“Shining Silver Skies”
(Equilibrium Music)

It’s not so difficult to create magic in our days. It only needs talent and inspiration. The flowing notes that spring from the piano like the first gentle raindrops are accompanied by the crying of the violin in the background and the warm voice of Sergio Panarella. All these create an amalgam of emotions and thoughts that seduce you and "make" you take off the clothe of your every day life, even just for a few moments. Ashram, with their second album, prove that music is not only about having a good time, but it is a ceremony, a mystical journey where you can find peace of mind or even things unknown even to your own self. This is not a heavy metal album as you can see, but it is really worth the money and the time to listen to it… It took them 5 years to create their second release, but as every good thing it's worth waiting for!

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Mortal Mind Creation
(Dockyard 1)

Celesty from Finland is a band I appreciate a lot. They started on their debut album "reign Of Elements" as a melodic power metal band reminding me of bands like RHAPSODY and STRATOVARIUS and in their next release they became heavier. Now in their third work, "Mortal Mind Creation" Celesty offer us their most metallic album. It's really nice to see that although the band kept its melodic parts, they evolved into a power/speed metal monster. The keyboards might not be as obviously present as in their two previous releases, but their role is essential. This album has all these elements that I like to listen to into power metal releases. It's heavy, it has nice melodies and above all it has passion!!! Songs like "War Creations", "Arrival" (RHAPSODY will envy them for such a composition!) and "Last Sacrifice" will always find a place into the heart of every classic heavy/power metal listener...

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

One Cold Winter's Night

I don't think there are many metallers out there who aren't aware of Kamelot, one of the best and most quality bands of the progressive heavy/power metal scene. Actually they are one my favourite bands and although generally I say that I don't like calm songs and stuff, they have the beauty and ability to convey vast amounts of energy, passion and emotions through some of the most melodic and beautifully woven compositions in the history of contemporary metal. After being around since 1991 I think they had to release a live album for all those who love and cherish their music. I know that they had released "The Expedition" live album in 2000, but it wasn't as successful, as strong and as warm as this one. What you are about to witness on this album is definitely contradictory to the album's title and in fact an oxymoron... Having some great guest appearances and being a true live (that's the most important actually) sets the standards really high and guarantees our satisfaction. I had the chance to enjoy Kamelot playing live for the promotion of "The Black Halo" and it was in this tour that they recorded this album. The live show was recorded on February 11th 2006 in Oslo and I've seen them in my hometown in Greece, but when the CD played I had the feeling that I returned back to the venue and watched Kamelot live... This double live CD is magnificent and all the Kamelot maniacs should have it. Besides there will also be a release of the live DVD of this show for those who want to relish this with full senses! 

Christine  Parastatidou

Light The Universe

Who said that only IRON MAIDEN can release singles? Helloween can do also, since they are a nig band... It seems to me that when inspiration ends, then the bands start to commercially exploit their fans. Anyway, it might sound bizarre  to some out there, but "Light The Universe"  is a decent CD single release. It includes "Light In The Universe", a catchy power ballad where Candice Night (BLACKMORE'S NIGHT) participates and also the live version of the abomination titled "If I Could Fly",a  song that simplye mbarrasses the history of Helloween. Finally, the album closes with the song "Revolution" (previously unreleased in Europe) which is a good heavy/power metal composition. The only drawback is the voice of Andi Deris, who simply isn't made for heavy metal music. A big improvement for Helloween will be when they tell Deris to quit singing for them... By the way the CD includes the video clip of "Light The Universe" which is simply very good!

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Sex, Drugs, Murder
(Twilight - Vertrieb)

No, no! Don't get confused with the band's moniker and album title. This is not a stoner rock release we are dealing with. Stoneman is a new band from Switzerland whose debut album contains some fine modern atmospheric industrial goth rock songs. Though newcomers to the scene they know exactly what they must have in order to be appealing and arouse interest in an over-crowded metal scene. Extreme appearance with a sado-macho image, lots of beats and keyboards, heavy dark vocals and smooth melodies create the main picture. If you are into gothic music and industrial rock and bands like SISTERS OF MERCY, RAMMSTEIN, WEDNESDAY 13, MARILYN MANSON and TYPE O NEGATIVE are amongst your top preferences, then I think "Sex, Drugs, Murder" is an album you can easily relate to. The album also contains a video clip for the song "Devil In A Gucci Dress" that is by far the hit of the album and can easily open the road to success for Stoneman. Very catchy song with a memorable chorus!

Christine  Parastatidou

Aurora Consurgens

For the people that are not into soccer, Brazilian national team probably plays the best football in the world. The truth is that the individual skills of each Brazilian footballer can impress you, but usually the national team of Brazil lacks in substance, which is the ability to win (just remember the last world cup). Somehow the same goes with Angra. With the first listening of their album, there is no doubt that you will be impressed by the pluralism of their compositions. They have power metal as their base (mainly HELLOWEEN) and upon that they add some progressive metal/fusion rock elements along with traditional Brazilian music. After two more listenings, though, you can easily understand that their music has no substance. I can’t remember any basic melody from their album and nothing is carved in my mind to sing along or whistle afterwards. I think that Angra have to learn the phrase “less is more…” 

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

(MTM Music)

This is an album addressed to all the romantic souls out there and to all those who need to listen to something relaxing and yet beautiful from time to time. Rain is a Norwegian melodic hard rock band that has recruited the services of the talented German vocalist of JADED HEART. The result is melodic, beautiful and passionate hard rock with a superb and emotive voice that renders more substance to the compositions. Musically Rain will definitely appeal to the fans of such acts like BON JOVI, DEF LEPPARD, WHITE LION and AEROSMITH. Very good piece of music, but its drawback according to me is that it contains way too many ballads and I'm not fond of ballads at all...

Christine  Parastatidou

Take A Good Look
(People Like You)

To make a long story short, I will get straight to the point. I am not a big fan of punk rock music. However this doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate a good song or band. So trying to be as objective as I can for a genre I don’t have much knowledge on, I can say that Deadline is by far the most interesting punk rock band that I have listened to so far. Their songs are full of energy and they have a rock ‘n’ roll/party attitude. There are also moments that their fast parts almost reach thrash metal (I repeat almost!). They combine very good melodies and passion, and that’s their trademark. Now their singer Liz Rose reminded me a bit of Dolores O'Riordan of THE CRANBERRIES and mostly of Avril Lavigne. So if you want to party and you like bands like THE OFFSPRING, then this one is a good proposal. 

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

When The Light Was Taken From Us
(Casket Music)

The Drowning is a relatively new band since they were formed only 3 years ago and up to now they have an EP out. After signing with a label they embarked in the creation of their debut full length album that bears the eloquent and fitting title "When The Light Was Taken From Us". Their music, as their moniker and title imply, is gloomy and melancholic with minimalistic song structures that convey emotions and dark images. So the key ingredients for The Drowning are atmosphere, darkness and melancholy, enriched with death metal growls and with an intense funeral doom approach. I think the fans of the genre will appreciate this release...

Christine  Parastatidou

The Fall Of An Empire
(Napalm Records)

When RHAPSODY released their debut album, created a fuss and surprised us because they brought something new to our music. However, like any human innovation, they soon found many imitators with most of which being below mediocre. They just try to "steal" away something from RHAPSODY's glory. This is the case with Fairyland from France. On their second album they continue to copy without any moderations this famous band from Italy. By the way they add from time to time some BLIND GUARDIAN elements in order to throw some dust in our eyes. The final result is predictable, without any inspiration and nerveless symphonic power metal. The album lasts more than 60 minutes and I can assure you that they were some of the most boring moments of my life. I suggest they try to play something with more inspiration or for the shake of power metal to disband... The weird thing is how good labels like Napalm Records believe in such bands... Let them R.I.M. (Rest In Mediocrity)! Amen!!!

