal touches. They are also quite technical as a band, but personally they didn't move me at all. From a point on all their songs sounded to me the same and tired me a bit. However, here you will listen to a very interesting cover of SAXON's "Heavy Metal Thunder". The band really managed to give this song a thrash metal air!

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

Burn The Dance

New album for the U.S. metallers Bleed The Sky and I must say that this album is a fist straight in your face. Bleed The Sky is a band that plays harsh heavy metalcore with some tunes of hardcore containing sharp-edged guitar riffs combined with intense double bass hard pounding drums and angry deadly vocals creating a dark gloomy full of hatred atmosphere on their albums. "Burn The Dance" contains twelve compositions with "Knife Fight In A Phone Booth", "Slavior", "Poseidon" and "Vertical Smile" my personal best ones and I believe it is an album that will hold the listener's interest. Well what I didn't like is the thing that most of the songs sound somewhat the same with no nerve and fresh elements and the vocals in some songs just don't fit or are harsher than they should be. Recommended for fans of CHIMAIRA and PANTERA, who will find a very good album for their ears. Enjoy!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(Wacken Records)

Torture Squad can be described as a riffing machine gun that doesn't stop till you reach the end of this release! The band seems to be in great shape and there is not a single song on "Hellbound" that can be described as a "filler". The playing skills of all the musicians here are far beyond average and because of that they manage to give to their death/thrash metal sound and air of freshness without falling in the trap of following trends or adding core elements to their music. Having as influences bands like KREATOR, EXODUS and a bit of old METALLICA, they build a sound easily recognizable and highly addictive to the metal listener. There's no doubt here that we are dealing with another rising force of the extreme metal scene hailing us from Brazil!!! It might be just me, but the way that Vitor Rodrigues sings, reminded me of KREATOR's Mille Petrozza!!!

NIck  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

The Tide And Its Takers

New album for 36 Crazyfists a band that comes to us from the freezing Alaska, fifth to be more specific and the first one in a different record label as the previous ones were released from Roadrunner. Get ready for a blast in your head as "The Tide And Its Takers" will take you by the hand in a mixture of different sounds and styles such as metalcore, hardcore and a bit of 80's punk with fast drums, catchy guitar hooks and vocals ranging from melodic to growling screams. Having as main influences bands such as MACHINE HEAD and KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, 36 Crazyfists will offer you some good moments of harsh listening but apart from that nothing more. There may be some good songs such as "Waiting On A War", "Vast And Vague", "The All Night Lights" that will make you stand up and pound hard on everything at your reach, but it's the usual stuff. I really had a good time listening to it but don't think I'll listen to it more than just once.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Anima Noir
(Aural Music)

Every time I listen to such bands as Theatres Des Vampires, I realize the big impact that SISTERS OF MERCY have made on the gothic metal scene. Theatres Des Vampires is just another group that tries to imitate SISTERS OF MERCY by mixing pop elements with heavy metal music. To prove you how typical they are for this specific genre I should tell you that they have a female singer that sings in an operatic way. To be fair though, I have to admit that they have some positive elements like when they give in some of their songs a lead role to the electric guitars -a good example of this is the song "Dust"- and also when the keyboards play more classical themes, cause then they give a melancholy mood to their sound. All in all, Theatres Des Vampires are a typical gothic metal band with some elements that if the band works on properly, they might make the difference some day... Till then we/I have to wait...

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis


Well the band's name made me think that I had to deal with a group playing a kind of folkish metal or that their sound would be close to that of BLIND GUARDIAN. Elvenpath, though, have a more classic heavy metal orientation in their music rather than power metal. OK, they come from Germany and it's almost impossible not to have power metal touches in their sound something obvious in the song "Angel Of Fire" which is one of the best compositions in this release. Some other influences I have noticed come from the camp of IRON MAIDEN and MANOWAR ("Northern Son" is the proof which is also an amazing song). In general Elvenpath is a band that has a good sense of melody, which in my opinion is essential and vital if you want to play good heavy metal. The album in its entirety moves on very good standards with a few mediocre moments which I have located in the songs "The Mask Of Sorrow" and "Late At Night", The friends of classic German heavy/power metal can check them out without having second thoughts. For more information visit their website at the following address: http://www.elvenpath.com or send them an email here: [email protected].

