Back In Blood

I've been fanatically following Debauchery from Germany quite many years now and what they've proven to me all these years is that they get better and better with every single release of theirs. Now what would you expect to listen to from an album titled "Back In Blood"? There is a noetic linkage with a really famous band... I'm sure you can make the connection in your heads... Well the answer is simple and lies within your grasp: AC/DC! Well, what I like in Debauchery is this exactly! They are a brutal death metal band having direct references to bands like SIX FEET UNDER, BENEDICTION and CANNIBAL CORPSE, but at the same time they have the groovy and party-feeling of bands like AC/DC!!! "Back In Blood" is by far the grooviest death metal album I've ever heard and the closest a brutal release can get to the hard rock and heavy metal feeling and attitude. I love Thomas' vocals and I adore their riffs because they are sharp and catchy, carving your brain and making you go wild! I really want to see this band play live!! Now production-wise the album is very good with a powerful sound offering more volume and directness to the end result. If I haven't convinced you with what I've already written let me lay down the last hidden card... This is going to be released as a double CD, the first of which is going to contain 13 brand new Debauchery compositions and the other one will consist of 7 cover versions to some great songs of colossal bands like GENESIS, THE BEATLES, MANOWAR, RAMMSTEIN, etc... Go and get it at once!!!!

Christine  Parastatidou

Solens Rotter
(Napalm Records)

Vintersorg set off as a solo project of the multi instrumentalist Vintersorg and stayed this way for a long time. Now after over a decade of existence, they are a duet, having session musicians hired for their various needs and recently they've released their sixth studio worked titled "Solens Rotter" which means in Swedish "The Sun's Roots". When we come across such titles I think it's easy for us to make the logical leap and understand the band's musical direction. Vintersorg are filed under black metal, but I think this term doesn't suit them anymore. It might have served them in the past, but now their music is closer to folk metal, to the Nordic folk metal in particular, having though quite many moments and references to black metal music, especially on some vocal parts and some uptempo rhythms and sharp, scraping guitar riffs. The vocals are male but vary from clean, melodic interpretations to raging black metal howls, offering us a better understanding of the complexity and duality of folk music. However like I said the album mainly inclines towards its softer and calmer side, so you have to keep that in mind. I also liked the fact that Vintersorg sings in his mother tongue, cause I think Swedish is a very beautiful language that fits perfectly to folk music. So, I recommend this release to those of you who love melody and at the same time want to listen to complex and technically flawless compositions that don't show off. 

Christine  Parastatidou

Supervillain Outcast
(Moonfog Productions)

I suppose all of you that dig the extreme metal scene and more particularly the black metal genre are aware of this band from Norway. Dodheimsgard, whose name means "the mansion of death" were founded in 1994 and up to now they have released numerous albums. The impressive thing with this band is that it had countless line up changes, however, all its band members recent and previous, are really famous with their other bands, so each time Dodheismgard can be viewed as an all-star gathering of black metal musicians. Anyway I take for granted that you all know that Dodheimsgard's sound is described as avant-garde, industrial black metal and this is exactly what you are about to listen to here. "Supervillain Outcast" contains some weird compositions that try to mix the industrial element with the freezing feeling you get from the Norwegian primitive black metal sound with the addition of some recitations and chantings. The end result isn't very extreme, so I bet can be liked even by those who aren't into the old school primal black metal sound. However great amounts of open mindess are required in order to understand and like this release. Personally I prefer listening to more classic black metal sounds. Dodheimsgard's music is too weird, annoying and inconsistent for me to follow. So, keep this in mind before purchasing this album...

Christine  Parastatidou

Sons Of Odin
(Magic Circle Music)

By now most of you will have already checked out reviews and presentations from magazines, zines, etc, most of which have been telling you that "Gods Of War" isn't a great album... FUCK YOU!!! 
1)Yes, it's true that there are many intros and instrumental parts, but they are bombastic and imposing, magnificent and majestic. The albumhas totally been created with the main purpose of being listened to as a whole. 
Imposing presence + grandeur = epic metal! 
2) The basic idea of Manowar is to lift the fans' spirit way up high and with such a mean and hard attitude and lyrics that mainly revolve around the idea of "fuck the world - Hail and kill", they did it again!!!
Now for anyone who hasn't yet been reborn by the energy, the power and the magic of Manowar - leave the fucking hall!!! Hail and kill!!! Hail and kill!!!!!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos
Comparing this album with the previous 2 releases of Manowar surely I can say that this is one step forward. It is a way for Manowar to build bridges to their old epic metal selves. So, here you will listen to the most symphonic album of this group, since there are moments that will strongly remind you bands like VIRGIN STEELE (check out the song “Loki God Of Fire” as it starts), and RHAPSODY (“Gods Of War” screams it out loud). In general I can say that this is an unequal album and the band seems to have given more attention to the operatic parts and not to the metal ones. So there are some good songs like “Loki God Of Fire” and “Sons Of Odin”, but on the other hand there are songs that are below mediocre not only for the standards of Manowar, but for any other metal band as well. Such songs are “Kings Of Kings” and “Sleipnir” which are very simplistic and if you listen to them carefully you will see that they have identical rhythm sections. One other thing that I didn’t like a lot is the way that Eric Adams sings. He uses a very aggressive way and avoids the high pitched vocals that he used in the past, something that makes me think that this great vocalist might have lost his powerful voice with the passing of time. Personally, I believe that it is a good try out on behalf of Manowar, but comparing this one with their previous classic creations, I don’t think that this release is worth to bare the name of the biggest epic metal band that this planet gave birth of. 
Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Apocalyptic Doom
(Agonia Records)

Thunderbolt is an act from Poland that formed less than a decade ago and they first started as the solo project of the band's mainman Paimon. Now 7 years later they unleash their new unholy black metal holocaust, wanting with both their lyrics and music to upset the comformists and the politically correct, shaking the stagnant waters with blasphemous and anti-Christian lyrics and trying to provoke people with their sharp and extreme compositions. These guys deliver old fashioned frozen black metal that will be adored by the fans of DARK THRONE and HELLHAMMER and as such it has no space for melodies or keyboard parts. Only extremity, aggressiveness and hatred spill out of their songs that are mainly uptempo with distorted guitars and demonic howls. The production is a bit dim and muddy, so it's as it should be for this specific genre. All in all "Apocalyptic Doom" is an album that will be appreciated by those who fancy the Norwegian frozen black metal. The rest are advised to listen to it before buying it...

Christine  Parastatidou

(Stay Gold)

Last month Excalion, a band from Finland, released their second album “Waterlines” through Stay Gold Records. I had first got in touch with their music before two years, when I reviewed their debut album “Primal Exhale”. The band started back in 2000 in Konnevesi and all these years they offer us their personal vision of symphonic power metal music with melodic and yet powerful male vocals. From their debut album, the band has influences from STRATOVARIUS, so in their newest work, they haven’t changed their music direction instead they are more mature and they have included more of their personal sound inside their well worked compositions. Vesa Nupponen has done a great work in the guitars, with remarkable riffs and numerous guitar solos. Definitely “Waterlines” is a step forward for Excalion and they have done a very impressive work in every single section. I am sure the fans of power metal will find some good moments on this album. I hold in my hands the Japanese version of “Waterlines” that has a bonus track, “Access Denied”, a song that is in the path of the rest of the album. Perhaps it has a bit darker atmosphere. 
Official Site:
Band Email: [email protected]
Label Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Take Another Life
(Locomotive Records)

Now this is a band that given the right push can do miracles and can make their name known to all corners of the world! Kill The Romance is a newcoming act from Finland with only  3 years of existence that delivers endless amounts of energy and passion through their music. Their debut work reveals a really tight band that is obviously able to work as a unity and unleash a holocaust of modern melodic death metal. Their technique and performance are flawless being able to communicate and transmit everything their music is up to. Now if I have to mention similar sounding bands, just to give you a clue of Kill The Romance's musical identity, then I'll say they have many references to bands like IN FLAMES (the contemporary period) and SOILWORK, but they also bear some elements that signify their country of origin. The contrast between the clean and the rasping death metal growls offers more depth and essence to the compositions, making the conflict between their melodic and aggressive side more prominent. The production is also very good with a powerful and voluminous sound that serves the songs and the artwork clearly reveals this band's energy!

