Guardians Of Eternity
(Eternal Legacy Records)

Celtic Legacy is a band from Ireland a country which I really love and have in my heart. As the name reveals -and by that I mean the word Celtic- the band is deeply influenced by this sound. "Guardians Of Eternity" is their third album and believe me it's worth your attention. The five guys from Dublin (Guiness rules!) know how to play their instruments giving us nine compositions of pute traditional folk metal with nice melodies, guitar solos which will please every listener with their sounds, vocals that give the band a unique characteristic and generally we are talking about a very good album. What I would like to hear more on this album are the folky tunes and melodies which of course are present in many songs but  not to an extent that Celtic Legacy can prove the place they come from, a place where every tale comes true. Nothing more to say than the journey to the Celtic Myths and Legends has already begun.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis


Ill Nino is a band from the United States of America who already counts three albums and one EP. To be honest with you this is the first album I have heard from Ill Nino and it didn't make any impression on me. They play nu-metal, I would say, with a little bit of Latin sounds which I liked along with some deathly vocals combined with normal ones abd heavy guitars mixed with core drums, but the result is disappointing with neither fresh ideas nor songs that will make you feel something special, including the Spanish-sung pop ballads which I can't find out the reason why they were included in this album. Of course the choice is yours and yours only, but with bands sounding like that I know I will surely pass as they have nothing to offer to the listener.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Lightning Strikes Again
(Frontiers Records)

Dokken is a band which needs no introduction as it already counts ten albums and a wide variety of songs that have put the band in the Hall Of Fame amongst the ten best bands in melodic hard rock. Moving in the same way reminding us of older albums from the 80's era (I love that era) Dokken have produced yet another masterpiece. Twelve compositions that will not bore the listener as each one has its own unique style changing from beautiful ballads to really heavy songs with melodic sounds and very good mid-tempo drums. Moreover all the members give their best performance having as a result a very good album that will be remembered after one or two hearings. Nothing more to say than that the gods of melodic hard rock are throwing their lightning back in our ears.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

The New Dawn
(Stygian Crypt Productions)

I am a big fan of neither progressive metal nor technical death metal. I usually prefer a more direct sound that speaks straight to my heart and doens't need me to get so mental in order to understand it. Anachronaeon however is an exception to the rule I have set for myself. From the first time I listened to this album, I have noticed that the band's sound has something appealing, although it was too technical and progressive at the same time. After a few more listenings, I've reached to the conclusion that this band can be added to the ones that have earned my respect and I would recommend them to my friends (Yep, all of you reading this review are also included). The band has a good sense of melody and they also use the progressive and technical parts of their music in a wise and moderate way. All of the above elements are used in a way to serve and create the right atmosphere for the concept story that unfolds on this album. A story that could easily be the script for the next X-Files movie. It might also be my impression, bhut the way the story is structured and narrated, brought to my mind KING DIAMOND. Finally I want to close this review by doing my faourite thing... telling you the influences I discoevred in the band's sound. Well it is obvious that their sound has a strong dose of DEATH in it along with the dark romance of EVERGREY and the desperate anger of old NEVERMORE and COMMUNIC. All in all, this is an album that deserves your attention! So, if you want to order it, communicate with their label at the following addresses...
Site: http://www.stygiancrypt.cjb.net
Email: [email protected] OR [email protected].

Nick  Parastatidis

(Shadow World Records)

Discard is a new band in the metal scene and comes to us from Finland a country with a lot of history in heavy metal. "Carrion" is their first effort and believe me when I say that this band has the potential to do something big. Thrash metal with death vocals mostly influenced by Swedish death metal bands, really great twin guitars with many changes between them, heart breaking drums which will make your head and ears go crazy and a very good production for a debut album. Eleven compositions in which you will not hear the complex themes or playing but they will surely pay you off with their thrashy tunes and the adrenaline which flows in the whole album. There is also a guest vocal section in some songs by Tomi Joutsen (AMORPHIS). Be sure not to miss it!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Oxlahun Ti Ku
(Stygian Crypt Productions)

This is something really special, the kind of release you don't listen to every day. This is an album that applies to all those who are looking for unconventional and innovative music that bears no resemblances with anything else they've ever heard. Raxa is a band from Russia, actually it's a one man band since Lefthander is responsible for all the compositions and he plays all the instruments. This alone is quite amazing, but wait until you hear the good part! The songs move on an ethnic/tribal dark doom metal direction with lots of ambient and black metal tinges. As for the lyrics... well they are really special as well since they are entirely written in the ancient language of the Aztecs!!! "Oxlahun Ti Ku" which means "underground supreme war" is an album dedicated to the tribe of the Aztecs, to their ceremonies, to their heritage and to their way of life. The booklet is accompanied by some great ancient Aztec murals, the music is surrounded by a dark imposing atmosphere and it consists of some great ethnic themes entwined with a great deal of ambient keyboard parts and black metal riffs. The production is also very good and actually there's no drawback I can trace on this album. If you are interested in the Aztecs and you like weird and yet breathtaking music, then here's a great proposal for you!