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

Old South Jamboree
(People Like You)

Hahaha! This stuff makes me laugh...in a "good way", not like the majority of the mediocrity that has crossed my ears, recently...which, I guess doesn't make me laugh, now that I think of it... but I would laugh at how unoriginal it is if it wasn't so average...but then again, if it weren't average, there'd be nothing to laugh at, unless it was very sub-par, which would make me irritated...so I wouldn't laugh...hmmm...well, I don't know what I'm talking about, I guess...and while I'm guessing, I might as well make a conjecture about this CD. It seems this is so NOT metal that it's metal? Actually...that's not true. This stuff is VERY silly sounding. It's probably "rock-a-billy"? I can't take it seriously, no matter how hard I try. There's even banjos in it! No song with banjos can be taken entirely seriously...it just reeks of hilarity. This music makes me want to put fake buck teeth in my mouth and wear some blue jeans and flannel and get a couple of hound dogs to croon by my side...maybe, also, to do a "hill billy dance", with arms arched - the fists parallel to the hips...swung back and forth - stiffly. Well, now they've gone too far... here's a "country-western" tune with the lyrics, "Jesus ain't dead, he's just in jail". Now my stomach has turned...like eating too many chili dogs and cotton candy at the carnival while riding the roller coaster one too many times. It was fun for a while, now it's become a nightmare...soon to be a bad memory!

Tony  Mikkelson

Rage Unleashed - Rage Of A Murderer - EP
(Pest Records)

This is good stuff!!!! I've been listening to this EP quite some time now and not only it didn't tire me, but on the contrary the more I listen to it the more it grows in me! This is some kick ass groovy death metal music coming from a newcoming band that hails us from Romania, proving that these guys have what's needed to make the breakthrough and spread their name in the world wide scene. Their music is tight, brutal, heavy and extremely groovy and it actually brought to my mind SIX FEET UNDER and DEBAUCHERY, two bands I really like! All the songs are preceded by an intro which deals with the usual gore and splatter themes that are so famous in this genre. The songs are very tight and filled with catchy tunes and a sharp cutting rhythm section that will make you go wild and start a relentless headbang. The vocalist has some kick ass guttural vocals and the whole package shows character and love for what Loudrage do! I'm with them and I wish them the best of luck because they surely deserve it! Make sure you check them out!!!
Email: [email protected]
Site: www.loudrage.comORwww.myspace.com/loudrage

Christine  Parastatidou

Sixty Nine
(Painkiller Records)

It sounds old fashioned because it is... And personally talking, I don't have any problem with this. This album was first released in 1988 (fuckin' great 80s!!!) and it is now re-released from Painkiller Records. This is not the first and probably it won't be the last re-release... The question, though, we have to ask ourselves is whether this album deserves a second chance... The answer is surely yes! Sixty Nine play the kind of thrash core that most probably we won't listen again in our present times. Their music is deeply rooted in the 80s European thrash metal sound with some punk rock elements that are mostly obvious in the way the vocalist sings. There are also some U.S. bay area touches in their sound that enhance and enrich it. Generally, if you are looking for a good old thrashin' metal album or perhaps the European version of SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, then Sixty Nine are just fine!!

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

The Difference Engine

This music seems like it was done by one person, for some reason. I don't know why. Just reminds me of someone at a "party" or "get together" and is doing stuff in the background while no one pays attention. And the individual keeps doing stuff for attention but still doesn't get any. Or like someone that keeps talking but not saying anything. They tend to get tuned out, you know? Some people have a presence whether they speak or not...an "aura" that draws others in, whereas - there's others, like D.A.M. that "just don't have it, so they just don't get it". They are definitely NOT the life of the party, let's say. Anyway the style started out in a very black metal vein with the first song, but switched quickly to a DEATH "rip-off". Well, I just looked them up on the internet...which was a bit of a task, actually...they don't "pop up" at the top of the search list, etc., like a respectable name should - 'in the biz", and I found out it's an actual "band"... which makes sense, 'cause the drums are "real", etc. So, this is a band that doesn't really have a style of their own...just a bunch of jumbled together influences. Mostly "top name" death metal bands, I'd say. I mostly hear DEATH (especially the vocals - phrasing and tone...though guitar riffs seem like an attempt at capturing Chuck Schuldiner's feel, as well, here and there). But I also hear a little bit of CANNIBAL CORPSE, CARCASS, ENTOMBED, and other "prominent" bands of that ilk. It's like these guys are chasing their shadows instead of uniting and walking together in the opposite direction - where the shadow becomes the servant, not the master.