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Midwest Pandemic
(Ferret Music)

This is the fourth studio release from a very live act from the U.S. who are really and honestly interested in hardcore. Actually this is what they deliver to us! Each genre has some standard cliches which you have to abide by or else you simply don't belong there... So, for hardcore it's heavy, low tuned guitars with a massive rhythm section, pissed off vocals and simple, sharp riffs. Twelve Tribes are definitely successful in that part, they are really tight and well bonded and they channel vast amounts of energy and rage through their music. I also liked the fact that they have clever lyrics that have something to say and don't just shout and scream meaninglessly. "Midwest Pandemic" is an album that the hardcore fans will definitely enjoy, however, it's really hard to stand out in an over-crowded scene with so many hardcore and metalcore albums being released each month. Most bands are at least decent, so the fans have to be really picky. Give Twelve Tribes a try I think you're gonna like them!

Christine  Parastatidou

Pray For Salvation
(Sleaszy Rider Records)

I can easily imagine how those guys' rooms where when they were teenagers... They must have been full of bay area thrash metal bands posters and actually that's the kind of music they offer us with their third official full length album. You can easily notice influences from bands like TESTAMENT, METALLICA, SANCTUARY and even some touches of ANNIHILATOR. Their sound has a freshness and the right amount of energy that can guarantee you a good thrash metal album. I think those that are tired of all these modern trends that have invaded thrash metal music, will appreciate this release. Psychotron show us that you can bring freshness to a classic sound without needing the addition of any modern elements... If I have to pinpoint 2 negative things, then they have to be the following: 1) The songs aren't bad, but I think they should add more variety in their structures in their upcoming releases and 2) sometimes their music "buries" the singer's voice and we can't hear him properly... I think you should check them out!!!

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parstatidis

STYX & The Contemporary Youth Orchestra
One With Everything 

This album is a must have for all the Styx fans out there! It contains many of their biggest hits plus a super live performance of the band with an orchestra! So this release applies to classic rock lovers, to Styx maniacs and to everyone that throughout the years has listened to at least a couple of the band's tunes. This is definitely a buy or die state of the art. The success of each of Styx's songs speaks for itself so I don't think there's any place here for criticism... Just enjoy!!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

(Napalm Records)

The standards of atmospheric/gothic metal have been set by other bands in the past, bands who are considered to be the "fathers" of this music. Elis don't have any intention to push further the limits of this genre. On the contrary they feel comfortable in the "confinements" of the music they play with just one exception in the song "Phoenix From The Ashes" which has some speed metal elements. The good thing with this band is that they really love to play heavy and don't neglect the metal parts in order to play in a more melodic way. The solos are very nice and give colour to the compositions, but the rhythm parts, I have the feeling, that needed more variation. By the way, did I tell you that Elis is a female fronted band? In case you like bands like NIGHTWISH, LEAVE'S EYES, EVANESCENCE and EPICA, then Elis might tel you something. As for me "Griefshire" is a sincere and decent work, but it's not the kind of album that will keep my interest for a long time. It's simply a pleasant listening...

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Triumph Of The Origin 
(Self Financed)

Last year Memorium released their latest self financed EP with four tracks and thirteen minutes of duration. “Triumph Of The Origin” is the title of this work and from the opening track this band will take your skull off. Except for the excellent cover they have chosen to put in this work, Memorium seems to be really professionals from the way they wrote the songs to the energy you can feel from the whole EP. Most of their songs are really aggressive and well worked, with a lot of changes inside each track and a combination of black/death metal with some hardcore elements too. Imagine a combination of SLIPKNOT, IMMORTAL and HATEBREED with the personal touch of Memorium and voila you have the musical direction contained in this EP. Definitely I will be more than happy to listen to their full length album when it will be ready. I am sure it will be a blast! 
Official Site:
E-mail Band: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

(Lunatik Sounds)

It seems like Gianluca Ferro follows the "alien" paths of JOE SATRIANI and STEVE VAI, but in a more jazz-fusion way. The tunes are totally weird, but nevertheless haven't managed to create this alien feeling in me. Besides that after finishing listening to the album I couldn't remember not even a single tune. However as far as the technical part is concerned this guy is excellent and a flawless musician! It's good to listen to some shreddings and bizarre things coming out of the guitar, but another primal objective is to create emotions with your instrument as well. 

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Icon II - Rubicon

Despite the title this album has that definitely implies an epic atmosphere, here you will listen only to pop/rock music. I am not a fan of this kind of music, but I have to admit that this release has quality. I also liked a lot the 80s touch that all the songs included here have. There are moments when this project reminded me a bit of MEAT LOAF and VAL HALEN, when they decided to play slightly harder. The biggest part, though, of the album consists of ballads. I can't say anything more, since I'm out of my field of expertise here. My conclusion is that they sound good!

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Eye For An Eye 
(Quam Libet Records)

Last year Mabon, released their latest mini CD “Eye For An Eye” through Quam Libet Records. The band has included four tracks and almost twenty minutes full of aggressive heavy metal music, with some touches from thrash metal. From the opening track it’s obvious that this band is really aggressive and the vocals are really pissed off too. Their compositions are well worked with catchy guitar riffs and easy to remember guitar solos. The production and the sound are really powerful and help the whole result because you can easily hear all the things that the band has included in these four tracks. Definitely the fans of heavy/thrash metal will adore the stuff from Mabon. We will be waiting for their full length album. 
Official Site:
E-mail band: [email protected] 
E-mail Label: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

(Fuel Records)

Sown is a band that varies musically between hardcore and nu-metal. My personal belief is that they are trying to find a fine line between those two kinds of metal music, but instead this album sounds like Sown took the most mediocre elements of each genre. For example in a typical hardcore band the guitars must be extra heavily distorted with mean riffs, while in nu-metal there should be more commercial tunes. Hopefully they'll do better next time...

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Live... In The Shadow Of The Blues

Whitesnake make in year 2006 a very powerful comeback with a really rocking attitude! After a successful tour in Europe and Japan throughout the summer, they've decided to release a new double live album that will contain some of their biggest hits of all time and also 4 brand new studio tracks. But this is not just it... The record will also include many new versions of the Whitesnake classics, so expect a really special release that will definitely satisfy and astound all the Whitesnake maniacs out there! Unfortunately, the promo version I hold in my hands only contains two songs, the radio version of "All I Want Is You" and a live version of "Here I Go Again". By listening to just this live song, I realized how warm and passionate the audience was during the show. A strong, warm vibe is what you get, a vide that guarantees total satisfaction!

Christine  Parastatidou


This is the EP that Grave Digger released before their upcoming album which we expect to hit the stores soon. Well if I consider this mini CD as an appetizer for the new album, then the messages that I receive are not very optimistic. The CD starts with the song "Yesterday" which musically can be descirbed as a blues/rock ballad. A song that at the same time tests your nerves and makes you laugh. It makes you think of a decadent U.S. bar that the frequenters there pay attention more to their drinks rather than to the lady behind the piano. After this sock comes a decent and yet not so special composition entitled "The Reaper Dance". A hard 'n' heavy song that will remind you of ACCEPT and early GRAVE DIGGER. And when you think the band is going to find their personal sound, comes the song "No Quarter" a semi-ballad rock song that will make even the Grave Digger mascot's bones shake. Finally, the album closes with the orchestrated version of the best song that Grave Digger have ever composed (kidding here) and I'm implying "Yesterday" of course. This package also includes a DVD with a live performance of the band, but I don't have it, so I can't say anything about it. If you buy this release, just throw the audio CD to the garbage and keep the DVD. For fuck's shake the labels and the bands should realize that all we want is to listen to heavy metal as it was played in the 80s and the 90s. Enough with the experimentations...