Christine  Parastatidou

The Life I know

Gwen Stacy was the first true love of Spiderman and the first to die after Spidey desperately tried to save her. Now as to the band from Indianapolis, America well what is there to say? The guys are trying to play hardcore with a little bit of metalcore tunes and with some punk elements. I would say that with the growls and the angry vocals, the heavy guitars with the scratching riffs, the hard pounding drums and some catchy melodies the goal is accomplished but not to an extent that will keep the listener stuck to his chair for a long time. Of course "The Fear In Your Eyes", "The Path To Certainty" and "Sleeping In The Train Yard" are some songs that can easily be heard but what after that? Recommended only for fans of this genre as I believe the rest will find only pain in their ears.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

River Of Tuoni

Debut album for the Finnish neoclassical power metallers and Amberian Dawn are here to prove that female fronted bands are on the go. "River Of Tuoni" is an album that contains all the things needed for a debut album, meaning catchy songs, very good heavy guitars, fast drums with a style of progression and keys with melodies that will travel you to places of mystery, fanatsy, imagination and great landscapes. Heidi's voice will enchant everyone as I believe is very beautiful and gives the songs a sense of passion and heaviness wherever needed. Definitely a must for fans of MASTERPLAN, NIGHTWISH and EDENBRIDGE since Amberian Dawn combines in the best possible way the heaviness and the melodic sounds. Enjoy!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Bloodyssey 1994-2003
(Cyclone Empire)

I believe that the album titled reveals quite a lot as to what this release is all about. Mightiest have been active since 1994, but this is actually the first time they get released by a record label. Actually this double CD contains all the songs they've ever written and recorded between the years 1994 and 2003, so we could say it's a best of compilation, but the truth is that it's more than that, since it's a gathering of all their demos and EPs. This compilation might signify the passing of Mightiest from the totally underground scene to the official discography. What does their music sound like? Well it's melodic black metal with an intense old school scent and it's influenced by bands like IMMORTAL, SATYRICON, NAGELFAR and a bit of EMPEROR especially on their more atmospheric keyboard parts. Their music is good and interesting enough, but the thing is that it's rather typical. Truth must be told, the second CD is much, much better than the first one. The songs are tighter and better, so this means that I found this release a bit uneven. The first CD tired me and I found it boring towards the end, whereas the second one is interesting and shows a highly improved band. If you'd like to have all Mightiest songs, then this is a very good chance for you!

Christine  Parastatidou

Mare Nostrum

2008 has proved to be a really active year for the Italians who have released in a short period of time a best of compilation and "Mare Nostrum" which is their 4th full length album. Stormlord started their career with a state of the art debut album "Supreme Art Of War" creating a huge fuss around their name with building a rather new genre, that of blackened epic metal or black/power metal as some others like to call it. Either way the truth is only one... This is heavy and catchy music! It has the darkness and the coldness of black metal mixed with an epic atmosphere and enhanced with lots of heavy/power metal themes. "Mare Nostrum" is simply sensational and magnificent having the best parts of the above mentioned genres. It has beautiful riffs that stick to the mind, stunning keyboard parts that enrich the darkness of the songs, trademark black metal growls intermingled with operatic female interpretations and extraordinary drums! This album has it all and I'm pretty sure it's going to be appreciated both by the melodic blacksters and the fans of epic/heavy metal. I'm their fan no doubt!

Christine  Parastatidou

Parallels Of Infinite Torture
(Metal Mind Productions)

Disgorge have been around since 1992 and up to now they have offered us 4 full length releases, so those who are into extremity fast, brutal death metal should already know them, which means further introductions aren't needed here. These Americans are definitely one of the most extreme and gore bands on the planet, so the fans of this genre should have no second thoughts or doubts. You're gonna love this album. As for the rest of the people, including me, well I like the songs to have some structure, some form and melody. All these three lack here. They lack intentionally of course, but this doesn't change things and doesn't make the end result more appealing to me. This album is way too fast, way too unconnected and way too brutal for my taste. I just can't take a breath from the constant pounding and I can't make out any of the songs. They all sound the same to me and in fact I had the feeling that I kept listening to one song over and over again... I think I'll pass! 

Christine  Parastatidou

This Is Exile
(Metal Blade)

What do you think of deathcore? There are many metallers, mainly the deathsters, who oppose it or even loathe it, because they think it's not "real" and "true" death metal. I don't quite agree with this opinion, since good metal is always good metal, meaning that we shouldn't label the bands and then judge them based on the category they are filed under. The American band Whitechapel is definitely a good metal act since their songs have intensity, power and they are straightforward. Musically they bring to mind bands like JOB FOR A COWBOY and SIX FEET UNDER, mainly the grooviness of the latter. So like I mentioned their music is really groovy and gets into you in a really direct way! The guys have rhythm, melody and they even show a progressive and quite technical aspect of their sound in some of the compositions with their constant rhythm and theme changes. The vocalist is really great with a range of screams and growls from deep and guttural to high pitched demented screams. The band also has three guitarists something that works for them in some parts that have triple guitar harmonies, but overall you can't really hear it. I don't have to say anything about the production, since there is no flaw, but on the contrary it's really heavy and voluminous! "This Is Exile" is a good album that deserves your attention!