Christine  Parastatidou

From The Blast To Collapse 
(Self Financed)

Before two years, I got in touch for the first time with this band. Back then Goryptic had sent us their debut demo CD with two tracks. After four years of hard work the band stroke back before a few weeks with their debut self financed album “From The Blast To Collapse”. In this work they have included eleven tracks and forty minutes of a pure brutal death metal assault. Even if the band walks in the extreme metal paths, they have done a very impressive work on this album so the listener is able to hear all the things they have added. Their compositions are well worked either the song has four minutes of duration or two. The band has also played many live shows in France and abroad too. Last but not least, I would like to add that the stuff from Goryptic is definitely for the fans of brutal death metal and generally the fans of death metal. Another interesting moment on this album is the closing track, which is “Malformed Pig Fetus” but remixed by Zardonic.
Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Sabol Sinner Schmidt
(Metal Heaven)

Making a long story short Goddess Shiva was formed by Armin Sabol and Mat Sinner in 1977 (they were called just Shiva back then, but decided to change it into Goddess Shiva in 2006). Mat Sinner is also the mainman of the band SINNER and co-founder of PRIMAL FEAR along with Ralph Sheepers. Armin Sabol on the other hand was mainly a studio guitar player and a producer and contributed to acts like DIE FANTSTISHEN VIER, PETER SCHILLING and HAZEL O' CONNOR. He also produced 3 albums and one EP for RAGE. The drummer Martin Schmidt (x-ATROCITY, x-LEAVES EYES) was the third and final member to join the group. As far as the music of this release is concerned I can only tell you that this power trio simply kicks ass! Though the first two tracks "Heritage Of Shiva" (intro) and "Walking On Thorns" didn't impress me as much as the rest of the album, they too are abso-fuckin'-lutely great!! If the band left more space to Armin, who is a FANTASTIC guitar player, to fill in the songs with his solos and licks, then the album would be on an even higher level and would sound much better!! The style varies from AOR to metal, from blues to exotic and from ballads to instrumental (besides the intro and the outro). Whatever approach they have in their songs, they're making it sound groovy, catchy and with Armin's guitar work, it sounds like this album's on... steroids!! FUCKIN' GREAT!!!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

(Self Financed)

Though this is the first time I get in touch with the music of Fountain Of Tears, the band formed back in 1995. They released their debut album four years later and in 2003 they also released a demo CD. Before a few days they sent us their second album “Fate” which was released earlier this year. If you see the dates you will see that Fountain Of Tears release something every four years. Funny hmm? Anyway let’s move to the music which is the most important thing in the case of this band. After a short intro and for the next hour we will travel through the world of Fountain Of Tears. Musically the band walks in the progressive metal paths, but they also have some touches from gothic metal too. Actually most of their music is definitely progressive but since they have female vocals, they have included some touches from gothic metal too. In my opinion I believe that the fans of progressive metal should check it out instead of the gothic metal ones. While their compositions are well worked the band has done a very good work in the production and the sound sections as well and you will be able to listen clearly to all the things that the band has added in their songs. Last but not least, I must admit that I never expected such a good release from a band that comes from the United States. On the other hand of course,  you can find hidden diamonds everywhere. 
Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras


This band sounds to me like they have their basics in heavy metal, but at the same time they have mostly touches from the hardcore sound and secondly they have quite many thrash metal references. Killjoy surely have some good moments, but the whole album moves on a rather mediocre level. Anyone who wants to check them out, knows where to find the CD, but I'd advise you to give them a listen before buying "Emigo".

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

The Wanderer
(Bombworks Records)

Holy Blood comes from Russia and they formed back in 1999. “The Wanderer” is their latest album, in which the band has included eleven tracks and almost thirty five minutes of a combination between death and black metal with folk elements. Imagine a heavier version of ENSIFERUM or FINNTROLL. Their music is mostly based on death metal with black metal elements and spotted very now and then they have included folk touches as well. Most of their songs have four or five minutes of duration and it seems that they have worked really hard for this album. By listening to this album really carefully, I found out that Holy Blood needs to find their personal sound. They should work harder in order to give us something interesting. Definitely if I want to hear a folk death/black metal act I will not choose Holy Blood. At least not the album I have in my hands...
Band Email: [email protected]
Label Email: [email protected] 

Antonis  Maglaras

Enochian Crescent

What would you expect to listen to from a band whose cover artwork is utterly black and only has a reversed cross in the middle? I suppose you've all got the answer right! Black metal with anti-christian and blasphemous lyrics is what you're about to listen to from this Finnish 5-piece powerful combo. Their music is black metal, but it mainly has its origins in the traditional and more old fashioned sound with many heavy metal riffs and ideas and sharp guitar themes. The tempos vary from mid to up with plenty of blastbeats and the vocals are typical black roars and grunts with some clean recitations that offer a dark essence to the overall work. "Enochian Crescent" has some lovely riffs and melodies that will be carved in your brain accompanied by an imposing choir, but keep in mind that this release has nothing to do with the modern black metal sound, so there's no place for keyboards! The production is very good and as it should be with the proper dirt, serving the compositions in the best possible way!

Christine  Parastatidou

Lady Lucj
(Bad Reputation)

"Lady Luck" from Koritni moves basically in the hard rock area with a very bluesy and dirty sound accompanying it. You will only need to listen to one track of the album if you want to check them out and see if you like them or not. The reason is simple... If you like any of the songs included in "Lady Luck" then you will definitely love the whole album! You won't find any surprises here - just groovy riffs, catchy choruses and a cool band performance! So if you're into hard rock that doesn't stand in the more "mellow" side with melodies being its main focus, but you prefer a more ballsy attitude, then check them out!!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

On Your Skin 
(Playground Music)

Vanity Ink is another band that I follow since their beginning. They formed back in 2002 and they have released two EPs so far. I have reviewed and heard both of them and both had something to give to me. From 2002 five years have passed, Vanity Ink has grown up five years and now they are more mature and more confident about their music. “On Your Skin” is their debut album which was released a few days ago through Playground Music. Now Vanity Ink have included eleven songs on this album and thirty five minutes full of rock ‘n’ roll with some punk elements but above all, their main advantage, which is the catchy choruses. Just hear the track “Living A Dream” and you will understand my words. Actually I believe that this track is their hit. Now most of their songs have two or three minutes of duration and they are like rockets. Their compositions are well worked with some very interesting ideas and all the members of Vanity Ink have done a great work on this album. Personally I didn’t realize when I pushed the play button and when we reached the final track. Vanity Ink have the ability to make you lose track of time and get inside their album with all yourself. Sometimes I feel that the words are too weak in front of the music. If you want to listen to a top quality rock ‘n’ roll album, just purchase “On Your Skin”!
Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Remnants Of A Diabolical History
(Pulverised Records)

Nominon is an old school death metal band from Sweden that counts almost 15 years of existence, but unfortunately up until now they've only released 3 full length albums, without counting though the numerous demos and EPs. Just before releasing their third album this year, they offered us this CD that we could say is something like a best of compilation, containing songs from their whole career that haven't been previously released on a CD format. So if you like traditional Swedish death metal, as it was played by bands like DISMEMBER, GRAVE and ENTOMBED, with no cheesy,  manneristic or modern additions, then Nominon is a band you will surely adore. Their sound is raw, nasty and savage with pounding double bass, mid to up tempos (no blastbeats are present here), low tuned distorted guitars and the classic raspy aggressive Swedish death metal vocals. Even the production sounds old and their cover artwork looks really old fashioned too! 

Christine  Parastatidou

(Holy Records)

I first got in contact with Soulgrind before two years and the reason was the release of their seventh album “Origins Of The Paganblood”. Two years later this Finnish act strikes back with their new album “Pakana” which means “pagan” in English. Soulgrind isn’t a new band, they formed back in 1992, and they have toured in Germany, Holland, Finland, Belgium and France so far. Of course they have released many albums and “Pakana” is their eighth one. Some interesting information about Soulgrind is that the band consists of ex members from LULLACRY and FINNTROLL and current members of GLOOMY GRIM, THY SERPENT and TWILIGHT OPHERA. Generally Soulgrind have a very impressive line up and of course their music is really interesting. Musically the band walks in melodic dark metal paths with dual female and male vocals. They have well worked compositions with very interesting ideas and after all these years, believe me they know what they want from each album and from “Pakana” in particular. This album starts with a mid tempo track but after that we have the usual direction of Soulgrind. Definitely this is the most mature album from this band and the most well worked one too. If you haven’t heard anything from Soulgrind all these years, this is definitely the right moment to do it. 
Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Metal Will Stand Tall

Well when I first laid eyes upon this promo CD I thought I was dealing here with one of those weird alternative punk rock bands with the modern looks, so naturally I freaked out, cause I hate such bands. Can you imagine my surprise and amazement when I pushed the play button and I realized I had got it all wrong? The Poodles offer us vast amounts of energy and passion through their classic heavy metal/ hard rock compositions. Their songs are catchy with riffs that stick in your brain and with sing along choruses that will make you go wild. The band is new to the scene, they formed a couple of years ago, but this isn't the deal with its band members who are very experienced and really talented musicians. Sweden is one of the biggest and most important cradles for our beloved music and they prove that they are capable of delivering quality music in all genres. "Metal Will Stand Tall" has already been released in Sweden and its 3 singles have already gone a gold or even platinum! All the musicians are really talented craftsmen with a great technique and know how to write interesting music, but the truth is that the biggest and most shining diamond in this band is the singer, Jakob Samuel, who has a simply incredible voice!!!! You need to give them a listen!