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Dark Pounding Steel 
(Pure Steel Records)

Fatal Embrace isn’t a new band. They have formed back in 1993 and after two albums and some EP’s, they called it a day and now it was time for them to return with their third album “Dark Pounding Steel”. In this work the band has included ten tracks and almost forty minutes of a pure aggressive and extreme thrash metal assault. Actually on this album, you will listen to a really powerful thrash metal combination with a few touches from death metal too. Just imagine the finest moments of HOLY MOSES, SODOM and DESTRUCTION and you will have a small picture of Fatal Embrace’s musical direction. In their compositions you will listen to fast guitar riffs, solos and keep in mind that generally everything here is really fast and aggressive. They are the haven for the thrash metal fans. You can check out to listen to this statement of thrash metal.
Official Site:
E-mail label: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Everything's Watced, Everyone's Watching
(Ferret Music)

They call themselves to be a hardcore act but they couldn't be further from the truth... Well actually I'm exaggerating right now, but the truth is that they can't be classified as just an ordinary hardcore act simply because their music incorporates so many different elements from the extreme sound... So many diverse themes and sounds and so psycho raw energies that are hard to be accepted easily. In fact I found the whole thing quite amusing in the beginning but after a while the extreme, abrupt and psycho-deranged changes and the grind elements made it hard for me to follow and tired me to death... I liked the lyrics and track titles, really clever and with a black sense of humour, however I think they should reduce the elements they use in each of their compositions. As it is, things are hard to swallow let alone to enjoy...

Christine  Parastatidou

Third From The Right 
(Red Shoe Records)

Planet Earth calls Planet Thirteen. Over! Planet Thirteen hail us from the United States and “Third From The Right” is their third album so far which was released through Red Shoe Records. In this work the band has included six tracks and almost seventy minutes of pure progressive/epic rock music. As you can see most of the tracks have more than thirteen minutes of duration, where we can listen carefully to the songs’ structures and the way they have been built. It is needless to say that the compositions are more than well worked but sometimes you will be surprised with the things that you will hear on this album. To have a small picture in your mind for the music of Planet Thirteen imagine a combination of influences from RUSH, DREAM THEATER and QUEENSRYCHE with the personal touch of the band and then go and buy their album in order to have a free pass to the beautiful and progressive planet of Planet Thirteen. Don’t hesitate and don’t be afraid of it, they are friendly and especially for the people that know to choose the good progressive sound. 
Official Site:
E-mail Band: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

You Rot Me
(I Used To Fuck People Like You In Prison Records)

You might not be a band with an original sound -  who has nowadays anyway?- and thatt's OK with me. The least I want from you mainly as a listener and then as a reviewer is to play your music with passion. To show to the people around the world that you were born to play your music loud. Instead, what do I receive in this release? A passionless punk rock album with some hints of rock 'n' roll and rhythm and blues. I still search for the rock beast that your label claims you are, in the backcover of your promo CD. This is only for those that like punk rock without a nerve. In any case if you buy this release, don't blame me afterwards for not warning you...

Nici  "William_Kidd"  Parstatidis

The "F" Word
(I Used To Fuck People Like You In Prison Records)

"The "F" Word" is an album which is addressed only to rockabilly fans with an intensely heavy punk attitude. I don't think that there are still many people out there that are into Paul Fenech's style, but it seems that he wants to do things in the underground way. Perhaps if he had been around when STRAY CATS and DEAD KENNEDYS where on the spotlight, he would have achieved something more...

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Midnight Tornado
(Dockyard 1)

I remember 2 years ago when this Dannish act released their debut album, that they had managed to impress me with their solid and powerful compositions and with their ability to infuse in them melodic guitar riffs that offered more substance and depth to their compositions. I know that the contemporary metal scene is overcrowded with metalcore, hardcore and melodic death metal bands, but even so there are some bands that stand out. I think As We Fight are one of them. Simply because the melodic death/thrash metal they offer us is very aggressive and in your face, leaving you no space to catch your breath. Constant death/thrash metal assaults that are enriched with some hardcore elements, mainly in the rhythm parts, and so beautiful and intricate melodic lines that will definitely astound you. By the way I liked the addition of the brutal, guttural growls, cause they make their compositons sound more extreme. I bet they are worth to be seen playing live, simply because their music can be described with two words: raw energy! "Midnight Tornado" is here to please the fans of early IN FLAMES, DISMEMBER, THE HAUNTED, AT THE GATES and the likes...

Christine  Parastatidou

A World Full Of Lies
(Sleaszy Rider Records)

I appreciate a lot the bands that with each and every album, they try to evolve their sound and make it richer. And I don't imply bands that change their sound totally in order to become commercially more successful. Snowblind on their third album have kept their characteristic sound, but they have enriched it with touches from the hard rock genre (just listen to the song "Falling") and the neoclassical metal scene. All these result to the creation of a more traditional heavy metal sound. Everything is really good and the only drawback I found in this release is the sound. I'd prefer it if they had a clearer production rather than this "dirty" sound that the band has chosen. I believe that it would fit better to the melodic metal that this band plays. A release from the Greek metal scene that deserves your attention.

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Quarrel In Hell 
(Tumba Productions)

Nervochaos is a band from Brazil and this year they have their 10th anniversary and they celebrate it with the release of their third album through Tumba Productions. “Quarrel In Hell” is the title of this work and it has ten tracks. Musically the band walks in extreme paths and they have created a combination of black/death metal. First of all, on this album Nervochaos have some guest appearances from: Alex Camargo (KRISIUN), John McEntee (INCANTATION), Emperor Magnus Caligula (DARK FUNERAL), Sanguine & Wrath (AVERSE SEFIRA) and finally Mark Greenway (NAPALM DEATH). Definitely these guests give something more to the whole release. At least you can listen to and enjoy the tracks that have some guest appearances. Besides that, the rest is history; I mean that Nervochaos follow the typical paths of black/death metal with well worked compositions and definitely an extreme image. Now a mixture of influences from EMPEROR, DARKTHRONE and other bands from this scene is surely inside their music, whilst at the same time they have added their personal touch. 
Official Site:
E-mail Band: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

(Mascot Records)

Before starting the review for this album, I have to tell you that I’m very happy because one of the biggest bands, coming from the 80’s, with such a remarkable history and discography, is back again at last! It is a fact that the previous years, the band made a lot of their fans feel upset with their material, the style had totally changed into something more “modern” and totally crappy…We don’t care about such things anymore though. Now, the band released an album which is a continuation of what they have given us during their early years… not as good as “Soldiers Of The Night” (what an album my god!), but a very good and pleasant album. Actually it's what we call heavy fucking metal, nothing more nothing less. The “mister superb vocals” James Rivera has taken on the singing burden for one more band, as for the results… needless to say anything on that subject! The album contains 10 brand new songs, each one of them has its own beauty and value. Welcome back to the roots of our true music Vicious Rumors. 