Christine  Parastatidou

(Painkiller Records)

Deletion is a newcoming band from Sweden that is putting up its debut album moving in between genres and more specifically between black and death metal. The musicians who comprise the band's line up aren't newcomers however, since they have quite the experience with some well known bands like DISSECTION, THORNIUM, SOULREAPER, RUNEMAGICK, etc. Actually these bands are a good clue as to where their sound goes to, but the thing is that the end result needs some more work. It's their first release, so it's quite natural for the influences to show or for some flaws to be obvious, which means we can't be harsh on them. The truth is that they have some good moments and some really interesting riffs, but the outcome is somewhat blunt and boring. It's too flat and monotonous, which means that you get tired from some point on. I can't really follow the songs and get into them, cause I can't hear a structure or a catchy part that will stick to my mind and make me want to listen to this over and over again. This is definitely promising, but it needs more work to make the music more tight and accessible. For me this isn't headbanging material...

Christine  Parastatidou

Der Erde entwachsen (Gewollte Wunden)
(Northern Silence Productions)

This is more "go nowhere...poorly driven black metal"...not that it's an automobile, of course. There's just not really any "dynamics", once again. The "flow" is lop-sided...there doesn't seem to be any "aim" to the music structure or feeling...unless I'm just not perceiving it? It's like there's no real "reference point" to this material, in general. It sort of reminds me of a few "preppy" type kids who've never played "metal" before deciding to form a black metal band, "for the fun of it". I'm almost seeing the dorks in the "alternative band" Weezer, here, in my mind as I write this...yeah...as if Weezer in the early days decided to make a mock black metal band...that's what Kerbenok basically is, to me. Like they should be wearing fuzzy knitted turtlenecks and smiling with Buddy Holly glasses on, but maybe with some "corpse paint" underneath, to make it "black metal"? This is really boring... I'd rather just listen to Weezer, actually...at least they bring a smirk to my face. Kerbenok doesn't turn my frown upside down nor my smile to the ground. It's like a dead duck floating in a lake...never to even have a swan song. An icon has to rise to glory before it can fall by the wayside. Kerbenok is slightly different from the pack, but not in a good way.

Tony  Mikkelson

Another Dawn
(77 Rock Records)

Well, I think this is the first time I get the chance to listen to a band from Skopje. I knew they have an underground metal scene, but I never realized how strong it was... not until just now. I'm really impressed with this piece of work, cause it shows a highly professional band who are dedicated for life as their moniker implies to this sound. The band has been around since 2001 and up to now have only released a demo CD and a debut titled "By All Means". Like I said this is a really interesting and impressive album that dwells in the melodic death metal/metalcore genre as it's mainly presented to us by the Scandinavian scene. So we are talking about sharp guitars with catchy riffs ideal for headbanging, a rhythm section that is steady and precise like a metronome and great dual chaotic vocals! When these two, the guttural and the growling screams, are combined they bring forth the necessary brutality and aggressiveness and make each song a pure headbanger! However don't think that their compositions are simple and ordinary since they have many progressive elements dispersed within the songs and many a la Zakk Wylde false harmonics and licks that enhance the songs with variety! The production is also very good and powerful and as for the artwork... well this one is truly and honestly the best one I've ever seen!!! We are talking about a big black leather case that has a wolf head (the band's logo) engraved in the front and as for the inlay it's really beautiful and dark! I think you should definitely check this band out. They might not deliver the most original music, but they definitely deliver it with honesty and passion!

Christine  Parastatidou

Death Prevails
(Nuclear Blast)

Brutal death metal reigns supreme as it seems, since this is the 6th release of the genre I get to review this month and things keep getting better and better! I'm impressed and in loss for words with these newcomers from Germany... They were formed a couple of years ago and after a demo release, they immediately signed with Nuclear Blast. What's so special about this band? Well what would you say if I told you that the average age of this band is 16? Actually their guitarist is only 14 years old and they are the youngest band Nuclear Blast has ever signed! These youngsters have managed with their debut album to overcome many major and first league bands that have been around for ages. "Death Prevails" is a stunning piece of work not only because of the young of their age, but because it consists of 9 tight and catchy as hell death metal compositions with riffs that stick to your mind and melodic passages that are definitely superb! Their songs have technique, quality and show some really skillful musicians and songwriters! Plus the production and the cover artwork are unbelievable and highly professional! I'm really stunned with this album, cause though it bears to mind the band's influences, it does it in a really honest and fresh way, whilst always maintaining Hackneyed's personal approach and perception of what death metal is all about! This is definitely a must have for the fans of MORBID ANGEL, SUFFOCATION, NECROPHAGIST, NASUM and VADER! 

