
Nachtgeschrei is a new band that hails us from Germany and this is their debut album after two years of promo and hard work. "Hoffnungsschimmer" is an album that will either please or displease anyone who listens to it as its sounds are a bit weird. The whole album is sung in German something which is not so bad as it blends very well with the music and the whole soundscape. Now as to what they are playing well imagine folklore tales with flutes, bagpipes, keys with very good melodies, twin guitars with amazing sounds, mid tempo drums, clean vocals with a bit of a harsh sound and metal rhythms changing with rock tunes on the whole album and believe me that's something new that really hit my interest in this band. Imagine seven musicians playing together, everyone blending with the others and the result is this album. I hope they will continue in the same way so till then....

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis


The Psyke Project is a band that comes to us from Denmark having already two albums in their discography so far. "Apnea" is their third effort and I have to say that I liked it enough. Moving in the metalcore genre sounding somewhat like DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, The Psyke Project have much to offer. Heavy guitar riffs with an angry sound, fast drums which are constantly changing rhythms, harsh and brutal vocals... all these comprise an album with ten songs that can be pleasantly heard. But what dissappointed me is that they are trying to imitate sounds and patterns and that's where these guys are losing, meaning that they don't have a style of their own, their own stamp to be more specific. Of course they have their moments where they are kicking ass but nothing more. Nothing more to say than hoping that The Psyke Project will find their way as they have the potential to do it.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"   Koukidis

Promo 2008

Well, it seems that there are still people in Britain who like to play classic heavy metal and not follow the latest trends. Such a band is Lost Legion and they really sound very promising! They present us here a 3 track sample from their upcoming debut album and if all the compositions are going to be like these, then the epic power metal fans will have another reason to be happy about. One thing that impressed me is that in all their songs you can feel the passion of the band and how dedicated they are when it comes to playing classic heavy metal. Based on that and because of it their sound has an epic metal feeling. Sometimes they reminded me of the U.S. metal scene and bands like CRIMSON GLORY, ICED EARTH and HELSTAR and there were other times that they sounded like DOOMSWORD on speed. Connavar's vocals are great and help very much in the building of the epic metal atmosphere. The promo opened my appetite and I will wait for their full – length release, because I am almost certain that we will have to do with another great heavy/power metal release. 

Nick “Verkaim” Parastatidis

Cristo Satanico
(ODIO Records)

This is "death metal" in the vein of "Blessed Are the Sick"- MORBID ANGEL ("dry tone" and "solo"-wise) and maybe mid career CANNIBAL CORPSE (I'm talking about the "hammer on-pull off" riffs), mixed with some of that ENTOMBED/DISMEMBERED "schlock"...though, really boring, overall. I don't get the feeling of actual "energy" streaming from any of the songs. Where's the "power"? The "ferocity"? The "seething anger"? The "passion"? It's like the songs have been rehearsed and rehearsed or shall we say re-HEARSE-d (?) to the point of death and back again and again and again (like a game of "hot potato" between "God" and "The Devil" 'til it's just a cold chunk of starch), then transferred from the grave to the stereo. And, this stuff will NOT raise the dead upon a listen... it will put the living to sleep...but not "the great sleep". It's like a lullaby for "metal heads"? You definitely won't bang your head from this stuff...especially if you place a pillow before you.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Pearls In Dirt
(Season Of Mist)

This would fall in the "gothic rock" category akin to EVANESCENCE, once again. It's a "lighter" version of that band, however. The riffs are more "straight forward" and stale, too. This is sort of what could be called "industry standard music". It has that "120 b.p.m." thing going on throughout the whole disc. This is a "secret" in "the biz"...keep all the songs' tempos around 120 beats per minute. It has something to do with being almost double the average human heart beat rate. It's supposedly the most "pleasant" tempo for most humans... hence, a sort of "mass appeal", "manipulation", "hypnosis" type of thing. Maybe it subconsciously emits that "falling in love" type vibe? The interweaving of advancing and pulling away... a dance of yearning and excitement? A faster tempo would hit upon the "aggressive"..."fight or flight" type of response...a slower tempo...could and would be a more "base" seductive type vibe...or a more "melancholy"/"secluded" type vibe. So, you keep it "in the middle"...a more "homogenized"..."one size fits most" tempo..."this is fresh and innocent like the Mickey Mouse Club"...and entrap those who aren't aware of such principles..."oh, this is SUCH good music!!!", they'll say (of course, depending upon what type of chords and tones are used, as well). But, really, with Asrai - it's not that interesting of music...though, it "flows" well enough to be almost enjoyable. I don't love it and I don't hate's inbetween. I'm drawn to the vocals...the rest of the music, pretty much, just offers a "reference point" for the voice.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Promethean Gift
(Paragon/Soulseller Records)

This is pretty raw, simple, "old school" type black/death metal, I'd say. Poorly played instruments and engineering. There's talking for the vocals a lot of the time. Sort of "doom" type riffs. This is the first song and I'm already about to nod off. The vocals sort of remind me of MAYHEM's "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" but not as "quirky" and/or "laughable". That said album is more "creepy" than Black Crucifixion's material, by far... actually, this stuff isn't the least bit "creepy" just "creeps" a zombie walking into walls. I would think this is "cult" or "kult" or "kvlt" (or however you "new metallers" spell it), to me, it's just "crap", "krap", "qrap"...or however you wish to spell it. Ow!!! Track 6 tries to wake you up with a seemingly louder and abrasive audio enhancement (like a commercial in the middle of the night). Maybe these are "demos" tacked on to an e.p. to make a "full album"? I don't's all boring...shoddy..amateurish...and it seems to get worse with each track. I could see if this was put out right at the beginning of a "music revolution" would be far more fitting...but the tides have washed over this kind of "music" ages ago (think about the flood of "overly slick" productions with "robots playing guitars"). So, maybe, this very primitive material DOES have its place in the present - as an exception to the rule of modern sophistication? But, to me, Black Crucifixion is a dinosaur who's bones aren't worthy of reconstruction... no one would be awed by seeing its skeleton in a museum. The grave to this band should not have a tombstone to mark its place.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Odinist: The Destruction of Reason By Illumination

I knew this would be "black metal", for some reason...the band name seemed to signify this. So, I kind of rolled my eyes before I popped it into the CD player... *sigh*. The first "song" is a boring interlude of a one line keyboard type thing...*yawn*. The second track starts in...yeah...same stupid "black metal" vocals that almost every "black metal" band has...however, I begin to notice the guitar playing is quite "off kilter"... pleasingly so... *gasp!* So, I focus on that aspect of the project for the moment being... it sort of reminds me of some "tempo oddities" that MORBID ANGEL or IMMOLATION might utilize...maybe this is why I am drawn to that particular rhythmic flow? Then the third track this the same song? It has the same "odd flavor" to it's the fourth flows the SAME way...fifth? Yep. Well, an artist who uses the same brush stroke on each canvas they paint should whitewash fences for a living, instead... one venture takes creativity - the other, merely concentration.<