Jim  Konstantinidis

(Asenath Records)

Maligno comes from the United States and though I expected to listen to another –core band, I realized that this band has something different to give to the listener. Hey, wait this voice reminds me a bit of OZZY’s and the music is similar to the sound of BLACK SABBATH. Oh look at the cover, a simple black front cover with the name of the band and a skull. Ladies and gentlemen here we have the 2006 edition of BLACK SABBATH. Definitely the members of Maligno, adore BLACK SABBATH and generally the doom metal music and offer us a very powerful and dark album. Be prepared to listen to ten tracks and almost fifty minutes of pure metal music. Most of their compositions are well worked with very impressive ideas; of course a lot of influences from the Gods of doom metal but at the same time with the personal touch of Maligno. Don’t waste your time, go and buy this masterpiece of doom metal.
Official Site:
E-mail Band: [email protected]
E-mail Label: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

A Rock 'N' Roll Tribute To Motorhead
(Bad Reputation)

This is a tirbute release for MOTORHEAD. The track list is the following: 1. Going To Brazil - GREEN DOLLAR COLOUR, 2. Boogey Man - SKEW SISKIN, 3. Killed By Death - CRUCIFIED BARBARA, 4. Rock It - AMARICAN DOG, 5. Over The Top - CRANK COUNTRY DAREDEVILS, 6. Nothing Up My Sleeve - HELLSUCKERS, 7. Bomber - MOTHER SUPERIOR, 8. No Class - CRYSTAL PISTOL, 9. Born To Raise Hell - VOODOO VEGAS, 10. Please Don't Touch - CRUCIFIED BARBARA AND AMERICAN DOG and 11. B4 - SKEW SISKIN featuring Lemmy Kilmister. Each and every band participating here has done a great job and has added their personal touches without though changing the original tracks a lot. I'm sure you'll enjoy it but unfortunately the truth is that none of the bands can bring to life the... hmm... "dirty" sound that Lemmy and his pals create with their playing... Enjoy it!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

(Self Financed)

When you follow a band from their beginning it’s like growing up with the band and you see in every release how their music matures with them. Dreamtone is a band that comes from Turkey and so far they have released two albums and one CD single. “Snowfall” is their second CD single and actually it’s a small taste from their new album which will be released in the middle of 2007. In this single you will find three tracks and two video clips from their second album “Sojourn”. Musically the band walks in the progressive / power metal paths with some dark metal elements too. If you listen to all their releases you will see that the band in each single has something new to add and their compositions are more mature, sometimes more complicated and of course more powerful. Dreamtone learn from their mistakes and also are open minded musicians. In these three compositions you will have a taste of the beauty of Dreamtone. The members of Dreamtone are like actors, you understand the emotions they have added in each track and you can feel the will they have. Just follow their steps and you won’t regret it.
Official Site:
E-mail Band: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Twilight Of The Gods - A First Step To Mental Revolution
(Dockyard 1)

Poland is a silent and yet powerful force in the metal music with an underground scene that is ready to erupt and corrode everything in its path. My newest discovery from this country bears the name Frontside and although they've been around for a few years, they've managed to build up a strong name and quite a reputation with their interesting music. This can be also proven from the fact that Frontside have won in quite many contests in the categories of best bands and best albums. Now their attack is even more fierce with a devastating album that has the heaviness and melody of the Swedish death metal scene, the aggressiveness and ferocity of the American brutal death metal and the sharp rhythms of hardcore. The vocalist is most of the times pissed off, but whenever he sings clean he reveals a wonderful and emotive voice! I don't know what else to say but if you dig the melodic death metal and hardcore scenes, then this is a band that shines through comapred to similar sounding releases...

Christine  Parastatidou

Fulltime Joker 
(Quam Libet Records)

How many of us are “Fulltime Joker”? I don’t know but the new album from Tempesta has this title and it was released through Quam Libet Records. In this work the band has included ten tracks and forty minutes of pure metal music with a great guitar work. I really believe that the main advantage of this band is the guitar work and the dirty sound they have. Most of their songs are easy to listen to and they have catchy refrains. Just listen once to “Fulltime Joker” and you will understand my point. Then you will definitely have these two words in your mind. Imagine the dirty sound of BLACK LABEL SOCIETY with some METALLICA touches and you will have a picture of the path that Tempesta have choose to follow. Of course their compositions are well worked and believe me even if this is the first time I listen to something from this band, I adore them! A very powerful album. Check it out!
Official Site:
E-mail Band: [email protected]
E-mail Label: [email protected] 

Antonis  Maglaras

Never To Play The Servant
(Dockyard 1)

The main driving force of this band is Curran Murphy (x-ANNIHILATOR) in more than just one ways. Except for the fact that he formed this band on his own, everything else makes me think that he transforms his heavy ANNIHILATOR influences into the Shatter Messiah sound. Personally I think that the band that sounds closest to Jeff Waters and his other pals' music is surely this one. And in case you don't understand where I'm heading to (this is quite unlikely to happen I know) we are talking here about pissed off vocals, brutal rhythms with demonic lead guitars, solid bass, thunderous drums and brutality through madness. That's the kind of bands I like and this is what Shatter Messiah really are. Enjoy!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

Invasion Metropolis 
(BattleCry Records)

I follow Solitaire from their debut album that was actually released before four or five years. Now the band reaches the third release and they have chosen “Invasion Metropolis” as the title of their new work. One more thing you should know about Solitaire is that they have eleven years of history in the metal scene. In each of their releases the band has taken their music a step forward and has something more to give to their fans. Now they are more mature than ever, again of course they follow their musical direction, which is the speed/thrash metal but in this release they have worked more on their compositions. So you will be able to hear more mature structures and besides that Riku and Waaqqu have done a great work in the guitars with very impressive guitar riffs and remarkable solos. Many of you might not like the way that Solitaire play their music but these guys are dedicated to their music and do their best in each release. Just follow their paths and you will be rewarded with a very good speed metal album.
Official Site:
E-mail Band: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Say Everything Will Be Fine
(Unicorn Digital)

Bleed In Vain is one of the most interesting modern death metal bands I've listened to for a variety of reasons. First of all they are very professional and work hard in order to achieve the best possible result. Secondly their music has energy, vibe, grooves, quite progressive structures and nice hooks that stick to your mind and then again there is plenty of space for melodies. Finally the production and mastering are superb, crystal clear and voluminous and how could it be differently since responsible for the mixing is Fredrik Nordstrom and Fredman Studios and the mastering took place at the also famous The Mastering Room in Sweden? This means that both the band and their label treat their music with much respect and take care of all the details. Now like I said earlier in my presentation the guys deliver modern melodic death metal that is highly influenced by the American metalcore current trend. I think success is guaranteed for this act if they get the right push and promotion, cause they have everything required to create a name at the contemporary metal scene. Musically they brought to my mind IN FLAMES and especially SOILWORK (of the last 2 albums) and as for their beautiful melodic and atmospheric moments, they reminded me of AMORPHIS, especially the vocalist's interpretation has a similar approach to the melodic lines of "Tuonela" and "Eclipse". As for their more metalcore and crossover touches the mark of PANTERA and Phil Anselmo is more than obvious. However, don't think that Bleed In Vain haven't managed to form a quite distinctive sound on their sophomore studio effort. One more plus for this release is undoubtedly the very beautiful video clip for the song "The Things You Own, Own You" and the behind the scenes short documentary. Very interesting and great is also the band's cover of the famous BILLY IDOL song "Shock To The System". Bleed In Vain have managed to cut and shape it to their own aggressive sound making it more extreme and in your face!