Christine  Parastatidou

(Bombworks Records)

Century Sleeper is a new born band and actually “Awaken” is their debut album which was released before a few weeks through Bombworks Records. The band has included eleven tracks and more than seventy minutes of pure gothic metal music with some touches from doom metal too. When you see the cover of this album you will have in your mind TYPE O NEGATIVE, because the band has chosen the green color to design their front cover. Back to the music now, Century Sleeper mainly follow the gothic metal path than the doom one, but while you listen to their creation you realize that in each well worked composition the band has combined their influences in the best possible way and through their own prism, they give us a very impressive debut album! We aren’t used to hearing seventy minutes of music on a single album. Just close all the lights in your room have only one candle and the music of Century Sleeper keeping you company. 
Official Site:
Label Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Total Death n' Live
(Pulverized Records)

Suicidal Winds is a Swedish 5-piece combo dedicated, since their formation in 1992, to old school black-thrash metal and up to now they have released numerous demos, EPs, split CDs, 3 full length albums and a live recording. Two years after their "Wrath Of God" album with their former label Agonia Records, Suicidal Winds inked a deal with Pulverised Records and released their second live album, the one I'm currently presenting. This live CD was recorded in 3 different places, the first 12 tracks were recorded at Festung Open Air 2006, in Germany, the next song was recorded in Rotterdam, Holland earlier in 2004 and the last one of this album, "Total Death" was recorded at Fullmoon Studio in 2004 and it's a KREATOR cover. The album contains one more cover song to VIOLENT FORCE's "Sign Of Evil". The sound of the recordings is good enough and this is definitely a true and honest live, but apart from that this release can also work as the band's best of and will help you find out about their sound throughout these years. If you like live albums and you are into retro black/thrash metal, then keep this name in mind.

Christine  Parastatidou

Soul Mechanics (Promo CD)

My good friend Amon from HATE PROFILE sent me before a few days, the new album from the band Opposite Sides. In this band Amon takes care of the bass and synths duties. Opposite Sides started back in 2000 but after some line up changes and a short brake they strike back this year with their debut album “Soul Mechanics”. Musically this band from Italy walks in the technical death metal paths. On this album they have included thirteen tracks and more than fifty minutes of pure metal music. Another fact for this band is that behind the drums is GroM as a special guest. GroM had played with bands like ANCIENT, DOOMSWORD and now he is the current drummer of HORTUS ANIMAE. Back to the music of Opposite Sides, we see that Arke, who has written the whole music, has done a great work and his compositions are well worked with very impressive ideas and some complex moments too. Last but not least, in order to make more interesting the final result, we have dual vocals, both done by a male, but they are either clean or extreme ones. In conclusion, even if the stuff from Opposite Sides is extreme, they have achieved to make it more “friendly” with the clean vocals and some melodies spotted throughout the whole album. The artwork was made by Niklas Sundin. 
Email:[email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Cocktail Mixxx
(13th Planet Records)

Hmm... This presentation is going to be tough for me... There is no specific or certain way you can classify this band from the U.S. Their music is weird, unique and unconventional and these guys definitely have a pioneering mood. Trying to describe their sound I think I have to mention that they dwell somewhere amongst genres like industrial, noise, hard rock and heavy metal. Revolting Cocks' sophomore album presents a strange amalgam, a blend you will only like if you are really open minded. Personally I liked some of their songs, since they are really catchy, they stick to your mind and they have clever -in a funny way- lyrics. However listening to this album as a whole tired me and the intense noise of some songs irritated me. So all in all this is a good release for the open minded who like their music really noisy and modern. The others should better keep a safe distance...

Christine  Parastatidou

Sonichouse Tape 
(Self Financed)

Armour comes from Finland and they formed back in 2002. “Sonichouse Tape” is their latest self financed EP. In this work the band has included five tracks and almost twenty minutes of pure heavy rock music. Actually, the band has influences from the classic heavy metal back in the 80 and particularly from bands like: JUDAS PRIEST, SAXON, W.A.S.P. and from the more rock oriented bands like MOTLEY CRUE and DOKKEN. While they have these bands as their influences their music has a lot of energy. Their songs are guitar based and even if they haven’t got a fresh air, Armour have achieved to adapt their music to the new century. Their compositions are well worked with some very interesting ideas. Maybe their singer has a “strange” voice but at the same time he is also unique. I am sure in the near future; his voice will be the trademark of Armour. This is a release for the traditional fans of classic metal and hard rock. If you like it, then don’t miss it. 
Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras


InsideOut as a label is more specialized into the progressive rock genre, but from time to time they also release some heavy metal bands with lots of progressive elements. So I cannot say that Slavior belong to the progressive metal genre. They have a modern sound with lots of grooves and in some songs they try to combine heavy metal with other kinds of music. Such an example is the song “Dove” where they mix quite successfully metal music with reggae. In general they have a fresh sound, good ideas and if some of you buy this release I don’t believe you will regret it. 

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Cursed Madness

Seven years ago 4 guys from Bergen in Norway summoned, after leaving their previous well known bands, and set sail to create a new group that would combine all their influences and thus give birth to their music's vision. So, after two demo CDs their time has come this year and after signing a deal with Osmose Records, they unleash upon us their debut work that contains 9 songs of a pure black/death metal combination. The tempos vary from creeping mid to uptempo blast beats with some nice keyboards and samples in between enriching the compositions. The guys know what they are doing and they definitely do a good job on this field, however the end result sounded quite plain and too common to my ears. As if all the compositions were the same without being able to actually differentiate from one another or stand out when compared to other similar sounding bands. All I'm saying is that I'd love to listen to their songs one or two at a time, but as an entity I think it lacks in keeping your interest intact. Sulphur showed me here that they are a great band, only they need more time and effort to find their own identity...

Christine  Parastatidou

(Frontiers Records)

Even if you are not in the hard rock/melodic metal genre, I believe that you have listened to Pink Cream 69, at least their name. Anyway, I am not a big fan of the band, although there are some songs of them that I like a lot. By the little knowledge I have concerning the band and by listening to their new release, I can say that their sound doesn’t decline at all from what they have got us used so far. Well performed modern hard rock music that from time to time becomes a bit heavier. Their fans will love this album and the others like me will have a nice time listening to it. Push the play button and relax… Pink Cream 69 know how to make you feel good! :)

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Evoking Demons
(Shark Records)

Once again Poland proves to be a cradle for great extreme metal bands! Is there something in the water? I can't tell, but some really significant releases and standout bands come from this country and I'm sure you'd all place Horrorscope amongst those bands as soon as you listen to their 4th official studio release "Evoking Demons". These guys aren't new to the scene. On the contrary they've been around since 1997 and it's a pity they don't have the attention they are worth! Horrorscope is a kick ass thrash metal band that manages to combine in their songs the classic feeling of the 80s scene along with some modern tinges. Their songs are dynamic blasts with in your face riffs and perfect sharp guitar works that will take you by surprise. The solos are really nice and won't remind you of, the well known to everyone, thrash metal monsters, like most new bands do. The vocalist is one of the best I've listened to with his singing style moving in between harsh and brutal aggressive rasps. To cut a long story short "Evoking Demons" is an album that both the old and the new thrashers will cherish, so find or order this release at once! It's headbanging time!!!! Hell yeah!

Christine  Parastatidou

Angular Perceptions

Thought Chamber almost achieved to burn my brain cells. It is one of those bands that in every song of theirs, they try to sound like DREAM THEATER and from a point on you think that they don’t want to compose music, but to prove to everyone that they are as good musicians as the ones they admire. Bands like Thought Chamber, personally give me the impression that they see and understand music as some kind of a contest that everyone should play as quickly and as technically as they can. They really seem not to be able to understand that beauty lies in simplicity. To be fair, though, I have to admit that they have good ideas, but their songs lack in consistency. Whilst you are listening to a good music part, they interrupt it violently in order to show off their skills. If  they managem, with their next releases, to create straighter and plain compositions, then we will talk about a very good band… Till next time I can’t put them more than…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

(Shark Records)

A bit of a controversy between the band's moniker and the album's title don't you think? However, this is not the only weird thing about this band from Poland... The next thing that will hit you as soon as you get this CD in your hands is the fact that the vocalist is a woman. Let me clear one thing here before we proceed with the description of this band's sound. Sylwia won't offer you mellow or ethereal or sweet interpretations here. She is a raging beast and could make many men feel ashamed compared to her passionate rasping vocals! Now once this has been cleared out let me just tell you that The No-mads play pure thrash metal mainly influenced by the biggest names of the German thrash metal scene. Some heavy metal riffs and even death metal tinges are here to create more variety and enrich the final result. Moreover you shouldn't think that The No-mads play thash metal, because they have no skills. On the contrary all the band members are skillful musicians and offer us some really nice performances! "Deranged" the band's sophomore release consists of 11 tracks all written by the band, except for "The Caprice", a well known Rosini/Paganini song. I think you'll have a great headbanging time with this one!

Christine  Parastatidou

God Is A Bullet

This is a new personal record for me since I've managed to listen to over an hour of boring music without my nerves breaking. In the 68 minutes of duration of this CD you will listen to a band that almost in every composition of theirs, they try to look like U2 (note: personally speaking, probably the worst rock band that I have listened to and I am still curious to learn why they have become so famous). However there are some more dynamic parts as well that brought to my mind Brian Adams. This is an alternative pop/rock for the masses and I think that it belongs to oblivion as the name of their label states. NO NEED TO READ… SKIP THIS REVIEW…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Hit The Dirt

Speed Theory gave me the impression, whilst listening to this release, that they follow the old school of the thrash metal scene and I'm referring to the late 80s - early 90s in  particular. However in the year 2007 the elm has been risen way too high and by that I mean that the roots have been evolved and everything has gone forward and didn't stay attached to the past. Besides just for diversity's sake there must be something more wicked, evil or fuckin' brutal for us to say: "Now, that's something to kick ass with". On the other hand if their intentions were pure wanting to take us back in time with their creation, then it's fine with me! Check it out only if you are collectors of anything that comes from the late 80s - early 90s thrash metal scene.