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Past In Different Ways
(Frontiers Records)

A man that needs no introduction is back with a new album but with no new songs or compositions. Michael Kiske as he already said wants to put the past behind, but how can he do so when his name is connected with great albums and times and this is also shown on his new record. What we have here is ten HELLOWEEN tracks such as "A Little Time", "You Always Walk Alone", "I Believe" and others played in accoustic versions and believe me they sound really good! Of course this is due to the great voice of Michael which seems not to have lost a bit from its freshness and aura. There is also a new song "Different Ways" which is a nice song but nothing more. I personally liked this album as it's something different and I love the voice of Michael Kiske since I grew up with HELLOWEEN. Enjoy!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis


So, who doesn't know this band...the of playing? We now have a "self titled" record from these guys. How many albums have they put out? How long have they been around? I really don't have a clue. I know there's "plenty" and for, at least, 14 years? But it would seem a self titled album should either be the FIRST album a band puts out OR it should represent a "new beginning" for a band... think of VAN HALEN and METALLICA, as examples. This seems to be the "same old" Dismember you either love, hate, or don't care one iota about. Classify me in that third distinction. I've never been a fan of Dismember nor their ilk. I prefer "technical", "brutal", "severely fast", "intricate", "blistering", "chew you up and spit you out, then ask for seconds" type death metal. Dismember is more "processed" a grocery store butcher...he has his cleaver...his slicer...knows how to use them...but is "on the clock"...checking his watch to see if it's time to go home yet..."well, my hour's up...time to grab a beer". That's what I'm thinking, too, but I haven't been here an hour, nor do I drink...but either way, I'm done with this.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Unholy Darkness
(Pure Steel Records)

If you think that Wolfs Moon are a new band, then you are not so into the European metal underground scene. For your information, this is the sixth release of these underground metal veterans who hail from Germany. Having purchased their album “Black Knight Legacy” (note: It's the only album of this band I've ever found in Greece), I noticed that in their new release “Unholy Darkness” they have changed their sound a bit. This time the band has chosen to move on mid-tempo paths in order to give a more epic and pompous sound to their album. I think that they have added more U.S. power metal elements in their sound and have reduced the Teutonic elements, something that might disappoint a bit the older fans, but if you listen to their album carefully, you will realize that it will grow in you little by little. Without being their best release, I believe that it's an album that respects their career and has many good elements. My only objection is that they haven't put enough variety into it. It wouldn’t be bad to listen to some speed metal songs in the good old German way…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

No Good Deed Shall Go Unpunished

This starts out with someone saying, "I haaaaate everyone"...hmmm...I can relate...I'll let them have the podium, now. Well, so far, the music is kind of like early D.R.I.? The vocals are really "hard-core" sounding, though. The guitars sound kind of tinny, raspy, too much high end...eggs in a frying pan full of butter...on their way to burning. I don't know...this band just doesn't sit too well, with me...I can stomach it, but where's the antacid tablets when you need them? I guess this has some "punk" elements to it, as well. But there's really no "energy" to it. I feel like this is a "jailhouse band" like they get to put on a weekly show for the rest of the inmates, as long as they remain "model prisoners". I see a bunch of dirty, greasy, tattooed, shaven-head, muscle bound dudes standing rigid in four rows nodding their heads with fists in the air - in a "rock on" fashion. There's security guards at all sides and hovering around the upper barricades - like vultures - ready for any chance to fire their rifle or crack their baton, at any hint of insubordination... wearing mirrored shades like that guy in "Cool Hand Luke". "Turnin' this off, now, Boss?" "Yeeeah...".

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Endstille's Reich

This CD starts out like a baby being born into a cold cruel world...literally...the guy's voice sounds like a wailing baby right at the beginning...which leads into what could be a "barbaric" type black metal harshness. This is pretty "standard" black metal. Look "black metal" up in the dictionary and you would see this band's name...if they were more popular, that is. I've never heard of them before...though, I live in a cave...with bats in my belfry... "a tower in your cave, you say?"...well, it's a figure of Vanna White flipping little cubes of letters after contestants spin the wheel...oh, fortune shines upon some...but not Endstille. This music is a classic example of "been there, done that", like a prostitute with inch long leg hair and a mustache to match. The riffs are very simple in terms of development...look at it like takes endurance to play this way, sure (constant "chugging" of the guitars...carpal tunnel could set in, after a while)...but really, it's just a "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight" count up...then a "one, two, three, four, five, six" count down a step...then back to the "eight count"...sort of like someone on a "leg-master" machine...up and down...going nowhere...but working really hard, at the same time...with high pitched "screams of agony"..."go for the burn...come can do it...huuuuuuh!!!" throughout the same routine.  Boring.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

(Frontiers Records)

Reunions in my opinion are always a fine thing although I don't want the bands to change from their original line up. This is what happened to Asia's new album, the name of which can explain my previous thoughts pretty neatly. "Phoenix" is an album that could have been recorded in another era since many of you who will listen it will understand from the first moment that it can be made a classic. It belongs in times long ago. Where should I start from? From the amazing melodies travelling you to other places and creating beautiful images in your head? The great performance from the entire band with heavy songs, ballads, progressive tunes, pop styles... everything combined in the best possible way comprising a record that will be remembered? Nothing more to say as I am speechless from what I have heard except that there will be a limited edition where the track "An Extraordinary Life" will also be included as an accoustic version. I recommend you do the same! Don't miss it because this album will not rise from its ashes.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Extent Of Soul
(Several Bleeds Records)

What the hell??? Where did this sonic blast come from? "Extent Of Soul" is a pure holocaust and the more I listen to it the more I get into it! We're talking about highly addictive music that will lead you to a headbagning frenzy with its aggressiveness, ferocity and catchiness. The French scene has some of the best bands I've ever listened to and what's even more amazing is that most of the bands have a rather personal and distinctive sound. Well that's the deal with Sonny Red as well! They deliver groovy metalcore with many thrash and hardcore touches and though some resemblances are obvious, after all this is their debut album, they have a really fresh and personal approach to the songs. I'm really enthralled with what I'm listening to so I'm in loss for words here! Catchy riffs are mixed with elaborate parts, some false harmonics and licks on the guitars create the necessary variety and an outraged vocalist, who shifts into clean singing in a blink of an eye -proving to have a really great voice for both the extreme and the more melodic parts- are the main ingredients of this release! The rhythm section is another plus here and it's well taken care of since rhythm is an important factor for this genre. The production is also every good, giving the necessary space to all the instruments and the artwork is really great. Get your hands on this immediatelly and break your necks!!!!!!!!!