Christine  Parastatidou

Another Life, Another End 
(Self Financed)

Winters Verge is a band from Cyprus and “Another Life, Another End” is their latest self financed album which includes ten tracks and more than forty five minutes of pure metal music. After a small intro, the band begins their power / heavy metal assault. The album starts with “Eternal Damnation” a very interesting but at the same time too typical power / heavy metal song. Even if Winters Verge isn’t a bad band, they have chosen a too typical style of metal to play so the competition is really hard. I mean we have tons of bands in this style and we have heard almost everything, so it is really difficult to make something new unless you are the new rising power of the metal scene. Of course Winters Verge have some interesting moments but they just stay there. 
Official Site:
E-mail Band: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

Planet Alliance
(Metal Heaven)

This is one cool record addressed to anyone who digs melodic metal music. Lots of great ideas, superb melodies and a beautiful atmosphere are being delivered here by a number of well known musicians. Technically the best part is the guitar solos where the lead guitarist kicks some serious ass! Followed by the keyboard player, who delivers seminars with his performance! Musically everyone infuses a great passion to this release and this is how they lead us to absolute satisfaction!

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

L.A. Concession

Thank god (or the devil) for the internet (it's your choice hehe)! I thought this it was a compilation, but before writing this review I decided to check it out on the net. Well, AOR is a project of the guitarist Frederic Slama from France and as the band name says they play AOR. The problem I have with this genre is that it sounds too pop for a rock release and too rock for the pop standards. One other thing that gives it on my nerves is that all the songs speak about love and chicks. Hey guys if you can’t get over it, give it a hand job, it might make this love thing you feel pass. Few are the bands that play this kind of music and have to say something to me and definitely AOR don’t belong among them. They have some good moments, especially the bluesy parts, but the whole result is so mellow that makes BON JOVI sound like a thrash metal band. So if you are not in this kind of music, just don’t pay attention to this release. Now in case you are, then that’s your problem… Ah, by the way this masterpiece of rock is a re-release of the debut album of the band and for my misfortune it has also 4 bonus tracks. Oh, yeah this was a hell for me.

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Back In Business

Da Vinci is a band from Oslo, Norway that started their career in 1988 when they released their eponymous album. Only a year after that, they released their sophomore work that had the title "Back In Business". This is actually the album we present you now, that has been re-released almost 20 years after its original release date. So, if you are a 15 year old girl and you've fallen in love with a fancy boy then perhaps this release will satisfy you. It includes a bunch of songs strictly and absolutely into glam hard rock that mainly deals with teenage stuff and other similar topics of no real substance or essence. The choice is yours...

Dimitris  Pantsiopoulos

A Line Of Deathless Kings

We live in strange times. Just take a look around you or even make an introspection and see how many of us choose to spend our time in stupid or "sick" amusements only because we are afraid of being alone with ourselves or because we think that staying away from the flock will turn us into weird rejects. Just see how many people go and pay money to psychologists, because they can't trust their fellow human beings to talk to about their everyday problems. All these things are what inspire My Dying Bride's music and lyrics. Through symbolisms they give us a dark reflection of what we are and what we have become. They sing about our lost dreams and the mortality of humanity. Yes, all these might sound pessimistic, but from time to time they are needful, because they might help us wake up from the numbness we feel. "A Line Of Deathless Kings" is probably one of the best My Dying Bride releases and even people like me that aren't into doom metal can appreciate its quality. Compositions like "L' Amour Detruit", "Thy Raven Wings", "One Of Beauty's Daughters" and "The Blood, The Wine, The Roses" are superb and characteristic of the band's high class!

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

The Stench Of Redemption

The gods of death metal are back once again with a work that reaches the boundaries of death metal perfection! Remaining brutal as always they are filled with zest, freshness and energy, something that is more than obvious in their compositions that never tire you, but on the contrary they keep you alarmed and constantly ready for the next attack! The new thing in Deicide's music is the addition of some amazing and impalpable melodic parts, responsible for which is, most probably, their new guitarist. The older fans of the band shouldn't worry, because Deicide haven't become cheesy and they've defintiely haven't lost their aggressiveness. It's just that they've managed to tie together perfectly their brutal unholy style with melodic elements that have upgraded their worth as a band. I don't have to comment anything on the production, since it's simply thunderous and powerful as it should be!! There is only one mark that could match the work of such an unrivalled band...

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

(Season Of Mist)

After a long period of mainly mediocre or insignifcant releases Anaal Nathrakh come to awaken us and release us from the swamp of commercialism and mundane riffs. "Eschaton" is out of this world, really special, a diamond shining through and lighting our path towards musical liberation and giving us the chance to let some steam out! This album is here to purify us and cleanse our minds from all the aggressiveness, hatred and anger that are built up in us from our everyday lives. And what happens when the album is over? First of all you feel relieved cause you've found a way to let your darkest feelings loose and at the same time you feel powerful in the insanity surrounding you! The key words that can describe "Eschaton" are insanity, brutality, violence and extremity mixed with a great deal of morbidness and horrendous touches! Anaal Nathrakh is a band from the U.K. that has managed to create one of the best extreme albums for this year and believe me their third official release has a really distinctive and personal sound. You simply can't miss it for a variety of reasons... The vocals are so abhorrent, spitting out disgust and so inhuman that will make you feel sick. Some clean vocals are there only to make the difference and the extremity more intense. The guitars will crush your brains, the technical level of this band is great and the rhythm parts will level you like a bulldozer with their crunching and churning sounds. This is high class black metal mixed with some death metal tinges and grindcore touches and a very good production that will stun and shock the blacksters all around the world! I only have two words for you: Get it!

Christine  Parastatidou

Own Universe
(Unicorn Digital)

Unerase play modern metal which can actually be described as a sound that combines sharp and edgy guitars along with lots of grooves and a pissed off singer behind the microphone. Musically if you are an old metal fan they will remind you of bands like PANTERA, FEAR FACTORY, MACHINE HEAD and SEPULTURA. Now if you are younger you can realize that the band has a similar sound to groups like DISTURBED and SYSTEM OF A DOWN. The good thing is that Unerase combine their classic with their modern metal influences in a very natural way and they also leave some space for experimentations with their sound. In my ears they sound very promising and bonded, so if this is your kind of music, it would be great to check them out. Finally on this CD you will also find 2 videos, one showing the band in the studio and the other being a live performance of the song "Sleeping Deeply".

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Robert Johnson's Tombstone

Thunder have been around for many years now and their improvement is so intense and obvious that will amaze even their most dedicated fans. I appreciate and like this band for many reasons, the most improtant of which is their music of course. Thunder from the U.K. is a hard rock dynamite that lets loose mass amounts of energy and positive vibes. Their grooves are simply marvelous and the addition of many blues elements takes their music to the next level. Having a great technical knowledge and mixing their songwriting skills with a great, emotive and passionate vocalist guarantees a successful end result. Their music is catchy with sing along riffs and the ability to conquer the airwaves. Their music might be commercial but it's not cheesy, uninspired or rough-and-ready. It's obvious that the band tries and rehearses hard in order to create the best possible result. The lyrics naturally don't deal with important reasons, but they suit like a glove to their music, talking about love, passion, desire and redemption. What else do you ask for from a high class hard rock release?

