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Figure 211 : y = ((x - 1)^4)/(2*x)

    y = ((x - 1)^4)/(2*x)

  • Q01 | - Diagram
  • Q02 | - y = ((x - 1)^4)/(2*x)
  • Q03 | - Curve and y' and y"
  • Q04 | - Curve and y"
  • Q05 | - Graphic solution is easy and clear

    Q01. Diagram

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    Q02. y = ((x - 1)^4)/(2*x)

    Properties of the curve
    • Sign of x and y
      • x < 0 and y < 0 : Curve in 3rd quadrant
      • x > 0 and y > 0 : Curve in 1st quadrant
      • x = 1 and y = 0
    • Asymptote
      • x = 0 and y = infinite. Hence x = 0 is vertical asymptote
      • x = infinite, y = (x^3)/2 - 4*(x^2)/2 + 6*(x)/2 - 4/2.
      • Hence asymptote is a line y = (x^3)/2 - 2*x^2 + 3*x - 2
    • Curve : x = -infinite to x = 0
      • x < 0 and y < 0 : Curve is in 3rd quadrant
      • x = -infinite and y = -infinite
      • x = 0 and y = -infinite
      • Hence there is maximum point (x1, y1) in 3rd quadrant
      • Curve is between line y = (x^3)/2 - 2*(x^2) + 3*x - 2 and x = 0
      • Curve of y increases from -infinite to (x1, y1)
      • Curve of y from (x1, y1) decreases to -infinite
      • Hence curve increase from -infinite to a maximum point
      • From maximum point decreases to -infinite at x = 0
      • Curve is concave downward
    • Curve : x = 0 to x = +infinite
      • x > 0 and y > 0 : Curve is in 1st quadrant
      • When x = 0 and y = +infinite
      • When x = 1 and y = 0 : Minimum point
      • Curve of y is from infinite to (1, 0)
      • Curve is between line y = (x^3)/2 + 2*x^3 - 3*x - 2 and x = 0
      • Hence curve decrease from +infinite to a minimum point
      • From minimum point increases to infinite as x = infinite (1, 0)
      • Curve from (1, 0) increases to infinite
      • Curve is concave upward
    • From curve we see
      • Maximum at (-0.4,-4.7)
      • Minimum at (+1, 0)

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    Q03. Find signs of y' and y" from curve

    Signs of y'
    Signs of y"

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    Q03. Find y'

    First derivative y'
    Curve and y'

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    Q04. Find y"

    Second derivative y"
    Curve and y"

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    Q05. Discussion

    Graphic solution

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