Christine  Parastatidou

New Era
(Frontiers Records)

Now, which are the reasons that can lead a musician to disband his goup and create another one with the same musical orientation? This is a question that only Mr. Timo Tolkki can answer... Musically, “New Era” is a record that will move and touch all the fans of old STRATOVARIUS, EDGUY, HELLOWEEN, and a bit of ASTRAL DOORS. It’s a typical sample of European power metal with some good songs that stick to your mind, but it has also got filler songs, like the track “Angel” that has nothing special to say. One other reason, that this release might attract the interest of the power metal fans is that on the album participate the following musicians: Tobias Sammet of EDGUY/AVANTASIA (in 2 songs), the great Michael Kiske (he sings in the 5 out of the 10 songs) and Pasi Rantanen (whose voice reminds me of Nils Patrik Johansson of ASTRAL DOORS and also the songs that he sings). All in all it's an honest work, but it applies only to fans of Euro power metal and can’t reach out to bigger audience. 

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Dying To Live

Dirty rock 'n' roll has found a new shrine and it answers to the name of Sin Dealer! "Dying To Live" is a fine example of passionate hard rock with chunky beautiful guitar parts, a pure vocal raucous, dirt and a fitting rhythm section! The great thing with this band is that although their sound might bear some resemblances to other bands, they manage to filter it all through their own perspective and view, so the end result sounds pretty fresh and original. This album incorporates elements from the hard rock genre along with some more modern twists in the guitars every now and a pure rock 'n' roll and blues vibe. The AC/DC cover "Walk All Over You" has been entirely adapted to the band's sound and it's offered here from another point of view that I found really catchy and interesting. So, if you are looking for something out of the ordinary and hard rock runs in your veins, then I think you should check this one out!

Christine  Parastatidou

Be Gone
(Cruz Del Sur Music)

When I’ve listened to their previous and second in the row album “The Longest Night”, I thought that another great U.S. power metal force was born. Their music was and still is baptized in the IRON MAIDEN tradition and they also have some similarities with the great JAG PANZER. Now on their third album, they have spoiled, in my opinion, a bit the good and positive impression that they made to me with their previous 2 albums. In “Be Gone” you can find all the elements that characterize the group, but this time they seem to lack enthusiasm. I constantly had the feeling that something was missing to make this album another worthy to mention U.S. power metal release. One thing, I believe, is that they tried to show off their musical skills and that’s worked against the immediacy they had in their previous releases. Not that there aren't any good moments in the album, but If you haven’t anything from this band it's better to buy their previous albums and especially “The Longest Night”. Any band has the “right” to release a mediocre album and that’s exactly what “Be Gone” is for Pharaoh. Anyway, that doesn’t mean that they are not a band that should not be checked out, especially if you are into the power metal genre. I am sure that in their next release they will release an album worthy of their talent…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Til Death Do Us Apart
(Dockyard 1)

Degradead is a newcoming act from Sweden who released a while ago their debut album under the blessings and with the support of Jesper Strombland (IN FLAMES) and with the album engineering being made by Bjorn Gelotte (IN FLAMES). Well I think this covers it up pretty neatly since Degradead deliver superb and in your face melodic death metal that sounds really close to IN FLAMES, but even closer, according to me, to SOILWORK. So one could say that it's the typical Swedish stuff and I couldn't agree more with this statement. Is there anything to make this band stand out? Not really... I mean their musicianship and craftsmanship are undeniable as well as their great ability to write catchy riffs and memorable choruses. If this is all you're looking for, then you're gonna love "Til Death Do Us Apart". But if you are searching for originality, then you won't be able to find it here. This is to be expected up to a point, if you ask me since this is a debut album. Personally I'm a big melodic death metal freak so I truly loved the album!!! It's been a while since I've listened to so great compositions that vibrate with energy and dynamics! The self titled track with the acoustic guitar is also another plus, a true gem. So once again it's up to you to decide and judge for yourselves...

Christine  Parastatidou

To Wait For Fire
(Pitch Black Records)

Cyprus is not a country that “troubles” us a lot with its heavy metal scene, but when its does I think that it's worth our attention! Diphtheria formed back in 1993, but only in 2007 have they managed to release their first official album. Curiously enough I have to say, since they have a sound that you can easily recognize and definitely the band doesn’t lack talent. Describing their sound is a quite difficult task, since words can’t imprint the emotions and the way this album sounds. Anyway, I’ll give it a try! Diphtheria’s sound is based on the 80’s heavy metal music and upon this, they enrich their sound with some 70’s rock/hard rock touches (just listen to the song “God Wanted” and you will understand what I mean). One other thing is that you will find here bountless lyricism that will slightly bring to your mind bands like CRIMSON GLORY and SAVATAGE. The lyrics now are quite sophisticated and are worth to be read, cause they will make you think upon philosophical matters. Diphtheria play sophisticated metal, without though exaggerating and tiring the listener. An album that is like an oasis in the desert of the mediocrity that rules the metal world in our days. Diphtheria is simply a band that differs, without thinking if the are going to succeed commercially and that makes them true artists. Enough spoken, if you want good and lyrical heavy metal, here is a good proposition for you…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Flesh Inferno
(Regain Records)

And here we have one more black metal release from the Swedish Blackwinds a band that is now a duet consisting of Infaustus and Lord Mysteriis, also known for his work in SETHERIAL and IN BATTLE. I have mixed feelings about this one... The band has been around for about a decade so they are aware of their musical horizons and where they are headed at musically speaking. I mean that they've been a long time to do this in a superficial way and this is something you can understand by listening to this album. Their passion and devotion are given facts, however I don't think they are enough to make "Flesh Inferno" a successful recipe. Don't get me wrong. The music is good, but it's nothing we haven't already heard a million times from various bands, be them famous or underground. So it's once again well played, perfectly executed, tight, sharp and uptempo frozen black metal with lyrics dealing with topics like death and Satan. If you can't have enough of this music, then give them a try, they won't disappoint you. But if you are looking for something different and out of the ordinary, then I don't think this album will do the work for you.