Tony  Mikkelson

The Art Of War
(Black Lodge)

Once upon a time there was a band called Sabaton. When they were a new band, they had released their first album from Underground Symphony (recently they re-released it as a double CD album), which introduced us a band that was playing good heavy metal with some epic touches based on good guitar work. From the second album on the band chose to follow a more war-like attitude (just check out their latest pictures showing them dressed up like commandos) and they have also given more space to the keyboards, reducing the guitar's lead role. Now they have released their new work "The Art OF War" which is a full of keyboards metal album. I don't want to be misunderstood so let me clear out that I'm not against the use of keyboards. On the contrary I love them when they are used in the right way (like ANCIENT RITES use them in their last two albums). However, the way Sabaton use the keyboards fails to achieve the epic/warlike atmosphere they want and makes them sound more like a male edition of NIGHTWISH. In my opinion the only songs that escape mediocrity are "Unbreakable" and "Cliffs Of Gallipoli" (the way it starts reminded me of SAVATAGE's song "Dead Winter Dead"). I hope next time they prove me wrong and release a guitar based album.

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

Dominion VIII
(Regain Records)

The drums seem to limit the music... they are thick and clunky... reminding me of a mammoth trying to run from a saber tooth tiger. They should be "faster", in my opinion and more "present". It sounds like a drummer who's just starting out...*bash, bash, bash*...hardly any dexterity, but I know these guys should have their "chops" developed by now - again, referring roughly to "the age of the dinosaurs" - these guys have been around for a while. I'm sure lots of people are aware of them. This is the first Grave CD I've heard in a long while and I can't really compare this to their previous works (well, I could if I wanted to listen to their entire catalog, again... but this CD sure doesn't make me inclined to, so I won't). Getting back to them being an "old band" - I often wonder why bands with such "longevity" just put out the same album every few years... and if they "break up"... they reunite after an even longer time and put out another version of their previous effort. What's the point? You see, I hear nothing "innovative" or "expansive" about this music. No "improvement". The riffs are still "doomy", which means "simple"... even when played "fast". Also the "end of the world" is not here... nor will it arrive anytime soon, in my opinion... it's like some bands, like Grave, cling on to the past and perpetuate "archaic ideas" without any "true intent". The whole "Armageddon" thing is stale... not that this is what they are necessarily representing... just speaking in general, I guess... but I lump Grave in with this mentality. Where's the "new themes"? Where's the "emotion"? "Let the dead bury their own dead", maybe? This CD is meaningless to me. Speaking of "graves"... I prefer depth to mine... Grave seems shallow.

Tony  Mikkelson

...When The Slate Becomes Diamonds
(Painkiller Records)

How much do I love these full of cliche metal bands! The kind of bands that although their music has nothing new to give to the genre, they play so well and with such a passion their music that they transmit it to the listener. Such a band is Denied from Italy as well. Their music owes a lot to IRON MAIDEN with their secondary influence being the N.W.O.B.H.M. movement. Sometimes they also remind me of MANTICORA (their first EP), CRYSTAL EYES and STEEL ATTACK (first CD) mainly because of the way their singer interprets the songs. Generally speaking I can say that Denied are a bunch of friends who love to play classic heavy metal and that's the atmosphere characterizing this whole release. In my opinion Denied are the TIERRA SANTA of Italy. The songs you have to check out from this release are the following... "When The Slate Becomes Diamonds", "Denied", "Ride To The Land Of The Machine Guns" and "Bearers Of The Slate".

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Sons Of The Shades
(Northern Silence Productions)

This is listed as "ambient folk black metal" from a quick search of the name on the internet. I would say that's a suitable description. I find it quite boring, however I DO sense some "emotion" generated from it... within it... stemming from the creators of this project. It's not altogether unpleasant or anything. It's sort of like "sound track music" which is cool, actually. I can get into such orchestration and presentation. I'm just not in the mood for such music at the moment. I don't like the vocals. They are "basic black metal", which I don't care for. Again... there's dynamics to the music, but the production seems to stifle the more "dramatic" elements...well, maybe not the "drama", but the "swelling" of the music is limited by a compressed feel, overall. It seems the music should "breath" a little wider to capture the histrionics of the structures... for a more "grandiose" conveyance. There's also distortion where there "shouldn't be" in some areas... it should be "cleaner". If you're in a mellow mood or would like to be in a mellow mood, you can try this CD out... not meant as an insult. It's sort of a "contemplative" type music... let it play in the background while you relax your mind and open it to other realms of thought.