Christine  Parastatidou

Breed Hate: Steer Fate
(Poison Arrow Records)

What has happened to Finland? Have they turned from a power metal country into a hardcore - death metal one? Well to be honest with you I like changes and Perfect Chaos are the ones to bring it. "Breed Hate: Steer Fate" is not an innovative album compared to other suchlike albums but contains all the elements that will keep it in your CD player for a long time. Sharp edged guitar riffs, really fast drums with the pedals burning and compositions with catchy tunes with which you will find yourself singing along. What I didn't like so much are the vocals that were somewhat more brutal than the band's style and in some songs they didn't fit. If you are into MACHINE HEAD, THE HAUNTED, FEAR FACTORY and you dig the new TESTAMENT albums then this album is definitely for you. Enjoy!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Get Dead Or Die Trying
(Metal Blade)

Don't tell me you don't know this band, cause it's been around since 1997 and only recently, this April they've decided to change their moniker. Does the name GOREROTTED ring a bell? This is the exact same band... well not the exact same band literally speaking since there is no original member anymore. "Get Dead Or Die Trying" -what a great and clever title by the way!- is definitely a worthy release that carries elements from the band's past whilst at the same time showcasing quite a few innovations and though it might be too early I can even label it as a classic. The Rotted are here to prove that brutal death metal can have varied and can be multi-layered and complex without ever lacking in brutality or ferocity. These 11 compositions are a bright example of catchy riffs being combined with intricate themes, elaborate structures and insane solos. The drums are simply stunning with their multiple rhythms and changes from blast beats and double drum bass to slower or more imposing tempos. As for the vocals they are really great both the guttural, brutal growls and the more high pitched screams and when these two are intermingled, then the end result is total chaos and panic! If you are looking for brutal and yet technical death metal that reeks of decay and need to listen to a fresh and distinctive sound, then seek no more! Your quest is over! Hail The Rotted!

Christine  Parastatidou

The Red Line Archives
(Indie Recordings)

This starts in with a "looped digital delay effect thing", then growly type voices are added...annoying... I hate albums that start out with "interludes", for the most part, just "go for it", for crying out loud. Actually, I had to go over and fast forward the first track 'cause they must consider this a "song"... it lasts over 5.5 minutes... that noise? The second track starts... this must be some sort of "industrial project". I'm not sure I can listen to this whole thing... I'm gonna go fast forward and "sample" each track and get back to the review after that... be right back... blah. This is REALLY crappy "industrial music". I hate it. There's really no "musicality" to it... there's a slight beat or rhythm to the "music", but it's VERY boring... 4/4 time... not that THAT is a problem, necessarily...but...this stuff is just irritating. It's like a scene from some movie where there's a "gothic dance club" and people are all drugged up... lurching around like a bunch of absent (or is that absinthe?) minded idiots trying to obliviate themselves to the point of "no awareness". And they're "too frunk to duck"...so they climb on each other with their latex outfits and fall out the door onto the wet pavement below... too dazed to fully laugh at how small they are... in the grand scheme of things... so they snicker with a drawl and try to pick each other up... literally...staggering down the street - limply. Maybe I'm being hard on this group? Heads up! My stomach's about to blow...premature evacuation? You probably saw this coming:

Tony  Mikkelson

When The Sky Turns Black
(Metal Mind Productions)

Brutality is a band that originates from Tampa Florida, a place where brutal death metal is thriving, so it was quite natural for this band to be influenced and imbued in this sound. Actually these guys have been around since 1986, but unfortunately some other bands managed to overshadow them and make them remain in the underground scene. These things happen... However Brutality isn't one of those cases of bands who are there only as long as a genre is famous and then drift into oblivion when they don't manage to make the break through. The band has been active ever since their formation, striving for the best possible outcome. So after 3 years of dormancy, they are back on track preparing their new album and in the meantime re-releasing through Metal Mind Productions their previous albums. One would expect they'd have released up to now several albums, since they exist over two decades. The truth is that they only have 3 albums out and "When The Sky Turns Black", their sophomore work, is showcasing fine and in your face aggressive death metal with a lot of elaborate parts, intricate solos and blasts of brutality accompanied by fitting guttural vocals. If you are into technical death metal and you fancy the classic sound of the genre, then you have to check this band out! Check also their cover version of BLACK SABBATH's "Electric Funeral", it kicks ass!