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

The Origin Of Ruin

I think that by only reading the label that released this album, you can understand where this bands moves. Once again we will take a journey to the fields of progressive metal. There are things that I like on this album and moments that if they didn’t exist the whole result would be much better. The good thing is that the band plays heavy metal music, they are very dynamic and they have been influenced by groups like SYMPHONY X and SHADOW GALLERY (great choices both). The bad thing is that in some points their music becomes monotonous and repetitive to a point that it becomes rather annoying. However if you balance the good and the bad points of this release, you can see that the scale inclines more towards the positive moments of this release. As a conclusion, I can say that this is band that is worth to be listened…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

I'm Alive

This release contains melodic rock tunes that will satisfy most of the fans of this sound and the collectors of this genre. The thing that sets "I'm Alive" apart from the typical melodic rock records are the fantastic solos of Red beach (x-WINGER) that lead the band's sound to a slightly different level. All the songs are very good and let me describe them by using a metaphor. So let's say that the radio stations are a long walk and all the bands we listen to are resting and relaxing points in this long walk of ours. Then Kelly's band would be a fine resting point, no matter which song of the "I'm Alive" album we take into consideration. Enjoy!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Part Two: Emotional Creatures
(Giant Electric Pea)

I don’t know if you remember, but some months ago we have presented the first part of the solo work of the multi – talented Mr. Steve Thorne. Here, in the second part, he continues to play rock music influenced by PINK FLOYD and GENESIS mainly, but this time his music has a melancholic, romantic and yet pessimistic touch. There is a controversy you can say, because this album takes us into a dark journey, through its beautiful melodies. An album that needs its time if you want to understand all the semantics that it hides and it is not a release that you can listen to just for fun. Forget it! Here is an invitation to think about our modern way of life and maybe there is a chance to discover our better self that we all hide somewhere inside. I believe that both parts complete each other and it is a pity that they weren’t released as one album. Finally, fantastic work is done in the booklet of the album, which is full of pictures that give you some hints on which the subject of each song included here is. Only for a demanding rock audience…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

War Of Attrition

The American death/grinders are back after 4 years of silence with their brand new fifth studio release titled "War Of Attrition", which once again deals with gore issues, politics and religion. Now these guys offer us the same quality as with all their previous albums and even from the first song you'll realize that this is a typical Dying Fetus release. It has all their characteristic elements like the mixture of really fast with mid tempos, the heavy rhythm section, the guttural vocals, the brutal riffs, the technical moments and of course some high class shreddings. The end result sounds heavy and groovy and we could even say progressive to some extent. So, all the Dying Fetus fans and those of you who love the death/grind sound will adore this release!

Christine  Parastatidou

Princess Alice And The Broken Arrow

Have you ever felt whilst listening to a CD for the first time that it somehow sounds familiar? Well this is how felt when I listened to the new release of Magnum. A work of quality rock/hard rock music that has something dreamy in it. An album that each time I listen to I like it more and more and I discover more of its virtues. It is really hard to create music that has over an hour of duration and yet be able to keep it interesting, but Magnum is a big name in the rock scene and know how to achieve that. A release that you have to listen to from the beginning to the end in order to enjoy it. One other thing that I found very positive is that the cover artwork is very beautiful, it looks like the cover of a book of fairy – tales and slightly brought to my mind the movie “Pan’s Labyrinth”. The artist who painted it, is Rodney Mathew’s who has also done Magnum’s “Storyteller’s Night” cover. Rock maniacs in 23 of March go to your stores and buy this album…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Break The Silence

Well well what have we got here? Have the women in the metal/punk sound started sounding more extreme and pissed off than the men? Isn't this something now? McQueen is a UK based all female four piece powerful combo that will take you by surprise! Being around only a few years now they have managed in such a short period of time to tour a lot and support some of the biggest names of the scene. What amazed me the most is the vocalist, Leah Duors, who has an incredibly passionate voice and a really harsh one that in moments reaches the aggressiveness of hardcore with her interpretation!! She's simply stunning! The riffs and themes are really catchy and although this band is labeled as punk rock, you'll find plenty of metal elements in their music! Their songs stand for passion, energy and power, so there's no chance you might get tired or bored of "Break The Silence". You must definitely check them out, McQueen will make sure to infuse you respect even from their debut work! Support them!

Christine  Parastatidou

The Inner Sanctum

I am not the biggest fan of Saxon, however I have a great respect for these legends of heavy metal music, not only because they respect their history and fans by releasing from decent to very good albums, but also because throughout all these years of their existence they have kept the wild and free spirit of our music. Their new album is one of the best in the history of the group. Here you will listen to all the good elements that we like in this group with a modern production and fresh ideas. The album starts with the mediocre “State Of Grace”, a song which I believe that the band wrote in a few minutes to continue with 2 great speed songs (“Need For Speed” and “Let Me Feel Your Power”). Next follows my favorite song of the album, one of these songs that made me like Saxon a lot and it is “Red Star Falling”. To make a long story short, the album with the exception of the opening track moves on high quality standards. Great is also the song “I’ve Got To Rock (To Stay Alive)” a song that even AC/DC would envy. Finally the album ends with an epic anthem that hears in the name “Attila The Hun”. Yes my friends this is what I call great heavy metal and this is an album that you have to buy with no second thoughts. They convinced me, I am going to see them in their upcoming show here in Greece.

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis


Disbelief is a German based band that formed in 1990 and up to now they have released 7 full length albums and numerous demos offering us a combination of death metal with hardcore. I know this genre is very popular lately and personally I got tired of listening to bands with a similar sound, but Disbelief are actually trying to make the difference and create an original and characteristic sound. I think they're doing a pretty good job in the way they mix death metal with sludge. The vocals are excellent for this sound, the rhythms are really heavy, mainly mid tempo and voluminous and their riffs are catchy and have the ability to be carved in your memory! All in all, this is a release that both the fans of death metal and the fans of sludge will definitely appreciate! Please also note that the special edition of the album will also contain 6 bonus tracks.

Christine  Parastatidou

Asylum 45
(Rusty Cage Records)

The modern metal scene of the Netherlands has got used us to bands that either play atmospheric metal or have a more modern sound. Well, Non – Divine are a bit of both. Mainly their music can be described as modern metal with lots of groovy parts, along with some classic and atmospheric metal elements. However, in their sound you can find influences from other non metal sounds like alternative rock and hardcore. As a work it is very carefully worked and done and I think that it has the ability to attract the interest of people that like to listen to such kind of music. The problem, though, is that it hasn't got anything extraordinary in order to move the interest of people that are listening to other kinds of metal. All in all an average work that I listened to without getting bored, but nothing more than that…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Kick Back The Rug & Everybody Dance!
(Casket Music)

Victory State is a UK based band that delivers a weird mixture of classic heavy metal riffs with an alternative and punk twist. Well weird music is something that UK has got us used to producing and British bands have always had this inclination towards patterns that connect mellow and melodic tunes with harsh rhythm sections and low tuned guitars. This is more or less what Victory State offer us here with their 4 compositions and I guess they do a pretty good job! I really liked their riffs, they are really heavy and stick to your mind, however the thing I didn't quite enjoy is the mixing of those riffs with this particular voice. I'm not saying the vocalist is bad! On the contrary he does an excellent work, but to my ears the combination isn't so natural. I'd rather if he used harsher vocals, they'd serve the music better. Well this is just what I think, however if you are fans of this modern heavy - punk - alternative sound, you'll find a good proposal here. The last thing I want to say is that you'd do a good thing buying this EP, because 100% of sales revenue is going to the Make A Wish Foundation. It's for a good cause!!!!

Christine  Parastatidou

(Century Media)

If I had to choose one word to describe this album and Dark Tranquillity's music in general this would be balance. Balance is a vital element in nature and a key factor for human beings allowing us to control our dual nature, our body and spirit, the inner and outer spectrum... I'm a die hard Dark Tranquillity fan, however I'm being really objective and fair when I say that once again they have managed to create a true masterpiece! I know I've said "Character"  was their most mature work to date, but believe it or not this album is ever better and in fact it's beyond words. This album is mere feelings and this is the only way you can accept and understand it... "Fiction" is here to evoke some of the deepest emotions in us and at the same time give us time for introspection, awakening feelings such as anger and melancholy, aggressiveness and misery, relinquish and resent (the balance I was talking you about). The lyrics have always been a true, separate art for this band and personally I wouldn't be surprised if one day they were published in a book as a collection of poems... Let's move on to the music though and let me tell you that although this time Dark Tranquillity haven't made any ground-shaking alterations or experimentations with their sound, they have created a fresh and characteristic sound that smells of the band's identity from miles away. "Fiction" is balanced between the more extreme death metal elements and the more gothic/dark atmosphere of the band with the electronic elements not being so prominent again as in "Character". So the ten compositions consisting the band's latest endeavour show a clear connection with "Character", being the latter's more evolved and progressed descendant, having at the same time clear references to the band's past masterpieces "The Gallery", "The Mind's I" and "Projector" mainly. I don't think I have to say anything about the band members' skills and technique or for Mikael's vocals that are one of the best for the death metal genre. I think I'll let them all speak for themselves! For the end of the album Dark Tranquillity have saved us a big surprise, which is no other than the return of the female vocals that appeared on all their albums till the "Projector". Mikael's clean vocals also appear in some songs and they have been really worked and sound good as never before! "Fiction" is already a classic in my heart!

