B Company, 103rd Engineer Battalion
General Unit Info

B Company is a combat engineer company that consists of 2 Combat Engineer Platoons and 1 Assault and Obstacle Platoon.

Combat engineers are best known for their knowledge of demolitions, which every soldier in the unit has the opportunity to train with live demolitions.  The combat engineer platoons have M113 Armored Carriers and M998 Humvees.  

The Assault and Obstacle platoon consists of digging equipment (bulldozers, small excavators (SEE), heavy equipment for hauling supplies or vehicles (HEMTT), the AVLB (armored launch vehicle bridge), and the MICLIC (rocket launched explosive charge).

Training occurs at both Ft. Dix, NJ, Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA and in Philadelphia.  The Armory is located near Drexel University on Lancaster Avenue.  The vehicles and equipment and maintained at Ft. MIfflin near the Philadelphia International Airport.

Armory Location:

3205 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104


Unofficial E-mail address:
[email protected]


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