Christine  Parastatidou


I think this would be classified as "stoner rock"? It's got a "thick/heavy" sound and really simple riffs. The vocals might be the "high point" or maybe just the noticeable "character trait" that stands out compared to the rest of the mediocre music. His voice sort of reminds me of Scott Weiland from STONE TEMPLE PILOTS here and there. Though, he also gets into a "gruffer" tone on some songs. The songs, themselves, just don't "move me" one way or another...there's no sort of "charisma" or "trademark aspect" to them. They don't rock...they don't groove...they don't really flow... no dynamics...it reminds me of a deflated basketball...you know...when you toss it to the floor and expect it to bounce back up to your hand and it just makes a dull "thud" sound and stays on the ground? But again...the vocals DO have some "charm" to them... but it doesn't really elevate the music... just as the music doesn't really enhance the guy's vocals. He seems like an aerobics instructor trying to motivate a bunch of quadriplegics..."get up... raise your knee... hold it... clap your hands... turn to the left... turn to the right... clap your hands... raise your other knee... hold it... clap your hands...". No offense to the physically disabled...it's not their fault. I just mean, it doesn't work. The last track is some sort of "funny" diatribe. It's the "best" track on this album and it isn't even funny.

Tony  Mikkelson

In Mourning
(Metal Mind Productions)

"In Mourning" is Brutality's third full length release that had originally saw the light of day in 1996 and it's now being re-released in a limited edition of 2000 copies containing as bonus material the song "Certain Annihilation" that was so far exclusively released in the Nuclear Blast compilation "Death ...Is Just The Beginning IV" (1996). Actually there isn't anything more or new to add here since I've pretty much said everything in my review above. The changes in the band's sound are neither intense nor significant. Brutality seem to follow a successful composition-wise recipe that dwells in the genre of technical death metal with a lot of elaborate solos enriching the songs whereas the blast beats and raspy screams of anger and despair offer the necessary icing. The guitar parts are catchy and razor sharp and the rhythm section is really voluminous and concrete! One more thing I liked is the fact that the band's drummer attacks us with ferocious blast beats for the most part, but in order not to become expected or tiring, he often shifts to slower powerful tempos that enhance the songs! Yeah! This is a good band!

Christine  Parastatidou

Wasteland Discotheque

Another band name that doesn't seem to represent the concept, sound, or style of its music. Why is this band called Raunchy? Maybe the lyrics represent that idea? I don't know...I don't have them, here. I only get the music to review and I don't really feel like looking up the lyrics on the internet, etc. I don't really care about lyrics for the most part... not many bands have much interesting to say, usually, anyway. If the vocals are clean and I can pick up some intelligent phrases, I might get intrigued enough to check the lyrics out and some bands have a sense of poetry about them (IMMOLATION comes to mind), so I like to skim those, as well. Anyway the term "raunchy", to me... in a music sense, should have a really "dirty"... "gritty"..."lewd"...and/or "obscene" sound/style. The music of Raunchy is WAY too polished to represent the term "raunchy". This is sort of "contemporary melodic metal"... actually, I don't really see that much difference between this stuff and say, radio-friendly material like MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE (though, they'd be more "modern punk" than Raunchy). Actually, the latter is "darker" in some areas... and the lyrics/concepts seem to be far more adept, from what I've heard (I've spun their albums once, each). People who like ALL THAT REMAINS, BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE, CHILDREN OF BODOM, maybe ARCH ENEMY, and such acts will eat this band up, I'm sure... I'll pass, thanks.

Tony  Mikkelson

Screams Of Anguish
(Metal Mind Productions)

One of the finest examples of U.S. technical death metal is presented to us here through Brutality's debut album which was originally released in 1993 showcasing a really powerful band who deserved a place in the pantheon of the genre. Unfortunately they didn't receive the desired recognition, so both the band and Metal Mind Productions hope this injustice will be corrected nowadays with the re-release of these 3 quality albums. Things are simple and straightforward here if you are into technical death metal and you listen to bands like CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEATH, ATHEIST, NECROPHAGIST, SUFFOCATION and so on and so forth, there's no chance you might not dig this stuff. The rhythm section is a state of the art really with multiple rhythms and interchanges of ferocious blast beats with slow tempo parts. The atmosphere of the whole album reeks of decay and hatred and is supported by a really talented vocalist who sings about well... gore stuff! Need I say anything about the guitars? They weave excellent solos and intricate riffs with surgical precision! I'm simply amazed! Show them the respect and support they deserve!!!

Christine  Parastatidou

Zwischen Horizonten

I guess this would be sort of "folk black metal"? It has a "clan" type feeling to it... a mountain forest image comes to mind listening to this stuff. The guitars are "mid-rangy" and have "major key" melodies and rhythms. This is not "dark", in the least. The "gruff" vocals are really weak, in the mix... simply because they are weak, in general, but there's some "deep voice singing" that projects itself more powerfully. A lot of the structures are kind of "dainty"... like a flower bowing in the breeze. I see little baby bunnies hopping across the road built from carriages pulled by horses that carry supplies from a bountiful harvest. There's no savagery in the land Nastrandir resides... no famine... no struggle to survive... from the music that's conveyed. They might be pagans who have never been confronted by opposing forces...hidden in the hills...a part of nature that hasn't been tampered with, for the most part. They like to dance in merryment from the joy and prosperity of life, it would seem. Good for them...I'll leave them be...in their state of grace. I have no need to join them nor attempt to destroy them.