Christine  Parastatidou

Baptised In Fire
(Black Mark)

Three years have passed since the release of their debut album “The Mark Of The Warrior” released from the Greek label Black Lotus (R.I.P) and I believe that the changes in their new release are more than obvious. In “Baptised In Fire” Haterush kept the melody they had in their debut, but this time they have become heavier, meaning that they took a turn closer into forms of traditional heavy metal. This time all their songs are more direct without lacking in the section of technical playing. Musically, now you can’t avoid to compare them with bands like NOCTURNAL RITES, HAMMERFALL and EDGUY and with some JUDAS PRIEST, BRUCE DICKINSON, RIOT and WARLORD (listen to the song “The Chalice”) influences. In general, it's very good work of classic heavy/power metal and the only things that want improvement are the high – pitched vocals of the singer (they are not bad, but they sound a bit weak) and the drums that need more variety in the way they are played. Finally, there is a mistake in the way that the tracks are listed in the back cover of the CD, number 10 is not the song “Out Of Reflection”, but the song “Danger”. I had a good time listen to this album and I think that from time to time I will put it on my CD player, so the fans of this kind of music shouldn't hesitate buying it, cause it is a good work…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Open Fire

I've always liked and respected Alabama Thunderpussy, because they are a special band that is able to take in all their influences and transform them in a unique blend that has their tag on. Having the word Alabama in their moniker this band couldn't resist playing southern rock 'n' roll only this time they have added a great deal of pure and straightforward classic heavy metal making their compositions more impressive. The band's new vocalist Kyle Thomas has a marvelous voice offering us great interpretations that vary from melodic singing to raging rasps of violence and imposing howls. The guitars are low tuned and distorted thus creating a really heavy sound that takes you along from the very first riff. The guitar solos are great, to the point and not inane show offs, the melodic parts are really beautiful and the rhythm section builds a strong foundation for the rest of the instruments. All in all I think "Open Fire" is the band's best work to date and it's definitely a must have!!!

Christine  Parastatidou

Profits Of Doom

Well I haven't got much to say here since a while ago I reviewed Type O Negative's full length album, which I loved and I think is going to be one of their most successful releases ever. So, this is a two track single release that contains actually the same song, "Profits Of Doom" in two editions, the full album version which is more than 10 minutes long and the shortest one, prepared for radio airplay and is 4 minutes long. I think Type O Negative have selected their catchiest and best song of the album to promote their new creation and I bet it will create a fuss around their name, cause although it sounds like them from miles away, at the same time it has a freshness, a tempo and a heaviness unlike them!

Christine  Parastatidou

Keeper Of The Seven Keys - The Legacy World Tour 2005/2006

This double live CD from Helloween kicks some serious ass!! The set list of the songs starts from the "Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part 1" era and comes up to their latest album. It's hard to find something bad to bands of the clash and might of Helloween, bands that have established themselves many years ago in the metal scene with numerous great albums and classic songs. So, when such bands release live albums, then naturally we expect the track list to have as many "diamonds" as they can fit in a CD. This album is addressed to all those that haven't seen Helloween live or want to check it out anyway. Do it! It is worth it!!!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Sanctified By Satan's Blood
(Agonia Records)

Well isn't this something? A blasphemous, evil black metal band from the U.S.! We aren't used to this, since most of the times we receive such a release, its country of origin is up north from the frozen landscapes of Scandinavia. So, these 4 men do a fine job almost 15 years now, having released many demos, a live CD and 3 full lengths. There isn't much to be said for their musical direction since what they do is deliver great amounts of energy through their anti-christian, frozen black metal that has been clearly influenced by the Norwegian school. Their dedication and love for this branch is obvious and they serve it in the best possible way. The die hard fans of the primitive, monolithic black metal sound will adore this release and will consider Thornspawn a cult band. However the rest of you won't find anything appealing here, because "Sanctified By Satan's Blood" is really extreme and sharp, so those who aren't accustomed to this sound will think the end result is pretty boring or tiring. So, be careful with this!

Christine  Parastatidou

Awoken From Beyond
(Self financed)

Aither might sound as a strange name, however it has a Greek origin. This band comes from Italy and their sound despite being metal from all aspects, it combines at the same time a lot of styles. It reminded me a bit of NICTA, because they combine melodic metal with death. Aither however is a more atmospheric band. In general and if we take into consideration that this is a self produced release, I was left with good impressions. This release introduces us a band with talent that can write interesting compositions, but I bet that as they mature and learn from their mistakes they will become even better. They have to work a bit on the clean vocals and I believe that they do a better job when they play the heavy parts rather than the atmospheric ones. From the three tracks that are included here (1 intro and 2 tracks) I liked "The Coming Of The Blessed Age" the most. For a copy or if you want to support the band, you can contact them by accessing their site at: or by emailing them at: [email protected]

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Built To Resist
(Casket Music)

The songs included in "Built To Resist" combine thrash metal with melodic death and hardcore. It might not include any crazy or difficult riffs, but they are good riffs nevertheless and are accompanied by a strong and stable rhythm section. Anyway though there are only 5 tracks included in this album if I had to pinch two out of them, then I'd definitely choose "Deadman's Switch" and "Gone", which both gave me a fair share of headbanging!!!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Lekamen Illusionen Kallet
(Agonia Records)

Lik is a Swedish based band that formed in 2000 and consisted of 2 members. I deliberately used a past tense here, cause Lik are no longer active, but they've split up shortly after the release of their swang song "Lekamen Illusionen Kallet", which is actually their third official release. Music-wise now this duet plays a combination of gothic rock with black metal having songs with really dark atmospheres and mid tempos mainly. To be honest with you I didn't like this release. It's only 24 minutes long, but it tired me so much that all 4 songs sounded similar to me without allowing me to realize when one ended and when the next one began. Moreover I found the compositions really ordinary and simple and generally I didn't find anything that could manage to arouse my interest...

Christine  Parastatidou

Rage And Fury Fed Us
(Self financed)

I had the chance to listen to all Nicta's releases so far and I can say with great confidence that this mini CD is their most mature work to date. Here I managed to clearly realize that this band is deeply theatrical, above all, and putting them under a tag would make my job easier, but it wouldn't be fair to them. Their sound moves in the fields of many genres of metal music, from classic heavy to symphonic, thrash and black/death metal. The way their compositions are constructed might be characterized as progressive, but personally I think it has similarities with the way SAVATAGE and KING DIAMOND build their songs in order to give them a dramatic touch. One other thing that I want to mention here is the keyboards that play a very important role in Nicta's music. They really make their music more colourfull and play a significant role to the originality of their sound. A very good independent release that you have to listen to from the start till the end in order to realize this band's potential! Don't hesitate to buy a copy... You can contact Nicta by visiting their site:, by email: [email protected] or by traditional snail mail: Graziano Ferracioli, via F. Filzi 148, 45030 Ceneselli (RO), Italy.

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Victory Songs

This album was a revelation for me! I knew Ensiferum only by name but I had never had the chance to listen to their music before. I'll make it up though and I'll rush to the nearest store and grab all their previous releases! This Finnish quintet plays Viking/folk death metal like few still can... I mean where should I start from? From the beautiful magnetising melodies that mind travel you into times long gone? From the aggressive parts that smell of the blood on the battle fields? From the vocals that sound to my ears like a warrior's cry towards the heathen gods? Or perhaps from the folk tunes that tie up perfectly with the band's aggressive nature? Whatever I say will be too little and too inadequate and would never be enough to transmit the chills I have down my chord every time I listen to "Victory Songs" or the energy and power I feel pouring down all through my body through these marvelous 9 opuses... Majestic, bombastic with catchy riffs and a collision of clean with harsh vocals, that builds up the duality lying within every human being and offering more depth to the compositions. I can't find any flaws here starting from the compositions and moving on to the lyrics, the production and the artwork. Everything is so superb that I advise you to get the CD as soon as possible! Don't waste your time, you must have this diamond in your collection. It will make you proud and I bet there is no Viking/folk death metaller out there that won't like this release... I'm stunned!!!

Christine  Parastatidou

The Heist Begins Here
(Casket Music)

"The Heist Begins Here" is basically a hardcore album that combines two elements mainly in every song: the melodic parts which are fairly good and the harder and more extreme parts which are fairly bad. So, in my opinion Down Within need to focus more on the heavy rhythm section of their music and make sure they improve it, cause except for the fact that it doesn't sound good to me, it also made me feel as if it changed the whole strucutre of each song, reducing it to a lower lever. On the other hand whenever they put more melody I felt like something good was coming out of it!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Cirith Gorgor
(Ketzer Records)

If you want your black metal raw, ferocious and really frozen then only one name springs up my mind and this is no other than Cirith Gorgor from the Netherlands, who managed with their latest self titled creation to claim a place amongst the elite of the extreme and pure black metal bands. Their songs stand for intensity, filled with blast beats, sharp guitars, violent themes and sheer brutality assaulting you! Savage, annihilating riffs are entwined with some melodic passages and solos and an overall epic atmosphere is surrounding all the songs. Well the term epic black metal is what really suits them and if I had to mention similar sounding bands then MARDUK, IMMORTAL and DARK THRONE come to mind. From the moment you push the play button you'll find yourself in a whirlwind of hatred, so devastating and levelling that will allow you to breathe only when this album is over! "Cirith Gorgor" is an album that will satisfy the fans of the Norwegian sounding frozen black metal and it actually addresses to them only. This blackened creation deserves your support! It has surely earned my respect and dedication! Keep the black flame burning!