Christine  Parastatidou

Sailing To The North
(Self financed)

Northern Breeze, as their name indicates, deal with melodic black metal. They are of Greek origin and up to now they've managed to do a really good job. Their riffs although they are simple, are filled with emotions and transpire coldness. Their tempos are explosive in some occasions with many mid tempo parts and atmospheric elements. The band's technical level is good without high-blown complex rhythm parts and they seem to be a tight act. This album also has some quality guitar solos that reveal potential and lots of abilities. The production has something from ROTTING CHRIST's early works and can be further developed and improved, if more money is found. I know this is a self financed work so I can really understand the problems that lie behind. Good luck guys in the grey and stiff Greek black metal scene, not because of the bands, but because of the merchants and businessmen that deal with it! Being many years in the scene, I know what I'm talking about...
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.Inner-Breeze.cjb.netOR

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

(AOR Heaven)

Generally I avoid listening to AOR music or melodic hard rock and that's because it's full of cliches, mellow and cheesy melodies, good but typical vocalists and so on. I know that every genre has its own cliches, but some you like and others you don't. However, it's good when bands like Biss come around, cause they make you realize that you can find good and quality music even in genres you'd think you'd never listen. So, continuing on the same successful path Biss deliver one more great album (the third in their career). Everyone says that you don't change a winning team and that's what's going on here with the famous guitarist Ralf “Doc” Heyne, Carsten Witte on drums, Lars Bilke on the bass guitar and the superb KROKUS frontman Marc Storace on vocals. Musically they offer us catchy and melodic hard rock with nice themes, beautiful riffs and sing along choruses and I'm sure that the fans of SAXON or CONCEPTION and KAMELOT will appreciate their powerful tunes and their beautiful melodic lines correspondedly. The album also contains a very good cover of HEART's "Barracuda" and the track “Blood On Sand” which is co-written by Mat Sinner (PRIMAL FEAR, SINNER). High class performances on a quality melodic hard rock album!

Christine  Parastatidou

Emotional Creatures Part One
(Giant Electric Pea / SPV)

I don't know much about Mr. Steve Thorne, but if I judge from his debut work, I have to admit that he is an exceptional musician and composer that earned my respect! This is the kind of progressive rock I want to listen to, melodic and yet full of substance that gives space for your emotions and thoughts to grow. There is a 70s feeling in the whole album and the most experienced ones might also recognise influences from bands like PINK FLOYD, JETHRO TULL and even SIMON AND GARFUNKEL, but all these are filtered through Steve Thorne's personality. This is an album that is worth your attention and money!! As for me, it will keep me company for a long time, especially every time I will feel the urge to listen to something musically relaxing, but thought provoking. In the release also participate as guest musicians many well known rock/hard rock artists, but I won't mention them here (with all my respect), because even if they hadn't participated, this album would still have been great! Finally, the cover artwork is very nice and full of details. If you've read this review, I think you must have understood how impressed I am and the impact this album had on me, so I can give it a...

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

(Shiver Records)

I've already said that a million times and I'm afraid I'll become boring in the end, but the truth is that the Belgian death metal scene continues to positively surprise me with their quality and interesting works. Ordeal is one more band whose music applies to the aforementioned rule and delivers well played and superb death metal with sharp guitar themes, blastbeats, great solos and deep guttural vocals. This might be the band's debut official work, but they prove to be a technical death metal band with many grooves, imposing tunes, beautiful melodic lines and tempos interchanging from fast to more mid tempo. It'll definitely please the deathsters all around the world. Simply great!
Band Email: [email protected]
Band Site:
Label Site:

Christine  Parastatidou

Impressions In Blood
(Regain Records)

Vader are according to me one of the best brutal death metal bands and throughout the years of their existence -20 actually since their formation in 1986- they've released some of the finest albums in the history of extreme music. "Impressions In Blood" has the typical Vader sound and yet is quite deverse and multi-leveled, meaning that the band doesn't follow one specific tempo or approach in their music, but they rather enirch their compositions with interchanges, scraping solos, harsh riffs and technical blastbeats that are often turned into creeping mid tempo holocausts. I always say that Vader's drummer is one of the most solid and best musicians out there and once again his performance is a true seminar. The riffs are abhorrent and really imposing, be them mid tempo or ultra fast and the vocals are superb, having a more thrashy touch. The innovation for Vader is that they've included in a couple of their songs synths and some symphonic parts and I have to say that they did it so greatly that the violin sounds as an integrated part of their music. Superb!

Christine  Parastatidou

(Black Mark)

It took me a while to accept that Quorthon isn't amongst us anymore and throughout that period I couldn't listen to any of his songs, simply because they reminded me of a lot of things. BATHORY was one of the first bands I've listened to in a difficult period of my life and I respect and appreciate Quorthon's way of thinking and composing. He has written some of the brightest diamonds of heavy metal music and he has carved and influenced a whole genre. However, this is only Quorthon's most known musical endeavors. The truth is that after he released 5-6 albums with BATHORY, his restless spirit wanted to explore new horizons and approach music from a different angle. This is how he brought to life in 1994 his first solo work simply titled "Album", where he has included some of his finest hard rock, rock 'n' roll and punk rock influences. We are dealing here with an experimental album that won't please the narrow minded BATHORY fans, but will definitely please those who look for good music no matter the rock or heavy metal genre they belong to. So, expect to listen, on this re-mastered version, to some BLACK SABBATH, SEX PISTOLS, MOUNTAIN, THE BEATLES and so on influences with Quorthon being once again responsible for the lyrics, the music and the execution and arrangements of the songs. His voice is recognisable here as well and it still has his harsh and melancholic hue, but it's not as scraping as on the "Hammerheart" album. It's a pity he can't offer us his masterpieces anymore... See you in Valhalla!

Christine  Parastatidou

War Zone
(Crash Music)

Many bands claim to play classic death metal and although most of them have good intentions, the final result is rather disappointing. The problem is not that they are not good musicians, but they don’t infuse their music the right amount of “emotions” in it. They care only about how fast and technical they can play. Jungle Rot don’t give a shit about all this and because of this specific attitude they have, their music has all these ingredients that a demanding death metal fan wants to listen to. Hellish grooves and guttural vocals that sometimes remind me of Chris Barnes are some of the key ingredients. Jungle Rot’s music carries something of death metal's past glory and at the same time they sound fresh as the cold winds of hell. I recommend it to those that need to listen to something true and brutally heavy!!! 

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Death Of Mankind... A Dream
(Northern Silence Productions)

This is a split CD that contains rereleased material of both bands' demos with one extra new track each. So, let's talk for Nae'blis first, whose name is inspired by fantasy author Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time" series. The band delivers well played atmospheric black metal that definitely belongs to the Norwegian school and has many dark melodies that offer more depth to the final result. Lyrically they deal with topics like isolation, darkness and melancholy that add up to the heavy atmosphere of the songs. Now let's move on to Dominion another interesting band playing in the old fashioned way as well. Actually both bands have a similar sound and although they come from Sweden, their influence from the Norse black metal scene is extremely obvious. The production of both bands is the typical for the old school black metal, so don't expect a crystal clear sound, but rather a dim and muddy recording that fits perfectly to their musical direction. If you are true blacksters I think you should check it out!

