ok, instead of being completely off-track, i'm at least partially on it. first a few clarifications, and then some comments:
1) Sonic Jihad kicks ass. what was i thinking?
2) online classes kinda suck.
3) "exploration"
4) from "Gravity Dreams" by L.E. Modesitt, (Copyright blahblahblah).
5) "your"
6) sorry for calling you "whores." you should know i love you. :)
7) "fool"

it has been a horribly long time since any kind of update here. i'm doing a massive, much needed, overhaul currently. right now i'm only working on cleaning, rearranging, organizing, fixing, etc. so basically very little in the way of new content. once i'm done with this portion, then i can move on. i've changed quite a bit, so this page will also be changing quite a bit. i've got some lovely animated gif's of flowers and birds, that i plan to use on pretty much every page. i lie. well, i can't devote much time to this, i've got better things i could be working on here. i'll update this again when i feel i've made enough progress to warrant it.

wow, first updates in ages, and ages. don't you just love massive periods with no creative output. i got some of my famous b0ycheese creativity enhancer. and my deaf kitty is still alive! take that evildoer!

been awhile since an update. i go in cycles with my webpages, and many other things. i may or may not be back. i dunno. we'll see. i bought a new album, without ever hearing any of the songs from the album. i have an odd tendancy to do that. done it a few times, can't remember if i've ever been let down. i got "Snake River Conspiracy - Sonic Jihad". i'd heard good things about it. it's not great, but it's not bad. definately listenable. i spend lots of time on irc. mostly dalnet. it's my major time-waster. still no job, but i'm working on that. got a new keyboard. it's much quieter, and none of the keys stick. i was really getting tired of my sticky "e" key. blah.

i'm all registered and whatnot at my new school. only taking 12 hours. full time. however, all of my classes are online classes, which rocks, methinks. i hate going to class. also got my grades from good ol' TSU. haven't opened them, not sure i'm going to.

on a different note, i finished reading "Gravity Dreams" by L.E. Modesitt, Jr. today. i've always greatly enjoyed Modesitt's fantasy works, and this was my first exploartion into his sci-fi. truly amazing stuff. i have some chunks of text from it, i'll prolly scatter them throughout the page. so when you see something too deep for my little mind to have conceived of, it's from there.

Freedom and ignorance are incapable of long coexistence.


blah. i have a lot of nothing to say. sorry kids. i need a job. i started the overhaul of my old site, making it respectable, kinda. not sure what is going to stay here, what is going to go there, i gotta divide it all up somehow. i'll post a link to it when i feel it's ready to be displayed. ho hum. i got accepted to my new college today, oh boy. i think it's gonna be hella easy, thank god. TRI-STATE UNIVERSITY SUCKS. there, now that that is said and done. never go there. drewpy (my old roommate from said university), can explain why. go here. uhm. blah.

saw the movie 'american beauty' today. thought it was good. did my x-mas shopping, and picked up a cd for myself. a used copy of "the mind is a terrible thing to taste" by ministry. i had all sorts of nifty things to rant about, but i've forgotten them, oh no. uhm. end the war on drugs. clean up the enviroment. reduce foreign aid and spend it in our own country. sell yur soul for 2 soft shell tacos, nachos, and a small drink. snow sucks. it's cold. blah blah blah.

i'm back, and better than ever. free from hell/heaVEN. need to install dial-up netwerking still, so you fools will be seeing this awhile after i write it. my life moves ahead. i cleaned out the "ideas" file today. i have nothing. nothing i tell you. i'm half-way through re-arranging my life/room. green x-mas lights own you. i'm free once again to work on my other page, it was linked from here for awhile, but, quite frankly, i don't want you people to see it. i may display it once i've revamped it, but until then you can live without. yes, you can. oh, and my deaf kitty says "hi".

sup whores? yeah, you. you suck in everything you touch. creation of the media. worship the television. everything television tells me is true. yes, i am bitter. but i have jellybeans and pez. who needs more? i'm off for some hardcore pointless activity. remember to use protection.

"I am a sick man... I am a wicked man."
identify the origin of that line, and i'll give you something. maybe a mystical rubberband. oh, wait, you've got no way to contact me. and don't put your answer in the guestbook.

hell, no-one is actually going to read this. why do i talk to my readers as if they actually existed? actually, as long as i've got time, i'm gonna rearrange this page. what was on bottom, now will be on top. i did it to bonus long ago.

it's cold outside, and the bookstore is closed. how do they ever expect me to get cash? bastards. i would elaborate, but it's already been done. "by who?" you ask. i can't tell you that, foo. "but, where?" you plead. sorry, can't help you there either.

go away. and sign the guestbook on your way out monkeyface.

sometimes, i want my page to have content. other times, i'm perfectly happy with hidden content and lack-of-content. i keep a file of ideas. for use on this page. i never reference it, use it. think about it. i'll present the contents to you:
convienence wins over saftey
social commentary through symbolism

see why i never use it? i don't even remember why i had those ideas, let alone what i'm going to do with them. many of you people come from a site that a person i know made. i doubt many of you who come here from there will _ever_ make it this far, silly people. if only you knew what you were missing. actually, i don't know what you're missing. i lost the meaning behind the page a long while ago. and then it lost focus. focus on the random isn't a true focus, but hey. if you dislike, then go somewhere else. i'm not holding you here.

perhaps you are a sheep. perhaps you are not. know now, most sheep won't understand what is here. baa baa

why am i even communicating with you? why? communication without feedback is like an expert spam-carver without a big chunk of spam. i'll ponder leaving you all (referring to those of you who don't know me) an e-mail addy, and if i get ambitious, i _might_ even try to put up another guestbook. the disappearance of the last one bothers me.

anyway, i'm out. suckers.
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