Christine  Parastatidou

Northern Remembrance
(Konqueror Records)

While in Sweden the biggest part of the so called death metal bands have started wearing bermudas and jumping on stage like bunnies on dope whilst adding at the same time more and more hardcore into their sound, there are bands that keep the true essence of death metal alive. Such a band is Mykorrhiza. Their music is baptized by the 80’s sound of metal and because of this they know what it needs in order to write interesting compositions without the use of boring sounds from other genres. The biggest part of the compositions are mid-tempo with some thrashy moments and lots of blast beats, which sound very natural and not so digital. However, the element that makes this group unique in my opinion is the great classic heavy metal moments they have in almost every song, creating quite often an epic feeling close to AMON AMARTH’s first albums. I would love to see these guys form a classic metal band, except for Mykorrhiza… Anyway, this is one of the best classic death metal releases I have listened to so far and I believe that a person who needs to listen to good metal, will have them in mind… One other thing is that they are melodic, but their sound has nothing to do with the N.W.O.S.D.M. sound… Support them!!!!

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Raw Dark Pure
(Metal Blade)

Sonic Reign is a German duo with many years of existence, however only recently have they managed to release their debut full length work. Here you will enjoy more than 40 minutes of pure black metal that is quite melodic and closer to the Swedish scene rather than the Norwegian one. Like I said they play black metal, but what I enjoyed the most in this release is the fact that they add many nice solos and catchy heavy metal tunes, making their sound more melodic and accessible even to those of you who aren't used to listening to black metal. At the same time though their songs are filled with blast beats and sharp guitars that create a thunderous and boisterous end result. The vocalist has some really harsh and blackened vocals that help in the creation of a really frozen atmosphere! The production is good, but not crystal clear, thus rendering an old and dark atmosphere to this album. The black metallers will surely find a diamond here!

Christine  Parastatidou

(Self Financed)

Sacrament isn’t a new band. They have almost twenty years of existence and they are from the early in the demography since the early 90s. Their debut album was released back in 1995 through Under Siege Records and after eleven years, they achieved to release their second album “Aguante” on their own. In the early days of the band, Sacrament was a thrash metal act. As the year passed they have explored new music paths and now they are more of a melodic metal band with some heavy and aggressive parts. Sacrament has included eight tracks in their newest work and gives us the opportunity to enjoy forty minutes of how Sacrament sounds this period. Their com positions are well worked with some very interesting ideas and Jurgen and Bernd, the two axe men have done a very impressive work. Of course their singer is really good and gives all his energy when he sings the songs in order to remind us that Sacrament are still hear alive and ready to kick some ass!
Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Darkness In Me EP

Such a good release, but only 3 tracks... It's a pity... Well anyway Closer hail us from Sweden and they are one of those bands that have the magic touch, being able to combine the 80s metal sound with the modern one, without losing theur heaviness or making any compromises. In the 3 tracks of this CD you will listen to thrash metal music that combines the bay area school (this is the 80s part of their music) with the melodic death metal influences (the modern part of their sound). The production is very clear and helps you enjoy them even more. A release that you will listen to again and again without getting bored! I will be waiting anxiously for their full length album! Check them out!!!

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Spiegel Der Unendlichkeit
(CCP Records)

Dorn is a German based band that was formed in 1998 and up to now they have released 5 albums (including this one). However this is the first time I come across their music and I really regret taking me so long to do so, cause they prove to be a really talented band! Musically this trio walks in atmospheric melodic death/black metal paths that have some Viking and gothic additions every now and then and beautiful melancholic keyboard tunes filling in whenever necessary. The overall atmosphere of their music reminded me a lot of DARK TRANQUILLITY and HAGGARD. Their songs' tempos vary from doom to really fast with blastbeats, but always maintaining a good balance. The contradiction amongst the melodic and the aggressive parts is so intense and yet so beautifully interwoven that will make you crave for more. The skills and technique of the guys is great and the brusque vocals of their singer tie up perfectly. I think this is a release that deserves your attention! 

Christine  Parastatidou

7 Home Songs 

It’s always a pleasure when I have the chance to discover new lands in music. This time Path Through The Mist, gave me this trip. This band comes from France and recently their released their newest album with the title “7 Home Songs”. As you can predict the album has seven tracks and almost an hour of music. Now the difficult part is to describe the music... Definitely it’s really beautiful with a lot of images and with the help of the booklet you can easily “travel” to unknown lands. Path Through The Mist walks in atmospheric/dark music paths with a lot of progressive elements and some folk touches too. Also apart from the classic instruments, guitars, piano, vocals and percussion they have also used saz, bass and keyboards in order to make their music as good as they could and to complete the picture in their minds. Of course we don’t have a typical album here, you should be open minded in order to accept the things that Path Through The Mist have and want to offer you with their music. 
Label Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Totalitarian Love Pulse
(Agonia Records)

Iperyt is a 5-piece band from Poland that has only two years of existence and up to now they have only released an EP. So after finding a record deal it was natural for them to release their debut full length. Musically Iperyt require a certain open-mindness in order to understand and like their music. This is not because they play progressive or anything, but because they mix the industrial and techno sounds with black metal music. Actually they sounded to me very close to THE BERSERKER from Australia, who too mix industrial music with black metal. Now music-wise these guys use some very brutal riffs, techno rhythms in the drum section, a vocalist who shouts lyrics about genocide, murder and death and in between the tracks thee are some soundclips from famous films. I liked the brute force of their songs and the powerful and curshing impact they had on me, though this is not my favourite kind of music. All in all I can say that Iperyt released a good work that will appeal both to the industrial and the black metal fans. All you need in order to enjoy this sonic bombarding assault is an open mind... 

Christine  Parastatidou

In The Glory Of Heroes

The movement of epic pagan black metal is obvious that has its origins to only one band and this is no other than the mighty BATHORY. Actually Hellveto except for BATHORY influences in their music, which are quite many but not to the point of being accused as copycats, they are also a one man band. So, "In The Glory Of Heroes" you will listen to mid tempo compositions with lots of "frozen" riffs mixed with some slight touches of folk tunes and a use of keyboards that creates a symphonic atmosphere. I have listened to this release twice and very carefully in order to have a clear picture of the band's music. I can say that the first listening impressed me, but on the second one my enthusiasm was slightly reduced. The truth is that they have some nice ideas, but from a point on they repeat them, a fact that shows lack of creativity. I can recommend this release only to the people that fanatically listen to epic black metal. The rest of you try to listen to this album before making any decisions...

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis


Apocryphal Voice is a band from Finland with almost 8 years of existence that consists of two musicians only, who are responsible for everything concerning this band. About 4 years ago they released a 3-track EP and now they are releasing their debut full length album that has a duration of approximately an hour. So, what you are about to listen to here is avant garde black metal with really slow and mid tempos and an atmosphere that breathes of darkness and disgust. The vocals are black, but not very extreme or high pitched and I think there is space for improvement here, cause very often they weren't able to "convince" me for their ability to communicate the songs' lyrics. The songs like I said are mainly mid tempo and have many keyboard parts that sounded quite childish and simple to my ears. This is a field that requires more hard work along with the fact that from a point on all the songs sound the same and you get the feeling that you are listening to the same song from beginning to the end. Apocryphal Voice haven't convinced me, so I think I'll pass for the time being...

Christine  Parastatidou

The Channeling Void 
(Carnal Records)

Sauron comes from Holland and they have so far a decade in the underground metal scene with several demos and 7” releases. So far they have released two albums in two different labels. “The Channeling Void” is their third album released last month through their new label; this time from the Swedish Carnal Records. Musically the band walks in black metal paths but they try to be more aggressive, rawer and more extreme than the usual. So in their third attempt, their music is more blasting with more sick vocals and definitely an underground feeling throughout the whole album. In all these eight songs and the forty five minutes Sauron has given us their personal vision of unholy black metal. Definitely the fans of extreme black metal, without many melodies and stuff like that, will adore Sauron’s “The Channeling Void”. 
Official Site:
Band Email: [email protected]
Label Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Bury The Ashes

Zatokrev, unlikely what their moniker makes you think, which actually means "blood for this", is a band based in Switzerland that formed 5 years ago and up to now has released a demo and two full length albums with the latter being this one, "Bury The Ashes". Music-wise this trio delivers doom death metal with quite many references to sludge and even noise. Their compositions are filled with down tuned distorted guitars, mid and creeping tempos and harsh extreme vocals and all of them have a huge duration. Lyric-wise they deal with dark, aggressive and spiteful topics, but at the same time they reveal desperation and melancholy. In the past they used to write their lyrics in the Czech, Slovak and English language, since one of the guys was born in the Czech Republic, but moving to a new label and seeing things more professionally they now have English lyrics only. If you are fans of the sludge sound I suppose you could give them a try, but I wouldn't recommend them in general cause they require a certain mood and address to a specific audience... Actually from a point on I found their album pretty dull and tiring with its excessive distortion and noise.