Tony  Mikkelson

Go West Young Man, Let the Evil Go East

Hmmm...I'm listening to this for the second time. I guess this is what's considered "screamo"? I had to look this band up and see what they might be related to...it said, "post-hardcore". It's got an annoying vibe to it like a lot of "newer generation" bands...however, there's something somewhat interesting about it, but I can't pinpoint what it is. It actually flows pretty well for this discordant style and has some catchy parts. The vocals might be the interesting part, actually but at the same time they're kind of off-putting. They sound VERY effeminate, for a guy, and then go into a screaming type of "he took my teddy bear away from me" wail. It's like these guys are aiming for the prepubescent as a marketing ploy? I guess Billy Corgan from SMASHING PUMPKINS had this kind of "androgynous" aesthetic to his voice...it's sort of like that...but even more so. It's like I want to say, "Shut up and grow up, kid. Life gets a lot harder than having to put your bicycle chain back on by yourself!" "Do I have to wipe your nose, or can you handle it yourself?" However, for this kind of music I can ALMOST get into it... oddly enough it doesn't completely grate on my nerves, like most in this genre and there's a few "surprises" and/or "innovations" here and there in the song structures/atmosphere that seems to set this band apart from the drones and clones, it would seem. This might be a soundtrack for pre-teen angst...if they actually experience "angst" of a "true nature"?

Tony  Mikkelson

The Journey Through Damnation
(Eyes Like Snow)

Lately, I have noticed that the new metal bands are afraid of choosing and using the simple term heavy metal. Most of them prefer to call their sound "hollywood", "operatic", etc metal. Darkest Era, who have changed their name from NEMESIS (I had presented their demo, which left me with very good impressions) have chosen to call their sound Celtic metal. Comparing this mini CD with their previous demo, I can't say that the band has changed much. They continue to play classic raw heavy metal with some THIN LIZZY touches that enhance the Celtic atmosphere of their sound. Other times, when they try to play some Irish tunes with their guitars, they remind me of OMEN and RUNNING WILD more than anything else. Their music is sincere, but personally I think that it's not as good as that of their demo. There are many mediocre moments on this CD that tired me. I hope that  in the future they will give us more interesting music, because they had really impressed me a lot under the name NEMESIS.

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis


There are some bands that remain untouched by time whatever happens, no matter how many years have passed. Journey has come back to prove that they are that kind of band. "Revealtion" is the new album with a new person in vocals called Arnel Pineda whose, believe me when I say this, voice not only matches with the band but it also reminded me of good old timer Steve Perry (whose voice I love). Now to the album... well there are ballads, there are fast songs, there rae songs that will make you wanna stand up and dance with the melodic guitars by Neal Schon, the amazing keys by Jonathan Cain, the fine drums by Deen Castronovo taking their place along with the very good vocals of Arnel Pineda. Songs such as "Like A Sunshower", "Wildest Dream", "Faith In The Heartland" are some examples that can show to everyone what this album is about. Now there will be a limited edition with a second CD which will include some best of tracks such as "Faithfully", "Any Way You Want It", "Seperate Ways" and others that are re-recorded with the new line up plus a bonus DVD with a live show that was given in March 8 2008 in Las Vegas. There is no doubt that Journey have come to offer yet another great album to every one. Be sure no to miss it!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Sinful Nation
(Holy Records)