Christine  Parastatidou

To Death And Beyond…
(Cruz Del Sure Music)

There is something epic in this band and of course I don’t mean only their music. They had to confront millions of obstacles with the most recent the split up of their previous label Black Lotus Records. However, they had the courage and the will to continue and now they present us their new release from their new label. Having listened to their previous albums, I can say that this one is their most mature and complete work ever. From the first time that you will listen to the record, you can notice that the band worked on a very professional level and they did nothing in rush. Sloppiness, actually, is one of the most negative paragons that characterize most of the Greek metal bands. The band, here, has absorbed all of their influences and molded them in a sound that can be described as recognizable (a rare thing on our times). This doesn’t mean that they don’t bring to mind other bands of our time, but they don’t do it so obviously. So, yes you can say they remind you in some parts of DOMINE (the first album) and HOLY MARTYR, but they didn’t do it on purpose. One other thing is that BATTLEROAR don’t try to compose catchy riffs in order to surprise the listener and in a way to “beguile” him in order to make him/her buy their album. All the riffs and the tunes are based upon the logic to create epic atmosphere and they succeed very well I must say. Especially, if you listen to the songs “Finis Mundi” (in some parts they use the violin and the result is simply magical), “Oceans Of Pain” and “Death Before Disgrace”. Finally, it will be a big omission on behalf of me not to make a short reference to the great singer of the band Marco Congoreggi who simply is what the band needed to take it a step forward. Fans of epic metal, cannot ignore this release…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Under The Spell Of The Unlight

The over productive Scandinavia and most particularly Finland has spawned one more extremity, an atrocious band that answers to the name Gloomy Grim. The band has been around since 1995 and up to now they've released 5 full length albums all in the vein of anti-Christian ferocious black metal with a really ominous and cold atmosphere mainly created by the exceptional keyboards. So though they are not entirely melodic, but they actually balance somewhere in between, I'd consider them to be a melodic black metal band because of their great blackened atmosphere and the superb melodic lines. You'll be able to listen here to some really chunky and catchy riffs that are surrounded by an excellent orchestration and beautiful structures. All in all "Under The Spell Of The Unlight" is a great piece of work, but on the other hand it's nothing you've never heard before. I'd recommend this album to the fans of bands like NAGLFAR, DIMMU BORGIR and CRADLE OF FILTH.

Christine  Parastatidou

Tales For Bad Girls

Hmm...I thought this might be in the vein of EVANESCENCE, at first, (there's some of that "cyber-keyboard" or "club atmosphere" type stuff intermingled with "heavy guitar riffs" and female vocals) but they seem more "rough" and "straight forward" than EVANESCENCE. This music has a faster tempo, overall, too. I don't really like the production of this CD. The high end "stings"'s just too "raspy". The vocals are in the same range... there needs to be some separation...the guitars bleed into the vocals, too much...and tends to bury the "pleasant" sounding singing. Yuck... now, there's some "macho male posturing vocals" in this song, just like some of EVANESCENCE's songs and other female fronted bands that I can't think of, at the moment. I actually like EVANESCENCE after giving them another chance (after hearing them way too much on the radio) but Forever Slave isn't really covering any new ground with this style. They can be lumped in with the "nu-metal/gothic movement" but whereas EVANESCENCE is "pure sugar" (one lump or two?), Forever Slave seems more like a "sugar substitute"...a packet to be torn open and spilled randomly...swiped off the table to make room for the "real deal". It's pretty nice music, but it won't make it to my cup o' tea.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Cursing Your Will To Live
(Moribund Cult Records)

A while back I reviewed the band's previous release "Fucking Your Creation" which was high quality blasphemous and misanthropic black metal. So this productive Greek band has struck once again with a much better and tighter recording showcasing a powerful band that can have a bright future in the scene. Their music continues being black 'n' roll with a few punk touches, only this time around the songs have become more frozen and extreme, darker and with a more claustrophobic aura. It is uptempo old school black metal, but it's not monolithic and it's definitely varied and rich with sharp and catchy riffs, a good rhythm section, howling shrieks and a melodic background to support and enrich the compositions. Dodsferd continue to add -as song intros- movie samples something that creates a more evil scent and mystery to the songs and gives you space to catch your breath. I really truly believe this is a stunning work for this genre, though my only objection lies with the sixth song "Under A Broken Cross, I Buried Your World", which isn't a song, but it's actually Wrath howling. He has a good voice for this kind of music, but listening to him shrieking a capella sounded to me pointless, stupid and awkwardly funny. Not only didn't it manage to instill in me the feeling of hatred and isolation, but I thought it was a 6 minute long piffle that reduces the quality and I have to admit I was seriously thinking of giving the album a much lower mark because of this embarrassing for me track. However if you skip this song, the album kicks ass!

Christine  Parastatidou


The production's pretty bad on this CD, in my opinion. The CD starts out like a pot full of water boiling over that splashes on the chef who bellows out a few screams of pain while knocking the overhead utensils to the floor, then the chef's helper runs into the room through the swinging door, to see what happened - smashing the chef on the head with the door... stepping on the rolling pin that the chef was just gonna pick up and flies head over heels - landing on the table full of hors d'oeuvres. Such a clamor...such a raucous...intentional? This sounds like what you'd get a day or two after the guests eat their entrées. The main course might be TOO course to digest. I've heard of "getting your fiber"...but(t) this CD would be like eating a bale of hay and drinking an ounce of water to wash it down. What am I trying to say? Well, basically...this music is very tightens my gut and clenches my teeth... it sounds like they used three mics to record this mess in a janitor's closet... the guitar strings seem rusty and tuned in a "microtonal" fashion. "Hit record...we'll bash SOMETHING out, dude!!!", after wiping the cobwebs away. Horrible...whore-(not)-able to play? I can get a WHAT for twenty dollars??? NO THANKS! You can't even give it away for free!

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

(Cold Dimensions)

Coldworld is the ideal moniker for this band since it presents in the best and most eloquent way everything around and regarding this band's music. These German one man band has set sailed to create melancholic and atmospheric black metal that bases a lot on ambience and electronic samples. Actually "Melancholie" could be described as ambient melodic black metal that has been infused a great deal with classical music elements. Generally this kind of music isn't my cup of tea, however I have to admit that Coldworld is perhaps the most interesting band in this genre I've ever heard. Their compositions follow a specific pattern, they have variety and a personal sound. They are not bland, simplistic or monotonous as in most bands, but they have complex structures, elaborate parts with very good rhythm parts and tempos that vary from slow to to ultra fast. If you are a fan of ambient black metal you should check it out immediately, if you want to enter this music's realm for the first time, it's an ideal starter. If you don't like ambience, then I think you should keep your distances.

Christine  Parastatidou

New Universal Order

X World/5 is a new band, actually it's more of a co-operation among Magnus Rosen (HAMMERFALL) on the bass, Nils K.Rue (PAGAN'S MIND) on the vocals and Andy La Rocque (KING DIAMOND) on the guitars. Their effort was to make an album describing intergalactic adventures as you will all undesrtand after listening to it and believe me they did a great job. "New Universal Order" is an album which from the first minute, takes you into outer space with many effects flowing through the whole album something that reminded me of IRON SAVIOR. Now as to what kind of music they are playing I really can't tell as there is no particular genre into which I would say they belong to, but there are heavy guitars, strong mid tempo drums and very good vocals by someone who has already done such great albums. I have really found it very interesting as there aren't many bands which produce albums like that with "Man Machine", "A Cryptic Message" and "New Eden" being the top from this album. Enjoy!!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Frozen Circus

This has that really polished "melodic death metal" type sound to it (newer HYPOCRISY? COVENANT/KOVENANT? PAIN? etc.) Heavy, powerful, but the riffs, melodies and rhythms just aren't very interesting, to me. It's like the production outshines the actual contents... ort of like a brand name breakfast cereal might have a fantastically rendered cartoon character as its spokesperson but if you look past it, at the actual "nutritional value" of the cereal, itself you begin to notice how the shapes tend to cut the roof of your mouth and gums (causing more harm than benefit) and it tastes like cardboard even after the iron from the blood on your tongue surfaces. Then it becomes soggy in milk after a few minutes of looking at the connect the dots labyrinth and fun facts on the back of the box, 'til you start wishing you had some bacon, toast, and eggs - instead - as you roll the little "Jagloposaur-mobile" across the kitchen counter, that was at the bottom of the "tragically stupendous" cereal. That being said...this cd DOES have a certain "sweet flavour" to it - that, given time, might grow on me... like a fungus? A cotton candy type cocoon? "Killer Klowns From Outerspace"? Sticking straws in me? Sucking out my "good taste" 'til I submit to their charms and awaken to a life as a mass media zombie? "Get away from me...stay awaaaaaay!!!".