Christine  Parastatidou

Through The Eyes Of Insanity EP 
(Self Financed)

United States doesn’t have only metalcore bands. Sometime you can find some really interesting groups out there. This time, I have in my hands the latest EP from Manslaughter “Through The Eyes Of Insanity”. In this work the band has included four tracks and twenty minutes of pure extreme metal. Actually their music direction is more into death/black metal with some touches from thrash metal too. Also they have dual male and female vocals. Another thing that attracted my attention was the very good production and the sound that allows you to hear all the instruments while keeping the brutality and the aggressiveness of the black metal sound. Another interesting point was the fact that even if the band walks on the extreme path of metal, they have included a few melodic moments inside their well worked compositions in order to make a small change. Last but not least, I would like to mention the good work that Elizabeth has done in the vocals and guitar sections. I will be waiting for a full length release in the near future.

Antonis Maglaras

Untrue Death Metal
(Self – Financed)

Personally, I believe that the best way to comment on a fact that bothers you is humor and that’s exactly what Assorted Nails want to do with the title of their new release. In our days it has really become very cheesy the fact that everyone that plays in a band claims he is true in the metal tradition, but words don’t mean anything to us. If you are really true, you have to prove it by playing the music you like as good as you can. Assorted Nails, now, except for the title, play death metal influenced mainly by the U.S. scene, but the good thing with them is that they also have some thrash and classic heavy metal parts. Especially the classic metal parts are so characteristic that stick into your mind instantly. The sound of this CD is not the usual one. It has no triggers or digital effects. Its has something from the dirty natural sound of the 80’s and in my opinion is one more plus for this release. Try to find more about this interesting band by visiting their site:

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Suffering Dreaming 
(Self Financed)

Ophidian comes from Luxembourg and they started back in 2002. After a demo release and their debut album, before a few weeks they released their second work with the title “Suffering Dreaming”. In this work the band has included twelve tracks and almost an hour of pure heavy metal music with some touches from thrash metal. When I first saw the title of the album, the fact that the band has female vocals made me think that Ophidian would be just another atmospheric metal band, I was wrong and I realized that when I first heard their second album. An album which is full of energy, powerful guitars and actually well worked guitars riffs. Their compositions are well worked with very impressive ideas too. Some times you get surprised by some bands, like from a country that doesn’t have more than one hundred bands, but they have quality groups like BLACK CANDLE for example and of course Ophidian. Definitely the stuff from Ophidian was a nice surprise for me! I hope the band will continue the hard work and will release quality albums in the future as well.
Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Release Date
(Dockyard 1)

Are you looking for something really special and extraordinary? Something that keeps a safe distance from the trivial rock and metal sounds? Then Waltari is the right answer to your quest. You can stop and rest now, since you don't have to look for these things anywhere else. Waltari manage to incorporate in their sound such a diversity of elements and genres in an innovative and yet perfectly homogeneous way, that makes them worth to be labeled as a progressive rock/metal band with the true meaning of the term. The melodies, the song structures and the riffs are magnificent and have a life of their own, carving your memory and making you hum them. Kartsy, the band's singer, has a very weird and characteristic voice and his interpretation gives a whole new dimension to Waltari's music, being an important factor for making this band who they are and for molding this special sound. "Release Date" is the band's twelfth full length release and according to me it's much better than their previous album, "Blood Sample", because it's more progressive and yet more extreme, taking all our familiar Waltari elements to their extremes! I have nothing more to add other than the fact that the production is great and that the album contains a superb bonus track "Spokebone" which features Varttina, an amazing Finnish ethnic band!

Christine  Parastatidou

The Creeper EP 
(Metal Fortress)

The Citadel is a new born band, they were founded back in 2002 and “The Creeper” is their debut EP which was released last month through Metal Fortress. In this EP the band has included three tracks and sixteen minutes of pure heavy metal with a few touches from doom metal too. Before we enter into the music of The Citadel, I would like to inform you that behind the drums is the well known artist Henka Johansson from CLAWFINGER and the title track has a guest appearance from the famous Swedish pop artist Susie Palvirinta. Now, how a pop singer is combined with heavy metal? I  think you should hear the result and you will see that the band has done a great work in this track. I believe that the voice of Susie and Jonas are combined perfectly and they give us a very beautiful result. From the music that I’ve listened to in this EP I believe that their full length album, which will be released later this year, will be a blast not only for the heaviness of their music but also for the ideas of the band and the way they write their songs. Last but not least, I believe “The Creeper” is the best song to introduce the music of The Citadel.
Label Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

In Hora Mortis
(Agonia Records)

“In Hora Mortis” is not a bad album... it has good production and well performed compositions, but the problem is that it cannot escape from the average good black metal albums. It is one of those releases that the first time you listen to them you might get impressed, but I doubt it if you are going to have the courage to listen to the whole album again. The CD stores are full with such ok releases, but in the times we live we have to value our money and I can’t tell you that Zarathustra convinced me in order to recommend them to you. However there are 2 songs in this release that show they can offer us much more than a typical frozen and anti-Christian black metal. These songs are: “Salvation From Being” and “Towards Perdition”.

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

The Things I Have Left 
(Self Financed)

I am always curious when I receive a package from Italy, because the Italian metal scene is a little bit “weird”. You can find some really interesting bands but also you can find others that are copycats of famous Italian bands. So when I received the package from Lykaion I didn’t know what to expect. First of all Lykaion has started back in 1998 and so far the have release two demos. “The Things I Have Left” is their latest work in which the band has included four tracks full of power/progressive metal. Actually the music of Lykaion is really interesting because even if they walk in power/progressive metal paths, they don’t stay there and they try to expand their music horizons. So I believe we can say that they can combine elements from OPETH to NEVERMORE and KILLSWITCH ENGAGE with the great voice of Tiziana. I believe with their singer’s help the composers were more open and they explored new horizons for the music of Lykaion. So I can assure you that Lykaion isn’t another typical metal band with female vocals.
Email: [email protected] 

Antonis  Maglaras

(Century Media)

Naglfar from Sweden, not to be confused with the same titled band from Norway, are once again here with us bringing us the best there is in the melodic death/black metal genre! It's not a secret that I like this band a lot, so once I found out that a new album was in the making, I was really anxious to listen to it, but at the same time I anticipated that it would be an interesting album! The time has finally come and I'm happy to let you know that I'm not disappointed at all, but on the contrary I feel content with "Harvest" and I've enjoyed it to the full! Musically they tread on their familiar paths that they have carved since the release of "Sheol" and strengthened with "Pariah" and this is no other than an intense combination of melodic black and death metal that is so perfectly bonded and entwined that makes it hard for you to realize each genre's boundaries. Now compared to their previous release, "Pariah", "Harvest" sounds quite similar only this time their creation is definitely darker and slightly more varied, mainly in terms of rhythm, tempo and singing technique. However it has the typical and characteristic Naglfar sound, so you can't miss it! Other advantages of this work are the superb cover artwork created by the very talented Travis Smith and the very good and voluminous production!

Christine  Parastatidou

Promo 2007
(Dive Art Agency)

Alice In Darkland started back in 1999 from an idea of Alice Elizabeth Chiarelli (ex-session keyboards player of LACUNA COIL). The band so far has released two demo CDs and an album before five years. In the past three years the band had some line up changes and now they strike back with their newest promo CD which has two tracks. Now the band walks in more gothic metal paths with some elements from progressive metal and a few touches from electronic music too. Both compositions are well worked with some very interesting ideas and it’s a clear picture of what we should wait in the future from Alice In Darkland. In the vocal department now we find dual male and female vocals with the male ones being either clean or death metal ones. We also have some very interesting keyboard parts which give a dark atmosphere to the whole song. I hope the band will soon record their second full length album and we will have the chance to see the whole picture of Alice In Darkland. 
Email: [email protected]

Antonis Maglaras

Words Untold & Dreams Unlived
(Napalm Records)

As fan as heavy and power metal music is concernedI have to say that I am bit disappointed from the new bands that rise – up from around the world and especially from Europe. Only the good old names of this genre have something to say with their releases, but these as well can't always succeed in achieving their goals. However, Serenity are one of those bands that play power metal in the typical European way (mainly they reminded me of the Swedish and Finnish metal scene) along with some progressive touches (call it DREAM THEATER), but they do it in a fresh way and with a passion that can convince you that they do really care and want to compose quality music and not only find an easy way to success. Songs like “Reduced To Nothingness”, “Dead Man Walking”, “From Where The Dark Is Born” and “Thrive” have the ability to move the interest of every demanding fan of power metal…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Temple Of Whores 
(Iron Fist Productions)

I first came in contact with Pete Flesh for his main band Deceiver. Last year, he sent me the debut album of his solo project that bears the simple name Flesh. Now it was the time for him to unleash his sophomore album with the title “Temple Of Whores”. This album was released through Iron Fist Productions and it has nine tracks full of old school thrash/death metal. This album was recorded before a few months during one week in the Abyss studios with Tommy Tagtgren. For one more time Pete has given us almost forty minutes full of thrash metal anthems combined with death metal vocals. I believe we can say that the music is thrash metal, but the vocals are death metal. It’s always a pleasure to hear something from Deceiver or Flesh, because we know what to expect. Nothing less than a quality album nothing more than a great album. I believe that Flesh has achieved to make albums that everyone who is into this kind of metal would like to hear. Don’t miss the chance and grab this opportunity to hear “Temple Of Whores” and last but not least check the very good cover of this album out.
Official Site:
Band Email:[email protected]
Label Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Walk The Earth