Tony  Mikkelson

Psychotic Killing Lust
(O.B.S.E. Productions)

In Utero Cannibalism may be newcomers, but they set the standards high right with their debut album that showcases fine and in your face brutal death metal that takes no prisoners! These Greeks have found a great recipe for creating compositions that are mainly aggressive and extreme, but at the same time they leave the necessary space for melodic passages and some rhythm and tune changes that enhance the sound with the needed variety. The tempos are mainly fast of course, but there are also some really imposing mid tempo parts that offer volume and increase the feral sound of the songs. The vocals are deep and brutal, but at the same time they have an intense thrash hue, meaning that they are neither guttural nor growling screams. They bring to the front an old school thrash scent something that makes the songs also sound old school. Really impressive and good work that will satisfy every brutal death metal fan who adores bands like CANNIBAL CORPSE, SUFFOCATION and NECROPHAGIST. My only objection is with the production since I'd like it to be slightly more powerful and clear.

Christine  Parastatidou

From Mutism To Riddance
(Noise Head Records)

Debut album for the Austrian hardcore metallers and a blast for your head is on the way I would say. Before The Fall is a band that has its own sound although the influences from Swedish death metal bands is obvious with killer riffs flowing through the whole album, double bass drums with blasts that will blow your brains out onto the wall and deadly brutal vocals giving the songs a death metalcore style. Nine heavy, deadly and breathtaking  compositions comprise an album that will mae your head bang up and down for a long time. Highly recommended for fans of MACHINE HEAD, THE HAUNTED, HATEBREED and IN FLAMES. Bang your head till the end!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(Cyclone Empire)

Gloria Morti are here offering us melodic extreme metal with their sophomore release that came 4 years after their debut "Lifestream Corrosion". Their music is actually somewhere between death and black metal with the latter prevailing in the composition department and the guitar speeds, whereas the first one is mainly supported by the vocals and some guitar riffs and structures. The mixture is rather pleasing to the ears and quite interesting, but there are two things I don't really like. First of all, all the songs sound pretty much the same... I mean ultra fast tempos, lots of blastbeats, brutal growling vocals, synths somewhere in the middle and chaotic guitars. This goes on throughout the album with no exception whatsoever. The second thing is already mentioned above. It's the speed... Too fast, too furious (the fast and the furious? Huh!) with relentless drums that may be interesting, but they end up tiring... There are no cuts, no slower parts, no chance for you to breathe. Plus the drums and the rhythm section is so "protruded" that you rarely have the chance to discern any guitar themes. What does this mean? I've listened to this album 5 times and I can't remember a single riff or any song parts. A constant noise and speed is all I can think of... Nah! I like variety!

Christine  Parastatidou

Hatred, Failure, And The Extinction Of Mankind

Hmm...I might actually get into this CD. This is the type of death metal that I gravitate towards. There's plenty of tempo changes...jagged guitar riffs interlaced with some "standard" pedaling... the vocals aren't too annoying... though, they aren't THAT "great", either, but I usually focus more on the guitars, anyway, when listening to metal. However, the drums sound pretty good, overall, too... the production of the music is really good for this style of death metal... you can hear what's going on with all the instruments, except for the bass, maybe. But getting back to the drums...the tom-toms really stand out in the mix, which is cool for a change. They are pretty "bright" sounding... not a dull barrel-like heavy bass sound, that gets a bit annoying sometimes (think HATE ETERNAL... I LOVE that band, but the production IS NOT very good, in my opinion... in terms of a "clear" distinction between instruments), though I think Nailed should use a variety of toms, not just the "high end" ones... 'cause now that I notice how "cool" hearing the toms in such a way is, it's getting annoying... 'cause it's the same sound... over and over... they need some "lower tuned" toms, as well, to mix it up a bit... if they could combine what they have with the way HATE ETERNAL uses them... it might be "gold"?! While, the overall music of Nailed isn't doing THAT much for me, as I listen to the entire disc (there's nothing all that original to it)... it's still a "worthy" effort and I respect what they're doing, here. It's pretty angry... energizing, to an extent... "groovin'" in some areas... has some power behind it and shows skill. Pretty good!