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Heading Northe
(Dockyard 1)

The Warriors Of Storm are back! Back with a new album offering us pure epic power metal. "Heading Northe" is their new album, the third one to be more precise, and the Viking sagas and tales continue to flow through it. The result? An album with heavy guitars, riffs that will not let you think for a moment, bombastic, faster than speed, drums, raging vocals and eleven compositions that will put you inside the spirit of the Northern way of life. "Heading Northe", "Holy Cross" and "Lion Of The Northe" are some tracks that will make you understand  why this album is a must and Stormwarrior are considered to be a new light in the power metal scene. There will also be a limited digipack edition with the album title ("Heading Northe") as a bonus video-clip played live in Wacken. Not to be missed.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(Listenable), I KNOW I've heard this band, before. I have at least one CD of theirs, from the past...if this is the same "Hate"? Seems like it might be... I could look into it, but who cares? I don't, really, anyway and that's what matters the most...haha. Just kidding. But yeah... this is some pretty solid music. It's like they've been around the block a few times... they know where home is and they don't travel too far beyond it. They have a "family" to feed (a.k.a. "loyal fans") and they have a job (that they know how to get done efficiently) to bring in the dough... the bread that continues to feed. So, "Hate" is their business... and business is good, it seems! If you're part of Hate's family, you might as well get I said, the word to describe this CD is "solid". Would I buy it? Not likely. But it has a good sound, overall... sort of "reliable"... I'm more like a "husband that would easily stray, given the opportunity". I seek "adventure" in music and this CD doesn't provide me with it, for the most part. I will look elsewhere. "It was good while it lasted..."

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Feast For The Hated

These power metallers from the U.S. are back and after already four albums in their discography they are proud to present their newest addition. "Feast For The Hated" is as the name says an album containing hate, anger and pure heaviness. Combining both clear and brutal vocals (something I like a lot) having agressive guitars with riffs and melodies creating a dark atmosphere and drums raising the adrenaline to the limits Imagika have managed with the co-operation of Andy La Rogue (KING DIAMOND) who helped in the mixing to produce a fine album! Ten compositions that will not let your head ease for a moment and a thrashy sound that will truly blow your head. Straight in your face metal! Listen and feel the hatred build inside you!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Exhibit A: Live in Europe
(Mascot), this is my second attempt at reviewing this CD. I decided to give it a few more spins after I checked out some of his studio albums, to see if there were any noticeable variations, etc. Well, I can't really pick out too many alterations from the live versions and the studio not sure if that's a "good thing" or not? Some people like changes...others are awed by the pulling off of note for note renditions. I leave it up to you to decide. I kind of prefer the studio recordings, I think. They are more "clean"..."clear". This live stuff seems a bit "hot" (high end distortion-wise)...a little "rough" sounding for this type of music, in my opinion. And the guitars are a little TOO dominant, in my opinion, as well. I mean, I know "the band" IS Marty Friedman...and Mr. Friedman IS the guitar player...but, to me...all the instruments could be a little more balanced (like the studio albums). The drums seem a bit buried...can hardly make out any bass. It seems there's a lack of interaction with the audience, as well...why not speak about what the songs mean, etc.? Though, maybe there's no time, or he just wants the music to "do the talking", as it's been said? It's interesting, Mr. Friedman's compositions seem to be pretty much "old school" stylings...especially the rhythms (which are pretty straight forward "jam session" oriented - intermixed with thrash motifs akin to MEGADETH, actually. I wasn't really familiar with anything he's done other than his work in MEGADETH, which showcased quite a bit of "exotic" scales, etc. His solo artist work doesn't seem to, for the most part. He definitely pulls off some fast playing and bends...but they almost start to sound "standard" after a few listens. A lot of the songs seem like "anthems", too...where's the "diversity"? Isn't that what "virtuoso" means? Maybe he's not considered one and I'm just assuming he was/is? I was kind of expecting a more "progressive" element to Mr. Friedman's works. But don't get me wrong...these songs ROCK and his soloing SMOKES. However, with this live album, they start to seem pretty "linear" after a while...the studio albums seem to have more goin' on...but if you're a die-hard might like to have this in your collection.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Angel In Disguise
(Self released)

Shannon is a band that has started its history in 1998 in France and after five years they have released their first self-titled album. Now after five years they are back again with a brand new album. "Angel In Disguise" is an album that from the sound only one will think that it should have been released in the 80's or early 90's. Melodic guitars blending with the keys, mid tempo and fast drums, catchy songs and sensational ballads with very good vocals! Hard rock and metal tunes all these together create a really good atmosphere in the whole album. Shannon can really pride themselves in being a very good band in this genre and I hope they will release a new album sooner than the previous times. Recommended for fans of the 80's and 90's sounds. Enjoy!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

Deguello Wartunes Est. 1993
(Dockyard 1)

Hmm...I don't know what to say about this band/CD. It's got some "heavy riffs"'s just everything on here seems "basic". Nothing really stands out. It's like I don't "love it"...I don't "hate it"'s just...there? It wouldn't be if I wasn't reviewing it, but since I am...there it plays...and plays...and plays. And here I am trying to say something about it. The riffs almost seem like a VERY lame attempt at sounding like newer TESTAMENT, a band I have huge respect for. Now that I think about there any solos on this CD??? Did I miss them completely or are there not any? If there are, they certainly aren't very creative nor captivating. Well, the CD just ended... guess I'll take it for another spin...ugh. It's sort of "hard-core", I guess. The production is pretty decent,'s just the music is really bland. It's moving a notch towards the "I hate it" groove, at least... so, that's something. Why is it some bands just don't name themselves appropriately? Hate Squad seems like it should be extremely powerful stuff...very potent and full of aggression or severely bleak (either very "oppressive" or "depressing" or the other). HATE ETERNAL...that could be THE prime example of "hate" being used appropriately in a band name. It's felt in the music or the potential of it, anyway...some of THE most aggressive music conceivable... not that Hate Squad should sound like HATE ETERNAL, obviously...but this "hate squad" sounds like a nurse on "diaper patrol". And yep... no solos heard thus far during the second listen...I'm turning it off...NOW! *Click*.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Rain Of Fire 

