Welcome to Mathematical Dictionary !

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Remarks : Quick view Sample Figures
    * Mathematics Dictionary was prepared for high school mathematics
    * It also covers college mathematics

    * The website can only see the demo samples
    * You should download the system on your PC computer
    * Then you can find quick reference of math from your computer
    * Then you can use your computer as graphic calculator

    * Example 1 : What are amicable number pairs ?
    * ........... MD2002 Answer ...... Program 01 09
    * ........... Website Sample ..... Find amivable pairs on computer

    * Example 2 : What is the graph of y = ((x-1)^3)/(2*x) ?
    * ........... MD2002 Answer ...... Program 49 20
    * ........... Website Application .. Demo program 03 03
    * Example 3 : How to use Mathematics Dictionary ?
    * ........... a. Based on keywords in chapters
    * ........... b. Based on keywords in index
    * ........... c. Based on keywords in text file
    * ........... d. Based on graphic calculator
    * ........... e. Constants, formula and theroies are also given

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