Tony  Mikkelson

(Season Of Mist)

This would be a "black/death metal" project, I would say. The vocals are pretty standard "black metal". The music, itself, leans towards "death metal" in the drum and bass department and the guitars are a bit of both. The third track (I think), here - the kick drum just kept going for I don't know how long... super fast double bass for at least a minute? Non stop. What this has to do with anything, I don't know, exactly. Just pointing out what sticks out while listening to it. So, the "music" sort of just chugs along... like a train headed for nowhere. The fourth "track" (just realized the "train" and "track" correlation) is pretty much the same way. All the tracks are really just sounding the same. This is getting really boring, really fast. If the object is to show off how much endurance you have as "musicians", by playing as fast as you can without alternating much of anything... what exactly is the point of calling yourselves "musicians" (maybe you don't call yourselves "musicians"?) or forming a band, in general? Endurance and skill are not the same thing. You might have the skill of endurance... but endurance doesn't make you a musician. A skilled musician can use endurance to his/her advantage, only, but it's a minor aspect to develop. It's like the difference between running a marathon and participating in a dance contest. Both take endurance... but one stems more from a linear conditioning and the other incorporates a more nonlinear facet. It takes creativity to make music, not just being able to beat on your instruments. One who chops down trees for fire wood doesn't necessarily make a good sculptor.

Tony  Mikkelson

The Passing
(Regain Records)

New album for Swedish thrash metallers and get ready for a blast in your ears! "The Passing" is the name and it clearly shows that Machinery have grown up from their previous release. From the left come the heavy guitar riffs with sounds from beyond, from the right the fast as hell drums and in the middle the normal growling vocals... all mixed and combined equally by Jonas Kjellgren (SCAR SYMMETRY) who has made a very good job. Imagine STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, ARCH ENEMY and IMAGICA all in one package. The result? A very good album with nice compositions and a reason for your head to start aching. Enjoy!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

When Landscapes Bled Backwards
(Neurotic Records)

This sort of reminds me of an attempt at "technical death metal", somewhat...a mediocre attempt...being sort of in the vein of IMMOLATION (if they are considered "technical"?) and a very small amount of NECROPHAGIST, here and there... plus other bands that I can't think of at the moment... maybe DYING FETUS? The thing is...is the guitars seem too down-tuned for such a style that they are aiming for, in my opinion. I mean, the production is pretty decent, actually and you can understand what the guitars are doing quite easily, as well as the rest of the instruments...bass is even "highlighted" quite a bit. To me, it seems that everything needs to be "tighter" and again, I think it's in the guitars, mostly... they seem slightly "slinky". The riffs are kind of "random", as well...the structuring seems "off"...not to the point of full displeasure, but they just don't "do anything"... it's almost like one of those bands where "it's more fun to play the music than to listen to it". It's like a sport...like tennis or something (actually, with Sickening Horror it might be closer to badminton?). It might be "exhilarating" to be on the court hitting the ball back and forth, but to the spectators, it's just a bunch of turning the heads back and forth...yawning, while looking at their watches. You just don't "get into the game" as much as other - more "volatile" events. So, like a coach might say, "Nice effort, boys...better luck next time."

Tony  Mikkelson

Subjective Enemy
(Pure Steel Records)

Two years have passed from their previous release and Ivory Tower are back with a new album. Germany's progressive metallers continue to move in the same steady steps as on their previous albums offering us great compositions. Keeping their own sound with heavy guitars, fast drums with constant changes, amazing melodies, keyboard solos and very good vocals, "Subjective Enemy" is an album that will please everyone as it provides the listener with both heaviness and a progressive attitude. What I didn't like so much were the many little intros, six to be more specific, which I believe the band could have easily transformed in two or even more songs. Nothing more to say as I really liked this album and I believe it will keep you nailed down for a long time!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Rocket Attack
(Black Mark)

The Man From The Moon is in general a one man band with the same moniker as the man playing all the instruments and singing as well. Now as to the music of the album I would say that it is a rock album with some progressive elements and a few heavy moments but it couldn't be considered a metal album. What amazed me were the beautiful melodies and the very good compositions on this album, the truly breathtaking guitars and a very good performance and mix by a man who should pride himself in producing a fine album. Twelve songs including both hard rock tunes and ballads that will really chill you out and offer you a relaxing listening. Enjoy and travel to the moon with a rock rocket blast!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Stay Classy
(Ferret Music)

Well, I was sort of expecting a "retro-glam band" or an all female group, with this title...with some irony thrown in for good measure..."a pinch to grow an inch?" Like, maybe, a dirty sound and style contrasting the phrase - "stay classy" but "the hottness" being brought out from the edges, 'cause it can't be contained within...a diamond in the rough type of thing. Well, I'm mistaken...and it's not the first time...nor the last. This stuff does NOT "rock". The music is very disjointed, like they don't know if they want to be the next MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE or the next DOWN...or would it be BLACK LABEL SOCIETY, ALL AMERICAN REJECTS and LAMB OF GOD? It's just a really annoying combination. There's no "catchy hooks". It's got a "heavy groove", like their promotion says, but(t) like an elephant masquerading as a ballerina. A crack on the ceiling is a crack on the floor of a two story building. There's two sides to every story, as they say...three sides make a triangle...ring it and you have a circus full of hungry predators...four sides and you have a square...a "square" knows his boundaries before ending up in a jail cell - a "fiver" would get you three square meals for the price of two - a cheap way of saying, "This CD is one waste of time!". If lame is the game, this troupe has won the prize. "Give this band a cigar, but make it a novelty one - so they know where to begin, again, after the firecracker goes off." Ya gotta BE classy before you can STAY classy...and I don't take advice from someone who doesn't lead by example.