Columbian based band here shows some promise to their nine track release "Rain Of Fire."  The opening track has a Hitler speech in the background.  This is how they are portraying their image.  It's difficult to tell what genre of Metal they fall in because most of it resembles Death Metal with a heavy Thrash Metal influence.  Death Metal is probably the closest genre that they represent because of the growling vocals, heavy/thick guitars and somewhat technical drums.  The band calls their style as being "Deathrash Metal." As for their lineup, Leo Pinzon takes charge on vocals, Alex Giraldo bass and guitars, Oscar Labrador drums session plus engineering and Johann Yate who solos are on the Skid Row cover of "Slave To The Grind."  The length of this release slightly exceeds 45 minutes including the cover song. Musically, the band poses to have some definite potential.  Though thoroughly they need to design guitar riffs that are a bit more free flowing.  They seem to be all over the place.  The production is decent.  Though this issue won't be the case if the band ends up getting signed.

Ryan  "Death8699"  Fanucchi 
([email protected] - -- The Best Metal Resource Page)

Lie Bisslieder
(Massacre Records)

The music is pretty much "melodic death metal", I'd say...or a combination of that and "hardcore"? The vocals aren't. They're more "punkish" or "alternative"...not quite "hardcore"... but close? This is already growing old. There's a lot of "triplet" type guitar string pedaling with bass drum double pounding that leads to "bouncy" guitar rhythms like stretching and pulling a rubber band while thumbing it. The songs just sound kind of stale. There's nothing "edgy" or "dangerous" about this kind of music. It reminds me of a drive down the highway and seeing all those "mile markers"... "are we there yet, Ma? No, dear...just a little longer. How 'bout now? No...just a little further", as the kid keeps sighing and kicking the back seat out of boredom. The guitar sound is similiar to, maybe, MORGOTH and CROWBAR (without being tuned THAT low) and other bands of that ilk. Well, here's some female vocal passages, in this song... but it really doesn't help that much... she sounds kind of pretty but that's about it. It's just really, really average music... now comes an almost definite old school METALLICA riff rip-off... but a mid-paced version... as if we wouldn't notice? Incubator... another band with an "ironic" name. Incubators are used primarily for "premature babies"...seems fitting for these seemingly young lads and/or underdeveloped musicians. Incubators are also for "chicks"...if these guys can "bag a few babes" with this project...more power to 'em...but they wouldn't be much of a score...just like this:

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Snake Wine

This seems to be a heavy, almost "progressive", "stoner" type music? It has a bit of an "alternative" edge to it (mostly in the vocals but some of the guitar riffs, as well). Is the music like FUDGE TUNNEL, kind of? I'm not sure 'cause I haven't really heard them for years (and not much of them, for that matter) but that name pops up in my mind for some reason - but, definitely, don't take my word for it (if you EVER take my word for anything. ;-) What I really gravitate towards with this band is the drums... that's the most interesting instrument in this project, in my opinion. They are handled really well and propel the music forward very "nicely". There's quite a bit of "neat" fills throughout the song structures..."high end tom-toms", etc. are "awesome". They sound really "cool"...for a lack of "proper adjectives". I think the vocals remind me a little of the vocalist on RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE's first album...but without the full on anger and funny "Brooklyn" type accent... then he goes more "clean" and holds the notes longer, like an "emo-crooner". This stuff's pretty enjoyable, actually. It flows well yet is "raucous" enough to keep my attention. Not sure I'll return to them...but a good "album's span" spent, I'll say.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Return Of The Pride
(Frontiers Records)

The Lions from America are back. Returning with a new album after a three years absence. "Return Of The Pride" is an album which has everything a hard rock fan should expect. Eleven compositions offer every listener pure rock sounds with very good guitar solos, melodies and styles flowing by the keys and filling the whole album, heavy sounds by the drums and a very good singing performance by Mike Tramp. Not of course to forget some epic moments such as "Sangre De Cristo" (a truly amazing song) and "Battle At Little Big Horn" where you can experience new sounds by this band. Combining catchy songs with really heavy ones and rock tunes with heavy ballads, White Lion can pride themselves in producing a fine album. Hear the roar coming to your ears. Not to be missed!

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(Listenable Records)

Are these guys trying to be the next STRAPPING YOUNG LAD? Or is it THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN? The problem is... we don't need another of either. Marionette...hmmm...who pulls your strings, dear Pinocchio? Do you want to be a real boy? Well, STRAPPING YOUNG LAD beat you to it a long time ago and with far more panache. You can model yourself after another and polish the veneer 'til you see your own reflection but the original will always outshine and outlast the derivatives... for your mask of delusion is only a thin disguise and is easily broken. That being said... these guys have skills...even if it's just through emulation. I could probably get into it if I felt like it was an earnest attempt at creating something new... but I don', I tend to gag on it like eating a three day old peanut butter sandwich and washing it down with tepid water.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

(Drakkar Entertainment)

Qntal is not a new group as it already counts five albums. The trio from Germany is now back with a new addition to their discography. "Translucida" is in the same genre as the previous ones meaning an electro-gothic sound with good female vocals, very good melodies from the keys and many effects scrolling throughout the whole album. But that's just it. There are some songs such as "Departir", "Worlds Of Light" and "Amorous Desir" that will even remind you of ENIGMA, but apart from that only compositions without meaning. There will be a limited edition of the album with a second CD with bonus tracks. If you are into this genre, then surely you will appreciate this album but I will pass.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

The Recent Foresight

I'm listening to this, again, as the first time I couldn't really find anything to say about it. I would state it has a decent production value to it, but a "cold" one. You can hear what all the instruments are doing pretty easily... but is it interesting? I'm not sure, yet. It's all kind of "basic". It sort of reminds me of SAMAEL here and there. There's a bit of a "cyber" feel to it, too. The vocals are really annoying. It's sort of like a "death metal whisper" or something. And they are syncopated with the guitars and drums, quite a bit... very irritating. There might actually be a hint of NILE type rhythms here and there... intermingled with piano passages. Ah...this is just really annoying music, to me. I just can't get into... blah... it's just a bunch of "pounding"...little bits of "blast" with slower "atmospheric" moments, mostly. It's like a "Metal break dance session" or something...herky-jerky stuff... and it has no "smooth flow" to it...if you want to be agitated as if hearing a blender crushing ice cubes, listen to this "music".

