The Citizens of Harmony
Ethan Crane is the son of Ivy and Julian Crane. But then Julian discovered that Ethan wasn'this son, therefore not a Crane. But instead the LOVE CHILD of Sam and IVY. Sam (Bennett) is now married to Grace who has a twin who has a daughter that has special powers to stop an evil witch named Tabitha. Tabitha's mission is to stop Charity (the niece) from making love to Miguel. This will cause Chrity to come into her full powers.
kay wants to break up Miguel and Chrity becuase she loves Miguel. Kay is the best friend of Miguel and also the daughter of Sam and Grace. She is also the sister of Jessica Bennett. Sam as we mentioned has a son named Ethan who is now engaed to Gwen Hotchkiss. Theresa, who is the daughter of Pilar and Martin Fitzgerald (he hasn't been see in years), is deeply in love with Ethan. Theresa becomes the assistant to Ethan's mother, Ivy Crane, and her and Ethan become friends. Then  soon after they fall in love and are now engaged.
Whew! Does that sound compliacted? I bet it does, but you still want to know who is who, and who belongs to who. So, let's do this
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