This CD starts out kind of promising but leaves me dissatisfied by the end. The first song/intro has a sort of Carl Orff or Jerry Goldsmith ("The Omen") type of vibe to it...less "ominous", though and less orchestrated, etc. I just mean a sort of "operatic/choral" theme but with some metal riffs added, almost similar to SAVATAGE, but heavier... a decent vibe, powerful, but then the main music begins with the second track. Actually, the second track starts out heavy and vigorous. I thought, "wow, this might be a killer CD!" But the vocals kick in... down my hopes fall bit by bit. The vocals are really weak... to me it should be more "guttural"...say, like - Chuck Billy of TESTAMENT or something. The vocals, here, are kind of lost in the music... almost to the point of a rough whisper. And speaking of TESTAMENT... there seems to be a slight musical "influence", maybe? Reminds me a little of "Demonic/The Gathering" era, anyway. But there's more of a MORGOTH, GRAVE, ROTTING CHRIST, SEPTIC FLESH type of vibe to Inactive Messiah, in my opinion. Sort of "gothic death metal"? Anyway, the majority of the music is pretty mid-paced... it just doesn't "move me"... if they would step up the tempo a bit, maybe I could get into it more? It also sounds "too rehearsed"...like performing a ritual to the point of losing its meaning and intent. If it's a chore, then it's a bore! I will say, "this disc has its moments"...brief as they may be. I like the incorporation of acoustic guitars in the mix and the "horns"...not sure what they are using...but it brings some character and depth to the music. Other than that, Inactive Messiah seems to have an apropos band name. The music's mostly "inactive" (like a flame of fire within a cube of ice). Add that to the term "messiah" and you'll get the gist...this band is not a "leader" to a "new way"...but if you follow the previously listed bands in this review you might enjoy "Sinful Nation".

Tony  Mikkelson

(Pure Steel Records)

The German metal scene is overpopulated by bands claiming they are the next best thing in the scene. To their disappointment I have to inform them through this review that this place is taken by a band called Boomerang! The only thing needed is for the metal fans to clear their minds from all these bullshit advertisements they are bombarded with and see the truth that lies before their eyes. Boomerang, without ever pushing or pressing things, but with stable and careful steps have delivered their third full length album that has nothing to envy from their previous ones. It's really good that this time around they released their album through a label, which means that they will spread their music more easily this way. Now as for their music, Boomerang continue balancing between the U.S. and the Teutonic metal sound. Actually, they have the directness of the German metal scene mixed with the lyricism of the U.S. branch. All these are crafted and blended in such a way that they create a 100% recognizable sound that bears Boomerang's trademark. No more to say! The metal fans around the world have to check them out!!!!

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

Ot Serdca K Nebu
(Napalm Records)

Well, I think that Napalm Records has found in the folk metal genre the goose that lays the golden eggs. This time the folk metal or pagan metal band -as they prefer to call themselves- hails us from Russia and probably is the most extreme band that this label has signed lately. I say this because in their metal parts they have quite many influences from the black and death metal genres. One more thing that you might not know is that Arkona have gained quite a status and they are famous enough in the underground scene. By listening to their new work, I couldn't understand why the fans consider them so special. Yes, they have beautiful folkish melodies, but personally I have listened to those elements a thousand times already in other bands and in even more imaginative ways. They also need to work more on the guitars and give them a bigger role. Don't forget that they claim to be a metal act after all. Besides that, the album includes 14 tracks an from a point on they fall in the trap of repeating the same melodies again and again. The element of originality in this band is the use of the female vocals. Closing, I have to say that the album is built on such a way that will bring enthusiasm to the listener for the first time, but after some time passes, you will end up wondering what moved you to buy this release in the first place. Just another mediocre folk metal band that makes me miss SKYCLAD even more!

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

The Aftermath Odyssey
(Burning Star Records)

Nation Beyond is the project band of the guitarist Jonas Karlgren, also a member of the band DEBASE and of the bass player Joakim Hedestedt of FACE DOWN. As I read in the band's bio, these two musicians gathered around them some metal musicians from other well known bands and had the ambition to create a concept album with some rock/metal opera elements. The concept narrates the story of a person who survived the nuclear war and his adventures on an apocalyptic earth. Something like a more thought-provoking Mad Max story. Everything on the album is very well worked and the production moves on professional standards -I didn't expect anything less from a Swedish band- however the final result didn't moce me as much as I had expected. Personally, I believe that it is another well taken care of power/progressive metal release close to the vein of bands like KAMELOT and late SAVATAGE, but besides this, I can't find anything to hold my interest and make me want to listen to it again. The only things I distinguish are the exceptional voices of the singers Nielz and Sara that give us a superb performance in the song "Soulmates".

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

Treue & Verrat
(Folter Records)

All the lyrics on the album are written in the German language. However, titles like "Siegfried Von Xanten" and "Hagens Verrat" made it clear to me that Arathorn have created a concept album based on the Ring of Nibelungen saga. A hard task, especially if you consider that this epic tale has inspired great composers like Wagner. It is also true that many metal bands in the past were inspired by the same legend, but most of them, didn't succeed in transubstantiating the atmosphere of this tale into their music. Arathorn though are a bright exception. They mainly use acoustic music played by the guitars, the violin, the flute and a there's also a discreet use of keyboards, manage to create a majestic atmosphere. Add to all this some cloder black metal outbreaks that owe a lot to BATHORY and you have a clear image of what Arathorn want to do with their music. Finally, I want to say that I liked a lot the sound of the production of the album, because all the instruments sound so natural and especially the drums.