Christine  Parastatidou

Wake Up To The Real World

Pretty Maids is a band like RUNNING WILD, W.A.S.P., IRON MAIDEN, AXEL RUDI PELL etc. They're never going to change the way they play their music. So you have to decide whether your like them or not. I belong to those that like Pretty Maids. Four years have passed since they released their previous album “Planet Panic”, which was a very good release. Their new work is not so different from their previous one. You will find songs that balance between hard rock and heavy metal, 3 ballads and a nice cover to DEEP PURPLE’s “Perfect Strangers”. The album is generally good, but more specifically I liked the songs “I Am The End” (a heavy metal thunder!!!), “As Guilty As You” (an emotional powerful ballad which I believe that will win a lot of air play), “Why Die For A Lie” (the classic Pretty Maids power metal composition), “Brave Young Breed” and “Terminal Violence”. The fans of traditional heavy metal have to check it out…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Durch Den Traum

The truth is that in the beginning I was tempted to just write "This album is very boring, just keep away". However, no band deserves such a behaviour and actually from the ethics point of view it's better to try and explain a few things cause after all music is a matter of taste and something I find boring, might sound as a masterpiece to someone else. I was never fond of ambient music, be it on its own or infused with other genres such as progressive or atmospheric black metal. Dornenreich reveal potential and skills and it's obvious that they are craftsmen, but having to listen to an hour of progressive ambient rock music with some black metal outbursts every now and then and whispering male vocals that create desperation and melancholy in my soul, simply isn't my cup of tea. The artistic value of "Durch Den Traum" is a fact that can't be overlooked, but you have to be really open minded and with an inclination towards weird music forms to be able to fully understand, accept and finally love this album...

Christine  Parastatidou

(Century Media)

Most of you know this band, since they have had a huge success from 1999 when they were formed till now… After two years of inactivity and many changes in the line-up, Dream Evil are back with a brand new album, much better and stronger than the previous one, from every aspect. The biggest advantage of the band is, undoubtedly, the excellent singer Niklas Isfeldt , the same with the past releases. Having as lyrical themes life, heavy metal, battles, wars etc. the band satisfies us with 11 songs plus a pop cover (see below for more…). I think “United” will erase the bad memories, which have been created with the “Book Of Heavy Metal” album. Listen to songs like the “Falling”, “Kingdom At War”… and you will see what exactly I mean. Especially the first one, personally I think is their best till now…Divine!!! Finally, the last song of the album is a cover of the winning song of the Eurovision song contest in 2005, “My Number One” of our Helena Paparizou. This choice was not made by chance, as the song has made a great success in Sweden and in all Europe…a different and funny view of the original song, Joyful!

Jim  Konstantinidis

To The Night Sky
(Oak Knoll)

The cover of this release will totally mislead you into the wrong direction and make you reach to wrong conclusions. I think it fits more to bands that play atmospheric/gothic metal. Cadaverous Condition have nothing to do with such music. Their sound is death/thrash metal as it was played in the 80s. However, you can trace some innovations in this release and for example the most characteristic of which, is the song "Destroy Your Life" where you can listen to an acoustic song accompanied by brutal vocals. To be sincere the final result sounded a bit funny to my ears. The band sound stronger and better when they play death/thrash metal. The fourteen compositions that are included here make them repeat themselves quite a lot. To be fair enough with this release and since it has some interesting moments, I can give them...

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

When Dream And Fate Collide 
(Scarlet Records)

Here we have the first official attempt of this Swedish power metal band, after two demos released in 2002, when they formed. From the first till the last minute, the album holds your attention intact… Awesome songs, worked to the last detail, and a band that gives their best!!! Vocals for seminar, sharp riffs and solos that deserve to be mentiones, unstoppable drum sessions, endless melodies plus progressive touches…what an album!!! The only drawbacks, for me, for this album are the homonymous song and…the inappropriate front cover. I think it isn’t related to the whole work, anyway… A very remarkable power metal piece of music, which is highly recommended.

Jim  Konstantinidis

Seducer Of Human Souls
(Twilight - Vertrieb)

Sniper is a very interesting band that manages to incorporate in their sound a plethora of extreme sounds and elements from all kinds of brutal and uptempo metal music. Their main direction is brutal death with many thrash metal tinges, but they also enrich their music with a great deal of black metal touches. Like I said their compositions are really fast with many blastbeats and their VADER, MASSACRE and MORBID ANGEL influences are obvious. However, their sound also bears a strong similarity with the retro thrash/black metallers BEWITCHED with whom they are lyrically connected as well with their blasphemous and anti-Christian topics. "Seducer Of Human Souls" is a more than decent work with many interesting riffs that stick to your mind and vocals that dwell between death and black metal screams. I also liked the guitar work, the beautiful solos that add more character to the songs and the melancholic and haunting melodies that are present in many tracks. I was really surprised to find out that the last song, "Last Goodbye" is actually a melodic mid tempo ode to melancholy.

Christine  Parastatidou

Deceptive Awareness
(Firebox Records)

Their name made me think that I had to do with another melodic death metal band from Northern Europe. However Ablaze In Hatred belong to the melancholic/funeral doom metal genre. This is their first official release and as a debut that it is, it has some strong and some weak points. First of all the band seems to know very well the kind of music that they want to play and also the band members are very skillful players. The negative thing is that you won’t listen to something different from other bands of this genre, especially if you are into this kind of music. Also the big duration of the songs sometimes make the band repeat some of the musical themes and might tire a bit the listener. The song that is by far the best of this album is the one named “Ongoing Fall”, the use of the keyboards gives to this track a very original touch. I believe that this track shows the path that Ablaze In Hatred have to follow. They have all they need to give us even more interesting works in the future, but for now I will recommend this release only to the fanatics of melancholic doom metal…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Aania Yossa
(Debemur Morti Productions)

Well has the revival of the old fashioned Norwegian underground black metal sound started to take place? If we take into consideration how many labels there are out there signing such bands and actually how many bands play this kind of music, then I think we are close to the truth... Horna is a very interesting cold and blasphemous black metal band that bases their music upon the repetition of the same ideas and riffs over and over again. This is how a dark, haunted and claustrophobic atmosphere is created and upon it they build their songs by adding some hellish and agonizing vocals and some decent enough solos. So, one more frozen Norwegian black metal release for the die hard extreme blacksters out there. The rest should better keep away. 
Email: [email protected]

Christine  Parastatidou

The 20th Anniversary Of Zed Yago - Live
(Twilight Zone)

20 years have passed since my number 1 favorite female fronted metal band started its career. As pirates that they are (yes this is the band that along with RUNNING WILD has developed a pirate image and thematology through their music), they had a very adventurous life. In 2005 they released their reunion album, which by the way was great and introduced us their new captain, Yvonne Durand. I am a big fan of Jutta, but to tell you the truth Yvonne has nothing to envy from Jutta. She definitely has the personality to become a metal goddess :). Now, to the point of this review… The live is very good and most of the songs are from the latest album of Zed Yago “The Invisible Guide”. This might disappoint the old fans that would like to listen to more of the classic songs of the band, but you have to remember that the live was recorded in “The Invisible Guide Tour”. Also it shows that the band considers their new songs equal to the old ones. The performance is very good from all of the musicians and personally I believe the biggest moment of this album is the song “Black Bone Song”. Also apart from their known songs, on this album you will have the chance to listen to 2 previously unreleased tracks (“The End Of The World” and “Valley Of The King”) performed live by the band and they are just great!!! Nothing more to add, except for the fact that this live made me wonder when will we finally have the chance to see Zed Yago live here in Greece. It would really be great…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

(Northern Silence Productions)

Well there isn't much to be said here. Things are plain simple and straight forward. Dusk is one of those few remaining underground bands that are devoted to the true and unholy black metal. The black metal that first appeared in Norway many years ago and has managed to alter so intensely and radically heavy metal music. Dusk deliver this kind of anti-Christian, frozen and monolithic black metal. Their songs are venomous, cold and smell of misanthropy from miles away. Their production is dim, noisy and muddy as if the band recorded this album from fathomless depths. Keep in mind that this release is addressed only to those who like extreme Norwegian black metal that repeats the same themes and riffs over and over again. You've been warned!
Email: [email protected]

Christine  Parastatidou

Primordial Domination
(Listenable Records)

This is the comeback of a superb abhorrent band of dark death metal. Incantation remain one of my most respected bands, because they manage to sustain their musical entity, core and inspiration and yet evolve it. This is the main characteristic that every worthy artist who tries hard and respects his work, should have. The riffs have a familiar eerie character, unnatural volume and a hue that definitely sounds "hostile" to the simple human ears!! The rhythm parts have many ultra-sonic outbursts, without though the slow and creeping mid tempo parts missing, tempos that crawl menacingly ready to devour every corner of your brain. The vocals move on the band's familiar hue that their fans love all these years. The production is as it should be with the proper volume and with an equally clean sound that never turns into a manneristic cleanness. This is a very good work and the fans should rush to the nearest store to grab it!!! 

