Larix-  The Larches
Old, broken Larix occidentalis, East of Mount Hood, OR
I am not sure why larches are my favorite genus of conifer.  I grew up in Northeast Washington state, where Larix occidentalis makes up a good portion of the forests- so maybe it is childhood nostalgia...  Larches are tough trees that all grow in cold, harsh climates.  Aside from the three species native to North America, there are several that grow in Eurasia  as well- from Siberia and Mongolia to the highest forests of the Himalayas.  All are deciduous, turning golden yellow and dropping their needles in the fall. 
Larches I currently grow

L. kaempferi
  L. kaempferi 'Wolterdingen' (OMG what a great plant!)
  L. kaempferi 'Haverbeck'
. mastersiana
L. lyallii (seed from Selkirk Crest, N ID)
L. occidentalis
L. gmellinii 'Rhomberg Park'
L. siberica (from seed from Mongolia)
L. siberica 'Conica'
L. siberica 'Rasputin'
L. sukaczewii

Pseudolarix amabilis (not a larch but close enough!)
I am very interested in trading seed and/or scionwood of larch species and cultivars!
If you have material you would like to trade, please
email me.
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