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Silence Followed By A Deafening Roar
(Mascot Records)

This is the second album by the great guitar hero Paul Gilbert and believe me when I say that it really rocks. Paul Gilbert and his guitar playing will travel every listener to places you have never imagined. With melodies beyond reach, tones and styles changing from hard rock to heavy to real slow ones, keys that blend in the whole scenery and solo "fights" between the bass and the guitar that will really blow your head... this album is sure to be staying in your player for a long time. "Eudaimonia Overture", "The Rhino", "The Gargoyle" and "Bultca Saturno" are some examples as to what this album is about. Highly recommended for instrumentalists and not only.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(Holy Records)

This is pretty impressive music... lots of tempo changes and intricate motifs. There's a range of styles amalgamized to the point of sophistication and maturity yet everything remains familiar enough not to lose one's focus on the presentation via the skill involved in execution. The only thing that hinders the overall feel of the music, in my opinion, is the vocals. The guy sounds like he's trying not to choke on his tongue. These guys must be French. He sounds like a slightly frustrated Pepé Le Pew. No offense to the French people of the world. I just don't have an affinity for the language, for the most part... especially in an "extreme metal" band... it just makes that style of music sound even sillier than it already does. He's even whining like he's desperate to have an orgasm with a long lost love...or something. Passionate music but a little "gross", to the ears, at times. If the vocals were different, I would recommend this CD quite highly. The song structures are interesting and the musicians are talented...almost "progressive", at times. "Sacre Bleu" (I know - that term isn't really used anymore, but I find it funny all the same.)

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

The Inspiration
(Golf Records)

Let me tell you what's up with this band: the basic element behind their sound is the very heavy riffs combined with pissed off vocals suitable for a core band. On the other hand throughout all the songs there are lots of very beautiful, but at the same time "mellow" melodies that come almost into contradiction with the basic extra heavy roots of It Prevails. It seems to me that if you isolated the guitar melodies from the rest of the rhythm section, you'd never guess that they come from the same band! Despite this, these guys seem to make something cool out of it, because though the feeling of those two elements is essentially different, the result sounds to have a connection in a strange way! Very interesting indeed!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Good To Be Bad

I couldn't belive my eyes till I had it there in front of me... The new album of Whitesnake was in my hands and I was more than excited since I hadn't heard a new Whitesnake album for a long long time. "Good To Be Bad" is an album that has all the elements of the band's previous releases combining both the bluesy and rock moments in the best possible way. Starting with the heavy riffed "Best Years" till the beautiful ballad "Summer Rain" and the strange ending with the accoustic "Till The End Of Time", David Coverdale and his gang have returned to show us that true rock still lives on and is produced in a way like no one else can. After all I think it's good to be bad, something that you will find out after listening to this macho sounding album, but it is also surely good that Whitesnake are back on the track.

Sotos  "D.T Ace"  Koukidis

(The End Records)

I'm starting to feel like the "Metal Simon Cowell" or whatever that guy's name is, on "American Idol" (a show I've never seen but have heard of enough to get the gist). When I do these reviews I turn into an "instant critic"...a.k.a. an "instant Hitler"? "Opinions are like belly buttons, everyone's got one"- of course "belly button" is a euphemism for what I really want to say but can't... gotta "keep it clean"... do you have a Q-tip I can borrow? I'll give it back when I'm done! ;-) Anyway, this band is very competent in their craft (like a slave ship stroking towards the dying sun). They are proficient musicians within the confines of the ability to play fast, clean, and intricately. However what does this mean, in the long run? Does this music move me one way or another? Not, really. I can appreciate their structures, like a streamlined skyscraper, but am I in awe of such a "uniform" piece of architecture when the city is profuse with the very same buildings? Not, really. Sometimes a child's tower built from wooden blocks is more captivating than a monument built from a blueprint. This being said...the music and production on this album is pretty close to "top notch", in terms of the "newer black metal generation", and if I wasn't such a "jaded" individual, I would whole-heartedly recommend this, probably...and actually, I still can. If you're into black metal (which I'm not THAT much) this is quite a piece of work and should bring you some grim enjoyment.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Fragments Of Lust & Decay
(Burning Star Records)

Equinox Ov The Gods is a historical band with a great past and intense musical interest. They have a quite weird and eccentric style where death/black metal elements are intermingled with heavy occult melodies that are ornated with vocals of black aesthetics and of a theatrical imposing character!! The tempos don't outreach the mid rhythms, something that I never really liked, however in this particular band I don't mind it at all, because the inspiration in their imagination and the way they treat their melodies is so huge that along with the creation of the absolute occult atmosphere give birth to amazing and stunning end results. The occult heavy black/death metal with the intense theatrical and imposing style of The Equinox Ov The Gods is something special and this band is like an oasis amongst the contemporary musical shit in the nu metal, grunge genres, etc. I highly recommend it to fans of the mystique and those who can appreciate good music!

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

Envoy Of Lucifer
(Regain Records)

As the name connotes - black metal. ;-) This stuff is pretty decent, actually. There's plenty of frenetic "chops" and "directions" being keep my interest... at least as "background music". It's not something I would intentionally listen to for "mental imagery" or a "pick me up" adrenaline rush, etc. but it "rocks" (to the dismay of the band themselves, I'm sure). A one time listen is adequate, for me. I don't need to listen to it again. It's like meeting your local librarian... they represent a wealth of knowledge but they contain only a small portion of this knowledge in themselves... so, shaking their hands would be like greeting the caretaker of a castle. The history speaks for itself. Nifelhiem represent the "legacy" of "black metal" without offering much by their own interpretation. Still enjoyable, to an extent, but not worthy of scarification on the limbs of their "fans" by their "fans".

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Chain Of Command
(CMD Records)

Broken Dagger is a relatively new band that hails from Sweden and they dwell in the power metal genre whilst at the same time having lots of neoclassical elements. They have a lot of good ideas and they move intensely into fantasy type of topics. The disadvantage of this release in my opinion is the not well taken care of production. Nevertheless I'm sure that the fans of power/neoclassical metal will come easily along "Chain Of Command", because it's an overall good first official full length release.

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

(Prophecy Productions)

Well, at first, I thought this was gonna be another "nice surprise" but I'm becoming very wary, very fast. By the band name, I thought it would be a "melodic death metal outfit" (*yawn...and double yawn*) but it is, instead, some sort of slightly "gothic/celtic" tinged, maybe, "doom" type project? It has a hint of "mystery" and an "enchanted forest" type of vibe to it. There's a lot of slow acoustic guitar openings and segues with some violins and maybe cello, etc. The vocals on the first song sounded decent and almost "pretty" (it's a female vocalist) until the "metal" aspect set in...then they sounded off key and sour, to my ears (was it delibarate?). This stuff is just too slow and the "meter" is just "off"...that's all I can think of. It's too "off" to be "enjoyable". It's like a serial killer plotting out his next murder or something...kind of "methodical" but just "off kilter". Here's a song with male vocals, now. They relate "better" to the music, this time, but it just sounds "flat", in general... blah... another boring - sleep inducing - concoction. Maybe fans of PARADISE LOST and TIAMAT, might get into this? I don't know.