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

Extent Of Soul
(Several Bleeds Records)

What the hell??? Where did this sonic blast come from? "Extent Of Soul" is a pure holocaust and the more I listen to it the more I get into it! We're talking about highly addictive music that will lead you to a headbagning frenzy with its aggressiveness, ferocity and catchiness. The French scene has some of the best bands I've ever listened to and what's even more amazing is that most of the bands have a rather personal and distinctive sound. Well that's the deal with Sonny Red as well! They deliver groovy metalcore with many thrash and hardcore touches and though some resemblances are obvious -after all this is their debut album- they have a really fresh and personal approach to the songs. I'm really enthralled with what I'm listening to so I'm in loss for words here! Catchy riffs are mixed with elaborate parts, some false harmonics and licks on the guitars create the necessary variety and an outraged vocalist, who shifts into clean singing in a blink of an eye -proving to have a really great voice for both the extreme and the more melodic parts- are the main ingredients of this release! The rhythm section is another plus here and it's well taken care of since rhythm is an important factor for this genre. The production is also every good, giving the necessary space to all the instruments and the artwork is really great. Get your hands on this immediately and break your necks!!!!!!!!!
Email: [email protected]

Christine  Parastatidou

Spitting Venom
(SMR Productions)

Suddenly out of nowhere this release came and hit me. And when I saw this band's place of origin, I said to myself "Holy shit!! Miracles do happen after all!!". You see as a traditional metalhead, England has nothing to say to me nowadays. MOst of the bands that come from there and claim to be metal, follow this tiring nu-metal, metalcore trend that has nothing to really say to me. Savage Messiah, though, is a whole different story. Their sound is deeply rooted in the 80s speed metal genre as it was formed, shaped and developed in the U.S. So, we deal here with a bay area speed/thrash sounding metal band that originates from Great Britain. Their sound is quite fresh and innovative. The band doesn't try to hide their influences, but based upon them, they try to forge their own sound. The point is that we're talking about a highly addictive speed metal band that musically takes your breath away like a punch in the stomach. Listen to them on their myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/savagemessiahmetal or on their site: http://www.savage-messiah.co.uk and order their album!!

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

Shuffle Among Causes

Turkey may not be so famous in the metal world, but believe me they have a really strong underground scene and some really good and special bands. Nausea with their hard and professional work seem to deserve a place amongst those bands since their death metal is really tight, well bonded, powerful and dynamic! Their sound is closer to the melodic branch of this genre and it's enriched with beautiful melodies, some acoustic parts, a few oriental riffs and some black metal tinges. All these mean that their compositions are rich in texture and complex, but at the same time they are ideal for headbanging and they are followed by a very good production and a fitting artwork. Yeah this is a highly promising band, which needs and deserves your support. Make sure you check them out, they have a lot to offer!
Email: [email protected]
Site: http://www.myspace.com/nauseaband

Christine  Parastatidou

(Stygian Crypt Productions)

Is it my imagination or does everything have to do with Vikings and the folklore has been attracting a lot of metal fans lately? Well, the release of so many Viking and folk metal albums proves the truth of my words. Heorot originate from Finland, however they've decided to do a concept album based on the Norwegian mythology and as the title of their release indicates, they deal with Ragnarok (I have really lost count of how many bands have dealt with this myth). Heorot's sound has all the typical elements that characterize a Viking metal band... folkish tunes, lyrics sang in their mother tongue (Suomi) and a bombastic atmosphere. Heorot, though, differ from other contemporary bands of the same style of their country, because they don't emphasize so much in melodies, but they have a blacker and more BATHORY like approach to their sound. In general they have some interesting parts in their music like in the tracks "Kansaansa Vastaan" and "Jattilaisen Laulu", but I think they fell in the trap of writing long duration songs which end up repeating themselves and the same themes over and over again. A typical good and rather predictable band ideal for those who are crazy about Viking folk metal, but I don't think they will manage to attract metal fans from other genres.

Nick  "Verkaim"  Parastatidis

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