As it is known this is the band of the former ROYAL HUNT singer D.C. Cooper and guitarist Alex Beyroth (ex-SINNER). Until this moment the band has released 4 full length albums, all of them based on the same recipe of melodic power metal. I could say that if you replace some songs from one album and put them to another, you'll realize no change or difference to the final result. It seems like all songs have been written the same time and age and released into four different parts…But this does not lessen the musical value of each album, including the present one too. The excellent vocals of D.C. Cooper are for one more time the strong point here, but this would be nothing without the equal participation of all his other band mates…A good start is the half of everything! This happens also in the beginning of this album that contains one of the best songs ever written by this band according to my personal opinion! The rest of the album is a mix of up and mainly mid-tempo songs, all of which have nice melodies! A decent album without anything special though that couldn't be easily distinguished by their previous works or the similar sounding works of other bands…

Jim  Konstantinidis

Love It Tender 
(Self Financed)

Last summer I was in Norway and up there I had the chance to meet a lot of musicians from different bands. This time, I have the pleasure to re-present here the first EP of Caligvla’s Sisters “Love It Tender”. In this work the band has included six tracks that are full of energy and could be described as pure rock ‘n roll. Sometimes you think that it is difficult to hear pure rock music nowadays but Caligvla’s Sisters is here to prove that you can count on them. Their music is easy listening you will enjoy every second of their songs and of course their compositions are well worked, with interesting guitar riffs and very impressive ideas. I am sure that when you reach the closing track you will push the play button again and if you don’t believe me, just hear the title track and then you will completely understand the band’s music. For sure when I will be back in Norway I will keep an eye for one of the band’s live shows.
Official Site:
Email: [email protected] 

Antonis  Maglaras

Happy Days
(CCP Records)

Here we have the third release of the band called Malnatt. They are from Italy and contrary to most of their countrymen, they play melodic black metal with some symphonic touches. The strange thing with them are the lyrics. They use the Italian language, but in the booklet you can also find an English translation. Well as I said if their lyrics are seen superficially they will seem to you as the typical black metal ones talking about war, sex and occultism, but beneath the obvious you can see that they have a sarcastic and sometimes humoristic tone. I don't want to suggest with that that Malnatt is some kind of a parody band. On the contrary, they are good musicians who know how to write interesting music, especially on they keyboards that are very characteristic and play themes that make Malnatt's music interesting compared to so many other bands that also play symphonic black metal. A decent and yet good album that the friends of the genre will appreciate a lot...

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

(Self Financed)

Sludge Phenomenon is a band that comes from Belgium and they formed back in 2003. After four years of rehearsals they decided before a few months to release their debut EP “Paradox” as a self financed release. Here you will have the chance to find three tracks and twenty minutes of pure metal music which is actually a combination of influences from death and thrash metal along with some touches from sludge music too. Their compositions are well worked with some very interesting ideas and actually even though the band walks in the extreme metal paths they have achieved to create a very good sound and a remarkable production which leaves you with the mouth open. I believe that Sludge Phenomenon all these years have tired to find their personal sound and I am sure in their next release we will hear it even more clearly. I am sure that if they keep the hard work then they will have many things to give to the metal scene. I am sure the fans of extreme metal will find very interesting their stuff!
Email: [email protected] 

Antonis  Maglaras


Heavenly is one brilliant example of a band which improves work after work. With their fourth full-length album they prove that they are not where they are now because of mere luck, but every step of theirs is very careful and taken under consideration. “Virus” contains ten songs in total and all of them are a solid pack of high-class melodic power metal! The band knows very well their genre and I think that this is their best work till this moment, from all aspects! A really good work making it hard for you to distinguish a song, as each one is well-played and carefully composed in detail. Once again Heavenly give us an excellent album and to those who have accused them of having no future in the metal scene, this is a strong answer and a dynamic present! 

Jim  Konstantinidis

Die Derwaerts Gaen En Keeren Niet 
(Folter Records)

Before a few weeks I reviewed the new work of SAMMATH which was released through Folter Records. Now it is time for the new album of Walpurgisnacht, a black metal band that comes from Holland. The group started back in 1996, they have already released two demos CDs and here is their debut full length album. As I said above Walpurgisnacht walks in black metal paths and also they have members from CIRITH GORGOR and WEEMOED. On this album they have included ten tracks and more than forty five minutes of pure unholy black metal. Actually from the cover of this release you are prepared about what you will hear in the next hour. Personally I believe that the guy responsible for the artwork has done a great work. Back to the music now, after a small intro the band unleashes their hellish music to your speakers. Even if Walpurgisnacht are really extreme with their music, they have achieved a very good sound and at least you can hear all the instruments clearly. They don’t have the chaotic sound where you can’t hear anything or what you get is just noise. At least this is a good album that will keep you company till the new MAYHEM album hits the stores.
Official Site:
Label Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Miklagard – History Of The Vikings Volume II
(Massacre Records)

About a year ago I read a book that was carved in my mind and it's actually one of the best books I have read so far. The writer was Stephen Lawhead and the book was entitled “Byzantium”. The story in a few words is the adventures of a monk from Ireland that was captured by the Vikings and as the story unfolds, the monk becomes friends with the Vikings and goes wutg them on a journey to Miklagard to serve the emperor there. Miklagard was a dream for the Vikings in the book, a city of myth. However, Miklagard exists and is no other than Constantinople and Rebellion on this album manage to create the perfect soundtrack for this glorious Viking saga. This album is their most mature work, filled with epic and lyrical moments and a singer, who might not be the best in the power metal genre, but he sings with such a passion that most of the high-pitched singers would envy him! Nothing else to add, except that my brothers in arms must buy this album, because it is one of the most interesting works that Teutonic metal has offered to us lately. Furious and with no compromises…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

The Killing Complex 
(Instinct Records)

Lacerator is a band that rose from the ashes of CREEPING SKULLS and PARADISE HELL back in 2005. “The Killing Complex” is their debut album which was recorded last year. In this work the band has included eleven tracks and almost forty minutes full of aggressive, raw metal with some brutal rhythms and melodies too. Imagine a blend of death with black metal while they have elements from thrash metal too. Generally the band has influences from various extreme metal genres and they have added their personal sound in order to create “The Killing Complex”. Of course they need more hard work but on the other hand I hope they won’t lose the energy that they now transfer in their music. If we combine CANNIBAL CORPSE with KREATOR, what we get is close to how Lacerator really sound. I don’t know if it is too early to release an album with only one year of existence but I can say that Lacerator has given us an above average album. An album that the fans of death and thrash metal will find really interesting to hear and why not purchase… 
Official Site:
Band Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

(Rock Brigade / Laser Company)

The present work is the first album of the new personal band of Eduardo Falaschi, the singer of ANGRA, a band which includes other significant musicians as well, such as  Erno  Vuorinen (guitar- NIGHTWISH), Laurri Porra (bass-STRATOVARIUS) and Casey Grillo (drums- KAMELOT). Having all those musicians in a band the result could not be different than awesome! The songs move in the same musical way with ANGRA, melodic power metal with some technical/progressive touches. The interpretation of Edu in all the songs is more than excellent, playing the major factor for the level of this album, but also his other band mates have a big contribution to the whole result. I’m sure that the fans of ANGRA worldwide will undoubtedly worship it! A very good start for the band! 

Jim  Konstantinidis

Live Free Or Die 
(Equlibre Music)

I first got in touch with Zuul FX before two years with their debut album “By The Cross”. Back then I was really impressed by their energy and the aggressive moments that they had in their music. Before a few days, the band released their second album “Live Free Or Die” through Equilibre Music. In this work they have included thirteen tracks and more than fifty minutes of pure modern metal. If you have heard their debut album or just a single song then you will surely know what to expect from Zuul FX. This is not other than an album full of energy, aggressive parts, heavy music and a combination of metal and hardcore with extreme and guttural vocals. Definitely the new album of Zuul FX is a punch in your face. From the opening track to the closing one the band gives their best to the listener. I am sure the fans of FEAR FACTORY will adore this album! I believe that this band is the new rising power in the metal scene of France along with some other French bands. So live free and listen to their new album. It’s a BLAST!
Official Site:
Label Email: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Holy Beauty
(Drakkar Entertainment)

Jesus On Extasy are a new 4-piece band who are about to release their debut full length work that bears the title "Holy Beauty". Once you lay your eyes on the cover artwork you will instantly realize what this band is up to. This is no other than industrial rock/metal that has many gothic elements and a singer who sounds really decadent and lustful, bringing to mind the one and only SISTERS OF MERCY! Their compositions are tight, full of rhythm and will surely make the open minded metallers dance, since these guys manage to balance the industrial and the metal elements in a beautiful way. So, harsh and sharp low tuned guitars are accompanied by electro beats and thus create a powerful result that sticks to your mind. However what I didn't like on this album is the fact that it sounds a bit uneven to my ears, meaning that there are some really great songs that stick to your mind and dominate your mind, but there are also some songs that are quite ordinary or nerveless, songs that pass unnoticed. This is only their debut album though and Jesus On Extasy show us they are capable of even more. If you are into industrial gothic metal/rock then give them a chance!

Christine  Parastatidou
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