Tony  Mikkelson

Chemins De Souffrance
(Northern Silence Productions)

There is a constant rise in bands which play black metal and refer to Celtic myths and legends. A very good example is Belenos now a one man band from France and this is the newest addition to their discography. Looc Cellier can really be proud of himself as this album is very very good. It consists of two parts where the first four songs are re-recorded versions of the 1998 demo and the rest are brand new songs. Heavy guitars, dark and ambient melodies with a celtic tune beyond reach, hellbreaking drums, death raging vocals, accoustic parts and generally a very good work by someone who holds a whole band on his own. Personally I haven't listened to any other works from this band, but from this one I am more than delighted. Be sure not to miss it as it is an album that has come to stay in this genre.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(13th Planet Records)

Well, I was "intrigued" by the name of this project, as it's related to things I'm "aware of", in my "personal life"...related to "occult" type items and/or "new age" ideas, etc. So, I'm drawn to such things, quite often, in general. Then, I did a little research on this project...very brief, since it didn't really amount to anything interesting. This is a project by a guy from the band FEAR FACTORY, it turns out. His name (which I don't remember, now...doesn't mean anything to me, in general...so, why remember it?) was featured on the promo - "Ascension of the Watchers - featuring something, something Bell"...Riichard C. Bell or something...whatever his name is...Burton C. Bell - just looked it up), to hook us in, I gather. (I'll leave in my little "who cares? I don't" part as to fill out the review, 'cause I don't have much to say about this cd, but I'll make it appear like it's a well thought out review, all the same...even when it's not...blah, blah, blah...yeah - that represents my chatter and it describes the music contained, as well...). But really...I never cared for FEAR FACTORY, either...the couple of CDs, I heard, were too abrasive and cold for my taste. Anyway, I went to the website to find out the "meaning" of the project, read some lyrics, doesn't amount to a hill of beans in Columbia on a rainy day). It's all "clouded in mystery" and really not much of a mystery, at that...just "clouded"...doesn't draw me in, at all...so..."am I still writing this review?"...it was just an interesting project name, for me, it would seem. The music, itself...hmmm...it's sort of "dreamy", I guess...I can tell it's sort of just for the creators... I'm sure it's a "passionate" display of their/his innerworld, but it doesn't resonate with me, for the most part really boring. There's some "techno-sampling", here and there...a "digital-vibe". It's not "metal" at all, from what I've heard thus far... really mellow. It's kind of "psychedelic", I guess. Kind of THE DOORS meets PINK FLOYD (but the really boring parts of each band)? Doesn't really do anything for me...this music could be used in some movies, though...I'll say that.

Tony  Mikkelson

I Am The Gate
(Eyes Like Snow)

Finland is well known for its power metal scene so this is something new for me. "I Am The Gate" is the debut album for The Wandering Midget and doom metal comes to our ears from the Finnish trio. Seven songs full of dark and depressive thoughts, slow and mid tempo drums, guitars scratching the surface and vocals that really give the essence of true doom style. But what lacks this band is new ideas. All these paling themes sound familiar and although the songs are big with many changes, the listener might be bored from the same over and over again. The sound is good I have to say that with a somewhat good production the songs can easily be heard but not more than once. Many doom metallers may find a jewel in this album but I will surely pass and move on.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Time Has Come
(Regain Records)

This is what's probably called "mathcore"...a flip-floppy bunch of guitar riffs and drums like a child learning how to match different shaped blocks with the corresponding holes...jam it in here...slam it in there..."does it fit? Not really, but we'll keep trying." The vocals are REALLY annoying. Kind of whiny screaming, maybe because he can't figure out the aforementioned geometric puzzle configuration? Now there's a slow...slightly "jazz tinged" mellow piece...but they throw in some "wild" sliding on the guitar and a blast beat for drums...to "destroy" the "mellow" aspect. It was more of an interlude than anything else. It was like sitting down in your rocking chair with an ice cold lemonade...ready to sip it slowly and savor every last drop whilst remembering the "good ol' days"...and a dog chasing a cat jumps on the porch...they leap over your lap...making you fly back and spill the whole glass of liquid refreshment on yourself and the surrounding area - spoiling your whole afternoon. Well, this stuff won't spoil my afternoon or day...just about forty-five minutes or however long the CD lasts. This type of music is meant to CAUSE annoyance, I think or elevate one to the point of "anger". It's not a "power enhancer" like some extreme music is...or a "release of tension" type music. It makes you want to say, "shut up, will you?!" "What a baby!" It's like a "domestic related incident" set to music. White Fuzz? The coppers are comin' to a trailor park near you? Could be.

Tony  Mikkelson

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