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

Legend - EP

Let's start this presentation with some background information. Abigail Williams was a real person that played a significant role during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and she also appears as a central character in an Arthur Miller play. So, this means that the name was carefully chosen from this U.S. based quintet. The band may only have 2 years of existence but they work really hard and up to now they've released the demo "Watchtower" that got part in a contest and offered Abigail Williams much exposure. Moreover some of the band members are already known to us from their participation in bands like VEHEMENCE and THE BLACK DHALIA MURDER. Musically they are filed by some under the category of metalcore, but I think this couldn't be further from the truth. They might have some metalcore and hardcore elements, but this doesn't mean they are a metalcore act. Actually their music is extreme and ultra fast black/death metal with imposing and atmospheric keyboards and with many classical and symphonic elements. The vocals are mainly black metal and they even sound like Dani's (CRADLE OF FILTH) and Sagrath's (DIMMU BORGIR). "Legend" is an amazing piece of work with a fitting cover artwork, but the production is a bit dim. Abigail Williams are currently working on their debut full length album with the legendary James Murphy. "Legend" is surely a step forward compared to "Watchtower"! Well done!

Christine  Parastatidou

Desperate Call For The Escape 
(Self Financed)

Last Escape is a German hard rock band, who formed back in 2003 and “Desperate Call For The Escape” is their debut self financed album. In this work the band has included twelve tracks and more than an hour of pure hard rock/metal music. Of course Last Escape have something different in their music, even if their base is hard rock music, they have also included metal and hardcore elements inside their well worked compositions. The vocals now are sometimes the typical hard rock ones and some other times, they use a little bit more extreme forms of interpretation in order to express themselves better and to become more theatrical. Of course since this is their first release, they don’t have a powerful production and the sound isn’t so good. Actually I believe if they had a better sound, then the whole result would be much better and the listener could “understand” easier the things that they have add in their songs.
Official Site:
E-mail band: [email protected]

Antonis  Maglaras

(Burning Star Records)

All the artists when they compose music they need to be true to themselves, their ideals and beliefs. This is an important rule for all genres, however I think it has more substance and is put into practice more in the black metal genre. Can you imagine a band trying hard to look dark, mysterious or evil and yet create a lame and obviously phony result? Disaster! There are various reasons to "force" someone to make a turn towards this dark and extreme music form. For the northern people is their environment and the climate itself with its cold and isolating extremity that create a natural inclination towards darkness, aggressiveness and melancholy. For Winterhorde the climate is not an issue simply because they come from the warm country of Israel. So, in this case the social and political instability and constant wars and struggles offer the perfect ground for aggressiveness and roughness to be unleashed. Winterhorde offer us high class and superb atmospheric black metal that has vast amounts of melancholy and morbidness. Comparing "Nebula", the band's debut work, to their previous demo CD I can say that they have evolved their music and their craftsmanship a lot, losing their influences and acquiring a more personal sound. I also liked the death metal additions that make their songs sound more abhorrent and the classic heavy metal solos that are simply breathtaking. The production is very good, the cover artwork is great and has a direct influence from the wars in their country. Don't consider yourselves to be blacksters if you don't buy this album! Definitely one of the top and finest black metal releases for this year!!

Christine  Parastatidou

Dusk And Void Became Alive
(Napalm Records)

Die Verbannten Kinder Evas are not a new band. Actually they started in 1993 and this is their second release. Also the main man behind the group is not unknown. All the music is composed by Richard Lederer known mostly from his black metal band SUMMONING. Perhaps this is the reason why in such a long period the band has released 2 albums only, but as an ancient Greek philosopher said you won’t find quality in quantity… And this release my friends is full of quality. I can easily describe them as darkwave, but somehow it doesn’t feel right to me. The band has an operatic/classical orientation and that’s obvious in all  the compositions. One other thing is that through minimalism (but not simplism at all) they manage to create a very pluralistic and full of emotions result. Maybe this minimalism is used to underline the beautiful voice of my co-patriot Christina Kroustali (note: by the way she has a beautiful name too :) ). This release has nothing to do with metal, loud guitars and double bass drums, but emotionally is very close to the way that most metalheads out there approach music. This doesn't mean in any case that people who are not into metal should ignore this album, on the contrary they too have to check it out, if they search for quality, for a music that will fill constructively their free hours. Even if I use my whole strictness, I cannot put them less than…

Nick  "William_Kidd"  Parastatidis

Fuck You All!
(Season Of Mist)

This is the new album that the Norse quintet delivers to us, but to tell you the truth they don't impress me or touch me anymore. Saturation has befallen upon them and they do nothing more than simply repeat riffs that have been already played a thousand times before, riffs that have an intense CELTIC FROST origin and being in an old school mood with the exception of three tracks (numbers 4, 5 and 6) where we come across some very good heavy-thrash metal ideas. To the rest of the songs though boredom reigns supreme. Their work is decent and true in the sense that they don't sell themselves and their beliefs, but they stay true to their original sound, however they don't manage to develop their music like NATTEFROST for example who kick ass! Perhaps this is Carpathian Forest's development. When you release 2 new albums every year it's natural saturation to come. This release is recommended only to the die hard fans of the band...

George  "Death Dealer - Echoes From Erebus"  Kefalas

(Self Financed)

Decline comes from Poland and in this release they have gathered songs from a home recording, a rehearsal demo, a promo CD and the last two tracks were recorded live during a Night Of Destruction. So first of all, they don’t have the same sound and production in every song. For example the first songs that were recorded in a home studio have a terrible sound. Musically Decline walks in death/black metal paths with really fast songs but the main problem is the sound quality. Even though some times the band has some really interesting ideas, you can’t enjoy them. Also the sound quality makes you not want to try and listen to it again. I think the band should work harder in this section in order to give us something better next time.
Official Site:

Antonis  Maglaras


Being one of the first death metal bands from Sweden and setting the elm really high with your first releases, make things harder and more demanding for a band. How can you exceed yourself and reach the top when you've already set the standards of a whole genre along with a few more bands? The task is difficult to achieve and I suppose this is why Unleashed have offered us lately some rather disappointing releases. However after their positive and interesting return titled "Sworn Allegiance", they band strikes back with their 8th full length release "Midvinterbolt" that will definitely blow your minds away. Things are simple... Unleashed are closer to their good old self more than ever before and they offer us some death metal compositions full of substance, ideal for headbanging, really powerful and raw. Johnny's vocals are great and with his typical and characteristic hue renders more depth to the songs. The lyrics once again deal with the Viking mythology, the honor of fighting for your ideals and I think could become the soundtrack of Vikings feasting on the battlefield.

Christine Parastatidou
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