Tony  "Terminal descent"  Mikkelson

3 Legs Of Trouble
(Trustkill Records)

Here's a cool band - Hell yeah!!! Lots of ballsy-groovy riffs and solos that are accompanied by fitting lyrics come from a band whose performance here is simply flawless. Stonerider's sound is pretty recognizable, but at the same time it's intermingled with many LED ZEPPELIN, AC/DC and Jimi Hedrix elements through a rough - dry edge! Man, when you'll listen to this band you might think that they are out of time with this sound of theirs that has nothing to do with the "new" commcercial aspect of nowadays music... The truth is that they are in the right time for any rocker who wants to have a great time!!!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

The Black Tomato

I thought this was gonna make me wince and make my ears bleed, when I read the project name and album title (I thought it was gonna be one of those "noise projects" where there's lots of static and piercing squeals, etc, and they pass it off as "music"). This stuff is actually quite enjoyable, though it gets monotonous track after track. I'm about sick of it, already. I'm not sure if there's some "alternative recordings" of the same "idea", or what... different "renditions" of the same theme, is what I mean. Might be. This style of music reminds me of an "interstellar space lounge" or maybe something you'd listen to while transporting supplies from one planet to the next. It would fit well in animated movies along the lines of "Heavy Metal" or "Titan A.E.", etc. I like the "quirkiness" of it... makes me wanna "shake my groove-thang"- like an alien-nerd from Xepul-Klyen: 395... haha. So, it's a "good mood catalyst" or "enhancer of silly fun" type of music, in my opinion. Definitely not metal... so, if you're a complete metal-head... stay away. If you can get into other forms of music, you might wanna check this out (especially those who hang out with Mary Jane, on a regular basis?).

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Confidence And Consequence
(Trustkill Records)

Too Pure To Die is basically a core band with a great, pissed off attitude! They tend to keep the song structures very raw and heavy by not using too many complex elements in the riffs throughout the tunes. Still my advice to you is that because of the band's sound and general direction, it will be a lot better if you listen to their CD with big speakers and if you make sure to crank up the volume so you can understand and grasp the volume and brutal power of their music. Same goes with most core bands in my opinion of course. Anyway prepare your necks and start the fuckin' headbanging!!!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Hell In A Box

This is noisy punkish hard-core... simple, boring, bland. One song is enough for me... a whole CD chock full of this stuff..."God, why do you punish me I Job...or is this just my job?" Speaking of "God"...there's a couple songs, at least, that reference "baby Jesus" helping this guy and the fight between "God" and "Satan", in the most infantile, unknowing anything about the politics behind religion and the mass effect it has on the apathetic souls it controls as you can deliver, without a tinge of poetry. The music reflects this naiveté to the fullest, which, I guess is "art" in itself, however "ironic" and seemingly unintentional it may be. Though, now that I find out who this band is, again (already forgot the name and album title... don't need it cluttering my mind ;-) I see the album title fits with my perception of their social critique as a reflection of themselves - "Hell In A Box"...that sums it up for me! The music reminds me of someone born in the "concrete jungle" and never traversing the city limits (either physically or mentally). So finally the CD stops spinning... never to be heard, again, by me - except when I listen to other very derivative bands, in the future?

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

(Listenable Records)

Thraaaash!!!! This release will awaken some good fuckin' memories from the 80s and from bands like SLAYER, KREATOR and SEPULTURA! The thing I noticed in Mahatma is that they leave the ideas (which are by the way fuckin' great ones) in their songs to "take their time". They don't force or hurry riffs, licks, etc to make the whole thing move more quickly to the next level or to the next music theme. Anyway if you're into thrash you'll love it!!! If you're more into the 80s thrash, then you definitely have to get this one!! Check out the cool thrashy JUDAS PRIEST "Painkiller" version. Good try guys, but I prefer the original one. Still you... THRASH!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

(Season Of Mist)

I'm not too familiar with these guys but I know I bought their "Sumerian Daemons" album when it came out because of the album title (I'm fascinated by such themes... ancient Mesopotamia and cultures of that era, especially when intermingled with the possibility of "star being interference", etc., the "occult" aspects... hidden knowledge, etc.). I know I enjoyed "Sumerian Daemons"...even though I never returned to the music (I will soon, I think). It seems that previous album was more intriguing to me than this one, but it's been a while since I heard it. "Communion" starts out almost "captivating" but seems to lose its luster track after track. There's some songs and parts of songs that really have a "multi-dimensional" aspect to them (the ones with the orchestral background... with the horns and such things... the rhythms and "dark" melodies bring visions of far away lands in time... quite enjoyable.), but the "mid-paced" aspect seems to crawl on to the point of near slumber induction, at times... there could be a little more "dynamics" and "drama"..."tension" to the works, in general. But still, there's some interesting places within... not a "masterpiece" (in my opinion) by any means, however.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Southern Born Killers
(Napalm Records)

I haven't heard these guys for years. I don't quite remember what they sounded like in the past but I remember them having "rap" influences and a "hard-core" sound, or whatever. Bands like: PRO-PAIN, BIO-HAZARD, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, KID ROCK (?), 24-7 SPYZ, etc. run through my head as I listen to this CD. Though, from what I remember of Stuck Mojo a dozen years ago, or so... they've progressed quite a bit. They've added a lot of "variety" to the "sound-scapes". There's a very slight "country" edged song... this song that's playin' right now has sort of an "R & B" element to it? Their newer sound actually is somewhat "fresh". This stuff is really just "rock"...not "metal" or anything. I think they also probably have "messages" in each song..."social commentary", etc. (I don't have the lyrics in front of me, and am not gonna look them up, as I don't really care). This next song has a little "punk" flavor at the beginning... now it's sort of "nu-metal" with "rap-rhymes"... then "rock" vocals... now "gangsta" type "rhymes", again. I don't know... it's actually kind of interesting music. You can tell there's some diversity in their influences and they are using them to their advantage. Good production, as well. I didn't think I was gonna get into this... and haven't all THAT much (getting bored, already). However, I can appreciate their longevity and attempt at originality.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

Turned To Stone
(Rotten To The Core)

This is some sort of "modern death metal", I guess. I don't know... I don't really listen to this kind of music, for the most part... so, comparisons are a little difficult, at the moment... they're right there in the back of my mind but I just can't quite land them. I don't really consider it "metal" per se, actually. It has a sort of "dreamy" aspect to the guitar riffs here and there. It's really simple music, sort of "alternative metal"? It's almost just "heavy alternative rock" with a little bit of boring mid-paced thrash thrown in. There's some "singing" intermingled with some "rough" vocals. The drums have the most "work" to do... to "propel" the overall music. Nothin' all that "fancy" in any of it, really. I think they're aiming for a "heart felt" type of conveyance. This reminds me of someone eating saltine crackers and trying to whistle... it just doesn't work and you end up thirsty. Very bland and boring. I need to cleanse my palette, now.

Tony  "Terminal Descent"  Mikkelson

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